p. 8


NASAL CATARRHDº not lot Neral Ontarth polson Opens This Way KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE undermine your hesita. Itely become diatrening and nasty disostomoins To burden Do not trdith it Got rid of IT NOW. Baninh An Oktarth with otroline. No Speelde Nostroll the war, delightfully eயரம medy the AZ medicalmeno preming. They speak up for it widespread employment is Downphere of one, there was were Append mythiskothelal Mrs. Martin had el atarth lady and tried everything. She was Three o started using Noutroline. Is this hort time it has done me more good than years of other tractinent can give this is the unfailing verdict.
Get Nostroline Nasal Specific today and cure your Noul Caterh. Just little smear inside your nostrils that no troalde, or anything to attract attention, is it? sad you feel the benefit of one Most Leading Chemista sell Nostroine.
Ask for it locally. Insist on the real thing Pne. to. 3d. Sa.
erly pool, las 3d from Nostroline Laboratories, Clifton, Bristol.
In uns and layer Protected for brorenie andere Nel Calah Hadid infection. Every Well see that a forcast of the entries with the bandicap for the meeting of the 15th has been published. To me it looks kind of fair and as haven heard any Comments contrari wise take it that turfites horse owners and everybody must be satisfied.
This was to be expected when the job is left in the bands of the crack fan Allan who is in Himself a travelling encyclo paedia on racing.
By the way talking to Mr.
Allan the other day on the handi capping proposition am convinced from his argument that he is on the square and is prepared to carry out his duties along dictates of bis conscience and the various performances of the horses. Whatever horso merits that will be get says Mr Allan and say Amen so let em have it. notice the horses entered pregrttirs into shape and can De ste. Cantering around the chassy track, on early morns.
But understand it is hard to catch anything like time on any of ach trainer is hiding from the other and are expecting to spring a surprise when they meet. That right boys keep it a secret but don you orget It they are many stop watches around so never be too sure they are many eyes in the bush at Juan Franco.
Look out for the latest tips next Sunday then you will know where to place your money on Sunday the 15th; HOME CAPTIVE CAP INCH ONT LINOSTROLINE Sold at all Drug Stores Dental Notice HAY them. Each KOV JAVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled away in the sleeping car or hid under the wash.
stand at home?
Then you will appreciate the cap that is held captive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the tube.
We now furnish you with a package of the same high standard as its contenta.
THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
Having received a large com9 gnment of dental supplies from the United States during the week, at a greatly reduced price. desire my patients and the public to know that my fees for dental service will also be reduced while these supplies last.
Dr. JOHNSON District Dentist La Boca, 179 Central Avenue Opposite Station Panama.
CRICKET KOLYNOS a will be Weather per completed to morrow ruas DENTAL CREAM AT LAST RACES, RACES fficers put to the Panama, The only game played on Sunday was the one between the CAN YOU MISS IT?
Bachelors and Benedicts at Standard Oyal. This game is 10 scheduled as a two days game, Next Thursday at the and La Boca Restaurant Beather permitting. Batting first Bachelors compiled 108 MORREL, Manager Sidney Archer made 35 not out, and Woodie 19. On going to the wickets Benedtcts could only THE GRAND muster 38 of which total Maxwell made 15. Bachelors again went DINNER DANCE to bat and at call of time had scored 70 for the loss of three WITH wickets. The game will be started tomorrow at 12:30 Martin Jazz Band The Mechanics of Panama to AND Play In Colon on 15th, Eats, Eats, Eats.
On Suuday the 15th inst the Scotch Mechanics of Panama will First Class Bill of Fare Journey across the Isthmus to Court John Wallace Important Measure.
play a game of cricket at Mount Ladles 50c.
Hope with the Scotch Mechanics of Colon. The Mechanics of Gents (Continued from page 00 Continuat from page 1)
Colon seem to be a very power Eal combination, and opposed to her, she shall not be removed, been drawn out of the presen view that nothing cincreta bas these will be Peterson. Thomas, God shall help her and that right bate, that the Assembly pass Husbands, early. After DeSousa, Holder Marcus Hinds the Secretary the bill to a Commission constiFields (Surrey) Maxwell, St. Hill report several officers and visit tuted of Deputies of the eight ard Werkshire. Wiles (Britannic. Continued from page 1)
FOR THE WELL DRESSED. Standards in members teave addresses after Provinces. On the mation bei which thanks house gang are credited with having This combination well handledtendered to the visiting officers voted for and One 29 membes against sbould be able to give a good and members. At the conclusion proposition was approved, and Ne SPORTS cleared fully 000 by their account of themselves and take the officers and members of the the President named the followswindle in this direction. Or course, people became wise, and the bacon over to Panama, Court along with the visiting ing Deputies: For All who want to be properly dressed for this the gang decided on a new stunt Brethren from the sister Courts Carrion; Colon, Galindo: Cocle, the unearthing of hidden tres retired to the banqueting hall Carles; Los Santos, occasion should just have a look in at Quicxuda; sures. This WEST INDIAN BAND where ample justice was done to Herrera, Guillen; Veraguas, Du New Form of Swindling the good things provided for the tari; Chiriqul, Villareal; ard occasion. The usual Loyal and Bocas del Toro. Herrera, The 66 92 caught on.
It was a most Through some misunderstand: patriotic toasts were proposed Commission to report in six facinating story they told the Ing, due probably, to misreading and drunken. The health of dayo simple minded people of how of the notice which appeared in King George of England was they would raise Spanish jars our last issue relative to the proposed by Bro. CarringJ. PEREIRA, Proprietor tilled with gold. The people staging of band concerts by the ton of Court Excelsior 8149. The Sis. Virgina Allen Dies parted with money but the jars West Indian band in the De health of the Executive Council CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA never came. Hinds was certainLesseps Park, Panama, large proposed by Bro. Alex Communicated. ly the master mind of the gang crowd assembled last Sunday ches, the Health of the President and it is asserted that he learnt of the United States of America On Monday afternoon Oct. night and was keeny disappoint proposed by Bro. Norman Fenty. 1922, at pm, the funeral pro.
WHERE YOU WILL SEE FINE SELECTION OF bis confidence tricks in the Central American republics and While the West Indian band the health of the President of the cession of about (350) three bun.
English White Flannel Pants, Hayti. Halling from Barbados, has already obtained permission Republic of Panama proposed by dred and fifty, mourners wendHinds is a to use the park for concerts, Fletcher: way from La Boca, and was able to evade the law their first appearance at the and Order proposed by Bro. Mission Church, Chorrillo, to Light and Dark Grey Flannel, Canal Zone to the Christian as he kept his associates in stand will not take place before Wilson. The health of the and Blue Serge Suits.
mortal fear of him. He threaten the beginning of November, wisitors proposed Sam pay their last tribute to one who ed them with it they In the meantime, the band is Alp Blew. botoi the homophreroporthis At the Church a short spiritual posed had fallen asleep in Jesus.
should ever peach on him. But by BroJohn Best assortment of English Woollens in town and the strong arm of the law red address was delivered by to appealing the public for finan function fever to be presemberme Supt. Burke, eventually reached him. The cial assistance.
by all who the to those who other men furnishings.
whole story came out as his benefit dance will be given at singing of the Doxology brought were there, from the Scripture TIES OF COLORS OF VARIOUS STABLES.
boat was sinkfng.
the Standard Oval on Thursday to a close a most enjoyable taken from Amos 12 Prepare Hall Hails from Westmorland 12th inst, when an admission evening.
to meet thy God which was where from early age he showed and awakening, of 25c gold will be charged.
It is regrettable to state that very Instructive The West Indian Committee owing Sister Allen as she is styled Kingston and propensities. He came to an incessant very soon has given its patronage to the pour of rain in the early part of dowe lived an exemplary life having Nurse was called in to attend to Davla McCollin, Ernest Wilson. having preactivities of the band and en Ehe night quite a number of accepted the teachings Dously of Jesus those pains which are so familiar Chas. Mosley, and James Car met him in Cuba. He dorses the benefit dance througb brothers did not turn up.
Christ as bers since 1908 and to mothers, but her case was rington, wept after Mr. Justice Brown which the members of the band as a member of the above named more serious than at first thought passed sentence on him, but will be enable to procure their Church she had a most plec sant and the Doctor was also called. Barbados paper please copy)
Hinds assumed a firm attitude siniform. Grand Comedy Performance greet you with a cheerful smile. Hospltal, but shortly after arriv: disposition, willing to and she was rushed to the Ancon at first. As he was led to the This is a very worthy cause Black Maria he however burst and the public is earnestly asked Rent Rocelpt Book In Span into tears realising no doubt to do everything to assist the The Musical Art Associauon tunity to speak for Jesus to Mrs. Allen was born in Barba: new band. Inasmuch as the con has decided to pull off those with whom she came in dos 36 years ago and hailed trom ish and English for sale at The that the way of the transgreso sor is hard. Jamaica Gleaner)
grand mores in the park will be free and Helloa New York on the 23rd Her last words although 19 leaves sorrowing husband, Comedy the parish of St. Phillips, She WORKMAN Printery!
performance contact.
the benefit of the West NOTICE Indiaas, in particular, it is felt October instant at the Varieda. excruciating pains were. say Joseph Allenand that liberal respouse will be des Theatre, Look out for the good bye to all the Saints am Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
given the benefit dance on next Tickets which will be on sale going home to be with Jesus George and Cecil to mourn her Correspondents are requestes Thursday night.
within a few days, and the Sister Allen was apparently loss.
Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents to send in their contributions The bearers were: Brethren: REMEMBER THE DATE placards wbich will tell you all well. up to 12 o clock og Sunday not later that Thursday evening THURSDAY 12TH INST, about it.
Incomparable the 1st of Oct, after which her Joseph Trotman, Samuel Taylor, to ensure publication.
THE PALAIS ROYAL a San built man powertully Bro.
The Courted their death by Bro.


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