
The American Foreign Banking Corporation Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY DEPOSITORY OF The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional win quickly by the Canadiathetanding their the Quantity protect during the. SVIT SUR OS aTNIE GLUTEBOWS PAGES IHR WORKIAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1922 TOTO THE CANADIAN THE FLAPPER TAGMO TOURISTS AND Doctor Says She Leads all WEST INDIES World Types Development of Travol BeIs the flapec hurting the hamsa soo!
tween the Big Dominion She is at she is not just and British Islands, according to which doctor le dalng the talking commitsee of eminent dsoTHE COMING SEASON.
tors and teachers from Great Britain has gone to Monte Carlo Despite Our Many Attracfor the women gamas to stay tlons Visitors go Largelyj the efect of athletic development upon the nex. At the outset the To United States committee is of the idea that the present das development upon The following is taken from sex eq astion, and it sees dire the Canada West Indis Magasine things in the ottima English women, ass race, are for August straight for sex extinc Again in the early fall many Canadians are considerlog ter vacation, George Obslners.
Many bave made reservations in florida and in speedy sad tundamatal change California so easily and in the methol of physical in reached by excellent railway ser: struction of the modern girl in a vice which is so well advertised generation o: tws she will make railway panies.
sex extinct.
Dedical authorities blieve of tzą most distingaish many attractions the British ed West Indies bave never been that the functions of motherhood serious ness. Bermuda has a few Cane competitors in this busiare impaired by women spending dian visitors and the Bahamas all of their capital in a hletics, and Jamalca have also somo han visitor and that the result is an emas tourist business with Canada, CRISTOBAL calated race PANAMA of men. Syma The Royal Mail Company has biologists say that women has a been progressive and persistent male as well as female side, and that if she keeps on develpIn extolling attractions of ing the male she will reach the British West Indies, and the point where she will be neithar a man nor a woman.
Marine are also good The Best Ever.
work in educating the travelling COMMUNICATION WITH public in West Against which dire prediction tions. Business of this nature SPIRIT WORLD ALLEGED Dr. Thomas Thorburn, 600 is not easily diverted into new West Ead Avenue, comes along fields, and some are afraid of the and says that the fapper is ocean trip. The Southern States The Case of Mrs. Gladys best ever and that her athletic have much attention to Murray, Ciork in activities and other tendencies this proutable source of recente.
Washington have inproved the stock wonder Stringent laws fully. He compares ber with with the venus de Milo and finds is expended on entertainment PICKED UP IN CITY.
tourist from over charge. Money that the Greek ides of feminine the season, in count beauty was not in the class with ways this business Was In Soml Conselous Con. is cultivated. Conventions and aftion; Could Not Sprak When The doctor speciality is special excursions are arranged diagnosis, which means telling Takon To Hospital.
that bring large bodies of peo us wbat is the matter with us.
be ple at one particular time to and be picks Venus to pieces like ibose cities that seek tourists New York; August 28. An an old hat. He finds that she business. Hotel and boarding astonishing case of alleged com.
had her stomach all out of place: house rates also have a big munication with the other world that spine Influence to tourist business is reported today from Washingca properly and that she probThe automobile has also become on, ably had neurasthenia.
a great factor in pleasure seek.
Mrs. Gladys Murray, a woman And he solemnly ayers that.
Ing. Many of our wealtbiest of 48, a travellers like to take their car clerk in the Trea bad Venus been a flapper, she would have been a much fizer with them when visiting Good tih ra Department was picked up In Ben of humanity.
reads mean much to their enjoy the centre of the city by a police much criticized flapper ment. letter possesses a more pearly scientifrom well known Canadian man during the morning. She fically correct walk and postare and the roads of Jamaica. The paid no attention to the than any other type which has been in tə remarks addressed her.
dian West Indian League has The Venus de Milo was not a Vogus for ages.
always been greatly interested being unable to induce her to Aapper, This lady of renowned of beauty must bave been a neurasthenic. for her stomach was not British West Indies, and has wrote down: have no control travel between Canada and the speak, offered her a pencil and paper. After a few minutes sho in the proper position. With her never missed an opportunity to posture it wonld not be possible assist in the promotion of this over my condition, something is gripping me.
for her to have a normally placed business that means education, stomach. And the stomach is health and enjoyment to our Hall an hour later nurse by the seat of health.
people, and a much better the bedside was startled to hear the patient speak Ray Of Sunshine good understanding of our naturally Iriends in the British West It all right now, she said. The It is also evident that Venus nurse thereupon summoned the was a grouch. Th: flapper is a Indles.
house phpsiclans.
Before he arrived the woman tay of sunshine, always happy and smiling, farak ingenious.
LONDON AS CRITIC was seized with a violent fitot with a brain that matches her trembling, and again lapsed into alert countenance. Her bobbed SEES IT. silence; Soon she made signs, hair she has errings, which have which the doctor interpreted taken the place of the sensual As meaning that she wanted IN THE ZONE Architects Should Be pencil and paper again.
10 for cents slouch, are the lure which attracts, It is much the bealthier IN THE REPUBLIC 16 for 12 cents lure Hanged.
Giving hem, she wrote tha fol. lowing: claim that the flapper of to London August, 22. If you spirit wants to write. am a will make a much better mother than the debutante of a were a benevolent despot what man on earth who lived on earth.
few years am sent to control the woman ago, or than the would be the first changes you celebrated Venus herself would would make in you s? e. The spirit say they cause have Mr, Mencken, the fam me to make me act so as to prove made, if she maintained the posture in which she posed ous United States critic, now that they havy power over human for the statue.
visiting London answered The beings.
human Hidden Force Weekly Despatch representative Shortly afterwards Mrs. Mur Because the posture of the without moment hesitation; ray recovered and was able to re(Continued from page 3)
first thing would do turn home is, scientifically correci.
She is quite able to She has discarded the backwould be to hang an architect In infinite space, occount for her experience. She magnetism.
once breaking and spine deforming WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT course, all is a woman of highest reputation, it is either; it becomes astral London architects should heels, 18 be and makes no pretence of being a light in the stars which it magreplacing them hanged, but should choose one medium, never having taken an netizes, while in organized No. 78, a common sense shoe. She asNew Market Street the worse as a moral encourage active interest in Spiritualism. beings it becomes magnet light sume a fairly correct postare when standing, No debutante ment to the rest.
The doctors are unable tn ac or fluid.
In man it forms the RETAIL DEPARTMENT slouch appeals to her, and her The trouble about English count for the strange manifesta astral body, or plastic mediator.
architects is that they re under tions, except to suggest it is a The will of intelligent beings No. 107, Bolivar Street body is not forced into abnormal shades tbe thumb of some dodo who form of hysteria.
acts directly upon this light, and, by society from corsets.
says he wants 85 chimneys and by means thereof. upon all THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY The result nature, which is made subject to The flapper is a happier girl is they produce something which street as soon as handelings All movement of matter on the the modifications of intelligence.
because she fills her lungs with plenty of fresh air and, unlike looks like a cheese box decorat London and meet a man selling a FULL SUPPLY OF the girl with the slouch, her ed an idiot.
journal of Communistic tenden surface of this planet results beauty most Eng. cies. That a healthy sign.
from transformation of the solar Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, digestion is normal. The slouch, lish archtecture possesses is Why, in Americs men have been force. Our whole modorn civilicausing a curved spine and an due to the climate.
Everybody killed for less than that. zation depends almost wholly Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, extended abdomen, produces rares about your new London Yes con ороо, fallen stomach, with indigestion its liberation from coal,. concluded Mr. MencI County like England. She is Even and nervousness.
it we develop most of our ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES from the top of my hotel the recovering from the war in energy In times to come, from do not know why the averother day, and it seemed to me very wonderful way.
water power, or even directly age girl objects to being called like factory. The root all But when you ask me who from the atmosphere itselt it!
flapper, Tae Exstern OsteoCall and see us before purchasing It just looks on the war, am reminded of a will nevertheless be the solar pathic Society is holding out wrong big and American remark of Irviu Cobb. our radiance that we uge. One and pries of 1, 000 for the girl with What strikes me most about popular humourous writer. the same power drives the elsewhere.
the most perfect spine. Asa Englishmen day is that they Who do you think will win clouds through the sky, the result of this have exa nined practically the only people the war?
asked a woman o him world through space, the street hundreds of girls. The flapper know who still have any real in 1917.
cars along the tracks, the pen makes the nearest approach to liberty left, in spite of all the My dear friend. she replied, across the page, and notes the perfect because of her dress goose stepping you have gone may ask you who won the through the sun beam.
and her poziure, But when Advertise in THE WORKMAN. It Pays.
through walked down the San Francisco earthquake. To be Continued. Continued on Page 7) E O K and received Quality Price asks for M N Cigarettes R day England.
for. Why. The LYNTON Tapper Lace a week a bhatever it in colour.


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