
OVER 20, 000, 000 DAILY Consulate One 111 Cigarettes Eleven Coman We are WS from stand point of After Bro. FL Army. was erected auspicas de the Rev.
as in a Buy a package to day!
an ble Johnson of building to A; Miriam the biok INCOMPARABLE Fifteen 111 Cigarettes for 10c.
the of huished olequence THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1922, PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Oddfellows Match sexo CANAL ZONE The Colon Boys Institution friendly game of cricket Plan Big Parade for will be played by a team repreNOTES Benting the Loyal Perseverance October 1, 1922 Lodge 10105 and another en The Loyal SucLAYING OF THE On Sunday Oct. 1, 1922 the Lodge 10135 at an boys of this institution will pa early date. The arrangements CORNER STONES rede before the general public in for this match are, tüat all this city for the first time in players must be members of Of the New Gatun Baptist their instiute uniform. This pa their respective Lidges and no Church rade will take place between 13 other will be eligible to play, 14 streets at pm The winners will take on the His Excellency the Governor of Erreka, Tropic il Gam. or Loyal For some time now, West this city will attend and inspect Surprise. Members of the Indians residing at New Gatun this parade, also other officials Grand United are asked to have been looking forward to tha will be present it is expected attend this gane which wil ba first visible signs owards the That is the record of sales of that the whole Colon will turn played at the Sussex Oral on cut to see the good work that is Sunday Oct. Mr. Joe Motley is erection of a new Baptist Caurch which is so much ned being done by Comander Watson. manager and Captain of the Os Sunday afternoon Sept. 17, 01. kind aid of the Govern Loyal Success team.
with the in spite of unfavourable weather Friday Sept the British conditions a large gathering asat Colon mbled on the site for the new cleck to Comander Watson for Galilean Iristallation.
buliding in front of the Public 10 in aid of the boys. on Satur School bulding, for the laying of day the 2nd the American CorThe installation of Omers to serv the four corner stones. Oa the at Colon also gave der Watson in aid of the bo; be sept 1922 February 1923 termo platform that was erected for Webeca tbc Lodge No. 14 Inde ibe tinancial aid of the pendent Order of Galian Fishermen, the occasion, were Mra Thrift, 10 need Mrs. Gryder, Mrs. Daay, Dr.
puble in general to put over this Connel of Panama, Revs. Brabam Etat cause. are now giving was held on Weda sday, Sept. 13 at the and Thrift and Stay Captain 35 Je. hr, Temple, and boys three square meal per day Jeho brilliant Bax of the Salvation eviry is expected that we will soon be and paying 27 per month and talente RONDE Pastor thrift stated that in in the United States alone in the paying 845 in the coming month through the regular business of the year 1911, a building as we wil be having a large plece evening, the retring rul and Church formed under the for our location. We received Samuel turned the chair over to Bio.
of the Southern Bapfood stuff and clothing also.
James Nichols Installing Master for the tist Convention with the purpose of installation Bro. Nichols Stephea Witt Pastor. In performed the beautiful Rituslistic short time the me membership grew On Tuesday 12h inst, a floral ceremony of the Order in an and to 150 and throughout construcentertainment was held at the creditable manner. The Offisere installed Christian View Mission of which were Bro. Fornand Samuel, RW. tion days of the Canal, Pastor the Rev, Francis is pastor. re elected. sis, Daisy Livington, and Mrs Witt laboured faithfully The package fits the pocket Mr. Prescott, General Secty. W, Associate Ruler; 0 L, Saunders and with much blessing ia.
of the Chapter 240 RW. re elected. Bro. A, The price fits the pocket Gatun. In 1919 the military presided as chairman.
authorities took away the churca RW. elected. D, Brandford, W.
In bis usual lucid manner, he I; Sis. Felicita Clarke, Ellen and the Cigarette is the spoke with pride of the future Smith, W, Rebecca Jackson, site and building. The absence RW.
of the negro. Morgan, RW. Asst. Seoty.
With the rendition of the and Bro. Joseph seriously Walters and handicap ship in has work on the programme the most part taken after the cerem ny the I, enquirod to the Home Mission by children, he pointed out the from the membership if it was their the Southern Baptist possibilities of negroes having desire to give the honours of Ruler he such qualifications even in their to Bro, Samuel and they respunded in they have generously responded youth. Words cannot fully the efirmative by promising a bailai grant He also proceeded to express the cor gratulations. de. Bxrnbire be honou:s also for meritorious due give Bro, C, Winthrop and Sister Alice which with the help of local con to the choirmaster, tributions, makes it possible to whose efforts the services rendred. After the usual vote Bildren osul satisfaction, lay the Stones to day and very VALENCIA, Agent. Box 693, Panama bioruly it is expect to put up of thanks and the addrers from the building Miss Small, who in dis and harmony and all the Special comment must be made Chair the Lodg was olored, in peace Us ses tombership The Rev. Braham, exer recited retired to the banqueting hall, and pressed his pleasure in being Drowning Swimmer partook of a sumptous repset, Addrestoa present and was convinced of which kept the audience spell were made by the State Grand Ruler, of labour, and finally procured a posi (the need of a suitable place of bourd, al at the conclueion she Associste, Secretary. Bros. Johnson, tion as orderly at Anon Hospital. Worship in the district and was greatly applauded. Samuel, Abrahams, Saunders and others Despite the fact that this position was urged all Weast Indians present well got up program of and a most enjoys ble function was considered the lowest in the institution to ask themselves the question songs, recitations, and dialogues brought to a close. The brilliancy of the thought of reaching the top was WHY AM ON THE ISTH were fittingly rendered.
the new gowns, made a notablo attrao always foremost in his mind; and within MUSP and deplored tie fact tion on the gatheriog. They were a year this expectation wis attained, for that so many West Indians had INITIATION CEREMONY attendanco 120 persons.
he was then appointed laboratory ateis been careless and lapsed and tent on the Medical Service of the hos failed to witness for Christ in pital. It is only fair to say that it was this Roman At The Light Of Colon Lodge while in this position, which he for He urged all to years, that he saw the Gospel rally around No 11 Of Memorial Service for Mrs.
three and one half years, that he saw the the resi ned this position to accept a first light of medicine. In 1910 heed Millicent Wood.
ede success to forward the being taken in the Dune one in Candelaria Hospital, Brazil. This of a Church for the On Wedneday night September 13th a hospital, situated on the banks of the of God. Staff Captain Bax of the most excellent and impreglo The light of Colon Lodge No 11 1, ofs, hd five links sive Memorial Service was held Maderia River, a ibutary of the Ama Salvation Army also expressed zon, is 800 miles from the mouth of his pleasure in being present to added to its cheio by the way of lia in the Christian Church in 3rd tion, great was the jos when Bo. Street, Colon, September 10th, the Amazon. in the enpacity of of show his sympathy and desire Huden. C, called the meeting to by the acting Pastor Mr Wols laboratory assistant, he did all the to co operate in every effort for order, the hell was packed at the tine, ley Rdgers on behalf of Mrs clinical pathology for four and one half the cause of Christ. The and a while after there was betober Millicent Wood, who was laid years. At the end of that time he sion was one of rejoicing in the month War her ember not only from the shove away to rest about a decided to study a edicine in the United district and and wished success to nd Ledge, kui o ircm Sates of America the Sater in the Mount Hope Cemetery the undertaking and that soon of eger, tek te admitence, He spoke of the life the the In the fall of 1914 De mules reach as Esny se ninety. after parted from her childhood days work will be completed. Dr.
Anieland Connell of Panama followed with matriculated in the College of Aris and we caricd through, the as far as Scieaces of Howard University, and by a few words in which he he Solemn Ceremony ceting the turned into Initiation. She was a member of gathered.
persistent study was able to complete this gratulated Pastor and People on Church in was sbly pro the Island of work at Ostalooss Collese, from which the work that they contemplata formed by Bro. Ferdman Wodos, was a very energetic institution be received the degree of urged all to put their assisted ly other Brde, Sisters after labourer in the of the Lord Bachelor of Sciendo. In 1919 he shoulder to the wheel and hasten the Initiation was over the membere her parents being followers of graduated from Mebarrry Medios! forward the day when they will Briqueting Halland per the Lord, she was early train.
College as Doctor of Medicine, wita the together again for the opening have the pleasure of meeting take of the things that was provided ed to seek Him also, she came to bighest average in bis class, We are proud to este and was of the new Church. The collec that cur our Sister Panama about two years ago awarded the first prize in Obstetrics by Lodge Earl Roterte No 30, and Royal and became a member of the tion was taken up, then Pastor King George Fifth No. 31. turned out above mentioned Christian Tarilt stated The Doctor then passed the Tennessee being held on the that on account of that stow their appreciation Church, ard ardently helped and West Virginia State Bards of Lord to other Ministers who Medicine, with the intention of practio wer day, Srs wao DR. S, QUINLAND ihe Presiding Cflicers of both Ledges a success. Sbe kent Swork were interested were sorry not ing in the latter Siste; but in the fall of to be present, Pastors Witt, who are trying their best to keep the School in her own home in con 1919 he was awarded the First Rosen Roberts and Burke reg three Lodger en tbet Blested Principle, nection with the same Chruch.
Dr. Quinlan. ww recently ap residing at San Miguel, Panama City. wald Fellowship at Harvard Medical their not being present Mrs. te Purity Truth that happy night which stands as a lasting tribute pointed bond of the Department about Pauma.
memorial of her Pathology of Meharry Medical College.
School, Boston where he specialized in Witt who was to be present to sill ever be remembered the function faithtal labours; which are all Dr. Quinland is a graduate of Mebarry children. From bayhood he had shown able was his work that he was awarded Dr. Quisland is the eldest of eight Pathology and Bacteriology, was then brought to clore ne 1, 20 now ended, and she is at home Medical College, class of 1919, and was promise of a bright future, being atur second then So one of the corner Victoria Pisys at Camp Bierd. with her Lord. We can truly the first to receive the Rowenwald dious, painstaking, and never satisfied successive years, and, baving passed all being sick and under doctor third fellowship in ted very much not being present, sent a message that she say that our sister life was Fellowship.
The gallant Victoria one of example, which we should to be merely at the head of his class examinations with honoure was orders to remain in bed, it was which is tied with Surtex cc desire to follow, she is not dead and Bacteriology at Harvard Medical mark of high standard. The partioular Dr. Quinland specialized in Pathology but was always first in scholarship and a awarded a certificate in these branches, a in the Cup competition, will meet but sleepeth. An exhortation School, where for the past three years he feature in his career was first noticed a Quinland served. Asuistant in looking forward to being From April, 1921 to July, 1922, Dr kent appointment to her to be.
away, for sbe had the Lily Whites in cup was then given from the words did excellent work. During the vast si early as the fifth grade, when by Pathology at the Peter Bent Brigham more amongst the friends at fixture on Sunday at the (As in Adam all die, and even so teen months he served. Assistant in examination ho aggregatod a higher total Hospital, Boston, and was the Camp Bierd Oval.
Captain in in Christ shall all be made alive. Pathology at the Peter Bent Brigham of marks than any other scholar in the Negro physician to hold this position. many years of first Gatun with whom she had spent Alleyne. the master batsman which went right home to the Hospital and was the first colored entire school. Perhaps this sucres gave So efficiently did to carry on bio work the Master.
service for with his unplayable bowlers, hear of the congregation, pbyeician to hold this position. He holde him the incentive to maintain the record that he was awarded certificate and a hymn the large congregation After the singing of Boland and Coolridge is practic. owing to the forcible, and in certificates from both institutions.
ing hard every afternoon for pressive way in which the which he had made; for not only did he honourable mention.
formed a circle round the Stones a this match, as a lot depend on young Pastor delivered his mes Dr. Quinland takes to Meharry school, but we fiad him later pursuing appointed Head of the D:partital of in one stone would be placad finish in first place from the graded Dr, Quinland has recently beep and pastor Thrift explained that the result of game, with a sage Blessed are the dead who brilliant fielding combination to die in the Lord, yea henceforth logical material for teaching the club no team on the Isthmus saith the Spirit, for they rest The students of Meharry and their lok a publio school teacher. This course of Muharry Medical College, beginning concerning the history of the bald beat the Victoria, ao each from their opinbor or all their friends may well congratulate the house be comploted at the age of nineteenand, September, 2012, Baptist work at Gatun. Copy an experienced and work do follow them. on securing the services of such a bril as shown by the St steady batsmen, of the Star Herala. The Lucia Gazette of its Among. is and liant young man, They can at least be May 1906, the official organ of that the author of the following publication Workman, and the Indepen.
their fielding that has lost them assured of a course in Pathology equl island, he was again successful in top Two Cases of Carcinoms of the dent and a Statement of What a the four games in the competi Passenger Salled.
to the best given anywhere, ping the list of those who had taken the Kidney One With Invasion of the Baptists Balieve.
tion. We wish them success Dr. William Samuel Quinlandt final examinations. About that time he laterior Vens Cava and Right Heart. Mrs. Thrift the wife of the on Sunday and are entertaining Among the passengers sailing nativa of Antigun, was born was appointed assistant teacher at the Congenital Malformation of the In Pastor, laid the first Stone, Mrs.
hopes to see them whip the for Jamaica on Thursday 14th All Saints Village on October 12, 1886 Castries Anglican Juvenilo School; but testino, Atresin and Imperoforate Anus Gryder, the wife of the Canal Sussex in the tie match for the was Mrs, Lamont wife of of humble parentago. His father, wil he soon resigned this paeition, harkened. Report of Twenty Seven Cases.
T, Lamont a member of liam Thomas Quinland, stonemason, to the Westward ho, and joined the district, iaid the next. Mr.
Christ church a well known contractor, and the later sexton of all ranks of those running off in large Rent Reçelpt Bocks In Span carpenter of this city, with her Sainls Anglican Church, Duyer. the wife of Me Smoke 111 (One Eleven) Dayer who is supərvising the numbers to ish and English for sale at the aged mother and five children Floretta Waliam, in 1883. Both father we Dorado of the New World, Once Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents work, vary kindly agreed at the Workman Printery. who go to school.
and mother are alive and at present in Panams, he soon entered other fields Incomparable. Continued on Page 8)
in be held for Catholic Country: standard and wish.
Of a similar step, There, in 00 onth ago all Fusters be as could chil ho con.
of Barba work want not to the Dr. Bandy, in tunters to bres regretted We well as a credit lay one har stones, Ferretbeen happy this coon is man its only сор.


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