
AUT DOES THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1922 PAGE THRE International Banking Corporation and the ove tbe de materientation of the bidden force sido pany.
BO, HAVE YOU TRIED expression th T a series of photographs of nad thoughts control words and QUALITY nee that the sota invention British Sovereign InHIDDEN FORCE spects Majestic. Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 00 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 AND THOUGHT.
QUEEN INQUIRES) WHY ANY ONE TRAVELS FIRST CLASS Interesting Locturo To The League of Colloglans and Copyright 1922, by The New York Prospectivo Colleglans Herald.
of Why dos anyone want to Head Office: 60 WALL STRERT, New York Od by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK Or New York trav. first class? That was the By NOVILLE (President remark made by Queen Mary after she had inspected the great kitebens, bakehouses and (Continued from our last losewe)
seulleries of the White Star Depository of the PANAMA CANAL Liner Majestic at Cowes. With All movement of living bodien, the King the Duke of Connaught whether fine or grow are its manifest Prince George sbe passed tions. Iu movement in my vocal chardo two hours on the world largest OU anablue me to speak to you, ita vibration ships Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of in your ears and brain enables you to The Queen was most inlerestTHE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in bear and understand. It sings in the ed in the domestic arrangements bird thrcal, and it works through the and questioned the cooks stewENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM hands that built the cage. Every fuse ion of every organ, of ards and stewardessesWhile CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES of very musele, she was amazed at the sweep of of every nerve is a specialisation of this first class ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE public rooms she of the various etteots of CUBA PERU PORTO RICO took chief Interest in the second URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA through the human body, THOUGHT class and steerage quarters in the Soest and the most po eat, ad whose excellence inspired ber nincs thought com into manifestation ST as the salt of the operation of the King displayed an inti Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World mate knowledge of the technical dden fores through vehicles, which of shipbuilding when be me themelvoe built from various roten discussed the liner construcof vibration of the same force, we may tion in detail with Commodore come to the conolusion, that through our Hages and officers of the ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE brains this all prevaising energy thinke, comA life boat was lowered It must necessarily have our braine to in three minutes, and it was think with; but it has built those braide explained how the ship enINTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACUDUNES AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM through long agos al evolution. As soon tire passenger. We consider what capacity of 000 people could be cleared in preorive that while thought, just as the old materialistio Deychologists used to twenty fre minutes.
Miss Annie Elliott, a swimmy, is indeed. braio product; it is neverthelow true that there must bo ming instructor, won the con. Trade Between The gratulations of the Queen with intelligenco, of mental quality, inherent is the originating energy which dire her diving into the ship pool Dominion And King had a long talk with a The the arrangement of electrons, atoms and molecules so that the form the apoio beribboned galley man named Indies.
kind of matter necemary to the expre Curran, Prince George insisted ion of thought. In other words, the on riding the electrically driven NEW YORK NEWSPAPERS NOTICE solar force has a mental potenoy Whieb horse in the gymnasium and finde in the the creation, or evolu INTEREST DISPLAYED IN SUBevery one was so interested that Friends tion, of the particular material forme You will find she party overstayed its sche JECT IN CANADIAN CIRCLES, of.
dule by half an hour. Later in Now, we may discover, it we do not the day Princess Beatrice and BUSINESS OF BANK if already know, that some thoughts buva other notables from Cowes incontrolling and dirootive power over the spected the ship Exchange How Importing Firms On Both root of our mental state. Thwe dorai(Port of Spain Gazette)
our you want Sides Might Ald Developactions, and through them our environ mont of Trade.
ment more or less.
Thus we may The Wheat Bearing Expan120 MOVING PICTURE the hidden force directe iteoll ses of Canada Wo reproduce the following through the human bodies whose braine article which is printed in the at STARS. intruments for the production of Canada West India Magazine.
those directive most states All that In spite of all there is to disfor August:we mean by civil civilisation all science, all courage, one piece of news received here bears good tidings Canadian circles in the develop The interest shown in some a one religion, is the result of this procede.
klart, all philosophy: el for a great part of the world. ment of trade with the British a Why? because the process is not com The vast golden wheat bearing West Indies and British Guiana Reasonable plete, because it is one of is one of evolut on; beexpanses of Canada are this year has not escaped the notice of cause the great work for which bearing a a crop which in its New York newspapers, one of particular solar system was brought into bounty exceeds, all records, which makes special reference Price existence is faished, those things we ali There are 21, 471, 000 acres of to the action of the twenty five call he year bearing estimated 1849871, 000, 000 members of the Canadian Manuel Your chance to goodare results of the operation of the hidden foros It bushels of wheat. This exceeds facturers Association who spent South last two months in the preaches the sermons that win men to of 1915 by ten winter, familiarizing the famous salvation, and at the same moment bushels. Canada total yield of with markets and conditions in themselves has arrived series blasphemins of the most all grains this year is estimated the to be 900 000. 000 bushels. These bean Sea. The New York Times Colonies perverted sinner.
in the Carib It whispers on the FIVE CENTS lipe of lovers, and roars the bitter ourses we give figures are all the more remark in this connection qui tes from of fighting men. It teach wisdom sod able because great damage was the recent report of the Royal altruism, and mumbles the plots of done to a huge area by heavy Bank bail in the crucial of follows, to for thieves and marderers in the sodden of Canadian dives of the slums. It kille the crimi month of June. They are a fine show the progress with the American on the gallows, and gives to the fertility and can be no doubt that Canada There motilor FF TEEN CGARETTES FREE strength to bare ber babe. It beate recuperative quality of might buy direct from th in every living heart, and bestens the Canadian soil deas decay British West Indies more of their of every corpae, Uosen it products than she now does. But or word to the creep through the jungles, ready with The Unemployed Problem as members of the Canadian swift fone of of horrible death.
party polnted out during their THREE FOR ONE CENT wise.
wondering crowds it raines Lazarus, London Sept. 1922 It is ob New York market, with its grad.
when directed by the will of a Master trip, the proximity of the big who knows its law. All that moves is vious that unemployment is ing or blending or brokerage moved by it, going to remain a very serious facilities, All that is done is done makes some of our by it. Every thought. true or false, by it and expensive problem good or ill, is thought by it. By it Ragland during the winter buyers, especially the smaller every word is spoken.
This on months. State aid will be sute ones slow to estabiish fresh Hidden Force accomplishes all things.
cient to prevent any serious want, connections. In spite of that, we The multiplicity of objects in the unibut that will constitute a continuare gradually breaking away York and will con.
Zone 5c. CHENALLOY, Agent Republic 12. verse are but the various forms of ite drain upon expressica, so as our population It integrates everything, resources. The Government are tinue to do are and disintegrates as mammamapaamanaaaaaaaaaaamo let us fearlessly concludo as Collegians Therefore also helping to provide work by increases and our importers by enable to handle foreigo pro encouraging local authorities, to duet and Prospective Collegians of whom State loans oducts on a large scale. It was are. that he who knows this, possesses the to undertake municipal develope: also pointed out by the Canadian ments, and improve roads, eto, tation which was thought so seed of universal science.
party that the personal represen In the meantime, better trade neces for the sale of Canaseems slowly to be drawir dian goods in the South, was just Loyal Perseverance to Meet eliminate nearer though it is not likely to as pendlet more British unemployment for products were to be some months. most encourag sold in Canada. Most things are regalar general meeting of ing pronouncement. the Loyal Perseverance Lodge has been made by Sir Maskas lavourable for the extension be in the South: The good No. 10105, 0, F. will Edgar whose interests as feeling toward Canada were evi be held on Tuesday, October 10, banker commercial at the Flower of the Isthmus Industrialist make his opinion kindness shown to the members denced by the extraordinary Lodgeroom beginning at worth consideration as authorita o clock. It is requested that all of the Canadian party. Transatve. One of the realities of the portation facilities already good members be present so as to moment he that in are being improved.
assist in the legislative of the The spite of condition on the Canadian banks established in affairs. Don be a slacker.
Continent British trade is now DZ quietly persistently and definite: Guiana, stand ready to assist and British firms on both sides, will did the ly on the up grade, development in trade which has co HOY Vy is a nightmare trade between the north and been initiated by the Preferentlal Tarif, It is reasonable to con He expects to the provision of credit Informasee the Lancashire cotton trade tion; by bringing in touch with expect that the steadily increaslead the coming revival which other Canadian and British ing quantity of tropical proWest afterwards, he thinks will Indian buyers and sellers; NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT British Consulate Notice. ducts, which we will import, will come more and more from stron, steel, shipbuilding, coal general, by giving advice for extend to other industries such by supplying information markets and conditions, and in DR. HUBERT EDWARDS the British Colonies in the Campbell of Santo Tomas The Acting British Consul at Caribbean.
and wool.
assistance when requested. Begs to notify his clients that Hospital, begs to inform the Colon would be glad of informaMore frequent travel between he has removed his residence Public that his wife is not con tion as to the present whereSmoke 111 (One Eleven) Canada and the British West from 4th Street to 8th and nected in the Lottery ticket abouts of one Campbell, a Creoline stralghtens and Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents the resultant familiarity with ing) commonly Indies and British Guiana and Streets Colon. Deveaux Build. Muddle neither does she know native of Jamaica who is stated beautifles the hair and procalled The the said (Mrs. Campbell con o have been recently employed duces hair on bald heads.
Incomparable, the requirements and importing Louis.
at the Universal Store, Colon, in each package this When you those which der COTO complete this crop utters the Canada. as the tribute trade you an Album S CIGARETTES Befors ous national from Few dies but well.
ORDER BOOKS for West man and For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY the Indies on


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