
The American Foreign Banking Corporation 000 latera.
on Europe howed The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional CRISTOBAL PANAMA she cannot front debet to her) lokas Tall tud lowed Britain And The American War Debt.
Londoa, August 1922. The Baltoue Note upon later allied debts wat latended a car and frank expositog of the British case on a que con ovar when there barba Roy alscoacapt ons. I: was gənera 17 aproved in this intry, and the only citlciom ofered was that bay give offenc)
America American criticism show no ind cations of this having been the case, but on the e atrary has lnd cated that there Was dome need for making porteoty clear 1) Bha Ualted States what would b)
the result of the ropayments of said the note, will most war debts. Daly pay the United States but in so doing possiby acord at the same tim, to relinquish all her claims upon those who in tara owe hor money and on whose beball she po coniracted ber American debta. In case of an all round arrangement she would not only cancel all the debts her but also ease the situation by foregoing her whole claims to Garmaa reparations absence of such se tlement she would in the meantime forego thrce quarters of the debts owed to her by her Alien, maittaining her claim to only Buticleus of them to ecabla ber to meet the demands of the United States.
of introduction to the meeting of course, very significant the Allied Ministers lo Voich Poincare submitted bis proposals for ballles into putting the Lloyd the Gaorge was rembla tor suggestion that those proposals should be examloed by experte to see whether they would produce more cash or more trouble.
He also quoted some very strik ing figures designed to show that France was the only Allied suterer, indeed. the most extensive sulterer from the War: and that consequently the interests of all were obviously to get the maximum amount out of Ger many in the way of just debts, Independent action by day one Power was to b3 deprecated, to is being paid Gront This is sentiment and and sympathy ban med would In the CARION!
which Tae Nöte was, ORDER BOOKS Londoa For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY by no means monoy, nor, States PAGE SEX TER WORKIAN SATURDAY SETHOIR 23 1922.
Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY London, Augume leprotty obvious that the question of inter Allied fedebledon poing to be very much DEPOSITORY OF is the forefront for de liste des to It may be of interest to site fow bential for the problem. has bearing upon muy Other slonal matters, though no tu u the question of German preparation soon cerned is mu always be remembered that the decision of the Allies upon this latter matter bad perforce to be soop!
ed by vanquished Germany, where dhe money advanced by Britain tober Allie. during the war provided at the latter urgent neque. To advance Chowe huyo rums, however, Britain had to plunge hersell into debt with America The result is that Britain is by other countrion (exclusive of Rusla to the amount of one thousand million pounde.
annual ebarge for interest and sinking this smonnt would be seventy millon pounds yet neither interest nor sinking fund by there deb o countries or have they over ta pressed to pay by Britain is, indeed, a rather remarkable fact; it is one of the rare upon baro the abilt matter of fact realm of lanaco, think it is hardly wulkiendy appreciated in France despite the tuot that sentiment has been curiously a uent from the accounts sent by the eneb Government for the occupation of Force Governing by and for the use of railwayo in France by Success the British army during the war.
The accounts have been promptly paid to Franco by Britain despite the great given by Mr. E, sidney Bourno The following lecture gume in loss and internetowed Chiet Instructor of the League of Britain by Franco Colleglans and Prospective ColleMost of this thousand million pounde glans of to the League at Rent to her Allies was borrowed for the its last moeiing held on the purpose by Britain from the United evening of the 14th inst.
State, the reason for the rather round. In the course of about procedure being that British credit human existentiary wo meet with was accepted in America in preference to people of, somewhat ordinary that of the other Alțied countries who appearance and perhaps to our notually needed the As con outward vision of more ordinary sequence Britain now owe the United ability, yete upon coming into 908 million pounds, And Britain And Britain contact with them one feels is now paying interest of alty million swayed towards them by somepounde year on this sum and it is con: thing which is better felt than sidering the repayment of capital. with told. These people although out, it must be remembered, witherto from ontward appearances they aking for similar paymənts from her seem our inferiors they are debtors for whom British sredit really and truly, and to all edged. The position manifesta itsell intents and purposes, our AMERICAN DOLLAR to the British taxpayer u beavy superiors; for they possess that addition to the burdens ho carries and bidden or unseen force with infinitely heavier than that which the snake attracts the At Discount, Canada Presbyrde by the in any of the bird, the magnet the needle, and porlty Clot as Cause countries owing British money The the feration is, in addition; consi earth. Various considerable rable names are given to force it Mootreal despatch dated to British commerce which has is called MAGNET September States the United been and is still experiencing very ISM. sometimes PSYCHOLO States dollar is being quoted at severe depresion coupled with hoovy Gy, sometimes INFLUENCE. discount of one quarter of one unemployment, Under thoro circum. etc. but whatever the name, the per cent to day. This is the first Stanoes it is clear that Britain cannot remains that this force time in seven years the United add to the burden she is carrying by exists which is more pronounced States dollar has been quoted at CASH anolling debts owed to her without in some counter concessions of definite Whione persons than in others. less than par here.
causes us, we Financial authorities consider economic valus.
Were there an all absolute confidence in one we that Canada general prosperity round can sellation of allied debto positively distrust another. accounts for the discount. The ou initiated neemarily by the United States Britain would with the utmost force de onouncement of this American Tarid, it is also believ.
upon the ability ed, has had something to do Teleate from thoir bonds those of the person to dev bɔp it, for with it. The present gain move countries owing her money. Until euch whilst it is inberent in every ments huge American tour time no allied country could in justion human being, it lies dormant ist traffic in Canada may also request Britain to withdraw her right to in some who exert a certain have had a bearing on the repayment.
amount unconsciously, and is nucruation.
There has been succesful No well developed to others who It is said that on very large More War campaign of meetingo realize that with its develop amounts one half of one per cent throughout Britain Many prominent ment comes success, and it will be asked here, statomen have spoken at these verious neglected spells failure. The demonstrations and it is perfectly clour only unfortunate circumstance Success Of Trinidad IN EACH that opinion here will manifest itself about that it does Scholar ipso facto against any power which not restrict itself to the ind.
PACKAGE shows a tedeney to rattle tine sabreuence of good alone and so in News has recently been reof the and the hands of ill bred individuals ceived by his relatives on the Government, and ry Jos have further assists them in their evil pur Isthmus that Mr. Albion obvious that they suits. In whatever sphere of Chance who left Trinidad about will readily translate that opinion into activity, the individual wishing years ago for Canada where he policy. There is is very real desire to to succeed must have recourse entered the Ontario University force which when well de as a medical student has just deal bro boen dono to this effect both reloped creates cordiality, con graduated with the degrees of before and since the Washington Con sidence, respect and esteem, the Surgeon fcresce. At the same time, others bere things that go together and form of Ontario. Dr. Chase was feel that economy has been Practised the mighty atoms of the what educated at St. Mary College too thoroughly on the air force and and as a as a natural con to which place he won an exbiblreadjustment of estimates has been sequencs success replaces fail tion from the Nelson Street, RC.
ugder consideration which will strengthen ure, wealth. poverty, love hatred School. After leaving St. Mary Britain air defence Britain chief and joy sorrow. The great men College he acted as WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT debtor among ber Allies has been rather of all ages in art, literature, and master Assiаtant for a short de No. 78. New Market Street here are not pleased that money which Navy, the State and the Church for Canada. He has gone to dogi ally should have been repaid to were the men who understood York where he will take so Britain is being in part employed in a how to wield this mighty force, graduate course in some special RETAIL DEPARTMENT maber which has made it incumbent and they have left foot prints chich he intends to practice branch of his profession after No. 107, Bolivar Street sapon her also to increase expenditure on the sands of time, so it is for on air armament. The No More War us as members of the League there and then proceed to Loncamps gn has coinoided with the sich of Collegians and Prospective don, England, where he will THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY anniversary of the Third Battte el Ypres Collegians of II. to develop enter one of the universities for one of the most terrible battles from this force wbich is sure to the purpose of qualifying for a the standpaint of intensity and priva bring as ultimately to the top certain coveted English Diploma FULL SUPPLY OF tion round of ladder before be returns to his native war. The anniversary, coupled with the land, Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, The young medico is brother unveiling of the cenotaph in Ipres around the ruins of which lie tens of JUAN ILLUECA to Messrs Edward and West Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, Shousands of English and Belgian lado, more Chance formerly of Gatun La re strengthened the moral of the plon, Attorney. at. Law and a very near relative ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES Meanwhile. Lloyd George has been PS. Williams Secre.
emphasising precisely what next No. 44 Central Avenue tary of the WEST INDIAN great war wou mean, abou it ve TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX Ko. 76 COMMITTEE, and Call and see us before purchasing become possible, and has spoken strong Cyrus, of this city: and Licensed Practices in all Courts of dy and loyally in support of au solivo chemist and Druggist respecelsewhere.
and additionally powerful League of Panama tively, of Colon to whom this Nations.
English Spoken Fluently journal extends its felicitations.
which MAGNUMS Turks and Caicos Island Labourers.
he the sun be handicap to this Valuable Coupon their KING BEE MAGNUMS to pick up Theme delight to low and CIGAR Extra ild TES George 15 GOLD for 20 CIGARETTES correspondent writes with reference to labour and emigration, explaining that labourers have not to any extent left the Islands for employment in Sinto Domingo. What happens is this: The Clyde and Columbus lines call at Grand Turk about five San vo times a month; on way from New York to Santo Dohese Stevedores.
men are employed on on board the ships on their voyage round the back to Grand Turk, where they coast of the. lle, and after ten or fifteen are brought are pald off. Since the outbreak of the war, this business has steadily increased in volume, and in 1920 the Clyde Com pany disbursed over 50, 000 in wages, whilst the Clumbus line paid over 22. 000, How this has affected the general welfare is revealed to the record of the Savings Bank, which at the end of 1914 had slightly over 3, 500 pounds sterling to the credit of depositors. On the 31st Dacember. 1921, the figure stood at over the Customs duties have from 3, 000 pounds to over 4, 500 pounds sterling in period. Lately the Bull Line cargo steamers have sought to a footing here on the same terms as the other ships, but the dependency being already amply served as regards malls, permis sion was refused as far as Grand concerned. In the to the drought all the provision case of the Caicos, where owing crops had been destroyed and the inhabitants reduced to the verge of starvation, the payment of port dues was waived for three months provided the steameza called at a port in those Islands and took their stevedores there, About fiva steamers have already availed themselves of the concession; and their calling and disbursement of over 000 has been a godsend to the suffering islanders. to this iacreased the same we love LYNTON gain a to Head Turk was a post of Messrs.
Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents Incomparable.


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