p. 8


KOLYNOS The Harp of God ALONE HAS THE TOTES CAPTIVE CAP trae fter could only add 32 FINCH ONT KOV D eros to the risk of ontching solds, ensahe or intense, elther through connational weals ness through infection irom other sufer rorlody KOLYNOS NOSTROLINE regularly night and morning, bo CNG it is sffectul prevenire in such Ines Iisaly applied, and plesni to se Perfectly safe for persons of ilge. Pri and Curea. Sold by Chemista everywhere, price 12, or 15 sport, direct from Jarold Matthews Co. Clifton, Bristol. NOSTROLINE DENTAL CREAM CRICKET FREE BIBLE LEGTURE, FREE Standard and Clovelly Game Ends In Draw ERRORS 7) OF RUSSELLISM EXAMINED.
At Standard Oval, last Sunday Opens the cup match between Standard sed Clovelly ended in a draw This alter Standard bad batted and declared her inning closed at Way lis for the loss of plne wickets.
115 but as the wicket was a The toss was won by litt damp. the skipper sent Standard to bat with the result that the first wicket fell at 13 and the second at 83, thanks to the bat ting of Haynes who made 49 and Phillips who made 30. After these two men left the wickets the bars and form with the results that other wickets could runs After the usual recess Clovelly Went to the wickets, and from the beginning it was seen they were trying to effect a draw.
At the call of time they had scored 39 runs for the loss of F. BOYCE Wickets. Forbes 13 and Nash 12 Elder of Panama Class.
were the only two men to reach Associated Bible Students, who double figures, proposes to clear up the mis.
TAVE representations recently dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled made by a few local BACHELOR MARRIED preachers, away in the sleeping car or hid under the washMEN RETURN MATCH.
stand at home. Prove all things. Hold Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capfast that which is good The return match between tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure No one who is interested in, the above named teams will be and who likes to get at facts played tomorrow on the Standuntil you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the should miss this lecture.
ard Oval. In the Arst match tube.
Bachelors placed a very formid Chorrillo Lodge Ha. able team in the field, seven of We now furnish you with a package of the same Sunday, Oct. 1, at 30 the devils being representatives high standard as its contents.
of the Sportsman League in the ALL WELCOME 81. Clair Sportsman Test match THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
played recently. The married SEATS FREE. NO COLLECTION men were unable to get together their best but succeeded in draw.
EVERYBODY ing the game.
Tomorrow married men will put a term in the field which ibovgb not appearing SHOULD USE formidable on paper will certainly be more formidable on the turt, The line up of the teams follow.
Bachelors Eleven; Elcock. Capt) John, Challenor, Rawle Holder, sidney Archer, Knight, Zach. Blackman, Joe. Barnett. McIntosh, Blackman, Gabriel Phillips.
BRODERICK LLOYD Manufacturers Representative Marrried Men Eleven: Inniss. Capt) Thomas BRITISH DRUG STORE Smith, Maxwell, McIntosh COLON, De Souza, Sargeant, Miller, Sam Blackman, Nat Harding, Bert Savory and WANTED Lindo.
Reliable Salesman MR. SHOULD LIKE TO FOR. HANDLING TOILET GO TO BOCAS Misleading seeing and opportunities of PREPARATIONS observing But Afrald of The Crows and sanitary and other conditions in Ho ro co Tonics (Continued from page 1)
Mosquitos etc.
and for which my bas been drawn from the remarks colleagues and myself are so etc. etc. should like to visit your u ade (re the Britsh Legation by for our position, and the For paticulars apply to and the West Ii dian tuation in firmness and fairness of British ALEX. SANCHEZ town. It has such a beautiful Panama) at Colon or anywhere Justice.
H33 21 St. Gnschapal barbour, and so many ideal swim Valuable elee. What to the audience at My aim was, in the first inming places, but when one that Colon roeting in the or mail to Box 879 thinks of of the Streets, Mosquitos.
cen: stance, to discourage the attinection is, tha having tude of making statements with Ancon, nasty crows etc. its a wonder to.
some before meeting state ku me how people live in such sur: The Chargé Afaires to Canal Zone Notes roundings until now. Why can effect that the interests of West them of the Coupon The upon; and so orla. remind something be done for the wide know Indians were (Continued From Page 5)
splendid town, it is such a pity to not properly safer ledge of the love of British guarded by the British Legation bave it neglected in that manner.
play in Panama, we took Mr. Grabaz porxuand justice which afford op portunity of a hearing to every Mr. London Goes to But we are going to have into our confidence and told him British Subject however humble it fixed soon.
what we had been informed, and his lot, and in whatever elime he The friends and fraternal BroG. Are you? That what that he (Mr. Graham) explained everything to our Deputy Pardo told me vears ago.
may be located.
satisfacton, thers of Mr. London, Secretary of expected to hear you say.
and we would insist upon the trust you will not allow this the St. Bernard Lodge No. 15 Why its fine now. quite improv.
West Indians the necessity of unfortunate incident to mar the IU. hereby tender their since your last visit.
having well substantiated cases desire and hope you will bare of on this bis departare to very pleasant memory which we sincerest warm feeling of regret Yes, its too bad, we are, in the free from exaggeration when our visit to the Isthmus and to United States to morrow. Mr.
fact, worse off than when you Were last there. The streets have they approrch the British Lega. your Legation.
London was an employee at the IN EACH tion in Panama, or gone back, and there is no light, the British Locks and was very popular and You may make any use you genial Consulate in Colon; that British wish of this except that shed abroad by the to all. He was a useful this communication.
you on behalf of my member of Society and all join in moon, and occasionally, the Car bide lights resume their mis class nor colour, kino we leather fellow Jamaicans for your sum sig biga oli wishing him future success and authenticated cases of grievance towards them in general, and pathy for, and kindly attitnde told you that Acetelyne or hardship, respecting West for your liberality of views and Isthmus are atSong Service Hour Changed was not for Bocas. it needs Electricity. Have your town tended to and should the British treatment to the West Indian the British Committee of the Isthmus of The Song Service to morrow up to date, and see how it will Legation representations are made to it to best wishes for your success in the well known and popular tailor into, Well, was speakiug to the suffering of the poorest West the service of úis Majesty, and at the clubhouse. The service wilt Deputy Herrera, and he said that Young Mother. Dental Notice Indian who is British Subject for promotion in the Diplomatic commence at 30 m. All are on the Isthmus; then ben Service.
requested to be out punctually at thing for the good old town.
entious would be made have the honour to be, the hour as requested by the You need action now, fold (Continued from page 1)
to His Majesty Home Minister Sir, Secretary: very interesting You have been having too conclusion that her death was Having received a large conto whom the Legation is answerFaithfully yours, program is being prepared. suffocation, be, to His (Sgd. YOUNG, at the same time keep anay You are loosing time, and mone conession. There was a definite the United States during the Majesty Throne.
Jamaica, Mr. Phillips Issues Challenge That is quite a different thing ple out, who would spend some marking on the left side of the week, at a greatly reduced price. desire my patients and the to what am represented by the Mr. Phillips hereby extends cash in your town every year; jsw. extending from the cheekThe Salvation Army challenge to the winner of the but how can you expect them to bone to the jaw, perhaps caused public to know that my fees for Independent. as having said; 18 Perseverance Surprise cricket to down there in the present ish Legation, and by the mouth being held. Death dental service will also be reduced certainly not scoring the Brit. condition? must be off to watch which will come off to mor 7;15 Memorial Service of one will more readily endorse the late Commissioner John Phillips can be found at Gatun am sure ho row on the Sussex Oval. Mr.
the boat, hope when get back was not due to drowning in this while these supplies last.
Dr. JOHNSON to the tropics, your town will be case.
this position than you, embued Lowley, who was an officer for K. and shall take the trip Mr. Wallace, for the persecuDistrict Dentist as know you are (from the over 41 years, and who travelled Locks any day at pm, during short interview we were permit with the late General Booth for the coming week and from to there, and advertise it all can, tion, asked for a formal remand Ta ta, old Chap.
ted to have with saying that it was desirable to La Boca, 0, courteousness of your demean ters Brigade will sing Promot you; from the over twenty years, The Songs pm. next week. Yes, it is all very true. we have a proper medical report 179 Central Avenue while we remained in ed to Glory and Soldiers well have been always getting regarding this most unfortu Smoke 111 (One Eleven. your genial company; and from done permission for the dear old town, nate woman. but the Bench Opposite R Station the splendid arrangements you George Morris Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents action is what we want.
sent her for trial, Panama, made for facilitating our sightOommandant Incomparable MAGNUMS Panama, CASH btard fair IMAGNUS ed CIGAR Extra Thanking TES ild sion.
PACKAGE Justice, which knows neither 15 GOLD for 20 CIGARETTES en het ons alle prosper.


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