
VIGOR TONIC called upon He was II Leke ew. They Satisfy Chesterfield same and special sections to Shoes. Shirts. Hats THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1922 PAGE SEVEN என STATA their favorite chordt Come Down Zacheus.
The then read from The best Tonic In the World Lloyd New Editon of the New Testament Math. 6, after which the great warrior in person of our friend brother Elder Burke of the Christian Mission was This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend to speak.
ed in Debility, Nervousnese, Female Weakness, received with great ovation. Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up ID his opening remarks he sata a run down constitution, was saivationist because he was in the Salvation Army, and It promotes digestion, improves the appewhen he is in bis church he is a tite, and gives tone and onergy to the whole system, member of the Christian Mission. He also said in part that DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
The best tobaccos 80 years ago the same occurrthat money can buy ance took place in his life, of the time he was received speak; ing blended in a way JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
in the Mission, He also made that can be copied.
reference to Mrs. Booth, known That whythe Mother of the Salvation Army the wife of the late General Booth who stood by her THE NEXT busband and said William we WILKINSON must get down and out to seek GREAT EXHIBIand to have lost humanity.
which caused the existence of TION IN CITY Contractor the Army and in his close tons of to day, and Builder remarks he OF LONDON exhorted the new soldiers, locals and others to be loyal and true.
15th STREET, WEST The meeting was brought to its will be opened in 1924 In House No. 90 close by the singing of Take Box 411, Panama, P.
CIGARETTES my life and let it be consecrated Wembley Park To All Lord to Thee and prayer by the Parts of the Empire. of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended Staff Captain. Com.
Plans and Specifications Free PLANS ADVANCED. BOOTS FOR First Class Workmanship It Promises to be the Big Guaranteed. London dispatch States that gest Show ever held in during the first seven months of furnish grounds capable of this year Great Britain exported any Empire.
accommodating Immense crowds 14, 189 dozens of pairs of leather LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
These can be reached easily boots and shoes to the British West Indies, as compared with 2, The August number of the from any point in London or the Provinces. The general 931 and 4, 131 dozens of pairs in contains the followingCanada West India Magazine arrangement of exhibits will the periods in 1921 1920 respectively at Wembley Park, London, Eng. the whole range of production In 1924 there will be opened such is to furnish in regard to each industry an illustration at land, the greatest industrial ex: from the raw material to the bibition that has ever been bela tinis held finished article, in any city of this or any other of the Dominions overseas will The Interesting West Indian News.
Exhibits Empire. Plans are already well be shown in separte buildings (Continued from page 2)
advanced, and an active central of atral or sections of buildings Other organization is at work putting features will be spec stione taken to Oropouche Station but into practise the aims esthibition devoted was subsequently released, of the British Empire seases Mineral The Dominions. Colonies and Resourcical Protectorates of the Empire are building for Fine Art, a National and the Congress Hall, a special His Honour Laborde preparing for scale of their position Sports Ground and a program of The Government India has ap: Council hope to attain a higher square feetos His Honour Edward Daniel within the Exhibition hitherto been reached at exhibistandard of excellence than has Laborde, O, our acting Adgrounds for a building suitable tions of this character.
ministrator, relinquishes that to house exhibit representa office the arrival of bis Excellency Sir George Basil of the resources and culture Haddon Smith to Items In of the vast Empire, and has voted wards the end of this week. His Man Dress the necessary funds to detsay BRITAIN WARNS whose father adminis.
of tered extensive scale, The Government FRANCE TO QUIT this Government about 34 of the union of South Atrica has years ago, and was born in St, also voted large sums Vincent, is well known to this to be de AIDING TURKS voted to a similar purpose, and colony, having served here at No.
various times and in several received from for The Premier Message To capacities. It is not be wonother States within the Paris regarded as Threat dered at that during bis acting Empire. Including those as wide of Open Break In Relations term he has been able to comly separated as Burmaband pletely grasp the situation and Bolted as Kenya and territories as little successfully steer the ship of and the NEAR EAST UNREST.
To his credit it must be said The exhibition will. undoubt Allied Unity May Break If that he has done his work to the a ord tbe of the greatest general ever provided for Turks Forces Are Helped puble the Dominion overseas to show To Take Dardanelles.
We congratulate Mr. Laborde their products. to draw attention on his success, and if the rumour be true that, after a long well resources, and to empha Kertelh Staff Corres.
their needs elther in the pondent of the New York Ameri.
earned holiday, be intends direction of immigration, capital can, in a despatch to that paper retiring from the service, we wish him a long life wherein to or of sympathetic treatment hent from Paris, dated September enjoy bis well earned pension. Panama with regard to their growing in 18 states that Premier Lloyd Si Lucia Voice, Colon dustries, The exhibits will be George, through the British drawn from the British Empire Ambassador at Paris, to day only, and there will, therefore SICS SALVATION ARMY be throughout the Exhibition an warned the French Government would de donement of Imperial Co Turks in their plan to recapture favourable to the ther French support of the of on the closest possi the Dardanelles and Constanti.
Enrolls Officers At La ble lines, British manufactur pople, thus closing the road to Creoline Hair Preparations Boca Hall an opportunity India as a serious break of Positively Superior to all others on earth.
of examining possibilities of Allied unity.
The enrolling of Soldiers and Try them and be convinced.
resources of supply of Such continued support, France raw materials from They are the Master Preparations of the World.
Recruits, and commissioning of thin was told, would force England the Local Officers, took place at the Empire, It must be to regretfully take steps to Different from all Others admitted La Boca Hall on Monday night that many resources of protect the interests of the raw material within the Empire Empire.
Jast Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. The meeting was opened by all Foreign Countries, 60e.
are insufficiently known, and Open Threat Of Break.
Staff Captain Bax, by the that to the majority of British In diplomatic circles this is Creoline Hair Producer singing of song 510, after which buyers the source of many prayer was rendered by Sgt.
Straightens rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, e break in the entente cordiale.
Pickering of the Panama Corps and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 We are hoping that some oc finished products familiar in the regarded as an open threat of market is quite un.
percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation casion will bring you to our known.
Relations between France and then chorus was subg after of its kind in the world. Patches thin places and prevent baldness, which nine juniors were placed In ounce tins, store shortly. And when you To all the Dominions over seas, Great Britain are more strained before the altar; the then Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy do come be assured that it will it must be a matter of great today than at any period since.
briefly outlined the relationship be a pleasure for us to serve importance, that their products, official denials Britain very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter their between the Junior Soldiers, the you, and that our pleasure in should be brought prominently bevey resources, their needs.
and Eczema, it is antiseptie. Grows hair. keeps the scalp healthy.
believes that the French not only Sunday School, and the Corps In ounce bottles.
then they were duly sworn in.
serving you will make your visit before the British public, that have given the Turks moral Three Corps Cadets were inJackson Manufacturing Co. to our store even more enjoy the value of their particular support but has also supplied milar them with airplanes, munitions Manufacturers and Exporters 455 West Tenth St, as the first in the similar All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
Indianapolis Ind. able for yourself.
as against modities placed on the and money, which it is alleged history of the corps, after which do in a treaty ed to FULLER 12 soldiers and recruit were market by continental countries, they agreed enrolled under the colors after JEWELLER shouid be better known to the negotiated between France and Turkey at Christmas time.
there the bad read and explained private consumer, and British Consulate Notice 122 CENTRAL AVENUE can be no better way to achieve world in a ferment of revolt and With the entire Mohammedan the articles of war which were FOR SALE signed by each soldier to be. The Acting British Consul at these results than by means of wor Corps Cadet Mareball was called Colon would be glad of Informa One Stuvessant Piano JUAN ILLUECA such an exhibition as has been unrest, serious repercussions of 1924. the Turkish triumph are feared designed to be held on to represent the newly made tion as to the present where to by Britain in Egypt India and with soldiers, she spoke bril briefly and abouts of one Marc DeMeza, who In 1 Condition to the point. Five Local Otilcers has been resident in Colon for Attorney. at. Law Exhibition may be stated. It her Near Eastern mandate territories.
No. 44 Central Avenue will be open from the middle Staff Captain Commissioned, the some 25 years. It is also under. No reasonable offer turned commenting briefly stood that he has been employed down.
of July, 1924, until about on their duties. Watt as a clerk at Balbos.
For particulars apɔly at TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX NO. 76 of October of that yeartnt wil British Consuiate Notice Practices in all Courts of be held at Wembley Park, on a The Brihish Vice Consulate at ley spoke for the new locals with WORKMAN PRINTERY site of 145 acres, which, besides Panama would like to know the brief, impressing remarks. The Panama Central Ave Street of providing the necessary space whereabout REINALDO members and friends were then If you like beautiful hair use Panama City English Spoken Fluently for exhibition buildings. Will BEST father of Fernando Best called upon by the Staff to sing Creoline hair powder The Three Most Prominent tives Large and Choice Assortment provisional space bave been onal applications edly satisfaction opportunity American BazaarStores to their sise LEVELRYBARGANS BOS on ers will have fresh within British Despite troduced the the end were ihen


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