
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 1922, THE WORKMAN Pablisbed on Saturdays by EN Rates for Advertisement on applies VALEOND, at the office Central Avotion. Correspondenes on all matters The ard corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. de Box 74. Panana All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, sed 2ATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 B. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaBix Months 20 tion but is a mark of good faith.
we do not undertake to return Oue 25e. erejected orrespondence, LOMBARDO es TER Three 60c.
CIGARETTES CINEWOO ARTERI 20 CIGARETTES. c. Tic CARTER Tusk Eraser 14À P4, Always in stock at BENEDETTI HERMANOS Shorter Working Hours AT The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURDAY OCTOBER 14, 1922 Will soon be on sale in every establishment THE CUBA LABOR EXCITEMENT.
throughout the Republic INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF few days ago the Star Herald gave out the information that the United Fruit Company with extensive plantations in Cuba together with the Tacsjo Sugar Coporation had concluded arrangements with the Cuban Government whereby they are authorized to import labor from Jamaica and Barbados. This announcement was MANUFACTURED BY the cause of a rush to this office to ascertain the condi.
tions, and probabilities of local connections with the The Pan American Tobacco Co subject.
CARTER Nothing official could be given out, but it is felt that axeoXoXo SOVE INKS. PASTES MUCILAGES if the report is true it is a question that concerns people in the islands and not people here. The report states that contracted labor is to be repatriated immediately after the NOTICE Central Ave 3rd. St.
crop season on the plantations is over, so that unemployed labor would not suffer in Cuba as it has in the past, Correspondents are requestes PANAMA No government would object to the importation and to send in the contributions repatriation of labor as a practical scheme, except that not later than Thursday evening, such scheme would prejudice the interests and welfare of to ensure publication.
its own citizens. The Cuban government does not seem PRODUCTS to be averse to West Indian labor as it is known there that ARE CHURCH SERVICES West Indian labor is superior to any other that has been imported or that migrated into that country, desired by all workers (American Episcopal Church)
For the last three years what used to be a subtle (Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity)
Dr. HOFFMANN opposition on the part of European labor against its in the kitchens St. Paul Church, Pana na has reopened his clinic for stronger competitor from the West Indies, developed into a. m, Holy Communion, diseases of the blood, rheumaa popular propaganda in which open hostility against the 10 Matias tism and urological cases in latter was observed in political circles, while the leading 10 a. in Holy Eucharist and sermon Spanish newspapers depicted the labor question as gloom2 Holy Bupti, the upper floor of Al Place, iest for West Indians who were declared to be undesirable You can procure them with pm, Sunday School.
Santa Ana Plezı, Street from various points of view. 30 pm Evensong and sermon.
That propaganda originated amongst the Gallegos NIGHTENGALE Vicar increased efficiency by using who, on account of linguistic and other sympathies, gained St. Alban s, Paraiso.
the support of the natives. The result was that West 7:15 a Holy Comunion Gatun CZ Indians who could find no work on the plantations during GAS FOR COOKING 11. Mattias Address Gospel Sermon 11, 303. 7, 30 the off season or those whose lines of occupation sent them pm Sunday School Bunday School pm into the city of Havana were boycotted by the so called 4;15 Eren ngºing Serm 2m George Griffith labor unions which almost invariably refused to admit NIGA TENGALE Priest in charge Panama San Miguel St bullthem into membership. With such a handicap, West PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY Las Sabanas Mission ding 18 Indians were at a decided disadvantage in Cuba, and that PANAMA OFFICE. COLON OFFICE: Bun day Scbool pm Gospel Serm 30s 11, 30 a. 7:30 is the main reason why so many of them became stranded Sunday School pm Cathedral Plaza YOUR 30 pm Eveningsong address 93 Bo ivar St.
long before the banks went on the blink. F. Nightengsle. Priest in charge Bailey Pastor The desire for West Indian labor on the Cuban plan Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 St. George Church Gatun Bible Truth Churches, tations, is due to the proximity of the islands and the conwww 11 a. Matins and address, This sequent minimum cost in transportation, to and fro.
San Miguel a Sunday School, new arrangement ought to work out felicitously for the 30 pm Evensong and address: 5: na. Morning Prayer SACRED CANTATA 10 am Children Service West Indies with their large surplus of labor. Hundreds LEAVES THE ISTHMUS St. Peter Church La Boca.
11 am Preaching Service Bro, who per force of circumstance have been compelled to Francis return to their homes would be glad to leave again for new, An Emminent Surgeon And Music lovers are again romind. 0;30a. Holy Communion 30 pm Gospel Service ed of the Sacred Dramatic Can Litany and Holy Communion II a. fields where work and conditions give promise of a good Sanitarian tats entitled JOSEPH BOND Dedioation of the Bell (Presoher Rov.
Calldonia future.
AGE which will ba staged at Nightengsle It is hoped that both the government of Jamaica and the Excelsior Theatre on Satur Choral Evensong and sermoa a. Morning Prayer There leaves Camp Empire day evening, October 28. No that of Barbados will use Argos eyes in the framing and 10 am Children Sarvise Medical MULCARE. Rootor Corps last week efforts are being spared to give 11 am Preaching Service conclusion of contracts with the companies for the protec for the States an emminent the public fall value for their St. Barnabas Church, Empire pm Sunday School tion of their countrymen, and that the British Consuls in physician, able surgeon and can money, and a grand time is Morning Prayer and address 11 som 30 m Gạpal Service Havana and Santiago will employ every effort to see that itarian in the person of Major anticipated. It is not often that Sunday School Confirmation Class Barolay. Pastor in obargo, the provisions of the contracts and agreements are fulfilled Gume residents of every grade, West Indian public to witness Evening Prayer and address 7p.
an is given to our The to the letter.
sbade and creed who have found entertainments of this nature In the past, the West Indian governments have been a real friend in the major, who and none should miss this rare JT MULCARE, Priest in charge 10 am Sunday School too lax in their treatment of the labor question as it affect by night or day has been always trest.
St. Bartholomew Church, Il; 15 sm Holiness Mooting ed their own people. Much abuse and ill treatment suffer ready and willing to attend to formance commences at sharp.
Las Cascadas u Sunday School their ailments whatever the ed by this labor in foreign countries was allowed to pass trouble.
Morning Prayer and address 11, a. GEORGE MORRIS.
Dedication Of Bell by unnoticed until the people came to feel that it was use The good Major is of a kind, Sunday School Confirmation Clase Commandant less to hope for representation by their governments. pleasant and amiable rature, and 2;p. The bell which has been Eveningsong and Sermon Christian Mission Of Panama Now, there is an awakening to their responsibilities his manner of itself seems to purchased for St. Peter Rev JT Muloare, Priest in charge Pasuma 11 am in protecting their people who go abroad in search start a cure of his clientelle.
Church, La Boca, will be dedicat Brewster 7:30 Pollard of employment. If the United Fruit Company and the terpart of the famous surgeon de to merlom. Sunday, the 15 Seventh Day Adventist Church Chorillo 11. Moooley 7:30 Tacajo Sugar Corporation of Cuba wish West Indian labox Nolan or the colon Hospital in inte) at 8:30 pm. The Rector era STREET CALIDONTA ROAD, Belle warm invitation his on the contract system they should be made to satisfy all the rush and booming days of (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Paraiso 11. a 7:30 Burke Sup Boca apprehensions of the West Indian governments concerned entral Sabbath (Saturday) 45 mm. Sab11. J.
to this service, The Rov, Mu kr 7:30 by making agreements sufficiently fair as to remove every size, manner of dec. both in loyal members and many friends inpediment against the ensurance of individual protection. The doctor in the kings Nightengale, Vicar of St. Paul both School; 11. 15 am General Worabip Gatun 11 am Neblatt 7;30 physiog and leaves the peop ple Church Panama, will be the 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm.
Young People Meeting; 5, 30 D, Colon 11. Si, Mottloy7;30 Broi There are still thousands of West Indians in this coun of the West coast of the canal preacher.
try who are unemployed, and many of them are wondering from Pedro Miguel shore on the Sunday evening at Reading, Grant.
why the companies seeking labpr did not turn their eyes their tost of so capable and kind and dolog real good work in this ca. 90 pere, welcome both young and West Cascadas mourning the period, There will be a Special service at 4; pm on the same day when the laying of to this office why pbysician the Corner Stons of the above osmed.
Wesleyan Methodist Church will take place Panama were not sought for the plantations in Cuba, buti; home can read felirgeon; especial corp at the Empire camp to the old. 30 m, Preaching Service a La it is suggested that the matter of repatriation must have Major Qualls hails from Mur there was an active rush on his Panem. 11. Mr. Alfred Harris Representatives from many Religiou Town Illinois. He now attendance for the last, at the something to do with their action. 30 Rey Kimock Brahạm Organisation is invited.
It is doubtful whether foreign labor could be contracte de piscina en Water Read Gier bem e elama lebidding day ahead Coloa. Por, Kormor orientar BeoD: Hospital, Tocom Park Washing hearts and tearful eyes goodbye.
Baptist Church 7, 30 Rev. Surgeon ed in Panama and taken into another country with any ton, We wish the Major bon voyage La Boca 11 Rev. Kimock Beabsm Colou 11 am Supplied degree of security to labor itself. Panama would not be He came to the Isthmus and the same measure of success 7;15 Mrs Thrift.
Chorrillo, 11 am. Descon Smith responsible for British West Indian labor contracted here in 1915, put in two years with which his la bors have been p. m, Mr K. Walters Now Providence 11. Mr. Moodie Coronal Rond 11 am. Pastor Witt 7, 15 Pastor Witt by the United Fruit Company and taken into another in the world war, returning to crowned in Panama.
Paraiso 11 am Mr. Walter country, nor would the islands to which the laborers be7:15 Me Gallimore long be responsible for them if they came at loggerheads friends to move slowly and cautiously, until better infor Empire 11. a Mr Layan Empire 11 sm 7;15 Deacon Linton with the contracting companies. It is not clear whether mation on the subject can be furnished. 37 Church Of God G St Colon Pueblo Nuevo Supplied Jamaica or Barbados would consider for repatriation (ases It would be a great pity, if in the demand in Cuba for 11. 30 a 7:30 Gospel Sermon Cativa Descon Foster New Providence Deacon Brown that did not originate in these islands.
labor on the plantations, the thousands of West Indians Sunday School Sis, Brewster Pastor Evang.
New Gatun Thursday 7, 30 Pastor Thrift This question ought to be aired as it concerns the who are on the rocks in this country could not be used.
New Providence interests of every West Indian laborer here who would like The West Indian Committee as an official body repreto proceed to Cuba under the fever of the new labor senting the interests of British West Indians ought to Gospel Serma 11. 30. 30 Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
excitement. And it is cousidered advisable to warn all take up the question with the United Fruit Company and Sunday School Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents Sis Elliot, Pastor, those who might be able to get their passage money from the Governments of Jamaica and Barbados Incomparable Qua ls Salvation Army 6, 30 im Prayer Moeting construction LA Wilson Neblett phy

    World War

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