
THE WORKMAN, BATURDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1922 PAGE SEVEN like em. AN son yeart observed They satisfy VIGOR TONIO Chesterfield and they sports, Shoes. Shirts. Hats Tercentenary of the THE THREE S. 93 British West Indies In view of the demand. in many of the West Indian Colonies for a measure of Representative GovernThe West India Committee Cir ment, and Mr. Wood recommendations thereon in his cular states that the Hon. Tre. recent Report, it will be of interest to set forth particulars surer of the West Indian Clabs of the three Colonies, often grouped together in this conpreslding at a dinner rien de pection as the three s, whose constitutions, dating honour of ar. Burdon, St. Kitts Nevis, on July 14th, possess representatives institutions. the Administrator of from the first half of the seventeenth century, already reminded the company of fact that next yeni viimane poster of Colons No. of Mooted Not Be Lite of mark Donati Population the three hundredth anniversary Members Parliament Chesterfields are the of the settlement of St. Kitts 1620 Bermuda 22, 000 30 (put) 1413 years and consequently the Tercen: 1625 Barbados 156. 000 24 (unpaid) 308 year fastest growing cigarette tenary of the British West 1647 Babamus 58, 000 20 (apad) 14, 283 in the United States. It Indies. We warmly endorse In each Colony the Governor and Upper House are their quality that makes the hope which he them so popular Andfestival will be widely appointed by the Crown, the Lower House is entirely obene ved through the length in elective and passesses full financial control.
Rodado of the West Indies.
Not for many years will be possible for any Brlush Domina ion to celebrate tercentenary: The best Tonic in the World but we can well Imagine rejoleings there will be when the far distant day arrives when it is able to do so. British West Indians may well experi This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend enoe a feeling of pride on being able to celebrate the three ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, dredth anniversary of English Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up settlement in in their colonies, a run down constitution.
CIGARETTES though they are scattered and far nung archipelagoes is not yet It promotes digestion, improves the appeof finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
nevertheless show by eclebra tions, collective and individual DOSE: One small Wine glass botore each moai or that are united at least by times a day.
bonds of sentiment and sympe thy Major Burdon, respond ing to the toast of his health, JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
foresbadowed special Issue of postage stamps in the mother LICGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
colony of the West Indies and also the possibility of dedicat rest of the British West Indies, WILKINSON ing Public Park to the use of the form that the celebrations the people to mark next year might take which naturally anniversary 2143 regards the suggest themselves are a public Contractor holiday, religious observances, and the striking of and Builder Interesting West Indian News.
special commemoration medel We commend these suggostions 15th STREET, WEST to the notice of the respective (Continued from page 2)
House No. 90 per annum, and creating a new Box 411, Panama, P.
post at the rate of 500 to 750 Workman Editorial Com pourd sterling without private mented On.
Plans and Specifications Frea practice. The holder of the new ottice will draw 600 pounds sterl.
it per annum as from the 1st To The Editor Of The Workman, First Class Workmanship August last.
Sir: With reference to your Guaranteed.
editorial of the 16th Instant wish to make a few remarks Inter colonial Cricket and therefore beg for space in The Three Most Prominent LEHELRY BARGANS the columns of the Workman The Intercolonial Cricket to do so Tournament Sweepstake, pro.
The editorial in question is one moted by Mr. Bate on, Items In Man Dress of a few that appear in the closed on Saturday 16th instant Workman which certainly at No. Charlotto Streetand approve and venture to say will be drown at the Hotel tbat editorials of the kind do Miranda on Monday 18th instant mach for our people. especially at p, in these parts, for they belp us to see ourselves, as we THE FATAL from time to time, botpisayar ing the fact that many of us SEVEN bave to keep close to our dicWe are hoping that some octionaries for help to unravel some casion will bring you to our Loft Beri In On Mission To of the phrases contained in them, store shortly. And when you which are sometimes knotty or do como be assured that it will. Kill French Promler CAN BE HAD ALWAYS IN OUR STORES out of reach of the amount of the be a pleasure for us to servo Intelligence we bave in reserve.
THEN ON 10 LONDON Statistics sbow that there are you, and that our pleasure in of West Indians (men serving you will make your visit and children)
on the Istb to our store even more enjoy.
If Successful In Parls Were To without either ligitimate able for yourselt.
Murder Lloyd George Also, means for their support or signa of special cable despatch to the possible FULLER improvement. These Mail and Empire dated Paris, unemployed are for the most part dependent upon those JEWELLER July 29, atates that the leven employed and this syetem auto 122 CENTRAL AVENUE uten members of the Secret Organi.
mation Consul, the German Panama matically adds one to the chain of Colon unfortunates whenever an emMonarchist group suspected of ployee is dischargedj abhe si tra The Flapper.
the supposed plot to murder be pitiable if rePremier Polncare llet is not for thooming in the some days ago to execute to near future. Continued From Page 6)
sentence, according to unofficial Information current today.
Wbile as a matter of fact we ask one of them it she Is a flapProvided with forged passports are people in the make up, wa per, she invariably answers, the story goes, the assassins are, however, paying too much No.
for the small amount of conoroesed the frontier undetected.
Dancing Good Exercise material structive WO are AI present the French Police She admits that her friends It Is true that use of.
seems to have lost all trace of them.
we were accustomed to a certain are flappers, but she says that amount of pleasure and gaity in she is not one, because she has It is also declared that should the band Socceed in killing our West Indian home where more sense.
we possessed small holdings It is not true that a perfectly but Poincaré, they planned to go to are making irremediable proportioned body means per London to assassinate Premier mistakes in follow the fect health. Nor is the reverse Lloyd George also officialdom of the picture true, for many same course of action in however, continues to maintain DONE WITH NEATNESS AND foreign land utter silence on the matter. It society dictates differently. We of them are beautiful, where modern girls who are too thin or too fat bave perfect health, and many is, however, reported that the information regarding the flot must uuderstand, Their while the came from the Belgian Govern.
DESPATCH necessary food, clothing, and healthy rosy cheeks, their bright ment. This the Belgian deny, physical exercise must above all eyes and grace in walking and saying they know nothing of the be sought, it is also essential posture form the reasons for their beauty, affair.
we place a reasonable limit on each of them.
Anti Poincaré papers treat the matter lightly, Bon Soir even WC KING Lord Haig Pleads Tho Balbos Capal Zone going so far as to say: Panama City, Cause of Disabled Men. Any person finding this conspiracy lost no doubt through London, September 16. Lord the negligence of a functionary.
is requested to bring same to us FOR SALE Haig speaking at Manchester yesterday, pleaded the cause He will be suitably rewarded.
of 120. 000 disabled British Consulate Nottce Good Assortment One Stuvessant Piano men, who are still unemployed In Condition be distributed among employers; and suggested that they should The British Consul at Colon No reasonable offer turned could eard, and the Government who would pay them what they would be glad of information as TO SELECT FROM AT THE to the present whereabouts of down.
sbou sbould make up the deficieccy Chesterfield Yearwood, a dative For particulars apply at wages. do insist these of Barbados, who emigrated poor follows being looked after WORKMAN PRINTERY to Panama in 1908, and whose tor the rest of their days and last address was Balboa Post Central Ave Street given jobs they can do, declared Panama City Lord Haig. Large and Choice Assortment women bundreds mus American Bazaar Stores left Germany 10 making JOB PRINTING of every description we coure trying to that Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards WORKMAN PRINTERY Office:


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