
OVER 20, 000, 000 DAILY That is the record of sales of ed that One 111 Eleven Cigarettes thither.
2nd marched lined up is froat in the United States alone the Buy a package to day!
INCOMPARABLE Fifteen 111 Cigarettes for 10c.
viz; Royal.
15:h in hard every majority of their game THE WORKLAN, BATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1922, PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE BOOST CANAL ZONE NOTES Anniversary And EMU Installation CIGARETTES GATUN OF MYSTIC STAR LODGE, NO. 11 Girls Guide Held Surprise Party I, Best on the Market On Saturday night Sep. 30th at The Fifth Anniversary And Twenty. ASK FOR THEM the home of Mr and Mrs.
fouth Idetallation of the Mystic Lodge Phillip Young, a surprise pady No. 11, 10. Colon. were ELIAS PRETO, Agent olebrated on Saturday night Sept 30th, was given by St. Agnes Girls 1922. The occasion ought to go dowo Guide of St. George Church situated at High Street in this in the history of the Lodges being one few days ago, he told him that be town. Mrs. Laurie. President; of its masterpiece was greatly interested in the convened a special meeting of Never in the annals of the Lodge Boys movement, and told him to go the Guild previous to the hour wach unique occasion or such a selet forward and he will endeavor to for the party, for the purpose of gathering entertained which in itsell give him all the support that be deciding at whose home the berpenko the interest and hard vorking can. He further stated that there pleasant function should take propensities of its members and other colon that he is so taken up with to no organization in this city of place It Young was unanimously decidconcerned.
home would The installation of the cflcero for the as the Boys Institute for in worthy Commander be a delightful place and it was October December term was first one Morris therefore re solicits the accordingly held there The girls.
through after which the suniverrary co operation and financial support collected their tiny parcels of of the general public to this de programme was taken.
refreshments Mures when to the surprise of Representatives from various other serving cause. For the hands of kindred societies and sister Lodges both the Lord is upon this movement Mrs. Young, she saw quite a larte number of girls lined well as from Panama, La Boos, therefore we shall put it over the here Red Tank and Ga un friends of mem top.
her home. Their mission was bers, Juvenile cadets, their parents and explained and she coul courteously accomodated the members of the guardians were present.
Special Meeting Thero profution of the fairer Guild very enjoyable evening sex which lent a charming atmosphere. The Lily of the Atlantic Lodge was spent and all went away not to be out clared. Among the repre No. 193, BO. F. will esplindness and geniality of their reutatives special mention is necessary to hold a special meeting on Satur be made of the addretto delivered by day October at Gabriel Union host and hostess The following girls who are MT Grant of Loyal St. Chas lodes Lodgeroom, corner of 6th Street member were present, along with No. 7282, Mr. Smellio of st. and Hudson Lane for the pur. Laurie, President; Jante Lodgo 28. of pose of conferring the second Mr, Belfon of Loyal Perere Lodge degree on Skeete. Meikle, Skeele 27 of the newly The package fits the pocket Badrow. Bailey. No. 10105 10. Lady Williame di of initiated, Guiding Star Tabernac e No. 19. GP; og Gill, Virgo, Gre The price fits the pocket ham, Gordon; and Mr, Sle, Walters of Red Tank Star Lodge No. 18, 08. sie. Dacreo, of Empire Atlantic Scottish Mechanand the Cigarette is Laurie, Chaplain.
Star No. 2, and Mr. Grant of Ics as Those who were invited were Royal King Gerge No, 2, of Edwards, Mrs. Whittaker, Miss Besides the above the Juvenile cadete The Atlantic Scottish Mechanics Lawrence, Brossard, D, of the Lodge, suitably entertained the Woodman, CE, Headley, the toute with songs and recitations comprising of the members of the two Stevenson. Weekes, Brown, The performance in the organ by Sis Lodges of the Order in Colon viz: Royal King Ledge and Charles Seurdere, of this. 12 and the Smith, and Holder, Fidelity Cadets Ladies M, Gordon, Moore, pentrs, vis; Ik gate of the cadets was superb, whilo No. 29 will be engaging their fraterna of the two sister Lodges in Welch, Gordon, Lovell, and Sis.
King Edward No.
Song Service Gorden deserves the highest praise 13 and Royal King Georgo No. 17 in VALENCIA, Agent. Box 693, Panama and admiration for their renditions. friendly game of Cricket on Sunday, The Song Service last Sunday Oct. in Colon, The Atlantic side report of the Lodge e progress to in determined to administer terrible Was led by Mr. Lord. It was cocosio 500 COSSOS attended as well as inspiring, date compiled and read by tho Seribe (Sir, J, Aeb. was listened to with beating to the boys from the Pacific are practicing rapt attentica by all. and to me was the side, and afternoon. It It has been definitely decided The meeting for girls on Tuestheme of the the represent to play in the 16th rain or shine, and day night was another new event tives in their addresses, and lor Gatun, We owe much to Mrs.
expressione conveyed thell hearto full irrespective of the winners, the return be played at new the report certainly made his inter date All MECHANICS of the G. Neely of Paraiso for bringing down the Paraiso girls and mot to be easily forgotten Worthy Bir, various sisters and especially SCOTTISH George Glover Lerate of the Indge, are neked to be in attendance to explaining the good work accomplished by her girls: The Stereop was the master of ceremonies and he teams tic Lecture by Miss Jeane was an bie usual cool and uneruming demes They will battle for supremacy on event from which we received Bor steered the programme to its com that day to decide the Championsnip of JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF much food for thought, We are pletion without any unnecessary bitch or the Boottish on the Intbmus.
confusion These series of games will be continued surely glad to see an effort being made to belp the girls of our The officers installed for the Ooto annually so to encourage the Real ber De ec ber term aro na followe: Sir get to gether spirit of cooperation, Milvo, Commander; Sir George, Vice amongst the brethren. good game is Place Commander; Sir Jno. Ach, Berite; anticipated. Time: 10 m, The Volley Ball game between Bir Philpotta. Accountant; Sir Colon, Date, Sunday Oot, 18th Paraiso and Gatun was also footer Morebal; Lady Simpeon Newton, Treasurer, Lady watched with much interest.
Chaplaio; Sir Brown. Ant. Marebal Rising Sun Installation, THE ORIGINAL GERMAN FORMULA dir Phillips, Insido Sentinel; Sir.
The Secretary is beginning Delovante, Outside Sentinel; Sir The installation of Officers to serve Acetyl Salicylic Acid in its purest and most already to lay plans for several Foster and Ladies Wood, Watt and the next term of the Rising Sun Lodgo entertainments for the benefit of efficient form and Haughton, Aides, No 19, G. was held on Friday, the Christmas fund. In this res Refreshments were served at in Sept. 22nd at their Lodge hall and was pect he has appointed a commit tee to cooperate with him in tervalo to not to enbance the pro brilliant succes. The Worthy InstalEllie Wint, Bro. George every way possible, in order that gramme which was lengthy and amidot ling Mas congratulations and compliments of the sileo Grand sh Priest of the Temple MANUFACTURED BY THE WELL KNOWN FIRM the little ones may be made happy when the time comes.
mont encouraging nature the members House performed the ceremony and of Mystic Star No. 11 entered upon rendered it in such a satisfactory manner GEHE their sixth year of strenuous notivities that he was applauded. CO.
the close.
to bring forward better results at their The installed Officers were: DRESDEN, GERMANY Born to Mr. and Mrs. Connel sixth anniversary while the Representa Bro, Arthurs, R; Sie, Car on Sunday morning last, at the hours of a. and three a bounc tives and friende departed to their michael, R; Daire, RW. 8; homes apparently satisfied. 0, Brown, Ant, Seoty: Barrett, KAL MOL GEHE is preferred for its absolute ing ten pound baby boy, Mr. Bi. Nellie Campbell, C; purity and efficiency in giving instant relief to Connell is the Assistant PostmasSusan Ordineth, A; Bro. Fred ter of this town and can be seen Extraordinary Meeting Carmichael, I; Sin. Myero, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold, Influenza, each and every day since the. Wiliams.
The Grand Grippe, Alcoholic Intoxication, Menstrual Colic, Gout.
arrival of his present gift with The Royal King David Temple Marshalls were Sister May Gayle and pleasant smile on his face, both No. 2, O, working Bro. Fernand R, Past Free Samples given away at the following Drug Stores: mother and babe are getting under the jurisdiction of the Rulers of the Guiding Bar Lodge No.
along nicely Whilst the assistant Colon Panama Jamaica District, will hold an 14. Able addrerses were rendered by M, is handing arouud Golifia extraordinary meeting at the the visiting brothers from the State Pan American Drug Store Farmacia La Union Farmacia Innternational cigars to his many friends and Flower of the Istbmus Lodge Grand Lodge and a beautiful ceremony Principal Drug Store Farmacia El Globe Farmacia Italiano acquaintances.
on Friday, October 13, we brought to a close with the Botica Frances Farmacia Inglesa Botica Francesa 1922 at p. All members For we are folly good Fishermen British Pharmacy Farmacia Central Farmacia Moderna The officers and members of are requested to attend, as very Kingston Drug Store Farmacia Prieto Farmacia Americano Bethel Tabernacle Lodge. No. 35 Important business will be New Galilean Lodgo.
The People Drug Store Farmacia Nacional Farmacia Montezums O of GS of wishes their dealt with, The New Drug Store; fraternal Brothers and Sisters to new Lodgo named St. Simons No.
And on Sale at all drug stores throughout the Republic, know their lodge room has been Rose Garden Palace to Meet 34 of the IO F, was opened recently removed back to this town, and in Guabito, Bocas del Toro under the SOLE AGENT their first meeting Dight was held on Wednesday night Oct, 4th There will be a meeting of the auspices of the State Grand Lodge No.
EUSTACE LEE, 98 Market Street membership of Rose Garden Palace No. of Colon. Their (Juvenile Branch) at the Flower which is increasing by leaps and bounds Telephone 50, Box 338, Colon, of the Isthmus Lodgeroom. on and will soon pas the century mark, Governer Morrow At Friday, October 13, at 30 wish them sucsene and prosperity for the Washington. o ck ck in the afternoon, Guar future in the fraternal Pield, dians and children are requested Governor Morrow reached to be on time. Initiation also New District Secretary takes place at this meeting.
Oct. 15th, All members are requested to Small, Johnson, Sussex West End Match last.
Washington on Monday contribute their quota, as soon as M, Clarke, John Wilwhere be is gone to discuss the waar Canal Zone administration and At a recent sosion of the State Grand Prible, The last chance of remiting son, 8. Daira, Davy; PARADE POSTPONED the subcriptions will be at the next S, GI, Bro. Samuda, Barrows finances. It is On Sunday, 8th inst. the above Governor Morrow will Lydge of the 10 a new Secretary meeting, Wednesday Oct. 11, when JS. M, Reid, Pessoa, named teams will meet in a Cup match audiences with President Hardreported that seels was elected, namely: Bro, John Wil Brə. Taylor, 8, to at the Sussex Oval, The West End is in The parade of the boys of the son, and all correspondence to him will record attendance will be expected, and Secretary of State Brs. Abrahams, 8, to determine to beat the Champions. Hunges respectively Colon Boys Institute which was reach his hands through Box No, on the arranged for Sunday next bas 1711, Cristobal.
New Officers.
Bro. Gordon, H, to ericketers please be in attendance: workings of prohibition on the been postponed for Sunday the The installation ceremony was performe Canal Zone.
8th proximo, due to Governor Gulding Star Anniversary Arosemena having to be in Pana.
The new of care which were elected ed by Bro. P, Harvey, Royal King Solomon Lodge, 11 the Flower of the Isthmus Lodgeby ma on official business. Com man and installed at the last sesion of the and the honour of a Post State Grand der Watson says that he had an The Guiding Star Lodgo will be cele State Grand Lodge, F, held on Ruler was conferred on Bro, Small The above named Lodge will bold a Mehanic from the sister Lodges ar when degrees will be conferred. Soolash Interview with the Goyernor abrating har 11th Anniversary on Sunday the 22nd uito, vero follows: James Past Grand Saribs and Bro. Nichols, special meeting on Saturday 7th inst, at cordially invited to attend. Boon to the Sufferer root for the Rites race.
KAL MOL GEHE Kal mol Gehe with Cafeina Master Samuel, tune room.


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