
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 1922, THE WORKMAN Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies WALROND, the onloo Central Avoton. Correspondence on all matter And corner of Strool, Panama, of publle interest invid.
de Box 74, Panana All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and BATES OP SUBSCRIPTION mundo scompanied by the name of One Year. 40 S. the writer, not neonarlly for publlonSix Months 20 tion but as mark of good faith.
We do not undertake to return Ono erejeoted orrespondeno.
Will soon be on sale in every establishment throughout the Republic INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF CICO CARTR 20 CIGARETTES. c. GE CARTERS Ink Ermeer INKS. PISTES MUCILAGES Always in stock at (CANSER James, Member of Benton Last week, an appeal for laborers appeared in the columps of the Workman when it was stated that the United Fruit Company would give employment to all who were willing to work. Some months ago, similar appeals for labor came from the American Red Cross MANUFACTURED BY when men seeking aid from that iostitut ion were advised of the possibility of finding employment on the plantations The Pan American Tobacco Co CARTER and farms in Bocas del Toro.
It is stated that during the past few days the first SESSED esistore tech batch of fifty men left here for Bocas in answer to the call for labor there. We understand that another batch ISLE OF SPRING LODGE CHURCH SERVICES BENEDETTI HERMANOS will soon be leaving and it is sincerely to be hoped that in a Prominent Jamaicans.
Central five 3rd. St.
very short wbile the compliment of 1, 000 men wanted by (Continued from page American Episoopal Church)
PANAMA the United Fruit Company for Bocas and Costa Rico will No. 150 Sixteenth Sunday Alur Trinity)
be forthcoming: to him. His fight with with the The meeting nights of this St. Paul Church, Panama Able bodied men are scouring the Streets of Panama Government on principle regard and 3rd and Colon daily in quest of employment, and now that ing the dismissal of Miss Leila lodge are the 1st the first girl Mondays and the 3rd Thursday 63. m, Holy Communion, 10 sm, The Litany there is an opportunity and an open door there is exhibited scholar, and his victory will long of each month, in the Loyal Pro PRODUCTS 10 au Holy Eucharist and sermon a glaring reluctance and hesitancy to accept and enter. be remembered by colored gress Hall Params.
meeting takes place on Monday Holy Baptism, What is wrong? Is there anything the matter with the Jamaicans, 8pm. Sunday School.
appeal, or is there a too manifest indifference on the part Mr Wint had been a prominent night Öctɔber 2nd. 1922 at 30 30 pm Evensong and sermon.
of unemployed labor? Is it that the nature of the work the Legislative public figure before he entered sharp.
Dr, HOFFMANN Council and All officers and members are NIGHTENGALE Vicar offered fails to attract, or are the wages considered too among the many offices held by requested to be on time.
has reopened his clinic for low for acceptance?
him are. Member of the LegisSt. Alban s, Paraiso.
WM. MAYNARD, diseases of the blood, rheuma11 am Mattins Address The fact that there is so loud a call for labor right lative Council, Ex officio member Per. Secretary. pm Sunday School tism and urological cases in here around the coast and so few fail to embrace the op of the St. Anos Parochial Board, Chairman St. Ann 7:30 Evan gang Soron the upper floor of Al Place, portunity calls for some discussion. The United Fruit Board, Ex President Jamaica or Teachers, secretary Baptist Church Activities NIGH PENGALE Priest in chargo Santa Ana Plaz. Street, try in Bocs del Toro and Costa Rica. For the most part, Jamber of the Executive No. People Association Las Sabanas Mission.
the laborers on these plantations have generally been the Board of Diree West Indians from Jamaica and the other islands, and to read Teachers Mutual Aid So will baptiza a number of Can 4, 15 p:n Evenengoong de andrest Tomorrow night Pastor Witt Sunday Sobool pm tors Calldonia their connection with the Fruit Company has a bistory. ciety. Manager Alexandria didates at the Chorrillo Church Nightengale. Priest in charge Several complaints, of late, bave reached the Jamaica Loan Bank; and member of the after the regular Service, St. George Church Gatun 10 am Children Sarvino s. Morning Prayer Government to the effect that the British subjects, especial Board of Education.
The Empire Baptist Church 11 Matin and address, am Prashing Service ly Jamaicans, in Bocas del Toro have been frequently school master, Newspaper Editor Anniversary on Oct. 8th when pun. Sunday School travelled pm Sunday Soho!
outraged and ill treated by the authorities of the Fruit and Politician, and is a leading Pastor Tbritt will be the preach 30 pm Evensong and addrom. 30 m Göpal Service Company. These complaints have been given due atten: figure in the Church activities er at 11 am, and will president Barolsy Pastor in charge St. Peter Church La Boca.
tion and the Company attitude toward West Indians has of the Wesleyan faith.
School at Salvation Army changed for the better, in most instances. Some of these coming visit he will be accom p. Preparation is being made Holy Communion, 6;30.
Malins and Sermon 11, am 80 am Prayer Moeting complaints have been more imaginary than real, and some panied by Hon. and Rov. Barclay for a big day.
10. Sunday School of the unpleasant incidents have been provoked by the lane. member of the Paro and. Pastor Burko will exchange apd Mr. McFarSunday night Pastor Thrift Children Service pm 7, 80 Evensong and 11; 18 sm Holiness Mooting people themselves; yet, it is believed, the company has chial Board of St. Ann. It is pulpits in Colon, Pastor Burke MULCARE. Rootor u Suaday School GEORGE MORRIS been responsible for most of the troubles in labor circles anticipated that these distin. therefore will be the preacher St. Barnabas Church, Empire there, and by all indications, it appears that it has made a guished sons ot Jamaica will at Colon Baptist Church at 7:15.
Commandant, thorough change in its policy.
receive as hearty welcome as Morning Prayer and addros 11 am Sunday Bohool Confirmation Class Christian Mission of Paname The people who are idling and suffering ought to view they got in August last.
Cronoy XI Defeats Max Evening Prayer and addre. 300.
p, their situation seriously enough as not to slight the offer Paasma 11 am Belle 7:30 Tavlor of employment by the United Fruit Company. There is Military C. vs Bartenwell XI JT MULCARE, Priood in charge Chorillo 11. a Cragwe 117; nowhere else to look for work, and since something is Brewster dors CC St. Bartholomew Church, LA Boos 11. am Trotman 7:30 doing in that quarter every man who views his present At Isthmian Park the Britannic!
Las Cascadas Rawlins position in the right light should do all but ignore the played a game amongst them. Morning Prayer and address 11, a. Paraiso 11. a 7:30 E) Wilson opportunity.
On Monday next October 2nd selves. Croney and Maxwell Sunday School Comfirmation Clare Gatun 11 am Bro. Grant 7;30 Miller There is a class of West Indiang in which are found there will be a hammer and tong being the two skippers. Mar: 2;80 pm Colon 11 am de 7:30 Burke Supt those who will seek nothing but ready made emoluments. game between the Fins and the wen XI batted first and scored Eveningeode and Sermon Baptist Church Any sort of work that means toil and labor seems to have guns, the military will try thelr 87. Eastmond made 25, Joe Hill Rev IT Mulonro, Priest in charge Colon 11 am. Pastor Thrift no appeal to them. This class will more readily bum and utmost best to make the bartend 22 McIntosh 10 and Mr. Extras 7;15 Pastor Burke loaf than get out and shoot (to use familiar slang. ers surrender in an oval bath. 16, Cronev XI replied with 92 Seventh Day Adventist Church But Chorrillo 11 am 7;15 Pastor Wine Follow the crowd to the Isth for 7, Smith made 47 Croney 12 No. STREET CALIDONIA which is more honorable and gentlemanly? Certațnly, it milan Park Monday next and Trotman 11.
7;16 Dmoon nton ROAD. near Isthmian Park)PANAMA. Empire 11 am Mr. Browa is a thousand times more preferable for a man to do inSabbath (Ssturday) 45 mm. Sab 7:15 Me Cummings ferior work and support his family, rather than lead a bath School; 11. 15 am General Worship Pueblo Nuevo 11 am. Mr. Gallimore parasitic existence depending on the good nature and 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm.
7p. Mr Johnson generosity of his friends.
Creoline Hair Preparations Young People Meeting; 30 Cativa Descon Foster Suffering people cannot afford to show indifference to Now Provideno Deson Brown Vespera any appeal for labor, as long as they possess the physical Positively Superior to all others on earth.
The Lord Supper will be observed Now Gatun Thursday 7, 30 Pastor Tarif ability to perform it. If there are among those who are Try them and be convinced.
at the Church in Panama. at 12, o clock noon.
out of employment men who are not able to stand the They are the Master Preparations of the World, Sunday evening at 30 Reading.
rigors of hardships of farm and plantation life there might Different from all others Class. All are welcome both young and Canal Zone, 27th Sept. 1922, be some excuse for their reluctance; but when men who old. 30 m, ProNing Service Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. Editor of the Workman, Panama.
are strong and robust decline to use the only means of all Foreign countries, 60c.
Church or God G St Colon Daar Friend, am sorry employment at their disposal it is sheer worthlessness and Creoline Hair Producer 21, 80 7;30 Gospel Sermon absolute loziness.
can ioform where Bunday School 30 to obtain the Books be named in Some of the unemployed have been heard to say that Straightens rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 Bro. Green your Edition of 23rd. But can the work is too rough and dangerous. They aver that percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation New Providence tell him it he needs them, where snakes are a continual menace to the people who are emof its kind in the world. Patches thin places and prevent baldness, he can get the undermentioned In ounce tins, Gospel Sermon 11. 30 am 30 Works.
ployed to clear the lands for banana cultivation, and, on Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy Bunday School pm this account, some are afraid to engage in that kind of Yours; very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Totter Sie Elliot, Pastor. CONSTANT READER work. Juch talk is childish in the extreme. For years, men and Eczema, it is antiseptic. Grows hair. keeps the scalp healthy.
In ounce bottles.
Gatun have been doing that kind of work, and for years others OF THE WORKMAN will be found to do it; and the fear of snakes or any other Jackson Manufacturing Co.
Gospel Sermon 11, 30a. 7, 30 BOOKS, WRITERS.
455 West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Exporters Sunday School pm reptiles is only a weak minded way of trying to evade an Real Good Lawyer. Carry Logtoo, All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creolin George Griffith opportunity to perform common, but honest, labor.
Hard to Bear. Pockete.
Colon G St Perhaps, some are thinking that the wages offered are Seeing Into Miks. Roscope too low. This would properly be good grounds for hesitaGospel Sermons 11, 30 a. 7:30 Up Up We Go tion if there were others sources of employment with com nized authority, will take a lively and active interest in the Sunday School p. A TrueFriend. Hiam Yores, Sis, B, Brewster Pastor petitive wage scales. But since the United Fruit Company affairs of all who are employed by this company and any Hard Hari Job May Kingaliviaz, is the only business bidding in the local labor market, the act of outrage or ill treatment will be promptly taken up, Bible Truth Churches.
With Compts of question of dallying over the wage rates is absurd as soon as proper presentation is made.
San Miguel DAVID JONES, If the people in the large force of the unemployed better field and beter conditions may arise in the 5:am. Morning Prayer Cristobal P, could only see that half a loaf is better that no loaf, at all, future, but, at present, it is wise and sensible for the peo 10 am Children Service they would move and act more quickly in connection with ple to seize this chance of winning a bread for the main 11 am Preaching Service Bro. 7, British Consulate Notice the Fruit Company offer. There need not be any misgiv tenance and support of themselves and their dependents.
Francis The Bribish Vice Consulate at ings as to the treatment they will recive at the hands of the These are not days of pick and choose; they are rather 30 pm Special Program for Children Panama, would like to know the Day whereabout ot REINALDO company. The West Indian Committee, acting under rocog. the times of take what you can and use what yoy get. 30 pm Gospel Service BEST father of Fernando Best kinie Indianapolis Ind. A, Reo. Plana


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