p. 8


FACE EIGHT HE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 1922 persuaded Catarin Victims doxol NOSTROLINE It Cost Millions To Build New York TO DAY CAN BUY work of souls YOU In the Zone In the Republic 10 for cents good or a parlial handicapper; SURPRISINGLY GOOD gocd ot ot tako lot of true OUR OFFER OF that inas.
Rite is no pulling or banda ands must get Turfites of the IsthC. Notes mus Awake From (Continued from page 5)
last moment to set in the absence Your Slumber to ry ct Mrs. Witt, Idd the next stone, Nostroline and then Dr. Con el successful Nasal Specific.
pada peq 01113 Buq jo Thousands have used it with And look out for the Grand spao Jav T118 900 plete. Never mind if you have tried everything else catarrh can be cured and Inaugural, Meeting of THE oqi prstijo wa jo uaci gladly state that Nostroline will do PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB, The in any way, the e ngregation che oby, 33, from opaning of the Great Juan sing Matthews LaLife, Brasil the which gy brought the Franco Race Track.
interesting care mony to close am informed that the opening With the ercction of new day will be on Sunday the 15th church in the district, in which BRODERICK LLOYD of October Dext, and from what the integrity of the word of Gud can gather, the promoters of will be upheld and the atonin Manufacturers Represeztatie the Panama Jockey Club are Christ on Calvary faith BRITISH DRUG STORE determined to leave no stone fully proclaimed it is anticipated COLON, unturned to make racing a that the blessing of God will be success on the Isthmus.
seen in the Salvation of It appears that they are in and the strengthening of be NOTICE earnest. for after laying out such lieters. In view of the early a splendid furlong racing track coming of the Lord it behoves and built such a beautiful and spacious Grand Stand which is all to be up and doing and bo DR. HUBERT EDWARDS ready WHEN HE COMES, Begs to notify bis clients that quite in line with any in the he has removed his residence est Indies.
That not all, they have done from La Boca Literary Streets Colan. Deveaux Build.
more, thay bave sent to Jamaica Society ine) commonly called The where racing is condocted on Louis similar lines as it is done at Belmont Park and New Market, fore afsir sized ki hering the sub GATUN and secure the services of We jaet, Rreo ved, That Arbitration is a known and experienced Bevor Metod of Seitling Industrial Quartermaster Back From Mr. Allan who was a 16 for 12 cents Disputes bso Strikes and loeks nat, zrainer in Jamsica for over (20)
was debated by members el La Boca Vacation.
Sears. He is also considered a Literery last Turday night. Messrs. Mr. Ford, of race meetings District Desouza, Pierre and Ruid represented Quartermaster, has returned and an the airmative of the question and lost tcom vacution, having spent most In a conversation with Mr.
to their opponents, Mesro, Reynolds, of his time in his native state Allan recently, be impressed me Eagleston and Jamp who, accordine to Kansas. Mrs. Ford and her two that he is out to do ior Stanley and Jack hava boy Tacing on the Isthmus and argument in fav st of oirikes as a better polar ned put also Doking the the noble sport of Kings on a means of settling indserial disputes pictures of good health. It is good footing. He told my be waw The debate was keenly cutested and hoped that in consequence a great future for the grand. to it at it certain laborate Governor Morrow orders that sport out here, for the Isthmians Repatriation of.
quoted by the negative the affirmative employees must reside at the are getting to love the wine, would have bids good chance to win. locks, that Mr. Ford will and there is The Debate up the questioa of more com nosporting turfiles from the (Continued on Pag affirmative)
dous quarters for those States and the West Indies with large fami ies, in the country who woula charged against the steamship Company who in turn collected Mr. DeSousa led for the affirmative support racing and go miles to same from the Panama Caral Free Gas Stoves and showed wb re strikes toercase prices see a race rub. Dor; Allen also Government, Mr. Munter of commodi ios rod impedo industiil Was Very The latter Gov.
said when you can rely on ern non ernment therefore considers, progress and called attention to the fact Genial.
public support that the Silver employees of th, Panara rightfully 80 tenths of the battle is won. andh High and Free Installation Canal Zone discarded the Silver Empo: es Association, a medium of arbitration, express their appreciation to Me The residents here desire to cost of all transporti The rest is left to the protao stand the ley are willing to Will soon be withdrawn tors to put on attractive purses tion of destitute West Indians and struck from works few years ago u when the Panama Jockey Club to their respective homes, they tho disastrous effect of which the. Hunter, for his geniality and kindness as acting Sacrewill soon do, and see straight and should not be called upon to pioyees have not yet recovered, pay tary during the absence of Mo, clean racing is conducted; that the government to which these Mr. Pierre pon endud strikers Walter who has just returned Take advantage of this opportunity before it wa ewaat hold out ngainit capitalists and from vacation and has taken up or foul riding, all destitute persons may belong, a quare and for medical inspection to its owa is too late, for in these strenuous times you due to to the faoi tha the poor laborero his duties as Secretary of tho in partial deal where the noble subjects, and given by its own can afford to miss this chance of securing a are always volved in strikes many Clubhouse.
game is concerned, and whoever health officer beside families starve during their continuanca, Mr. Hunter did all he could is responsible for any unfair We understand that the mat GAS STOVE In wiad ag up for the affirmative Mr.
to make the friends bapy and fe dealing should be brought up ter is being taken up officially Reid made a great bid for vietary and dealt with by the stewards.
ho had partially defined etrike and contented aou all the activities with the Barbados Government will now deal with the prog and it is to be boped that that and were successfully carried out.
or Gas Installation abitration. He pointed out that while pect of the meeting: Government will at one realiza the method of striking had been succes fully employed on grain occasione it is Alexander is at Corozal was at the measurements of the serious situation of its un not the bebir ne torttulingisdased It is with 990 regret the at the Juan Franco Race Track. here and do everything in its disputes Unlike strises, witin friends and fraternal brethren benefits and could see that the turtites power to assist the Panama only those who are closely of Alexander will be informad of the Isthmus was preparing Canal to resume the good work PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY connected or concerned, but the general that he has been ordered to for a great day, for besides which it had begun in assisting public is also benefitted, and reference Cor Corozal Asylum. Somo months automobiles and other vehicles destitute West Injians to get PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLGN OFFICE: was made to the deci ion among mam ago he was sent to the Ancon the measuring paddock was back to their native homes, bers of the Panaros Metal Trades union hospital as the result of a blow packed with spectators, so much Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St. of the Canal Zone in preferring arbitra he received on the bread while at that Mr. Eric Barham the Mear is some impediment placed in We also understand that there tion in settling their local labor dispute work but, it appears as if Mr.
Steward had great the way of repatriating Jamal Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 The Negative, Alexander has never recovered the dreadful effects, Twerve splend looking horses the deposit money demanded by Strike in the last resort of protest from duty. caps which is the question of said Mr. Roynolds, in part. in big open missary Department he was As an employee at the ComWere measured some imported the various steamship age ing reparks for the negative of agents.
tbe thoroughbreds and question. ter every available means polite and courteous and will be understand there will be is complained that in very many that be instances deserving cases bave another measurement on Sunday to be turned down through the Creoline Hair Preparations of abitration have failed strike is the very much missed here, It is the the lack of the amount demanded o last desperate resort and as abitration sincere wish of all that Mr.
the 24th at 10 a when Positively Superior to all others on earth.
Alexander will so often proved a failure it must give get over his sick other borses will be measured. The be deposited at the Ticket office, ness and be himselt once more.
Try them and be convinced.
way to strikes which so far have been The exercise of the horses has before a ticket can be obtained.
started in full swing, and the This matter, we also understand, They are the Master Preparations of the World, Mr, Jump also thought that strike is Cricket Challenge.
turfites and spectators are hav is being taken up with the Different from all others a better means of settling those disputes Phillips has decided that soon ing great hopes for the coming Jamaica Government for adjust Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. The price of labor, he claimed, bas after the close of the St. Clair day.
all Foreign countries, 60c, moved up from fortycents a day to cup competition he will again The horses of the following forty fiva dollars a month through issue his challenge of Married stables are to be seen at West India Regiment Creoline Hair Producer strikos. In continuing to favor the Men vs Bachelors, He is expect exercise Straightens rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, last desperate resort he claims that ing to have a very powerful and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 dhe Hague at a temple of arbitration failo combination and the bachelors Mr. Duque stables has some percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation and as with the case with Germany will have to look up or they will good ones in Risa, Estrella. Continued From Page 1) of its kind in the world. Patches thin places and prevent baldness, force suoseeded in bringiog ber to meet with In ounce tins, overwhelming (better known as My Dear) British Guards Bands, and has resepi defeat Devotion, Merry Maker and a little to fear from honest comCreolinə Day Dandruff Remedy Lative pony, this lot are in good parison in that connection: It Speaking last for the negative Mr. very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter Eagleston said so far no faos nor shape and are moving splendidly never fails to do beautiful work, Song Service.
and Eczema. It is antiseptic. Grows hair. keeps the scalp healthy. authenticity had been brought in the Mr. Raul Espinosa string sometimes astonishingly beauti. In ounce bottlos.
The song service on Sunday argument of the affirmative by the supconsists of ful sowe splendid work. Its reed quality and Jackson Manufacturing Co. porters. He therefore referred to statis last was conducted by Me. Smith thoroughbreds, the largest lot technique are unsurpassable.
Manufacturers and Exporters in the country under the charge Its bass section has all the All Up to date Drug Storaş carry a stock of Creoline. been won, lost or compromised, compiled of his address was taken from tics to the number of strikes that have two colored teacher. The subject of his Trainer Jockey Murray, glorious seniority and by the American Federation of Labor selection No, 16 His words were his stable am sure have some of the greatest of bands. Mighty Which disclosed hard nuts to crack.
in favor of the negative statements very interesting and quite are some of its fortissimos larga number of persons attendis The lot handled by Cummings reserve strength that charac splendid band is British. His The experience will be one of A. present, including Mrs. Aird, tion.
of work. that is because he, like his every day these next two weeks There were several members of the el and expressed their satisfacthe Jockey Trainer, consists Waterboy who hear ja maica may be said of the dynamic an occasional use of both hands, experiences the Exhibition has Aird made very favorable comments on terises music. The same only mannerism in conducting is the happiest of the many happy ce Presideat of Chapter No. 14, Mrs.
in prickles for the AllDANCE BY ST. EERNARDS effects of the band whole sec saw fashion. But be only to offer That is because it has the debate and oxid he had wriaed LODGE These Chancellor. Merry Morton, sre never based upon indulges in this when the rythm the flavour of healthy British mueh food for thought after listening to Coat of Arms and the evergreen vaudeville organization it could character.
As is of the strictest perambulatory nationality in its art.
mere Sensationalism, the varied arguments on the question.
Chagres better Was a Big Success known The following addition to the proHe always knows what he Merry lad this pony is quite be called a failure, and that of WANTED gram was rendered:an idol of the turites, think course is the best testimonial we wants from his men, and always The dance given by St. BerSong Miss Anaita Jump nard Lodge and Frateruity whenever he starts he will have can offer it.
gets it. The band of the West Recitation Cumberbatch Lodge No. 15, IU. was to be reckoned with.
India Regiment is a band The Conductor.
you Reliable Salesman could listen to for hours, and huge success. Never before was in Piano Solo Min Guilermina Jump a larger attendance sean at the Mr. De la Cerda lot consists We say the same of its con Iact live with and never weary FOR HANDLING TOILET Song Mine Bullon clubhouse, and this only was ag.
of Bombalina, Glorita and Bonductor, Bandmaster Nash. There of, because its moods are natural PREPARATIONS Piano Solo Mine Lanor Jump risa, this lot are taking exercise is nothing picturesque about his and never artificial or hectic.
of the popularity of the and are full of life.
who carried through the Mr. Collins acted. Time that is also because it is British. Ho ro co Tonics also saw some smart looking keeper and Mr. Clan McKeonia management of this grand social popular jazz native ponies encourage the promoters of the The music it plays, and the way moving well, Fresident of the Literary Society obed it plays it, gets into your circula etc. etc.
hand was Panama Jockey Club.
especially those of present and they did Messis. Chairman biely summed up the certainly enliven the evening Ompbroy and Gittens. will keep my readers põsted tion in a healthy happy, sane of For paticulars apply to proceedings and put name to the house with their presence. Those who of the various exercise and sort way. If it brings a lump The Nomination closes to mor. may give you some tips before needn fear. It won drive you into your throat sometimes you ALEX. SANCHEZ row the 24th to Mr. Enrique de the races.
were responsible for the getting House No. 24 St. Guachapal Smoke 111 (One Eleven) up of the function deserve a la Guardia, and pe the own.
hysterical. Exhibition visitors ers will show their sporting am yours truly, should hear the band of the or mail to Box 879 Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents meed of praise for the perfect artangements and the general spirit by entering liberally and STABLE RAT. British West India Regiment Ancon, Incomparable expression of satisfaction, FREE OF CHARGE not suring iesity in doing his native uoceealul, ment.
an 455 West Tenth St.
Indianapolis Ind.
and as a


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