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PRICE Cts. Cy.
JAMAICAN SHOT DEAD BY HIGHWAY ROBBER AT BOCAS LITTLE GIRL S, MARCUS HINDS AND HIS AGGOMPLICE JOSEPH HALL of antil in ten cattle trick was scores to Jet No one profes: ther, and Tabank in Cuba ama in el Ii war to the esperese (waita and for it at out it by go among would was and buried a farmer and at tbe car.
win Hinds TIT LOOKS LIKE WAR LEFT FOOT Great Britain Standing Partially Severed While Alono In Dark Honr Bathing In The Sea Of Troublo.
At Bocas, Companion Told To Wait Little, Have Been Convicted And SenLatest Information on the On Tuesday 19th ulto a party But Goes Down On All Fours Near East question states that consisting of the following tenced To Three Years And Beats It.
the Mudania Conference was adicar rs. Benjamin, Mrs.
Penal Servitude.
been suspended on account of all Neil de Pardo, Mrs.
the unreasonable claims reproe Rita Ft age all and sister, Peck and children, Misses On Thursday, Sept. 21st, a. The case was heard on the date sentatives in demanding the Maria Quintina Gutierren. Ainds and Joseph Hall in the was all a myth. There is posed by the Kemalist, repre Surgeon Letie Ela Snyder, and The conviction of Marcusfinding that the hidden treasure 10:30 pm. Charles Williams, of mentioned above, and S Constantinople shall be turned Olivia Farm, Costa Rica, was in decided by the Judge that over to the Turks This latest daughter of our good friend Homu Circuit Court on Wednes.
Not Parish company with Alexander Lam: valuators would visit Olivia the demand has placed France and Mr. Simon Lopez. went over day afternoon on an indictment from Suretka to their home. a pose of settling differences be. Lion in proposing a stelemaal als miles bert. Moodie) travelling on foot Saturday following for the pur Italy in a very oun barasslag posi to the Blu. a distance of about charging them with the larceny in the island in which Hinds and distance about 18 miles. But tween the two men. Myers. with Great Britain, who la dose for th. From this town by of 400 by means of a trick has bis gang did not operata. The of having when just half the journey, they a Colombian botter krown as termined that Turkey mast nos de bath and operal outing basbed ap lang that has operation began when Hiods couple of were suddenly attacked by is a Cau sa declared that he close untortunately the man on the southern end of the present at the trial of the case, Europe.
left foot figures in the possession of the sensational career in Caba, and years.
From years ago. He bad bad quite a tunnel, that it was stated the bullets the court for Williams, and that for this vital problem. were having been cut by something the accused amount close upon cans had been duped by Blinda of Unless a solution can be found or Lopezs daughter Rotolice it is estimated that the the police have evidence to show severed swindles which were effected by that a large number of Jamaifrom a No. 16 calibre rifle wall before dollars for allowine attle ed the concrete to imminent, and the entire British taseen but is to Empire must steel itselt for the is supposed to be a 6, 000. It is believed that the in whom they reposed Hall passing through the right breast field. Myers her Anh known as the baracuta. amount 18 even greater than this His confidence of the murdered man. Death Porthostated that he tried to borrible sacrifice which wust The accident is reasonable figure, but some of the victims he fooled quite simple, of labourers who 10 Woodie, was not quits out the journey that night, but he would christianity can keep out of its ladica returned home sorrowful how thuy were duped.
lecide brought dampness on of the accused feel somewbat retwia take hold of drafts which this island. He the day outing and all the ashamed to come forward to tell tar el robert heikhe the hunters and in his usual manner was or al victorious Moslem Power. de Foughout their journey and elderly copereeds mom thesimple and be tunnel when heard. narobe slope else they be destroyed The The convicted men to enclose from his hand and the light quite happy that afternoon Moodie and Williams rode by addressed comes, thea Turkey mastammediately on went out. The highway tobbel of train to Suretka 80 as to devitalise the spirit of Alfred Vas O, was grorganised the gang wal.
Detective Inspector The to him in Spanish oda ba struck an astounding blow Bocus the service of Dr. winds showede moet wel het: dupes were warned not to open that afternoon how a little. Moodie orsuccess and ambition in India Wont down on his all fours and Thøy drank together and was so and Africa.
the letters; when they came eared the unfortunate darted through the dark tunnel until the hour they departed for ladyto bad the and escaped by running back home, so said Myers. Ball was The Empire is standing alone the hospital of this town and te of the islands who were always envelope merely contained whence he came. He reported left at Sureika that night. And in her darkest hour of tria. but has since been reported in that on the lookout for simple rustica piece of paper, in some cases the brutal murder at Bratsi atsi although no one seem to be we ask for the moral courago she is improving and that am with money to be fleeced. These letter informing the Inspector Station at 11 o clock that night, suspect of this dasiard crime, and support of all true Britshers puration may not be necessary. Associates would give Hinds and that the bearer of the note was but it was not possible to get it can be seen that a plot is at and with our shoulder to the We hope that the case will not his gang in Kingston full par wanted in Cuba for some serious ticalars about the likely victims was a fake.
offance. Of course the whole the Inspector wire that latel We hope that the perpetrator otderers will not be able to arold lady may speedily recover.
and when they Station over the from Caba all about these unfortunate Hinds returned distant a most crushing and completo bour. The matter was held over this bloody crime at no until the next day, and thu place date will be brought to justice. victory, NOTICE people, they would send a tele. with hundreds of dollars, and he of the tragedy was visited gram to finds and the rest of was first identified with a game Mr. Charles Williams was a Before the rising of the enn of the Costa Rican Government. Troe deceased was notice of Perpetual or landsca besplunged into the rear along way to covena Pendientes con estaciones en theaning the likely victima people with St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, today the British Enpire Correspondents are requested the gang to the effect: Come at known as Poka Catheto, is cow. the associates would found without his watch and Olivia where his wife and Her cause is just, and righteous. not later than Thursday evenings Thereupon Binds and the prin impress them that Hinds was money and chain, and all the cash was ness must prevail.
to ensure publication, cipal members of the gang also a man with money, but that The corpse was taken home to mother in law reside.
Olivia to his wife would leave Kingston by motor he way foolish that they (the one time was wowo employed at U, Co there that afternoon.
Associates) would cause them to at Chase Farm. Marbutchery WARNING GIVEN TO WEST Attended Court At Suretka.
The story of some hidden known people in money. Several well ried about two years ago to the island The mission of the deceased Miss Irene Hutchison.
was to answer a summons sent daughter of Mr. Hutch DIANS ON CO FARMS treasures would be told by them were lured into the game, but to the simple minded people who, in the end, would be soon found that they had him by the Judge of that place tailor of Almirante Bay, resiAT COEN AND TABERI BY NICARAGUAN LABOURERS ed of hundreds of pounds, hav Sharpers. The game had its been entrapped by a number of in connection with a charge laid dent in this country for 18 years, ing been deluded with the hope run in various parts of the against him by one Hall of Olivia and died at the age of 45 years.
who claimed that Williams cattle His earthly career is closed and Determined To Slay 100 Men As An Act of Satisfaction. that they would get thousands Island and findes and his of dollars in gold. They had not destroyed his (Hall) plantation. he is gone to rest.
long to wait, however, before (Continued on Page 8) notice we understand, has the Nicaraguans are preparing soon riot and IMPORTANT MEASURE BEFORE Farms in the regions of tbe Tal the next Pay day, that will COURT JOHN WALLACE CELENATIONAL ASSEMBLY.
amanca Valley, warning West positively result in the slaying Indian Labourers that in retalia of one hundred West Indians, as BRATES 17th ANNIVERSARY tion for the killing of one Nicara This is a timely warning and a a means of satisfaction to them.
During the present week one serious complications guan labourer on the Company general outbreak is bound to The 17th Anniversary of Court thank Almighty God for His of the most transcendent and have been brought about farm last Pay day at Coen, they follow. Central American Express) John Wallace No 9111 AO F, providential care over us for the important project of law was between both republican govern took place on Monday night Oct year that has passed; praise be to laid on the table of the National ments.
2nd 1922 at their Courtroom God that we had no deaths but a Assembly for first reading The There has been growing: BIG. ATHLETIC AND CYCLE Coming Cantata Chinese Forester Hall 24th St. Guachapa lot of sickness and distress as Law, favorable sentiments towards Inmigration Hitherto, Chinese, Turks, Syrians the Chinese, on account of their li also the Passing ceremony of all are aware of: and you an Arrangements are now and North Africans, had very industry, thrift and law abiding MEET.
com the CR Rev, Bro. Nighten able glad to report veral die winds abis great difficuit in entering this conduct, and public opinion plete for the rendering of the gale. The Courtroom was taste to meet the several demands.
dramatic entitled seem to be inclined to express rolled Joseph Bondage fully decorated for the occasion years has siace our Deputy Carrion introduced the that the Cainese stated that amoobs. or be given the same should be For Nov. 30th, Thanksgiv Excelsior Theatre on Saturday Jupiter we had a fair turn out of dhe despite the discourtesy of Pluvias organization is a Court and under less humiliating We during that period Bill and have Ing Day.
Instant. Over the officers and members as well initiated over 300 members of the probibited immigrants, 50 performers the bers will take part in as visiting brethren from the that number we have only had this wonderful production and Chinese the 25 country in larger to this in accorded to the other nationalities. The Bill any At a meeting of the Unique Is expected that it will outshine ceremony was as usual performed Owing to the fluctuation of labour the other now being discussed was pres cycle Association held on Tues anything ever before attempted in the ancient custom of the and the depressed state of things nationalities mentioned in the ented by Hon. Deputy Carrion, day night it was decided to re in that line. Those who remem Grand Old Order; by Bro. Jonas on Isthmus; identification, the continuous correct the irregularities of the Athletic and Sport fans alike for The Coming of Ruth will know with the Staff of the Conclave other lands, in search of employ.
Being very difficult of and in its effect isa rintanded to spond to the clamouring to both ben the successes achieved by Wilson SP. associated our members have migrated to coming of the Chinese has been existing laws.
another Athletic meet and pro what to expect, and as the Officers of the Court. After ment whilst some has left a difficult problem to the Foreign In reply to some of the argu mote a Athletic and theatre can afford ample accomo office here, and it is a fact, that ments brought forward during Cycle Sport for Thanksgiving dation there will be no fear of the Bro. was invested their native Island homes, others Collarette and sash bear cease to contribute to our funds a large number of unpleasant the debate, as to the prohibition Day, November 30th. The mat over crowding. Look out for the ing the insigaia of his office by leaving us at the present time circumstances baye arisen in try or free, admittance of Chinese ter bas been placed in the hands Big Night October, 28th, Bros J, Wilson and Alex with a number of 65 members.
ing to find a solution for the into this Republic, Secretary of the committee who will Sanches; a R. A; a certificate Our funds stands at this present illicit smuggling of Chinese into Garay, read extracts from expend every effort to ma this make Now and Startling beautifully engrossed by the time 1500 this country, currency e vecal communications between moet eclipse all previous ones.
Secretary was also presented to in The International Preparation odged The Chinese representative the Chinese Republican Govern The athletes from Jamaica are him after which he was presented Corporation 100 in Panamanian bere has been very insistent Republic He further, about the unequal treament this and the Foreign Office of expected here in February and it our Athletes are to make good Elaewhere in this of Board ES1000 in the worste Liberty Ad.
Loan KAL MOL the Court as a legal meted out to his country men, that the Chinese government against them we must prepare GEHE which it is stated works At the conclusion of the cere (which is free from debts) is Government and our property and in some instances it was re has not proposed the free from now. The list of events like magic in suring headache, mony the anniversary function garded intolerable, and a direct Cy.
homiliation; the conditions un allowed to enter and that this dash, 220 yds. 440 yds, 880 yds ous other ailments amenable to as chairman by Bro. 000 immigrants should be for this meet includes; 100 yds. toothache. Nueralgia, Rhen ma was taken uy and Bror: the key 6500 tism, Cold, Inluenza and numerA. Nightengale was introduced must be given to our most der which they were requested number be maintained at all Mile, mile wall, miles the human system. It is claim wilson.
Jonas energetic and hard working to report themselves.
Ames by allowing an equal num. Modided Marathon, Broad Jump. ed that this wondertul prepara tion the chairman made a very the Court despite the economic In the early part of this year, Od taking the posi Trustees for the manner in which they have managed the affairs of ber to enter for those who may for dat events and mile tion has taken the market by appropriate tiens browsen die or leave during the working serateb, mile handicap. mite gorm, and the name Kal Mal occasion and carica about lü the to the upon depression of the present time, the local Government and the of this law, Chinese Community, and if it handicap, mile handicap, mile Gehe is becoming a byo word Secretary Bro. Alex Sanchez to Brethren when reviewing the It was proposed by Hon, handicap, mile novice, lap in every household. Get a read the annual report of the we are led to exclaim with the were not for the supreme tact Deputy Martinez, representing Boys race, wile heavy service sample bottle free from any operations ot the Court during Psalmist, God is in the midst of and wisdom of Minister Garay, the Provinca of Colon, that in bandicap, mile scratchmen drug, store and watch for the past year wbich follows:Secretary of Foreign Relations. Continued On Pays 8) excluded for the cycle events, results, Brethren, again we have to (Continued On Page 8)
they would cantata Republic at evening the came of for monster.
stated to an Bond of of United Much praise terrible streetations between Speech


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