
They Arrive from Canada Where They Went to Play At Toronto Exhibition.
PO The Saving Man SMOKES New York Cigarettes RECEPTION AT PIER.
Acquitted Themselves to The Satisfaction and Appreciation of the Canadlans.
somewhat omall an should movement Rrain for SURPRISINGLY GOOD Company, The London, October To those who scan the industrial aky for sigas of the look for revival in trade there can be few items of nows more welcome and significant than two recorded this week. One of these items re.
Lates to commere and is appropriately eaough centred in London; the other concerns industry, and both owing to the interrelation modern commerce must ect ever wideing spheres of activity First, and perhaps first in Importance, is the news that London is to a great extent regalning her pre war position in the grain trade of the world.
In the days before the war it was a striking it paradoxical, fact that Great Britalo who berselt produced so Saan amount of wheat so important a part in the of.
world the primary food. Lately large business has been done by don firms in Continental countries; notably many among those being France, Italy Germany, Belgium, Holland and Greece, while on a smaller scale there have been transactions countries.
Increasing extent to which London has been regaining trade appears to be the result of the facilities and the layour able terms London merchants Cadas The transacare able to offer tion of this business by London houses is doubly welcome for it tends to strengthen the position London as the principal centro for the chartering of tonnage, and, in addition, the reverberations of of this activity will be felt world of banking and Insurance Our second instance, Damely the good tonnage output from the Clyde shipbuilding yards during August also concerns those who go down to the sea in aps. Bere the improve have its repercussion in other trades, chief among them being the steel industry, which, in turn. mus piping favourably re act upon the industry. Seventeen Yessels vessels were launched on Clydeside during the past month with a total of only seventy three as during months of the year, or, the seven previous cunt in tonnage, nearly fifty four thousand tons of shipping were constructed as against two hundred thousand tons in the previous seven months, In other words, in one eighth of the time one fifth of the total output was produced, a very marked evi.
dence of improvement in one of Britain premier industries.
The American Foreign Banking Corporation la in the again August aber and the admirably.
band On at erauitted items compared Fresh from Canada where they went to play for the recent Toronto Exhibition, the Band of the West India Regiment return.
ed to Kingston on Saturday fore noon on the Canadian Fisher from Montreal. Quite a number 16 FOR CENTS 16 FOR 12 CENTS of citizens went down to welcome the returning bandsmen, and bey were given quite a warm IN THE ZONE IN THE REPUBLIC raception Among those who war, present on the per were Colonel Bliss, Commanding the West India Regiment Major Nicholson and Major Fink; and Capt. List of the Jamaica Fruit and Shipping agents for the Canadian Government Merchant Marine Service. As the vessel steaned up the barbour the bandsmen lined up forward and discoursed sweet strains of music This attracted a large number of spectators to the pier and its approaches; and when the ship was berthed the men were given bearty welcome by their friends and admirers.
In conversation with a representative of the Gleaner several of the bandsmen expressed them selves as being bigbly delighted Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY with their visit to Canada They were splendidly treated and won the admiration of the large number of visitors who attended the Exhibition. The DEPOSITORY OF band went under the charge of Major Leader and throughout was conducted by Bandmaster.
opened on 26th of and closed the 9th of September in Toronto they were warmly received by the Mayor and other prominent citizens and the Zouave uniform of the bandsmen, coupled with their excellent playing, attracted the widespread attention of the Canadian public The band of the West India Regim ent vied favourably with the other big bands which played at the Exhibition includ.
ing the Italian Band and the Anglo Canadian band, From other sources the news.
paper man also heard favourable reports about the manner in which the Westers acquitted themselves. They played at the CRISTOBAL PANAMA opening of the Exhibition and at its close; and the band was constantly a fine advertisement for Jamaica wu With regard to the exhibits from Jamaica, they were greatly admired by all who attended the Toronto Exhibition. Many of them were quite novel; and Mr.
AT LAST Oradwick, the Commissioner from Jamaica, worked very rssiduously in makiog as good WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT a showing as was possible under No. 78, New Market Street the ci. cumstances, RACES, RACES RETAIL DEPARTMENT Now Fire Fighter FOR THE WELL DRESSED No. 107, Bolivar Street The number of materials and SPORTS THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY device for extinguishing fire is legion, but there is quite an original touch about a new inven.
All who want to be properly dressed for this tion recently demonstrated with FULL SUPPLY OF success by a British firm. This occasion should just have a look in at goes by the game of Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, tresnow on account snow. like liqaid which is disCabbage, Dairymen Butter, charged from the nozzle when the apparatus is in operation ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES The extinguisher contains two Tolds. in a a plain cylindrical PEREIRA, Proprietor which, turned upside Call and see us before purchasing down, causes the two liquids to CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA mix and generate gas pressure elsewhere.
which expels the steam of fire snow. The material is most WHERE YOU WILL SEE FINE SELECTION OF effective in smothering outbreaks of fire, especially those caused English White Flannel Pants, by oils and chemicals. The fire is No Labourers For Bocas. until further information kept down by the carbonic acid Light and Dark Grey Flannel, gas and by the thick white fire On Monday.
received from Bocas. Those proof coating which is foamed whose names are listed will bold and Blue Serge Suits.
over the burning material. The themselves in readiness whenfiresnow is nonpolsonous and No labourers will be sent to ever they are notifled.
may be brusbed of when dried. Bocas on Monday 16th Inst. until Best assortment of English Woollens In town and The last batch ot 50 men were out on burning petrol, which is McFarland Assitant to Mane sent over on the Company Some of the tests were carried further notice. Mr.
other men furnishings.
one of the most common and ger of the United steamship Atenas on Monday TIES OF COLORS OF VARIOUS STABLES.
dangerous problems which a fire Company having left) Panama 2nd instant, cxunguisher is designed tackle. for Bocas del Toro to take up the dusties of Manager in the absence of Mr Blair, Rent Receipt Book in Span for the United States on a bust Cigarettos 15 For 10 Cents General Manager, who has lett Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
sh and English for sale at The ness trip.
WORKMAN Printery: This order will remain in force Incomparable The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional Mr. Lloyd George Book On the War PROCEEDS TO GO TO BRITISH WAR CHARITIES LYNTON The 100, 000 One They become forta Ryention of the THE PALAIS ROYAL Lloyd George has decided to devote all the proceeds of his book upon events of the war to British war charities.
amount involved is considerable for the rights were sor purchased for a sum of approximately expects from men, but nevertheless the gift entails a very remarkable degree of self abnegation. Beitish Prime Ministers do not make fortunes out of their salaries receive comparatively small sums and the post carries with it no pension. Clearly a man who is sufficiently brilliant to first minister could make a den a fortune were he to devote his energies to finance, law or commerce.
In the past most Premiers have been men of considerable private Lloyd George has never been a rich man; his early political career entailed a measure of harJship and he a ecion of wealthy or influential family, Consequently, in giving away 100, 000 he is abandoning not a fortune çut his only forrequires. a certain per: sonal quality to put such an Impulse into operation however his feelings towards the war.
intensely one may understand These feelings are simply that be finds himself unable to take any personal adyan tage for him.
selt out of a story of the struggle and sufferings through which Britain passed and that those who suffered most from the war should receive the benefit of his authorship, The decision is una questionably just but it is none the less ge nerous for that.
rich no only tune. It is Fruit Advertise in THE WORKMAN. Pays.
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