
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 1922, SE THE WORKMAN rublished on Saturdays by NL Rates for Advertisement on applies LEOND, a the office Central Ave Hon. Correspondence on all matters ate and corner of Stroob, Panama, of public interest invited.
RP. Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, atd RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX must be accompanied by the name of Oce Year. 40 S. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaBix Months 30 tion but as a mark of good faith.
We do not undertake to return One 23.
crejected orrespondence.
LOMBARDO CARTERS Threo CIGARETTES YRITIN LOID The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNTOS LOWCH ageice.
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 23 1922 Will soon be on sale in every establishment THE DARDANELLES AND THE throughout the Republic EASTERN QUESTION.
INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF The Turkish massacre of the Christian population of Smyrna, after the capitulation of the Grecian possession a week ago has seized the civilized world with a fit of horror rot unlike those which were so usual during the World War by the Teutonic pirates of the under seas when passenger and hospital ships were sunk by the German subMANUFACTURED BY marines and when the ill lated Lusitania was sunk taking many of the best people from both sides of the Atlantic The Pan American Tobacco Co to the bottom of the ocean.
CARTER Smouldering flames have been going on in the East SSSSSSSSSSSS sos while the West participated in conferences, league meetings and peace treaties. These smouldering flames have BENEDETTI HERMANOS been fanned into a conflagration by the Moslems, and now Notice.
Central Ave a 3rd. St.
Smyrna, the Asiatic possession of Greece, has been cap; PANAMA tured and decimated, the country sacked and ruined and The members of the Panarra the population consigned to flames and the surfs.
Chauffeur Union are hereby The massacre reads like a tale of barbarism, Of summoned to attend a meeting of that organization on Monday course, the Turks have displayed a great lack of civilization, and in this respect they have duplicated their atrociFOR UNITED FRUIT COMPANY FARMS night 25th inst at p.
PRODUCTS ties of 1916. It will be remembered that during the World War the Turks massacred the Armenians and reduced the NOTE OF THANKS At Bocas del Toro and population from 1, 200, 000 to 200, 000. WILKINSON Greece has diunk her cup of treachery and disloyalty Through this medium. Dr.
to the Allies. During the last war, when the Allies turned Costa Rica Fitzosbert Anderson begs to thank his many friends and Contractor their eyes on the Eastern Campaign and planned their well wishers for their kind attack on the Dardanelles to keep the Straits open, Greece APPLY EARLY Solicitude of Mrs. Anderson and Builder played a foul game, and the Gallipoli disaster which hit health during the recent criticat Britain so heavily and caused the Allies to lose 100, 000 15th STREET, WEST men, six battleships, seven submarines besides much nával: Only Farm Hands Required, Others As a believer in the efficiency House No. 90 prestige was the occasion of the Turkish strengthening on of prayer, he feels himself Need Not Apply the other side of the peninsula.
especially indebted to those Box 411, Panama, Christian friends who have not Europe is menaced today by a Turkish invasion, and if ceased to bear her up before the Plans and Specifications Free For further particulars apply to Throne of Grace continually, the Allies do not open their eyes, much as another war is ill desired, it will come. Turkey is working like a vulture. WYNTER She has been at home since She is untame and insane, and her power must be curbed Workman Printery Monday 18th a is steadily First Class Workmanship progressing not only politically, but religiously. The successes of the Guaranteed.
Turkish forces at the Dardanelles gave them courage and NEW LODGE determination which have developed into amazing dimensions, An enguiry into this strange attitude of a part of the The St. Joseph Lodge No. Dr. HOFFMANN The reluctance with which the Turks were drawn into Christian church is explained on lines, purely religious. 2353 Order of Druids will start has reopene his clinic for the World War by the Germans is evidence that they had The governing ecclesiastic of Constantinople, known as initiating members on Monday had no political interest in the Western embrogtio; and the Patriarch, gradually became in the times of early 26th and will hold meetings diseases of the blood, rheumawhen, finally, they were pressed into the Teutonic Alliance christianity) the head of the Christian church in the East. night to Saturday. There are 80 tism and urological cases in they were as unready then, as they have always been for the When the Imperial provinces of Asia and Africa with their members to be put through and. degrees. in the upper floor of Al Place, political conflict. And even when they did go into the metropolises of Antioch and Alexandria fell into the hands stallation of cornicers and the delina Santa Am Plaza, Street, war it was with the peculiar conception that the Ottoman of the Mohammedans Eastern Christendom fouad refuge cation of the Lodge will take No. faith inspired and demanded hostility against the enemies under the shadow of St. Sophia in Constantinople. Later place fon Sunday Oct Bro of the religion of Mohammed.
lose instruIf Turkey had entered the last war with political there came a final schisın in 1054. Rome has never for Intacte Constantinople become the chief opponent of Rome until mentality and perseverance will membership British Consu ata Notice.
views she would have contented herself with conquest and first Noble Grand The Acting British Consul at domination; but her aim was to outrage Christians whom gotten nor forgiven the East.
Colon would glad of she led to the slaughter in Armenia to the number of a In 1453 the Mohammedans bestiged and took Con selection to that honourable counset the be perted ne informer million. She has now repeated the same religious outrage stantinople: Christianity was dethroned and overthrown atandpoint, and we wish Bro. abouts of one Campbell. a in Smyrna where thousands of Christians have been made and the Mosque of Islamism was the transformed edifice Drummond and the Loyal St native of Jamaica who is stated to employed to perish by fire or water. This atrocity is a challenge to of St. Sophia in which the Turks, Id by the Sultan, Joseph Lodge all the success is at the Universal Store, con western civilization and it cannot be ignored.
captured the city, and perpetrated horrible deeds of rapine e fraternal field, Christians who had Turkey would have been unheard from in Europe to and outrage upon the ten thousar OBITUARY.
day, and she would have been a limping nation in Asia if taken refuge within the walls of the ancient and historic Doar Workman Great Britain had not blundered at Gallipoli. When church. Since that time Islamism prevailed and dominated. m3 whora on It is with sad regret that we Turkey entered the late war she had no more than ten until six years ago when during the World War, the Allies procure the foli wing books chronicle the news of the demise and avar so much obligo, of Mre, Jane thousand men for military service. Britain planned recaptured the city from the Turks.
Bourne of Culloden Road, Bridgetown, the Gallipoli campaign at the right time to ensure the The Orthodox Church of the East rejoiced at the reYoure fthly. Barbados. which reached the freedom and neutrality of the Dardanelles, but it was covery of the ancient capital from Islamism and exhibited A, two days ago erroneously attempted. While the ships bombarded the a spirit of concilliation in its attitude towards Western Panama, 14 Sept, 22The deceased, who wus forts and kept the Turks in terror and dismay, the millitary Christendom. This is contrary to the attitude of the No. The Dirty Bird by John years of age, had been complain. contingents which were landed were inadequate in number, Roman branch of the Western church as observed in the. inadequately supplied and inadequately managed. The infamous resolution which was flashed across the wires all Marie Hath Charms by hope had been cherished for her although, at an advanced age.
result was that the Turks had time to increase their army, cver the world a few days ago, and which recommeads Anno and Clara Nett.
and when the Allies did make anything like a respectable that Constantinople be restored to Turkey. Certainly The Crocodilo by Al Ligator Monday the 4th inst.
recovery, but the end came on effort to gain the forts they found themselves resisted by it seems as though Rome would prefer to see the ancient. Going Abead early in life. Soms Spectacls by Sebyus deceased a force of two hundred thousand, exactly twenty times as capital founded by Constantine with its historic church of was faithful and large as the original army of the Turks when the campaign St. Sophia in the hands of the Mohammedans rather than The Lunatic by Madeline. Methodist Church, Dalkeith and member of the Wesleyan commenced.
held by fellow Christians with the enjoyment of their ethnic Deep in Debt by Owen 2010 aftərwards James Street, where An Od Fool The Turks will play the same again if the Allies lie traditions, practices and worship.
o Hal Your Soul Shoemaker her death, she worshipped until the time of down and dream of a Greco Turkish Peace Treaty while the elemente of battle stir the East. Constantinople is a Christendom six years ago, the following extract appeared When Constantinople came back into the hands of 10 Great Songbird Nightenzale Interment took place at Westbury Cemetery where a large storm centre in the play of international politics, known as the Eastern Question. The Balkan States and the Turks in a timely and sober article from the pen of the Dean of The Salvation Army, La Boca cortege of dear and sorrowing the Westminster have, for decades, played political checkers at ConstantiThe Salvation Army at La sion, which showed the generat nople which, as a strategetic meeting place of the two Whatever may be the decision of the Peace Confer Boca will conducta grand in which the deceased continents, has been the battle ground of European and ence regarding the future of Constantinople and the loath enrollment of soldiers and com Deceased was Asiatic civilizations, some Turkish Empire, surely there should be no hesitation missioning of Local Officers on nine children, four of whom the mother of Monday night the 25th Inst. at predeceased her, of the sorrow threat of political chaos in connection with the as to the destiny of St. Sophia. To restore St. Sophia to 30 in their hall, Eastern Question lies in the resolution of the Roman its rightful owner. the Orthodox Church of the EastAn invitation is offered the ing five children four are boys, Catholic Church in Italy recommending that Constan once more, is, after all, an act of no more than common general public and a grand wel. Bourne, foreman ot the Works girl; Sidney tinople be given over to Turkish rule, with the obscure justice.
man Printery being the youngsuggestion that the Christians be allowed to enjoy One of the dignataries the Eastern Church is re ENSIGN and Mrs. BENNETT est of the religious, domestic and civic privileges. This is religious ported to have said, If st. Sophia is restored to the Oficers in chrgə To Ouromed friend and inconsistency, as it would be expected that every Christian Eastern Church one of the first things we shall do will be colaborator and wife The body in the western hemisphere would not only desire but to hold a council of the Church in that great building, and Smoke 111 (One Eleven) dolence, which is participated Workman extends deep condirect that the the Turks with their Moslem faith be kept at that council to see what we can do to heal the wounds Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents in by the numerous friends of out of Europe, of Christendom.
Incomparable Mr. Bourne has made since his arrival on the Isthmus, in the be tha Arch.
His Can you or any of Ann Isthmus 77 Crowe.
by NRG the ardent Ignor Amor she work the esteem was was held.

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