
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1922, PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies ALROND, at the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters Nad porner of Strool, Panama, of publlo interest invited.
do Box 74, Panama All copy for publiestion must to written on one ufde of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX mus Docompanied by the name of Opo Yoar 40 S. Oy the writer, not necessarily for publiesOlx Months 20 ton but as mark of good faith.
Three 600. We do not undertake to return One 250. arojected orrespondence LOMBARDO CARTERS OO CIGARETTES 10 20 CIGARETTES. 7c. CARTERE Tuk Ermeer AT PER INKS PASTS MUCILAGES Always in sleck et OUR OFFER OF Tu Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURDAY OCTOBER 7, 1922 Will soon be on sale in every establishment THE NEW CANAL ZONE JUDGE.
throughout the Republic SCICO INTRODUCTORY PRICÉ PER PACKAGE OF After a period of five months since the resignation and departure of Judge Kerr, another Judge for the Canal Zone has arrived here in the person of John Wallingford from Desmoines in the State of Iowa. Young, but richly experienced as a jurist, the new functionary bas already given promise of a successful career in cosmopolitan Panama.
MANUFACTURED BY Judge Wallingford past in the legal profession has been a brilliant one, and it is anticipated that his reputation The Pan American Tobacco Co CARTER and prestige on the bench in the United States will not ASSESSO asker suffer depreciation on the Canal Zone where there are always so many intricate and delicate questions of law arising every now and then.
CHURCH SERVICES BENEDETTI HERMANOS During the five months when the Capal Zone bench Central Ave 3rd. St.
remained vacant numerous cases, civil and criminal. American Episcopal Church)
PANAMA swelled the docket and Judge Wallingford has met a busy (Seventheen Sunday After Trinit)
welcome. Judge Hanan had a similar experience when he St. Paul Church, Panama came to the Isthmus as Canal Zone Judge four years Free Gas Stoves ago, but he did not take long to clear up, notwithstanding un, Holy Communion, 10 am, The Litany his unusually patient and painstaking disposition.
PRODUCTS 10 a. In Holy Eucharist and permon That Judge Wallingford will prove a worthy suc and Free Installation Holy Baptism, cessor to Judge Kerr who himself had sueceeded Judge p Sunday School.
Hanan is the ardent hope of the isthmian population. 30 pm Evensong and sermon.
Will soon be withdrawn Dr, HOFFMANN Americans, Panamanians and people of alien nationaliA. F, NIGHTENGALE Vicar has reopened his clinic for ties are united in their wish that the affairs of the Canal St. Alban s, Paraiso.
Zone Judiciary will be handled with visible impartialdiseases of the bloo. rheumaTake advantage of this opportunity before it ity and pronounced legal precision.
11 am Mattins Address tism and urological case in is too late, for in these strenuous times you The executive affairs of the Canal Zone have pm Sunday School can afford to miss this chance of securing a the upper floor of Al Piace, 7:30 Eveningsng Sorun improved to a nicety under the direction of GovernP. NIGH CENGALE Priest in charge Santa Ana Plaza, Dº Street, or Morrow, and this improvement has moved, side by GAS STOVE side, with the progress of the judicial affairs. Much of Las Sabanas Mission No. this executive improvement might be said to be due Sun day Sobool pm or Gas Installation to the fact that Governor Morrow is no soft head that 30 Eveorngrong sodres can be easily brow beaten by an association of inflated conA, Nightengale. Priest in chargo Bible Truth Churches.
spirators who have always tried to demonstrate their belief FREE OF CHARGE St. George Church Gatun San Miguel 3: a. Morning Prayer in the doctrine of bluff.
11. Matins and addros 10 am Childran Service Judge Kerr was not lacking in the exhibition of inde3 sa. Bunday School, 11 am Preaching Service Bro, pendence and self reliance as a jurist, and when he left the PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY 30 pm Evensong and addrom Francis Canal Zone be carried with him the esteem and respect of PANANA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: St. Peter Church Boca. 30 pm Co pel Service everybody who knew of his labors on the bench. During his Cathedral Plaza YOUR incumbency, the high mark of efficiency set by his predeCalldonla 93 Bolivar St.
Morning Prayer and addreme 11 am Sunday Schcol p. 8 a. Morning Prayer: cessor, Judge Hanan, was ably maintained. Neither Judge Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 30 Evensong and sermoa 10 am Children Service Hanan nor Judge Kerr permitted the influence of any MULCARE Rootor 11 am Praashing Service social or plutocratic, clique to infiltrate their juristic St. Barnabas Church, Empire 30 m Gərpol Service pm Sunday School findings. E, Barclay Pastor in sharpe, predecessors it is that will decedagers Wallingford epleted in the heels of two abl Superintendent Of CHINESE AMBASSADOR de Prendre en una ventary on Girls Friendly Seciety Anniversary 3;30 ARRIVED IN CITY.
Salvation Army dignity and high standard set by them. He possesses the Schools Brening Prayer and addrese 7p. 30 am Prayer Meeting phsychological traits of firmness and decision and carries JT MULCARE, Priot in charge 10 Bunday School the bearing of a man who yields to no other influence but His Excellency Doctor St. Bartholomew Church, Il; 15 am Hotsess Meeting the dictates of his own conscience. If the judge pursues a PAYS HIGH TRIBUTE TO Tyan Minister Plenipotentiary Sunday School clear course as is predicted for him he will categorize him COLORED TEACHERS, Las Cascadas and Envoy Extraordinary of the GEORGE MORRIS.
self in the highest rank of legal luminaries of his country.
Chinese Republic accredited to Morning Prayer and addrew 11. The Canal Zone is the best testing, ground for any this Republic and Cuba, arrived Sunday School Confirmation Claro The following is a copy of the in in this city on Wednesday last.
2:30 pm Christian Mission of Panama jurist. It tested Judge Hanan wben the son of a legal letter from Mr. A: Lang. He was met and accompanied by Eveningsong and Sermən Panama 11 am Cragwell 7:30 meteor ran amuck with ninety eight per cent of the Canal Superintendent of Schools Canal a large number of lading Ror JT Muloare, Priest in charge Rawlins Zone Society pitting their influence against the execution of Zone; to the colored teachers of Chinese residents in Panama. De Seventh Day Adventist Church Chorillo 11. a Burke Supt 7:30 law and justice. Judge Hanan won, and it was a brillia the Canal Zone Schools.
Tyan is 42 years old and is graduate of St. John University STREET CALIDONTA ROAD, La Boca 11. am Taylor 7;30 triumph. Judge Wallingford will, no doubt, find himself Balboa Heights, Shanghal. Attended a Second(near Burkce Supt, beseiged with flattering friends who will seek to circumvent Canal Zone.
ary School in North London, and Sabbath (Saturday) 45 mm, Sab Paraiso 11. a 7, 30 Sis, Thorpe justice by their ceaseless entreaties, but he will have to later entered Christ College bath School; 11. 15 am General Worship Gatun 11 am 7:30 Josh Boyce show that law in the Canal Zone must be like law in every To all Teachers: June 24, 1922.
Cambridge Universidree in 1905 Young People Meeting; 30 where he 30 Spanish Class; 80 pm. Colon 11 am Neblett 7:30 A, Nichols reputable community, obtained his As am terminating my and the LLB, degree in 1907. Vesper, It is understood tbat Judge Wallingford will open services with the Canal Zone In the same year he became Bunday evening at Reading, Baptist Church his court on Monday morning next. He is anxious to get schools after the close up of the Barrister at Law, of the Middle class, All are welcome both young and Colom llam 7, 15 Pasta Witt old. This is characteristic of a real present school year. desire to Temple. He took his Chorrillo 11. Descon Liaton business man who believes in losing no time in getting on express to you my deep and called to the Bar. To this disdegree in 1908 when he was 7;15 Pastor Thrift the job. The Canal Zone is accustomed to busy Judges and sincero wopprecia your co linguished Statesman and jarist, Panama, 11 a. Mr. Walter Wesleyan Methodist Corozal Road 11 a. Pastor Witt 7:15 Dsacon Linton who discharge their duties with expeditious ability. your efficient and 30 Rev Kimook Braham Empire 11 am Pastor Thrift The legal fraternity of the Canal Zone will meet the Operation. This has been a most The Workman extends Judge this morning, and it is hoped that, from the begin school year. While the good of for him pleasant diplomatic rela. La Boca 11 am Mr. Reid easant and most successful hearty welcome and anticipates Colon. 11. Mr. Hugh Jones 3; Sunday School Anniversary 7;30 Rev. Surgeon 7, 15 Mr Brown a exist. not Cativa Descon Foster There is no reason why a judge should antagonise an permit me to follow my personal tionships with this Republic and 30 Mr. Alfred Harris New Providence Deson Brown attorney or an attorney infuriate a judge, and on the inclinations and to favor some of the other resident diplomats Now Providenco 11. Mr, George Pueblo Nuevo Deacon Stewart your individual desires, yet this here.
Laynis New Gatun Thursday 7, 30 Pastor Thrift Canal Zone, least of all places, should this be so.
Parasoe 11 am Rcy, J, Kisbock Braham. concerned and fine pro bas usually been appreciated by several have been detained in jail for over four months tossicoan spirited has been display. been a real pleasure to Baptist Church Activities.
work Empire 11. a Rov. Surgeon, This detention in confinement is due to the exhorbitant and ed. It is only by the loyal and with you. wish you continued Church Of God G St Colon incongruous bail imposed in each case. These bail bonds faithful work of the teachers success, Pastor Witt and Pastor Thrift were fixed without the slightest consideration of humanity, maintained at the high standard my best wishes. wish for each that a system of schools can be Please extend to all the pupils Sunday School 11. 30 am 7;30 Gospel Sermon will make an exchange on Sun.
and because they were absolutely beyond reach the un which obtains on the Canal Zone. one of them happiness, and a Sis, Brewster Pastor Evang, day, and Pastor Witt will occupy the Colon pulpit both morning fortunate individuals have had to remain all these months Accordingly the credit for the useful and successful career.
New Providence and night. At the night service in confinement.
present high standing and the subject will be here are A, LANG The night of waiting is past and now comes the dawn efficiency of the Canal Zone Gospel Sermon 11. 30 a. 7. 30 of day when the trial will begin. No one can prophesy the Schools is truly yours. It has Superintendent of Schools. Sunday School pm Pastor Thrift will preach the attitude the new incumbent on the Canal Zone bench will Bio Elliot, Pastor.
Sunday School Anniversary Gatun sermon at Empire Church Sun.
take towards the accused who will appear before him, but color. Judge Hanan exemplified the principle of equality day Morning and preside at the it is expected that he will temper justice with mercy and Judge Kerr sustained it. Law is law, and justice is Gospel Sermon 11, 30a. 7, 30 Anniversary service at 3, o.
and show leniency whenever and wherever it is possible justice whatever the complexion of those affected by them Sunday School, Spirit The Chorrillo Baptist Church to do so.
George Griffith may happen to be.
pulpit will be occuppied by It is believed that Judge Wallingford is a man with an The WORKMAN takes this opportunity to extend to the Panama San Miguel St bull Pastor Thrift on Sunday night.
open and frank mind who will render justice to every man new judge a cordial welcome and to wish him a pleasant ding 18 The many friends of Teacher Yearwood of Chorrillo will be regardless of class or color. There cannot be one form of and successful career as the chief judiciary of the Canal Gospel Sermons 11, 30 a. 7:30 sorry to hear that he has been justice for the white man, and another for the man of Zone.
School E. Bailey Pastor sick for the pasi two weeks. We wish for him a speedy recoveryPDO Conmaadaat.
CO a the Dead.


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