
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 1922 PAGE TEPAT GIRLS RESERVE 9ibitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HAVE YOU YOU TRIED Organized At Paralso. mannu spent by Spite of Mrs.
dictatorship a Bumerous be som manifested French namammamanan Mra. ELOGLU When you work ay math sers.
these Friends You will find if a series of you want photographs of QUALITY 120 MOVING PICTURE at STARS one Reasonable in each package Price Your chance complete this has arrived series FIVE CENTS we give for you an Album FIFTEEN CIGARETTES FREE word to the THREE FOR ONE CENTS wise.
CIGARETTES Zone 5c. CHENALLOY, Agont Republic 12.
Englise On Wednesday the 4th tostant the girls of the Silver Club School were the happy recipient of a visit from the Paraiso corpo of Girls Reserve. It was admirable to see the girls as they came along in their oficial om spitor her faces. Quite an and wearing broad smiles on enjoyable time was parties The visitors were supervised by Mrs. Neely of Paraiso, who, it is evident, is a most capable leader of her sex. These girls have been organized by said Mrs. Neely under the Jesa (white. a member of the Women Christian Are Young It is somewhat gratitying to see the zeal Je to the work of Isthmu by Me the Colored Ridla ot the he said, Among other things, much haye beea said of the men in all ages and climes, but little or no tribute has ever been paid to have the silent but ever workers and supporters ot men; and that she thinks it is high time for women to speak out for themselves and show that they are allve.
It is Mrs. Je intention to organize a corp St Cristobal Bilver Clubhouse The work has been put finto the hands of Miss Hilda whose long experience of society and courteous manner make us believe that she will prove herselt not less capable than Mrs.
next meeting, is set for All girls from 12 upwards are cordially invited. Come in and cast in your lot; there is much to be gained and nothing to loose.
Mrs. Jean will also be present At the next meeting to give first hand information.
women who roads 00been Payne.
or Neely mamamaraanan ΔΕ ΘΣ Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm into Turks and Allies In Conference.
the sto Boon to the Sufferer The Old Spirit Of NOTICE Comradeship DR. HUBERT EDWARDS Begs to notity bial clients that STILL EXIST BETWEEN be bas removed his residence BRITAIN AND FRANCE from 4th Street to 8th and Streets Colon. Deveaux Build ing) Commonly called The London October wben so u uch Louis.
boxrd of the different opinion maintained by the British sod French Governments upon the reparations problem and variou Dental Notice other current political question there is an almost unavoidable tendency to overlook the indlea tions on firm friendship and Having received Sige con sympathy wbich exist between signment of dental supplies from the two countries. The old spirit the United States during the of a mradeship which existed ring the war still tourishes in week, at a greatly reduced price.
of political controversy rey desire my patients and the Throughout Britain; there are public to know that my fees for societies busily dental service will also be reduced sofreds to France devastated on bebalt the wbile these supplies last.
ares and the journal Dr. JOHNSON recently paid a very generous tribute to the quiet and practical District Dentist of La Boca, And the work of the British League of Help Telp is 179 Central Avenue steadily extending not slackenOpposite Station ing. More than 100 British towns Panama.
have already dy adopted as many French villages and very substantial gifts in money and in kind have been made. Great Bootleggers Take au quantities of stock and seeds have been sent, water have been installed, eerlora!
Whisky But Won machinery supplied, school Pay houses and village balls built, and individual care bas been shown for those in need, while AGENT WHO BOUGHT AND BOLD several of children from ALCOHOL SAID TO HAVE LOST the deu para reas have not spent ON DEAL summer holidays in English nomes this year. To read some GOT HOT RECEPTION.
newspapers one might imagine acute enmity between that there was the two coun. When He Asked For Pay In tries. Really it is the firmness of The States Was Told To Anglo French friendship Clear Out.
by pressed the people, which makes possible frank disagree.
ment upon political points at whisky smuggling rather interesting story of issue. It would be a ludicrous into the mistake to exaggerate such dis United States was told to agreemeut breach representative of the Gleaner between the two nations.
on Saturday It appears that a certain commercial agent recently came to the West Indies canvassing for All Steel Carriages For orders for a well known brand of London whisky. Large consignments of e stuff were sent to Nassau and there he entered into nego During a recent visit to Great tiations with a we known boot Britain the Chicago Streets legg It was arranged that pressed with the efficiency of off the coast of America. Great Committee, were greatly im the whisky should be delivered the Underground railway system dimculty was experienced in of London, They admitted landing the on it was the finest system of trans soil but the effort eventually com ort on a large scale in the proved successful. The Spittee described the and the Chairman of the mercial agent in question arriva con ed shortly after the landing of of the whisky in the American port the high standard attained, and in accordance with the ar improvements continue to be rangements made with the botmade in the service and in the legger in Nassau he dem mechanical equipment. The payment for the consignment.
effort to keep in the van of The bootlegger, bowever, adopt.
progress is in connection with ed a welching attitude. He The Under refused to pay for the whisky ground Company has put five of and when the commercial agent the leading rolling stock manu. pressed him he showed him his facturers of Great Britain in gun and threatened that it be competition with each other, so did not beat it be and bls as to encourage the introduction associates would put the problbi of clever innovations which will tion agents on his track.
lean to economy of and The commercial agent thought additional convenience and com discretion the better part of val.
fort to the passengers. These or and he had to chase away new cart will be built of steel from the American port. His throughout so as to give addi firm lost several hundred of tional strength and security pounds by the transaction against fire.
Similar cases have recently occurred and it would now ap Ship Canal for Scotland pear that those who are now in whisky smuggling have decided to get the cash first before they deliver the goods.
For a long time past the ad.
vantages of a ship canal from the Forth to the Clyde have been Buried Treasure.
realised. The late Lord Fisher stated in his memoirs that when he was at the Admiralty he During the war an enormous strongly in favour of such a number of vessels containing canal. The project has now been valuable cargo were gunk, and revived and has been actively the impression prevails that, exbrought to the front as provid cept in the case of such things ing employment. The British as gold, the cargoes are Government is being urged to have been so badly damaged as obtain, as a preliminary, an en to be not worth salvage. gineering report on the practica British authority points bility of the scheme.
however, that in the case of steel and machinery, immersion for eighteen months or more Silver City Band Installs leaves the articles in practically New Secretary as good a state as when they came out of the factory, One of the most remarkable illustrations At the general meeting of the above of this claim is Band held at their Band rooms on the turbine steamer which had suffafforded by 26thz ulto. The Secretary elect Mr. ered so little during eighteen Thom was duly installed, which months under the sea that after complete the installation of offiowa for having been raised she was the term.
actually able to the under The following for the new Admini. her own steam little tration: overhauling had been Me. Edmund Squires, President, out. Perishable cargoes also Me. Arthur Davis. Vice President seem to suffer little damage, as John Eastmond, Treasurer, a film like covering is found by the res round them.
Secretary A, Thomas Hiram Hunter, Librarian Alfred Rouget, band Loader. Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
The service of Librarian was con Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents sidered eurential due to the amount of music recently received, Incomparable Armistice Conference between the Turks and the Allies was commenced on Tuesday 3rd inst.
and on Thursday information by cable stated, that a satisfactory proctocol was arranged and would be signed within a few days. The Turks representa Government has no desire expressed, that bis to come to a clash of arms with the British Empire. This is indeed good news.
In continuation of the above the Conference continues, but with doubtful results for peace.
tive has JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF that KAL MOL GEHE demanded Safety Doors For Ships latest hew carriages, THE ORIGINAL GERMAN FORMULA Acetyl Salicylic Acid in its purest and most efficient form and Kal mol Gehe with Cafeina MANUFACTURED BY THE WELL KNOWN FIRM GEHE CO.
DRESDEN, GERMANY operation ly, therefore, that this Pressure Many of the most useful inventions ever produced seem obvious once they are invented, though had they really been obvious they would have been invented, long before. For example, there is no reas ɔn why doors on should be made on exactly the same lines as doors in houses. When a ship suffers a a collision or runs around the decks are liable to be strained so that the doors of cabios become tightly jammed. Obviouswas of the th importance that the greatest doors should be so constructed would not have the eff ºct of preventing the the passengers from from their cabin. It has remained for the British company to produced safety door for purpose difference between this door and the ordiaary one is that the edges of the door are bevelled and fit into a bevelled recess in the door frame The lock bolt and the socket for the bolt are also beyelled upwards and downwards and are so constructed frame of the door is distorted the bolt will be forced out of the socket. Under no conditions therefore will a passenger on a so equipped cabin run the risk of being imprisoned in his cabin.
escaping this The only KAL MOL GEHE is preferred for its absolute purity and efficiency in giving instant relief to Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold, Influenza, Grippe, Alcoholic Intoxication, Menstrual Colic, Gout.
Free Samples given away at the following Drug Stores: Colon Panama Pan American Drug Store Farmacia La Union Farmacia International Principal Drug Store Farmacia El Globe Farmacia Italiano Botica Frances Farmacia Inglesa Botica Francesa British Pharmacy Farmacia Central Farmacia Moderna Kingston Drug Store Farmacia Prieto Farmacia Americano The People Drug Store Farmacia Nacional Farmacia Montezuma The New Drug Store, And on Sale at all drug stores throughout the Republic, SOLB AGENT EUSTACE LEE, 98 Market Street Telephone 50, Box 338, Colon, Was likely to that if the os out goods Tod ISLE OF SPRING LODGE Outer carried ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 8150 The meeting nights of this lodge are the 1st and 3rd Mondays and the 3rd Thursday of each month, in the Loyal Progress Hall Panama. The next meeting takes place on Monday Dight October 16th, and on Thursday night October 19th 1922 at 30 sharp.
All officers and members are requested to be on time.
WM. H: MAYNARD, Per. Secretary.


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