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LAS CASCADAS Observed By Colon Chap ter No. 240, of On Saturday last, Mr.
Western Star Lodge Conferred Burke paid a visit to the First Boys Institution of Colon. He On Sunday last, the Cólon has reported that he was very Chapter No, 240 of the Universa) much surprised and taken On Saturday night (To night)
Negro Improvement Association back with the progress of the The Western Star Lodge of the observed Woman Day in a Institution. The neat and cleanly Order of will begia most beftting manner. Quite appearance of the boys; the disthelr first initiation of members large number of women, mem, cipline and order which he saw in the Pilgrim Degree of the bers of the Asscclation and all around, and the interest for Order, at their Lodgeroom a others who took opportunity of their welfarce shown by OomLas Cascadas, known as the joining in the celebration, mander Watson. At the hour That is the record of sales of West Bank, Birs and Ladies of åtterded Liberty Hall The place Mr Burke visited the institution, the other branches of the order was beautifully decorated for the meals were being served and he are cordially invited to attend.
occasion, and the women and was very much pleased in the Ceremony will commence at children were all dressed in man manner the boys are fed. In general talk with the Commen: Precisely at pm. the Preal der, Mr. Burke was told that the dert, Mr, JH. Seymour took expenses for running the GATUN the the chair and announced that institution exclusive of feeding the function for the day was the boys was 5800 S, C, and INITIATION The program through the kindness of begun with the singing of the Governor Arosemena and some ode, From Greenland Icy other very kind friends in Celon Gatun Sept. 3rd: Star of Paradise Mountain, and after the singing the place was able to pull throuLodge No, 14, 8, met on Saturof the bymn, prayer was gh, but that much moaex day night for the purpose of initiating offered by the Chaplain.
into the mysteries of the order The assistance was needed to bring applicants into after the usual formalities bsd benne President. short is up to the proper standard, address in which he outlined through, Commander Sir Preston Bateber be In conclusiou, Mr. Burke in the United States alone delivered the chair to sit o.
was beld on that day. The First deserves the thanks of the comobject for which the celebration tbloks that Commander Watson Worthy Legste of Gorgons Sur No 3, Vice President read the lessons muuity for performing the Initiatery ceremony, for that be has which was done in ample form. amistad from the book of Paul and accomplished and through this by Sirs and Ladies from sister lodge, Thecia, alter this exercise was medium appeals to the public for The officers and members of the Star was passed over to Miss Rote brought to close, the chair their support and assistroce lot Paradise No: 14, thanked the visiting Sire and Ladies who travelled from the Bowen, Lady President. On tak.
ing the chair the lady delivered Harsh Treatment.
The package fits the pocket Pacific Ead and the Windy City for their poble assistance in the initatory a very interesting address and after taking her seat, she called It was a pitiable sight on The price fits the pocket romany to see on Mr. Iris Jones for the Monday last to see the houseLodges represented: Isthmian Star opening address. During the bold belongings of a West and the Cigarette is No. 1, Gorgona Star No. 3, Mystic Star course of the address, Mre. Indian woman dumped on the No. 11. After the closing of the meeting Jones stated. This day is side walk at Bolivar Street, all repaired to to the ban qusting room and called Woman Day because it Color It would appears as if partook of the good thinga pr pared for was wbo got the mes: the unfortunate woman was in Many addresses were the delivere esge from our risen Lord at the debted for rent and at a very ed by the visiting Sirs and Ladies who advised the tomb, ard it was through a late bour in the evening when of th: Star of members woman that the world was given it was impossible for her to Paradise Lodge No. 14, to live up to a Saviour, and it was the secure the assis assistance of of the or ler, and be tes abing woman the well who one in will accompisy home, she was finding ab ning star and they Tan and called the others thus harshly treated, what they are working for: Sir 0, to come and see the Prince of VALENCIA, Agent. Box 693, Panama Laurie one of the new initiates then She occcupied the side walk all through the night watching gave an address, this tweinsted the meeting by the singing of the doxology.
Miss 1fill, eddressed the meet ber belongings without any ons XOXOXOXOXOMOC SSB ing on the life of Holy women coming to her rescue. It was Mrs. Annie Colley more spoke of indeed an inconsiderate looking Mr. Webster Returns to Takes St. Agnes ard the good work she manifestation of. Shylock Listen Randolph: up Duties dia curit her life time, and who demanded bice a pound of We have been watching your 19 would be a very good thing if flesh without any blood.
our women of to day would writings in all your papers for Mr. Webster. Principal of follow the very good examples the Colored school of this town Human Hand understand before we act, it but we you to bas returaed after having enjoy.
given in the lives of those who ed a three months vacation in Henokoreve before. ro MorenEva Sent Editor Of you reacnot lo veaveur with your Gibson, gave a lecture the life own movement you can Free be with ours. There is no space Gas Stoves his native home, Jamaica.
of Bt. Elizabeth, and the many Coloured Paper was given an hearty welcome by lessons be in your race for you and your creed, drawn from such distinguished PACKAGE RECEIVED BY MR. given us nigger? Do you What do you mean by teachers; and the parents and Free Installation children followers of our Lor residing in this vicinity Mr. Webster looks the know that our Master. Many ladies PHILIP RANDOLPH, OF THE made up of all wbites!
addressed the meeting on various Will soon be withdrawn good health and has reported MESSENGER NEW YORK that he enjoyed himself immenseother Fubjects were We have sent you a sample The school will be opened on and interest, and it is anticipat FROM NEW ORLEANS. step or else you Now let me of our good work so watcb your Take advantage of this opportunity before it cipated that quite a large number od that many useful things were see your name in your nigger is too late, for in these strenuous times you of the pupils will be present.
said in the several discourses. Letter Containing Threats Be improvement Association can afford to miss this chance of securing a At the close of that part of the cause of Opposition to Garvey member, paid up too, in about program, the children gave some and Klu Klux Klan.
one week from now. Don Song Service very interesting recitations and worry about lynching in South. GAS STOVE they were applauded for the very The following extract taken it you were here you wouldn The Song service on Sunday Intelligent manner they acquit from New York paper and part talk about it. Now, be careful last, was conducted by Mr.
or Gas Installation Waller, Clubhouse Secretary who ted themselves. Refreshments of which was reproduced in a bow you publish this letter in was served and who had recently returned from Costa all were local daily contemporary is here your magazine or we may have enjoyed Rica, His address was very intergiyen in full and to show that to send your band to some one themselves FREE OF CHARGE immensely. At 15 pm. Mr. Randolph is impressed that else.
esting and was listened to with marked attention, His subject Don think we can another meeting postal was was. Those who do good are several addresses were given on not sent by a negro. The ex and your crowd. Although you PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY to receive a reward.
the great day celebrated and tract follows in extenso.
New York, September, A are in New York city it is just which was brought to a close very enjoyable evening was PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: spent and all those in attendance amidst general rejoicing. The human band, evidently that of as easy as i? you were in Geor.
can unite with Chapter had a day which will Negro. was received yesterday your own race we will find out went away fully satisfied.
Cathedral Plaza certainly bo YOUR Randolph remembered by 93 Bo ivar St.
amongst those who took part. the Messenger a Negro month what the matter with you and Don be selfisb. Give Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 Woek Activities ly magazine poblished at No. 2305 ST. PETER INSTALLATION ibat bad been mailed from New Seventh Avenue in a package your friends a tip.
The following meeting will take Orleans.
place for the week ending Oct 8th Malled From New Orleans.
The grand installation of cficers to serve. With the hand was a bis magazine has continued To My Homeland Jamalca Miss Gene Secretary of the typed Tuesday 3rd, meeting for girls the ensuing term of St. Peter Lodge letter, algned threaten to their station house, They were vey and of the Kla Klux KlanThe detectives took the hand scathing denunciations of GarThe Isle Of Springs will address the meeting.
No, 22, F. Colon took place at ing Randolph for his expressions the Efort Lodgo Hell on Friday 15th, against the Klan, and, by intima has come from New Orleans in some doubt as to whether it Has Attacked Garvey.
Ob take me to the home love once p.
The meeting will commence at last. The ceremony was performed in tion, for his beton, for his opposition to Marcus Randolph referred to Garvey more before die, an able and creditable manner by the Garvey the Negro Moses since in placing the bundlo in Ob let me breathe my nativo air and installicg master Bro. John Wilson, The The package slightly smaller water the post mark had been alleged interview recentiy with baak beneath its oky, Community Night to lowing were installed Bro, 8: Meikle, than a shoebox, was brought to blurred. Randolph said, however. Acting Imperial Wizard Clarke For waader where will, my heart Randolph he noticed the postmark of Klu Klux Klan said finds not a home to dear 8. Clark. Scantlebury, carrier at 1:45 o clock yesterday fore the detectives arrived and that Garvey had spread On Thursday coming will be Roie, T; Tate, afternoon, The paper wrapper And day by day long to my Community night. There will be that the doctrine among his followers package undoubtedly homeland over there that the KKK. was all powerR. A, Harris bad been marked. From a came from New Orleans Yos day by day, long to an interestine program with free Messiah, Savage Friend, New Orleans. Postage When all was suggested that ful with the whites and Negroes see, my movies. The Secretary takes this P. The atard conductors were had been paid with nine two the missive could would be homeland, over thera foolisb to oppose it.
have been He added that Garvey talked opportunity of eatending Bro. Samuels and Sister May Gale, of cent meant as a grouesome joke of cordial invitation to all.
the Guiding Star Lodge No. 14. is thsre the funny waters seem to When the editor started to Randolph sald: m convinced Klan and that Garvey bad of starting Black Klu Klux me a mirror bright Bro, Meikle, cave an in open it a whitish powder sitted that it was intended seriously, spoken in New Orleans a few With sparkling streamlets on their Basket Ball Contest teresting welecme address to the out. Because of threats received for have made a number of weeks ago during a lecture breast that break the golden ligbt Bro, Small and his stalt on behalf of in the last few weeks he became enemies branche pothe orneceived tour, around the country. Gar The St. Joseph Troops of Hw sweet too sounds the fishers. No. 4, also to the many threats oral songs ms o er the waters closr Baden Powell Boy Scouts paid al visit to this town on Saturday Bro. Mynt, on behalf of the bundle on a table suggesting written. am inclined to believe key Jamaican Negro, just E. No. 6, and also to the visiting that it might contain a bomb bis that the package was sent by a attacked in the Auguste Resumes of five years this Their habing boste glido sweetly o er, night last and engaged ime: country was streamlets over Brothers and sisters from the Sister assistant Chandler Owen, called white man or more cted by heroine the Messenger spacially for Their fishing boats glido smoothly series Ball ΚΙΟ Troops, the streamlets ovar there along Ledges, Response were made by Bros. the police. Detectives McFar. one really connected with his Small Harvey, Davies, Nicholls, and land and Butler of the Klux alignment the Klan, hardrespective Commanders were Police of the West 135th being the wee bount of 135the Street elleion placed the this kind, and Wesly be so calculate Negro wouldn Street Station said the letter to of That home is hallowed, by the love, Woodman. 17 Messrs, Brossard and the morning the meeting was brought to that no more sball know games were played die close in the bond of I, alter package in a pail of water and be likely to get hold the hand. Randolph might well have been in a most exciting finish, and which For they are in the spirit world, who resulted in the finale Gatan 11, the it disclosing was certain that the written by a Negro who favoured Не ahol keren die er beiden under gold nama, pomich had bedeni neut on ening Patter retrenca to pour le cose chica southorities other They notiYet tho no loved words greet me there better luck on the next contest.
hand St. Joseph We wis. Mr. Jackel things provided.
just below the left wrist and nigger improvement association from love ones hold dear which was begining to decom meant the Universal Nagis im will make an efort to trace the My heart with joy WILL, bail again (Continued on Page 8)
Smoke 111 (One Eleven) por der had been used as a pre Garvey organization, Randolph pose Apparently the white provement Association, Marcus package to its source.
my homeland over there My heart with joy MUST hail again Creoline stralghtens and Cigarettəs 15 For 10 Cents servative, The letter enclosed bas been active in opposing Gar. If you like beautiful hair use my homeland over these beautifles the hair and proIncomparable in an envelope said: vey. For months every issue of Creoline hair powder CL duces hair on bald heads.
OUR OFFER OF Ho pink of other which present sure All. M, Davies, WI: RW.
against the Gatun They in a thing Wynt. It threat the Garvey.
loved me long ago


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