
Try them.
Authorities They Satisfy their owa sent Chesterfield success by Tw the The Shoes. Shirts. Hats the concession of its very soul.
We hold up two of them. 1)
The right of Appeal to the BeoThe best Tonic in the World retary of State must on Do account be conditioned on the impossibility of unanimous VIGOR TONIC vote of Elected and Nominated Members combined. The age of This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend miracles has passed ed in Debility, Nervousnes, Female Weakness. 2) The Appeal of the Un Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up oficials must not be made in the dark. Officials must know the a run down constitution.
case put up by each other, other It promotes digostion, improves the appewise the Appeal will be a more formal name of the most montite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
strous absurdity These are precious days, and DOSE: One small Wine glass before each moal or times a day.
OU it will be a pity to set Grenada goodness in Chesterfield ablak. again with public spirit Cigarettes.
for the purpose of making the noession worth more than a We use the best Turkish and sorap of paper.
American tobaccos we can buy. for quality The visitors from Sincepe ALARMING TRAGEDY AT which came down to the colony And then these fine tobaccos here bave are blended in just the right proall said that they had a jolly time.
last was GEORGETOWN WATERThey were real true sports.
demoed by the Health Authorlportions to bring out all their ties. It is fall Meetings of the kind to state that goodness and flavor.
and cement and tend to bring the WOS WORKS.
Although the salmon was shipped No other cigarette can have the people of from Canads, it was not MADRthe islands such quality, because the Chestercloser together. The Lactured in Canada Engineer Roasted in Boilor St. Vincent horses were all very field blend can be copied.
The salmon was manufacturgood, and on the whole better DIES IN HOSPITAL AT MID was condemned by the American ed in Seattle, Washington and a class than their class in this Island. We do not think that NIGHT rition. It was later shipped there could bave been more to Vancouver, British Columbia, regret in St. Vincent at the Allege lons Against Foreman Canada, and subsequently to misfortune of Little Ben in two this Engineer colony. In order to protect of his races than we heard good name the authori expressed here. We should fol.
ties in Canada information non low up our Lederal by At about 45 yesterday to this colony which led to the Cap Cricket says the Daily Chronicle of the analysis of samples of the Tournament, sod initiating Inter.
was an salmon, The result of the CIGARETTES sports among the three alarming occurrence the analysis fully justified the report islands.
One of these days we Georgetown Water Works, when received from of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended bope to welcome the St. Vincent. Engineer named Alfred whole shipment is at present ut Glee Club to the island, and to Welch aged about 85 years was the receiving stores in Water hear of a concart party going practically roasted alive in the Street and a walts the disposition LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co. over from Grenada to St.
No. Boiler.
of the eonsignees. of Vincent incident created great Arms concerned have already deal of consternation not only paid daty, but in the light of among the employees at the the report the salmon will not be Water Works but also outside, permitted to get into consumpInteresting West Indian News.
and during the course of the tion. The other consignees have afternoon several rumours were not paid duty and it is not likely (Continued from page 2)
they will pay. It is likely that One of these involve Mr. Pat the salmon will be reshipped to Grenada New terson, the Foreman Engineer, its destination.
agalost whom minor allegations were made. These allegations Constitution will be investigated by Mr.
Douglas, the City Mechanical JEWELRY BARGANYS Enelin e tid, that Welch went into The West Indian states that It through the courtesy of the Gov an emuty boller to effect some ernor, we were able to publisha repairs to it. While he was in despatch from Mr. Churchill on there. steam, which was let of the question of Grenada new The Three Most Prominent from the other boiler that was It shows that controlling the engine in opera progress is being made, and that tion by Patterson, the engine matters are shaping after all.
Items In Man Dress driver, travelled through a valve We have not been let into the connecting tho to boilers Into the bollor in which Welsh WAG secret of whether the amend.
mente, directed by Mr.
working and before he could We are hoping that some or Churchill, have been made and Decap bo was badly bumt.
casion will bring you to our she amended draft for warded to omcial Report. store shortly. And when you the Colonial Ofice, 80 that effect In the meantime, however, the do como be assured that it will may be given to the new Orderin Council, and the following omcial report has been be a pleasure for us to serve Letters issued by an official in charge, Patent and Royal Instructions At about twenty minutes to you, and that our pleasure in Jevised. We do not know what two yesterday just as was serving you will make your vish 19 done; and we cannot tell bow about losing my omice to attend to our store ovon moro, onJoysoon or late we may bave things CAN BE HAD ALWAYS IN OUR STORES the meeting of the Mayor and able for yourself.
brought before the public.
Town Council. was told that Perhaps it is only when Mr.
Welsh FULLER Churchill is entirely satisfied been roasted alive In No, Boller Welsh, bad, with the draft Ordinances the understand, gone JEWELLER people of the Colony will be to look after a 122 CENTRAL AVENUE into the bon of storm and!
called upon to bafilo expresan when he was opinion and in vain. We may be caught by wrong, but we feel it cannot be he was severely barned on his rightly urged that the Grenada face, chest. and hands. Fortu Govenor Of Bahamas SoekRepresentative Government As nately, bis navel was not burned.
sociation have do business with Panama Colon He was removed to Hospital in Ing Assistance In this matter. It is peculiar and motor car obtained from the Canada very intimately their business, Water Works Garage. How we It will be state manship to inknow of the incident was by the vite their co operation and confi.
of Welsh. Ho got out of the His Excellency Harry dence in the arrangements that older Cardeaux. com, IC.
Bahamas, is in self on the platform where his ernor of the are being made.
We expect to find, before it 18 eries attracted attention. Of Montreal seeking financial assistoo late, that the draft Ordinan.
course, have to investigate the tance in the reconstruction of matter thoroughly and report the Colonial Hotel, Nassau, which ces will be sent to the Associathe Council. As said this was destroyed by fire in March tion (together with the Mauritius and Jamaica references) for an afternoon hope the matter is He was in communication with an accident Sir Frederick Williams Taylor, expression of opinion on them, of The Water Works Authorities also the officials of the Canadian the Bank of Montreal, aná and there is no reason why they not also be sent to the propose making a searching inPacific Rallway. relative to vestigation of the circumstances District Boards. The District steamship service attending the accident.
Boards played a leading part Welch died at the Hospital He is accompanied by Captain in the Representative GovernJ.
shortly before midnight. Baring, The latter ment movement: it was a district Board meeting that the DONE WITH are excellent. The liquor trafic first resolution of public body Crown Joy His Excellency the Governor has made great progress since th Uncle Sam went dry, and those Government was made, thus of British Guiana, has appointed whose thirst became irresistible to the campaign DESPATCH min Committee over which he will flew or swam or glided to the which bas swept Grenada, swept to the West Indies, and even wasbas to what best could be comport Island for a sip of their favourite trade ed the distant shores of Crown the Medical Service of the cup. Commercially the place of the islands is Colonies in Africa. The District Colony on satisfactory and Boards all voted in favor of the permanent basis. The other members is very good. The change.
of the Committee are AS Sald Capt. Baringthe Surgeon. General (Dr. sisal or rope industry however.
All of us should be prepared Kelly) Dr. Boase. Hons. is not as prosperous as during to work with a proper spirit of Woolford. C, and Nascl the war. But commercially or give and take. There are not mento. Messrs Webber, industrially the Bahamas do not many points of disagreements Walcott, R, and figure It is the beautiful climate which should appear at this Strickland, of the country that has establish moment, because Grenada is Good Assortment anxlous to give ed its popularity. It is almost the new schemeperpetual summer. Bathing is wanting as it it may be in some The intercolonial cricket tourn enjiyed 355 days a year, and the particulars a good try, a real TO SELECT FROM ament in British Guians will frusts of wiater are never telt. and a try altogether. But open on 22nd September between Canada West India Magazine.
there are a few objectionable Demerara and Telaidad.
features in the arrangements, Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
Lusignificant as they may appear Says the Demerara Argosy of Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents to be, which are eternally bad in recent date: With regard to the principle and are destined to rob shipment of 676 CASOS salmon Incomparable constitution. Large and Choice Assortment Alfred had. so to Bo to speak American BazaarStores and to should JOB PRINTING of every description NEATNESS AND Colony crying halt to giving birth Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards AT THE?


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