
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN BATUKDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1922 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands Over 10 BILLION October Loth, 102 au 73 oda, alebo modelo ended with the the rito.
ren the came to o 28 MILLION of can do.
from bsd his term of office as Govern ISLE OP SPRING LODGE JAMAICA Today we stand in a much more or of the Windward Islands Exvourable position of obtaining extended for one year, Sir capital than at any time in our George assumed office No, 8256 history. Let us therefore welCase of Drowning Governor in December, 1917 come all accredited capitalists an extension of two years was given to him in the The meeting nights of this and make liberal concessions for spring lodge are the 1st and Bed the opening up of resources, DEATR OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL of 1921. It will be recalled that tin Mondays and the 3rd Thursday Think what a blessing the opeo COLLIER his recent report Mr. Wood state of each month, in the Loyal Pro ing up of our county would be ed that if anything was to be gress Hall Parame. The next to the hundreds of our intelli Manchionoal, September 22. done in the matter of a closer meeting takes place on Monday gent mechanics and artificers of LUCKY STRIKES took place here yesterday at Windward Islands, it should be abarp.
various factories susil about six o clock in the after done at once, the Governor noon in which an old captain was due to retire at the end of All officers and members are are smoked every year requested to be on time.
Damed Sam Collier who had the present year.
spent nearly his here will mean to WM. MAYNARD, trade of the colony.
general death. The unforto throughout the world his mate man of about sixty years RESIGNS POST Industrial Per. Secretary progress therefore depende old, while at of at remoying one of the upon the early introduction Atlantic Fruit Co tug boats By the same paper it is stated outside capital to enable us to from the river to the whart that the Hon. Aucher War otherwise gloomy outlook is the place our mineral and agricul.
for shipping of bananas seemed her KO. has resigned his successful prospection of our taral wealth in the markets of EVERY DAY to have lost his balance, and he position as Attorney General of diamond fields in the Kurupung the world. In the same way fell into the water. No one was Trioldad and Tobago. Should be district which one writer informs that capital as represented by That shows what good tabacco near at the time The empty and Mr. Warner decide to make me will bring five million dollars the East Indian Company laid brat was seen drifting along their home in the India Com with the stream, This was England gain will be country of overseas capital to this the foundatiority and advance s colony, mercial noticed by the watchman of the loss, for as a sports man as well. carlous fact in the past ment so likewise, the late Hon.
United Fruit Co whart, and ass in bis capacity of lawyer, Mr. hu of the industrial life of Cecil Rhodes with the Chartered man was sent off to see what had Auchie Warner is deservedly this colony that, when agricul Company prosperity to happened. On reaching the spot popular in Iere. It will be recall ture shows signs of collapse, hor our South African colonies. In the occupant was missing. ed that he was skipper of the path comes to the rescue and organization the Canadian in the shape of Mineral the same way that wonderful 368rch was made and the body of first West Indian cricket team to and the missing man was found in a visit England.
in some measures restore the Rallway Company by TRY ONE TO DAY standing position in about seven Industrial balance; let us hope laying thelr railways from the feet of water, quite dead.
that she will succeed in doing so Atlantic to the Pacific a distance a post mortem was performed DEMERARA again. British Guiana stands in of nearly 4, 000 miles have made by Dr Edwards, assisted need of Capital and Labour and our sister colony Canada the charac. ee of the Gawadia is hy Mr. Gray, dispenser of both these must come from out granary of the Western World, the industrial and commercial that he is as cold as ice in the this town SAYS DEMERARA NOW sido; falling this they can be no So aiso must we look to ou ta ide lite of this colong, matter of paying subscription, expansion of Industrial progress. capital for the future welfare of however small, to anythtog; and more curions still is the fact WANTS BAN ON PRIZE FACED WITH SERIOUS BARBADOS that those who are loudest in FIGHTS IN WARD their praise of the Institution CRISIS.
concerned are the slackest in THEATRE Daily Train Service contributing their small sbare The Gleaner is in a posi Views Expressed By CorreThe Manager of the Railway, We have over 400 tied up tion to announce to further popularise this insti in arreasrs of subscriptions that at the meeting of the City Council spondent in a Leading tution, has started a daily ser which it is very had to get. althis afternoon Mr. Launcelot Journal of Colony.
FOR UNITED FRUIT COMPANY FARMS vice of trains to and from though most of the delicqounts Sherwood will move the Bridgetown, which came into are fully able to pay or begin suspension of the Standing or Monday last th28 are FEARS ABOUT ders to propose a resolution that SUGAR.
tbas paying. We have obligations to Àt Bocas del Toro and rsons whose business persons In future no more prizə fights be frequent attendance in meet but our money is in the in pockets of certaia subscribers.
to avail themselves of a In a few cases, this verges on beld in the Ward Theatre Extinctien of Main Industry Mr. Sherwood holds that the Looms Monacingly Before Costa Rica holiday at Bathsheba, which dishonesty, for when faithful Ward Theatre was never intend they could not do when travel public institutions earn money, People.
ed as a place of exhibitions of the ing facilities were uncertain. which money subscribers put to dstic art but was donated by the APPLY EARLY The fares are also again at popa. other uses, to the detriment of late Colonel Ward for the promo Demerara, August 24 The lar prices.
public well being, it is not tion of drama, Opera and perfor Argosy today publishes tbe illustrate the technically, but practically and The changes adage that where, there a actually a clear case of misapMhances of an an elevating nature, following: Only Farm Hands Required, Others will there a way.
In his opinion the Ward Theatre Through our correspondent a intended propriation.
high heels andere shat lighted the following.
well known planter contributes Need Not Apply We heartily sympathize with igbt.
cigars and cigarettes have been In my opinion, we are on the An Adventurous Fishing our cotem, as we are suffering that from similar malady, but thrown about building jºoOne For further particulars apply to Bost.
fortunately not to the tune of by the Council. Lastly, it not fully realized today will be WYNTER such a large amount. Ed. While the crew, two in numhe will refer to the behaviour brought vividly Workman Printery us when which takes place at these prize the returns from the Board of ber, of the fishlog boat Blackburn fights and will advance general Agriculture come before us early the property of Mr. Theodore Child Meets Death on reasons why those bouts should next year, together with the Seales, shipwright of Bay Ballast Ground Road take place somewhere elso. Comptroller of Customs returns Gleaner.
last the boat was struck by of exports orts of colonial products.
The threatening the trens romthed Sad Lucia where while the Gevernment Motor At 45 yesterday afternoon reached main industry of the the colony, viz Buggy Accident the Harbour Master took charge Roller. driven by a young man extinction of of the try now looms menacingly of her and her crew awit ng an Jerome Angon, was at works on early Alligator Pond, Septem: Essequebo estatas means that before us; the cropping of the home. The two men were about years was caught by ber 17. On arriving here a few save for Hampton Court on the repatriated few days later and fly wheel while the roller was days ago heard that Mrs.
schooner Dura which reversing. and was thrown to David Roye, lady residing at coast and Marionville on Waken. Why throw away your old, but no arrived here from St. Lucia on the ground. He died instantly.
Bull Savannah in St. Elizabeth, ham something like 15 miles of Monday brought back the Black The body was taken to the three miles from here, who is a will revert to bush with excep coastland previously under cane doubt interesting, books when you burn on her deck.
Colonial Hospital soon after assistant teacher at the Ballard Valley school, also in St. Elias tions of small rice farms bere can have them neatly bound at The Govenor has received a beth at p. yesterday atter and there. Ia Demerara also we her services at the school was drawn from cultivation of their despatch from the Right Honour How Mr. Lio Cape Died.
able the Secretary of State for returning home with the colonies, dated 20th July. From The Port of Spain Gazette)
old year brother base lands being attached to Lee. more up to date estates.
THE WORKMAN notifying that the postage rates saw a buggy going in for Berbice ounce on direction, the letters and gotdrive.
On the Guapo Siparia road a posted in Gibraltar for other motor bus accident occurred on the holding its own, and even here in parts of the British Empire will Thursday buggy the coachman Tost control there is the possibility of one evening about six of the reins and in an attempt estate going out of cultivation be reduced with effect from 1st o clock resulting in the death of Sept to three hail pence, the a man named Lionel Cape and to regain them tumbled out during the next twelve months.
The horses took fright rata for each additional ounce Slight The Industrial outlook thereinjuries to a few other and as far ned loped away with the remaining the same as at pres persons.
Roye got frantic, jumR9. Mrs. is 88 sugar CENTRAL AVENUE that within the ent.
The bus, it has been learnt. was her neck and died Berbice will be the being driven by the owner, buggy and No. G Street few minutes later. Quite a sugar producing county of the Last week was one of marked Robert Charles, a Syrian from is cast over the district of Colony with output per activity in the bunkering coal Fyzabad, to Siparla with passenAlligator Pond, where Mr. and annum about the same, as business. the quantity supplied gers and on arriving at a certain Mrs. Roye are well known and obtains to day say, between 35 approximate 4, 000 tons, and the point going down a hill a lorry respected and 40 thousand tons.
names and discriptions of the owned by Mrs. Roye was young Turning to rice, the outlook vessels coaled are as follows: peared from the opposite direcThe Denis, the Sar ta tion. The lorry was more in the woman of about thirty years and is not encouraging; the closing was only married two years and down of the usual financial Rosalia, the Norwegian Steamer ceatre of the road and ascending She has left two channels through which this Sark and the Dunstan the hill it and suickly brought Standstill. The children and scores of other Industry has been was delivered by in relatives to mourn their loss.
serious reduction SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR Laurie Co. Ltd, from a cargo in passing it got one the The writer was surprised to acreage planted with this stuck in of 7, 000 tons brought to this firm its Infants, Invalids and the Aged see the namber of people at cereal especially in Berbice so by the the Brlush Steamer Tre mad on the sido of the road: barth. This activity Alligator Pond River coming for much so that we may be faced at the the drly er accelerated to water from Top Hill, Try all, with a serious shortage in our Every tin contains an Interesting leaflet of the present time marks very and the bus ran suddenly marvellous use of this great Food, Bull Savannah, Billard Valley, requirements for home consumpwelcome break in a period of an immortelle tree. The im and adjacent districts where tion leaving little or nothing for great depression in this line of impact threw the there has not been a drop of export.
business gers out and Cape who rain for months and no water.
The outlook for our forestal in Purely An English Preparation.
by the side of the dustries is not encouraging even driver was thrown against the GERNADA to the most optimistic. Balata tree, the driver falling on him.
TRINIDAD becomes each year more difficult MANUFACTURED BY Cape died on the spot and to obtalu while the recent BENGER FOOD, LTD GREAT WEAKNESS Charles suffered little or no in decline in price makes the MANCHESTER; ENGLAND jury at all. few of the pas TERM EXETNDED investment of capital in that sengers rebeived slight bruises, direction a very risky business: FOR SALE AT Our contemporary The West none serious enough to ne cestIndian deplores the failure of its laie their removal to hospital.
The West Indian Committee Circu Diamond and the Redeeming lar States that Sir George Feature.
The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN Subscribers to pay up in the The bus was completely smashfollowing termsed. Charles was arrested and Haddon Smith C, has The one bright feature in our great weakness in the (Continued on Page the In my ople of the most serious 290 verge. home to Strees danger The Book Binding!
Sugar Industry boy the Winty She sand ber only county is Initial the soon Book Binding Department fore next concerned ten years principal gloom is an Timothy Roodal apBENGER FOOD a ballago.
fed has of wheels inte pas senwas sitting


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