p. 1


By Mr.
Joseph would Soon 1s expression to ing to the diy oshe Bar active scure August of practical the be imagined all his ever greater unfitted in thi.
SUGGESTED CONFERENCE. WHERE IS THE MONEY THAT behes on these and for the Badi Doa boller maketing proves her Bar Mr. Hector Josephs May Race Meeting At Juan be Attorney General Franco To morrow.
Opinions Expressed in Barbados wach has reached a report snaugural race meeting or the According information. At last oba day of the grand Mr. Cambridge Striking And British Guiana on Mr. it is certain Franco new race track is that the Hon. Hector Joseph downing and to morrow Sunday Success as Law Student Coach Wood Report.
BA. LL. KC will not 15th October is destined to be In London.
return to to Jamaica to retu na his red letter day in the history of duties as Assistant to the Attor horse racing on the Isthmus, ney General oral.
An English Barrister writes. success achieved by Mr.
The Barbados Globe in the fis thawed by communication Me Jeeph was sezonded Fevery detail in connection with recent tas ua publishes the follow and intercourse, there will never The striking suceese Mr. Al Short P, is perhaps the most ing. The question of Wəst be a common purpose. Mr. Wood from his duties last year to act this big official opening has been cred Short the first Labpur striking and the comment in the Indian Federation is once again points out that all the Blind colony of British Gufun in the larawback that could interfere ment to pass his final examina tas gratifying and encouraging as Attorney General of the sister perfected so far, and the only meinber of the Betish Parlia. London and Provincial press on the tapis. Major Wood has ship their produce to Earpa eminently to the Bar Referring to his the beirring uppuvrid waters on this leher requirements from the been doing secretarial work with row would be the frowning down by the English Press bath zoo oldest and most influential of and North America, Nanan, who has to. bas on recently Daily the hence subject in these parts. and as same sources, there is no the onsequence, a page of West volume of inter colonial trade It was announced a short time of Japiter Pluvius It is ho vever Ton and Provincial. Mr. Short great metropolitan organs said Indian had been such as to create a Transport ago that Dr. Nanan was about to anticipated that the recent rain has had no academic advantages There were times when he felt closed for the past ball century Service batween the units that return to Sturn to British Guiana, and, bas spent its season and Inn had never passed until going to Gray that the task was beyond hir have been once again unfolded, would eventually kindle mutual consequently any and it was at those stages thi the several colonies itbion to their views giring knowledge a three months holiday in that tomorrow will be one of the examinations and inter communica atter ter the assistance, encouragaren becoming a member however be and enthusiasm of Mr.
accord tion.
Eagland, return to in a is condition measure true, much more interexisting toof Gray Inn Later information, however alca. shiny days of Octobar.
In the seven events program was placed in touch with Mc. Can useal. Mr. Short call Cambridge who were Barbados has is a most no word to communication Bay has no additional and trade in nould take place to the effect that Dr Nanan is to med the contestants are all even barrister of Gray Ion, and the to the because she has ba promoted to another part of event, evidence to advance. and is of the development in there are less the opire, so th: Me. Josephs balado ced and fairly bandicat. Most Successful Law Coach for he is not only the first Labour same opinion as she was in 1876 artin in 1876 artificial barriers: will ha in his ped will have to do a In London. to attain that distinction, We neither desire of Federation but he Attorney Gaberei racing trophy may not be of the lot of thinking and possibly the Defederation nor Confederation Mr. Cambridge who is a native Trade Union Leader to brought from Trinidad to Dame colony.
figuring to pick the winner. of Pos This brilliant son of Jamaica We mention this because we have rara unles it passes through the learned The Panama Jockey Club to pass their examinations in of professions. Tha extension seen it Inferred that possibly op: customs. man may not enter has done splendid work in the raalising the economic conditions almost every walks of life includ therefore of the field of useful the Ein pire of British since plaign has changed in this island Barbados from Trinidad until he sister colony. Indeed it may of the times bas very wisely lng Indians, West Indians, Br. nes toasion sat, at he question in its issue on Sunday. takes his pat dog with him in the past couple of years been to thus greatly facilitatin ber of Englishmen. He is looked about by the brought Demerara mwy not land, Brit sh Guiana the sheet anchor in the govern tha public, and it is anticipated upon and treated as a thorough workshop experience with th on puts their has enough Daily shingles and lumbar ment use thusly: Sir Wilfred Collet. He that this step will result to Beltisher: bis personality, his intensive intellectual legal tral: up all the required has been spoken of as a worthy larger number of purchasers at courage, kindness and efficiency ing may quite easily cynic once sald that fools residences in the West Indies, succe isor to De. Nunan; and that the pool, thereby enbancing the endear and philosopers baye advocated yet these may not enter tb089 he will achieve further distincIbis students to him to his credit however. Mr. Short percentage of the club.
West Indian Federation from places without sealing a wall of tion in the colonial service goes and any The club is offering a number antirely eredu by a bady prejudice is is the first to acknowledge that without the assistance of time immemorial but practical tariffs. It has been often said without saying. His success is men eschew it always. At least that no measure of federation Jamaica success, of 25 or more unique souvenirs nen representing many phases Mr. Cambridge he would have of academic, profesion and found the task much one man, John Pope Hennessey between these units will It is learnt that Mr. Hector to the winners at the pool who business life who work in prepa even it he could have succeeded found to his cost that it was a fructify antil there is free trade Joseph will go Eagland Sush their tickets first.
ration for examinations conscien at all.
subject both for fools in the archipelagoes, or a somew thin the next couple of montho So all aboard for Juan Franco tiously and enthusiastically The London Daily Chronicle in and philosophers, and o sort of Customs union, and it is oa leave, but as stated above, he tomorrow and here good luck order not to to let Cambridge a rec recent data says: entirely for the practical. Mr. somewhat disappointing to find will return to British Guiana, to the lucky ones.
down As a natural result of Mr. Alfred Short, P, who Wood in bis careful survey of no mention of such a suggestion thie happy combination of has passed his final examination the subject which we publish in Mr. Wood report. sewhere, in our fifth instal one a body trade, son working ment from his historic report of koeo and loyal workers on the on the moulder of of Sheffield.
himself neither fool nor HINDS ROBBED?
other hand, each published Wednesbury philosopher, but utterly practi ed, however, we think that Mr.
of the awards in the erami. Division, which was regarded as cal and declares that Federation Wood gives undue welght to the shows successes accɔmlikely to be ot refusals of colonies Conservative stroagnold, for bisid the forces both suggested by Sir Edward DawPublic.
students which could not Election a short and stren.
That conference failed to obtained without thorough pre: uous campaign.
and varied lays his finger on the spot of me paratioa under his inspiring He joined Grey Inn in 1920, principal centrifugal force. in In so far as British Marcus Hinds and his associate these grudgingly treated buon guidance. At the last examina and will be called to the Bar the in Guiana divorcement of Statement wasonakewarme if not Central Penitentiary undergoing but they are atrata of two pow. dr. Cambridge was succeastur concerned the Gov. Joseph would have on up by shortly.
santiment In an interview he explained börn of an absence of communi antagonistic; the vote was taken a sentence of three years penal erful automatic pistols which the but think (writes correspon that his main object in sueking cation between units. Until this in an attenuated house, Goverr servitude for larceny by a trick convicted men carried abɔut, dent) taking all the circumstana (Continued on (Continued On Page 8)
rigi atmosphere of indifference obtaining by false pretences and which Hinds intimated that ces into consideration, that the Page 400 for unearthing supposed he wouid use at the slightest buried treasures at Prospect in provocation. In an endeavour to Barbadians will be Sent Grand Variety Concert. St. Andrew having begun to frustrate the administration of EDUCATIONAL Jamaica Politicians Did Home realize the folly of ways. justice, inembers of the Rang Not Arrive.
The Variety Concert in aid of particularly uncomfortable on obtain the jury list and also to was spent large sums of money to In reference to a notice ap; the Salvation Army Work, will be Wednesday night when he had intimidate jurymen. From time tɔ time have read official business at the last mo. By HP, WILKINS)
In consequenca of pressing perring in the Star Herald one of the most gigantic func to don his prison garb instead of gang went so far as last Tuesdaye thmen the Pian reselors publied only Chubhouse which he was able to purchase tive to post the barnelos or every increasing cameratilacation pour pass, Biomagn and create newspapers to obtain about the mant, Hon. Taeo Wiat and Canal Government will off at retiring to bed money from of Hinds drawbacks and handicaps to the the party of Politicians to acTae Barbadians The of program will be ani interest through his ill gotten gaios.
we are asked to state ing one as several medalist will has reached the getting authoritatively that as there are be. As we announced in yester the police and certain statements demanded in an age of enlighten ware unable to leave on the 9th a large number of Barbadian seat have been already taken. daxe Gleaner the gang of which baveathered, en weera mw hae sa meat to make useful citizens of of the present month. The parts patients who are desirous to it would not be sur.
Among those taking part will Hiads was wety, will however, leava on the return home, the Panama Canal be, Misses Ellen Joshua Vida swindled poor simple minded prising if criminal proceedings and every restriction and 16th last, Persons interested Government bhas decided to Harper, Viola CampbellMrs. island fully 12, 000 and in many believe that he would have been vate schools that rustics in different parts of the were to commence shortly.
to meeting the demands of will be accordingly notified as At no time did the Hinds gang offspriag of West Iadians in pri to the program on their arrival.
charter the small salvage steamer Olga King and Prof. Clunes. La Favorito which go direct to The Concert will DV. take what has become of the money, convicted. They went so far as to great and sure need ia past years have met a Barbados with these patients. place Thursday 19th Inst.
At the same time the opportuniNow that the ship is sunk those ARRANGE BALL to pat our children on the road cannot obtain the privileges of ty is is afforded to any of those Akall Agitation Getting yet been brought to justice are in honour of the acquittal of the when they have been taught in Schools.
who arrived and have to better educational facilities being taught in the Canal Zone Panama Canal who have already made applica. Serlous In The Punjab talking. They that Hinds leaders of the gang.
They telt kindergarten schools up to about It is a well known fact at the tion to be sent home, or any India and Hall lost most of their sanguine the jury would have the third grade put in the way of present time that high Republic money in gambling. That whilst and it came to them on Wednesday, Kindergarten teachers. and z. officials are sincerely This does not in any way inter: direct West India master It is colored seriously tere with the negotiations which from London States thacebhe swindling the incredulous people shock when the jury unhesitat, teachers with certificates from the Educational problem of the Barbados Government relative shows that the Akali agitation in front a lehen ale dla dward pinto imposed the maximum sentence agitated against teachers of Pci Chief Health Officer and others are being carried on with the daily reports from the Punjab when they got their dishonest ingly, returned verdict of the British Colonial Education country, and Me Such high z oficials as the 10 the quarantee fee daarged bridly developing into a forma: famous dice game and a most of three yearl Pearl, Sarrita de cate Schools of the lower order bare been beantrade to attend their beretoforethe Favorite will proceed directable revolutionary movement. All the money they robbed went to ceith Hiods and Hall for As Black Maria. drove of motives concern desires Some Barbados without touching though no call bas the res schools for any the other port there can be no made on the Sikh soldiers a luckier and more clever bands in General Penitentiary: Vision of Without givia moss undesirable impression has act of gambling. But whilst 101 claim for higher order of people.
till the Panamanian charge made for quarantine fee been made on them and this is, they lost money in gaming, they revelry at the expected ballschhorities and department of tion increases so that at Cristóbal the Canal Zone the popula: Mbich has temporarily tied up the cause for much anxietyto wine, women and also spent fabulous sums on were replaced by the sounds of repatriation.
songs, and it the weeping of the women folks, health have heard the true cry the need of larger school is asserted It is advisable that this golden by erstwhile and even Hinds and Hall could and in have joined quarters the issue not assume ad attitude of brava which have eventually resulted in is apparent opportunity be taken by as many her carrying capacity the date of members of the gang do in the face of their downfall. many of the smaller schools been At Gambua there is a margin natives of Barbados as possible sailing may be further extended THAT THE DOWNFALL The maximum who are willing to get home. We if there is the possibility of getsentence for closed with nothing to take thelr. school with one teacher at least o meet the needs of the popula.
understand that the steamer ting her filled, the authorities of Hinds and Hall is due to the three offence with which tha con places.
tion in that district, and there ard welke me be in at the expira ex canal employees, as is possi. The men who ieperated the bike Until 1916 the Law was the same sandmon Railroad employees who good certificates to Peach the lat in of that victed three years Children of have noticed that even the others.
It is to higtz tion of that period there are not ble, the opportunity of getting them got very little of the big sufficient persona to complete home.
ibauls they made and at times (Continued on page 8) do not reside in the Canal Zone 2ad, and 3rd. Grades.
planes participate in related to Light Thrown on Question Being Asked By The Bandana boy was going become outer les porno He anaand tender growth.
lyses faithfully then ripetal, and waterialise for many centrifugal in reasons.
complete their notes patriate some matter of be barrier of the. bave at say Obers so desirous.
they guilts to at results Ia the authorities to


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