
NEW YORK HIGH COST OF LIVING VERSUS coast, by boom Mr. Her and the pion wili nature of serve in the photoplay SURPRISINGLY GOOD every way.
The American Foreign Banking Corporation leave on become that thought.
FILTH TO VANISH FROM DEMPSEY GOING TO ENGLANO PHOTOPLAYS TO FIGHT BECKETT WITH. Hays Serves Notice After Bout World HeavyThat Improper Cinema wolght Champlon May Scenes Must Go, Meet Georges Carpentlar.
Directors Assure Film Chlet Havana May be tho Scana That They Will Co operato of Wills Dempsey ConWith Him.
tast In Fobruary Next. Special to Tho Mail Empire. New York, Aug Among New York. Sept. 10 Jack the meetings held by Hays in Dşmpsey worlds heavy weight his three week tour of the champion and his managar, Jack motion picture colonies of the Kearns will sall for Europe on west from which the film or about November 6th, accord attended by 160 motion picture chief has just returaed, was one box Kto plaas disclosed tonight Kearnssaid directore In addressing them Hays; impressed hoorbeweight champion will take upon them the fact that the picture industry to purpose of engaging Jo Becket, the public would henceforth SI 16 CIGARETTES Englands heavy weight cham 16 CIGARETTES expect improper cinema all This scenes, plots and situations to preliminary for be eliminated by them and that FOR CENTS FOR 12 CENTS Dempsey before a retuen match responsibility for filth in the with Georges Carpentier, for would be checked IN THE ZONE IN THE REPUBLIC which the champion practically squarely up to them in the was signed on his visit to Europe future.
last spring Bath matches will The directors, who, in fact, be beld in England. Kearns added however that if the promoulding of intent in all pictures peed bout between Dampsey they put out, replied to Mr.
and Harry Wills, negro challenHayi with applause and assur: ger. is arranged before the out ances that what he had said door season ends, Dempsey pleased them beyond words and European plan will be revised.
that they would co operate to Permission granted for Dampsee that the general tope of films sey Bill Brennan bout in a clasbmade in California was raised in between the champion and Billy Miske likewise will cause Of course, said Mr. Hays revision of the title holder to day in bis office at 522 Fifth plan to go abroad.
Avenue Of course, filth must While it was generally expectgo from pictures. That is as cered that Dempsey would make tain as time itsell.
Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY another trip to Europe particuiarly in view of his declarations In a statement given out by to this effect upon his retura Mr. Hays be said in part: from abroad a few months ago wish that every one in the DEPOSITORY OF the fact that he was planning to on November 6th did not country might have the intimate sight into the purposes and knowa until today activities of this great industry, Kearns has an appointmant toI had during the week morrow with Jim Goff coth, sport spent out there.
ing promoter, to discuss pros. I bad some adepects for a bout between Damp quate conception of the intensity sey and Jack Johnson former of the motion picture industry, champion, which Gottrothis but was wrong, did not eager to conduct in Mexico even begin to realize the physi.
City. The champion is sche.
duled for a boxing exhibition in cal vastness of the thing. went to the Pacific Coast, Boston the latter part of the week, As told the folks out there to meet the men and women who Dempsey Wills Fight.
make and direct the pictures.
New York, September 12.
In any great enterprise, partvans may be the scene of the ners should know each other.
Jack Dempsey Hurry Wills fight.
These men and women are our Sam Tolon, Caban boxing partners, and it was my pleasure and automobile racing promoter.
sud privilege to meet them, said today before sailing for My first endeavour was to make that he was interested clear to them that am not in any has dictator ruling sense a ahout holding the fight in autocratically upon pictures and Lavana he said, and as soon as persons, but just a fellow worker in what believe to be a very get back touch with the national tourists congreat cause a cause with capital the establishing and CRISTOBAL mission and officials of the Govof the highest efnment on the matter moral and standard.
and feel there is a fine chance the development of the ed of the fight being held here but tional value as well as the gener before saying any more, wish al usefulness of the motion IN MEMORIAM KARL NUNES to make sure of certain picture. came away convinced If beld, the month o phases.
there will be the closest ary will be the time. The racha contidence and co operation In Loving Memory of my Jamaica Champion Crack season, the Grand Casino between all branches of the darling child, Miss Etelka Libby Batsman.
opera and all theatres and cabaindustry.
who left us Oct. ad 1920.
WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT rets are then in full swing.
It was indeed gratifying to Two years Twenty thousand tourists will find in every department the gone but yet we find.
During the recent Senior No. 78, New Market Street be there and as many more will most enthusiastic support for Affection doth provoke the mind Crickat Cup matches in Jamaica be likely to come from Florida some of the newer efforts of the To keep in memory full and green Mr. Nunes has proven RETAIL DEPARTMENT and Islands about with, of course association, such as youth beloved as she has been himselt the champion batsman the big Cuban population to are developing with the in that country, and places bimNo. 107, Bolivar Street Idraw education of the country to make Shele gone but not forgotten, Never shall our memories fade.
self amongst the most successful He explained that the round classroom pictures which are pe stars in the West Indian firma THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY dagogically scientifically and Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger ment of the cricket world Mr.
trip to see the fight from New York would be 100 dollars, less psychologically sound.
Round the spot where she is laid Nunes is a member of the Kingthan if held in a western YOUNG THE ONLY THING Gracious Lord; if we only had the keys ston club which has won the FULL SUPPLY OF southern state, and that boat of death cup for the season retaining the lines from southern seaports WRONG coveted trophy for another Taou knowest we unlock that lonely Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, would be a cheap transportation. Nothing is wrong with motion year.
Mr. Tolan stated he pletures except youth. What That hides our Doar, Dear, Etelka.
gravs The decisive match reached Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, the purse would be as big as if ever mistakes have been made its concluding stage on Saturheld in the States. And no one denies that there bave MOTHER, AUNTS FRIEND, been mistakes) were the errors day last, when according to pre ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES Retains Title.
of youth. You know picture playvious arrangement, Kingston Paris. September 10. The. making is mater of less than air and then brought down to closed their innings for 58 for twenty years European featherweight cham.
in age and it real paw the ground this is the wickets against Melbourne 54 Call and see us before purchasing pion. Eagene Criqui, of France, ly cannot be expected fairly to prospect for ballrooms next sea for wickets. In the last inning successfully defended his title have the splendid stability, poise son, as forecast by Miss Belle Mr. Nunes made 34, of the 58 not elsewhere.
last night by knocking out the and standards of, for example, Harding the exponent of the out.
the challenger, Wyns, of Belgium the press, which has reached its Camel Trot, to a Weekly Des.
in the sixth round.
present estate only During the matches the chamafter 600 patch representative yesterday. pion batamaa of Jamaica played years of endeavour. The motion It is danced to a slow fox trot, 15 innings for the season, Times RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY Auxiliary No, 209 now in scenion, remai picture has already sccomplish it starts with what is known UP TO THE MINISTER ed the most wonderful things as the Sahara Slide long, glid not out; runs, 1, 226; highest silent for two minutes paying respect to and before long our beloved dead. and, its severesting step which is intended to score 227 not out, average 112. 36.
critics will be warm in its represent the initial progress of a cup matches alone his record is 11 innings; times not out God in ble indinite Wisdom and goodness that our Charter be draped for a period and the hour, was nine. SuddenWHEREAS, 16 bas pleased Almighty It was Sunday evening. The.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, minister had arrived at thirdly praise.
a camel across the desert. number of rups 942 average to remove from our midst our dearly of diety days, a copy of this reclution the noticed a man sleepingIt is the third step, however, 184. 57. The Workman joins in beloved dobar Phillipa. aling bor to forwarded to the bares ved relatives, and in the front pam.
THE CAMEL TROT which is most remarkable, and the congratulations to Mr, bor eternal roul above to pay the com copy to the local preso; a copy to the to do it properly, one would Nunes, on the brilliant achieve mon debt of nature, and, Omoi al Orgas of the Knight of st. brother next to you. he said in Will you please wake up that Is, to be the latest dance hit seem to have to be possessed of ments of a West Indian cricketof er, and for WARRBAS we feel koonly the lone Jabo for publication and that those reso a low tone to man sitting that will revolationize the ball the mentality of humped Anl him a further brilliant and usefal we havo sustained in the death of one lutions bo spread on the minuten, beside the sleeper.
room monte season, according to mais. glissando, balance, career with the ball and the who was an native member of our Order MITCHELL, JONES, LA the following late telegram, The latter replied londly: true friend, loving mother, and CONTRY, Resolution Committee Wake bim yourself. You put from London datod August 27. and thon three solemn pawingi bat.
peaatioal Catholio, and an exemplary him to sleep.
Large numbers of old men try with the left foot.
member of the Ladies Auxiliary, no ing to imagine that they are Finally, in the fourth step, we Smoke 111 (One Eleven) therefore, camels, hundreds of couples are taught to imagine that the Creoline. Hair Producer is the Rent Recolpt Books In Spansimulating a hump and a canter, oasis is in sight, and to hop, skip Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents BE IT RESOLVED, that we the world best hair tonic and wili Ish and English for sale at the and countless feet Kfted in the and jump accordingly.
Incomparable members of St. Mary of Christian not soll or stain clothes. Workman Printery The United States Treasury Panama Railroad. The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional bominere been some talk will get in PANAMA maintaining and artistic educa.
that LYNTON the plans which araw from, or was sure


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