
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN BATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1928 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands LABOURERS WANTED MAGNUMS CASH MAGNUMS KINGBEE CIGAR TES Extra ild came motor 15 GOLD for 20 CIGARETTES dlately Book Binding!
the Lawson and per: THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department assisted by Mr.
Their report the Corporation.
com committed tion of of is being ram by near future JAMAICA report and supporting his recommendations in respect of preference on sugar Killed By Motor Caroseraphic and steamship com municationadding that subject of communicaDEATH OF AN EIGHT YEAR OLD tons with the United Kingdom via Canada would require further FOR UNITED FRUIT COMPANY FARMS BOY and fuller consideration. Valuable motor car accident which At Bocas del Toro and was attended with fatal results Attacked by Shark and occurred on Sunday morning Drowned and the victim was Jobn Barton Costa Rica Coupon an eight year old boy, and the son of Mr. Sydney Barton, of young fisherman of Ple the firm of Messrs. Williamson Corner, St. Lucy, was drowned APPLY EARLY Bros.
on Wednesday off bis home coast From what could be gathered wbile sea og8 catching in the the deceased along with some company of bis brother. Losing Only Farm Hands Required, Others other boys was riding bicycle bis bag which was slung across the Victoria Street in a may pole, the lad, named Hur Need Not Apply property Mr. Stanley Harris remained so long under water as down Elletson Road to occasion suspicion in the For further particulars apply to the deceased along with some mind of his brother, who went WYNTER other boys was coming along under to look for him. On the Victoria Street from east. The sea bed be found him lying dead, Workman Printery IN EACH deceased in turning up Elletson band, and much lacarated about and not only dead but minus Road in with PACKAGE car. He was knocked down the body pointing to the fact and sustained serious injuries that the deceased had been Mr. Harris took him up imme attacked by some fish. The body brought in his motor car and he was recovered and was taken to the St. Joseph ashore, and an inquiry held into Sanatorium where he was seen the circumstances of death. by Doctors Charles Levy and verdict of death from drowning died about half an hour after he St Cyr. The unfortunate boy was returned, was taken to institution. TRINIDAD credit of having. by patient and profit on the year working.
The body of the deceased was Why throw away your old, but no continuous efforts, convinced the With the improved prospects taken to authorities that his scheme and of the sugar industry it is exen su Andrew where later in the Trinidad Chocolate doubt interesting, books when you his site for the sinking of the pected that the Goyernment will day Dr.
wells was the most suitable. collect at the end of the year for Kingston attehord Unfortunatels Mr. Farrell died the 1920 Profits Tax and the formed the post mortem exami POSSIBILITIES OF THE LO can have them neatly bound at before the completion of the 1922 Saa Defenca Assessments, nation. Mr. Harris was arrested CAL MARKET erection of the works, though the collection of which was deby Constable Scafe of the not until very near the end; and ferred owing to the depression the Franklin Towa police station on scheme was then brought to in the sugar trade.
completion by a charge of manslaughter, He Agricultural Society has tad the new was taken to the Sutton Street under consideration the question Engineer. Mr. Scott, police station, where he was Anderson, Shortage of Transient granted bail in the sum of 100.
of the manufacture of chocolate Asst. Engineer, and Mr.
The police have taken state in the island.
Dickson, mechanical engineer to which is signed by Mr.
ments in the matter and a San Coroner inquest will be held in Stollmeyer, is now available.
The plant comprises a Owing to a very large numdue course.
this it appears that the ro CENTRAL AVENUE plete duplicate set of engines ber of men having gone off to mittee met on Four occa and pumps. The restricted their engines are of the diamond fields, a distinct sions, and efforts firstly to the consideraand No. G Street the semi Diesel type, by Messrs. shortage of transient labourers Mirrless BARBADOS ess. Bickerton. Day Co. labourers who do not live on the of the commercial side of the investigation the possibilities of Stockwell, England; of 200 estate but come from the vileach, and their manufacturing locally and shiptuel oil is Irem sumption of of lages usually blacks)
THE BARBADOS ping chocolate in partly manulow experienced and shortage of factured or block form to the lons per hour when working at propo has reported. Unless MIAMI CABLE manufacturers, instead of in the full speed. The pumps are of the some bean.
To this end three throw is done in the very type, with International Controversy France, Holland, Canada, and the as regards the representative Grms in the United Kingdom, Messrs. Frank Pearn Co. importation of labour for work (W. on the estates, and adequate Ended.
United States, and their finding SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR for 1924 seems very doubtful.
and 1928 have been that apart from existThe in utenti Infants, Invalids and the Aged The United States Govern. Ing protective duties on the DEMERARA dutries of the interior ment having at last consented manufactured article into these attracting a considerable numto the landing of the Barbados. countries, general expressions Every tin contains an Interesting leaflet of the ber of people from the coast Florida cable at Miami, the new were made by Importers and depreciating the suggestion marvellous use of this great Food.
while Improved Sugar Prospects. prospective drainage schemes city improvement and the telegraphic route between Brazil were and America, in which it forms manufacturers alike, on the and other public works are very link, alin was formally opened on a Purely An English Preparation.
on grounds of the Introduction of Mr. Fitzpatrick writing likely to effect the estate labour September 7th, the day on which an article to which they have to the West India Committee supply considerably.
the centenary of the Indepen been unaccustomed, and to the Circular saye inter alia MANUFACTURED BY dence of Brazil was celebrated fact that departure from the Thanks to the good weather Miami Barbados cable is accepted process of manufacture BENGER FOOD, LTD has been experienced Application For Dlamonowned by the Western Union would be entailed.
MANCHESTER; ENGLAND during the last few months diferous Land.
the Company, an American concern, whilst the Pernambuco Barba possibilities attached to manu.
The consideration crop prospects are excellent and FOR SALE AT good returns are anticipated Viscount Dunford s, Group when the autumn grinding be dos link is the property of the chocolate for local OODEnglish Western Telegraph sumption, and for nearby export The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORĄN gins. With sugar now at cents applied to the Government for practically all the estates in the concession of some 3, 000 Company, to whose monopoly in trade, was also engaged to. and Washington in this he Colony tee found should sbow small (Continued On Page 7)
objected. An acute international there was material room for controversy was raised, and for expansion with success, if nearly two years the shore end facture be undertaken on coof the cable has been buoyed off operative lines by planters based the Florida Coast.
a simllar organization to that Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 It will be recalled that Barba: which obtains at present in Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 dos, in granting landing rights. Ceylon. They were informed made it condition that the that in that colony success was companies should accept conditional on a sufficient facmessages for transmission from tory capacity to merit Barbados to the United King date equipment, the employment dom when all existing routes of a trainer and responsible were interrupted. manager, and a travelling repre sentative to introduce their proHead Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK ducts into nearby markets. Agricultural Headquarters (W Transferred Depository of the PANAMA CANAL The headquarters of the Im, perial Department of Agriculture has been an important instituDirect Representations through our own Branches and those of tion in the Agricultural life of THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in Barbados, has been transferred MODERN PUMPING STATION to the island of Trinidad FRANCE consequent upon the amalgmation of the Depaatment with the station at Cocorite Farm, PortThe new waterworks pumping CHINA JAPAN INDIA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS West Indian Agricultural College of Spain, Trinidad, recently ARGENTINE located at Trinidad. Sir Francis erected by the City Council at BRAZIL Watts bead of the department cost of 25, 588 188. 1d. for the URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA left for Trinidad on the 11th purpose of augmenting the supSeptember and was followed by ply to the his staff later on.
city, was formally opened by the Governor: The system is one of pumping from Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World Major Wood Report Ap on the lands of the Cocorite sunk near to each other proved Farm, a coconut estate owned for many years past by the ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE At the regular monthly meet. Corporation, all the wells being ing of the Chamber of Commerce connected. The plant was hefd on the 3rd September a designed by the late Mr. Charles INTEREST PAD ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM resolution was passed expressing Farrell, Sc, City Engin appreciation of Mr, Wood eer, to whom is due also the they corresBENGER FOOD labour supply are The that of South America omo that manu inn on a up toInternational Banking Corporation Port of Spain Water Supply ENGLAND SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM PHILLIPINES JAVA CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO wells


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