
13 PARENTE AT His Hon. city Plonial Secretary and They Satisfy Chesterfield Dominiong Shoes. Shirts. Hats Luca!
held at sta public passed urging at which a be in the of the ST. LUCIA The best Tonic in the World PROPOSED NEW VIGOR TONIC CONSTITUTION.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend Decisions Arrived at by ed in Debility, Nervousnos, Female Weakness, Unusual Value Advisary Board Called Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up by His Excellency the a run down constitution.
HESTERFIELD cigarettes are Governor It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
At the invitation of His Exest possible quality at the lowest posDOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or cellency Sir George Haddon4 times a day.
sible price.
Smith GGovernor in We buy only the choicest and Chief, there were gathered in the Council Chamber the followmost expensive grades of Turkish ing gentlemen to discuss with and American tobaccos. And then and give advice to the Guvernor these fine tobaccos are blended in on the proposed new constitu.
ulon for t: Lucia:just the right proportions for full Hon Degazon, Hon. Geo. the age of twenty one years; or WILKINSON Williams, flavor and pleasing taste. You can Bon. Peter, being a woman, has atained the Messrs. O. Mallet, age of thirty years.
buy such quality in any other ciga Augler MeVane Westall. 2) Is under no legal incapa Contractor rette at the price.
land Palmer, LA. Col. Davidson Houston (3) Is a British subject.
Try them today.
Los (4) Has resided in the Colony and Builder His Hon. D, Laborde, for two years at least previous 15th STREET, WEST were also in attendance.
to the date of registration or is The following are the recom. domiciled in the Colony and House No. 90 mendations made by the Com. resident therein at the date of Box 411, Panama, mittee appointed by his Excel such registration, and in either lency the Governor to consider case possesses some one of the certain points connected with following qualifications; the proposed grant of a measure Plans and Specifications Frog (a) has a net income of at least of Representative Government fifty pounds per annum; to the colony of St. Lucia.
First Class Workmanship (b) is the owner of real proQualifications Of Electors. perty within the Colony of the Guaranteed.
That every person should be value of at least two hundred CIGARETTES entitled to be registered as a pounds above all charges and voter for any one electoral dis encumbrances affecting the and encumbrances affecting the of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended trict, and when registered to same, sama.
vote at the election as a Member Provided of the Council for such district, Duration Of The Council (1) That Do person shall be who is qualified as follows, that registered as voter or be Counell sbould be three years.
That the duration of the LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
is to say entitled to vote for the electing (1) Being a mao, has attained of a Member of the Council who has been convicted of perjany in St. Lucia Gratitude.
NOTICE any Court in His SOXOXO or who has been 00 sentenced by any such Court to It is proposed that the decision Correspondents are requested death or penal servitude, or im to introduce the elective system to send in their contributions prisonment with hard labour in the Legislative Council of St.
not later than Thursday evenings or for a term exceeding twelve Lucia shall be marked by the to ensure publication.
months, and has not either sulo establishment of two or three he be bas sentenced or such other The Pared tbe punishment to which coa ships at a has been dissollege.
Interesting West Indian News.
as by competent authority may at a meeting have been substituted for the Castries. a resolution same or received a free pardon was (Continued from poge 2)
that the that the from His Majesty.
should square miles of unoccupied ameraine people of (2) That no person shall be St. Lucia, diamondiferous land in the that to commemorate in diamond mining district; but registered as a voter who has and The Three Most Prominent within twelve calendar months advance the enfranchisement of immediately preceeding the lin conducted nothing has yet become public the people, not only as a wellas regards the manner in which day year campaign for rethey purpose to exploit this which register of voters is presentative government but extensive area, and what prepared received any reltet also as a result of the recent tees are offered to the Govern from public or Parocbial Funds. tour of investigation by the ment. However, this application (8) That no person shall be Hon. FL. Wood, bas caused quite a sensation among the people interested in registered as a voter unless he voluntary sub criptions be ob or she shall satisfy the register tained annuaily from every the dian ond industry, and the ing officer that he or she can both aistrict in the island. to be daily papers contain several read and write.
administered by trustees, for letters protesting against the the education of two or three Government granting such Constitution of the Council students, at St. Mary College concession.
That the Council should con for a period of five years.
sist of six ex officio members, Demerara. Bauxite Comthree nominated members and pany, CAN BE HAD ALWAYS IN OUR STORES three elected membeas.
Canal Traffic Electoral Districts.
There seems every prospect That for the purpose of the DURING SEPTEMBER, 1912, of the Demerara Bauxite Com.
election of Members of the Coun.
pany cor cern resuming its cil the Colony should be divided operations at McKenzie City into three electoral districts to total of 240 ocean going next year. Mr. Barnes has be defined by order of the Gov commercial vessels transited the arrived from the states to take ernor in Council, Canal during the month of up the position, it is understood, of technical manager, and Mr.
Qualifications of Elected September, 1922. Tolls on Carr, the vice chairman, is Members vessels aggregated 1, 020, 064. 65 expected to return from England Panama Colon That no person should be as compared with 1, 055. 336. 75 in the near future.
capable of being elected a Mem. on 237 vessels In the preceeding ber of the council, or, having vessels in the month of Septem.
month and 892. 001. 54 for 221 Committee On East Coast been elected, should sit or vote in ber, 1921. Drainage.
the council, who(1) At the time of election is a In addition to the above com.
of the Executive Coun mercial traffic, 11 small launches transited the Canal during the Committee bas been sp.
Creoline Hair Preparations cil: 1; or pointed by the Government to Positively Superior to all others on earth. 2) Is the holder of any office montb, on which tolls of 36. 50 enquire into the question of the and 17 United States of emolument under the Crown Government Try them and be convinced.
vessels Drainage, and sever.
al schemes are under consideraor under Municipal Corpora canali Free Poled.
of tolls They are the Master Preparations of the World, sion within the Colony; or, Trattic tion. The idea is, it is believed, for the month showed Different from all others (3) Is a minister of religion; or, a to dig, very wide and deep (4) Is a returning officer; or a substantial increase from Georgetown fic through the Canal during (5) Is not a male person; or, Mabalca on the land side of the Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. all Foreign countries; 60c. 6) Is not entitled to vote at Sea Wall to act as reservoir in point of cargo ionfor the surplus water draining the election of a Member of the ticularly of last year, parCreoline Hair Producer Council for some electoral disnage which was greater by naturally off estates. cerapproximately 60 per cent.
tains points of this tretch and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains a We are hoping that is The term, Minister of Religi: from the west coast of North Barley and wheat shipments powerful drainage pipes are to percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation casion will bring you to our on for the purposes of of its kind in the world. Patches thin places and preveni baldness, this be erected to pump the water store shortly. And when you recommendation to mean In ounce tins, America were relatively small, any over the Sea Wall at any stage being only a little do come be assured that it will minister, priest, or other person than halt more of the tide and thus maintain a Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy of the total shipments of Les be a pleasure for us to serve who exercises spiritual functions of the Bufficiently low level of water in very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Totter tember the reservoir to permit natural and Eczema, It is antiseptic. Grows bair. keeps the scalp healthy.
you, and that our pleasure in or performs the policest of religi shipments were comparativel drainage from the estates. The serving you will make your visit on in respect to any heavy but considerably Christian or matter, of other Church, the record movement last month.
course, at the present Jackson Manufacturing Co. to our store even more enjoy community, or body within the Nitrate shipments approached moment is merely in the stage 458 West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Exporters Indianapolis Tok. able for yourself.
Colony of discussion and the public has All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
The term office of emolument last month figures, which yet to learn in what manner it is FULLER showed the heaviest traffic in or the purposes of this recom in this community since April, proposed to raise the money JEWELLER mendation not to necessary to cut the reservoir canal and erect the necessary British Consulate Notice FOR SALE 122 CENTRAL AVENUE an oficer who has ceased to be or other allowances to pension For the first time in the hisdrainage and pump station, Acting Consul at of any service to the Crown or of tory of the Canal, tolls have exAllon ceeded the million dollar mark New Turf Club. Colon would be glad ot informa. One Stuvessant Piano JUAN ILLUECA tion as to the present wherefor three censecutive months.
It was further abouts of one Marc DeMeza, who In 1 Condition no person should be capable group of gentlemen inter has been resident in Colon for cargo Attorney. at. Law Council for any electoral district. tons for consecutive mountbe.
of being elected a Member of the Canal has exceeded 1, 000, 000 ested in horse racing has formed some 25 years, It is also under. No reasonable offer turned No. 44 Central Avenue new Turf Club. It was first stood that he has been employed down.
or having been elected, should sit proposed to lay out a race course as a clerk at Balboa.
For particulars apply at TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 to vote in the Council, unless he and erect stands at Plantation possesses a clear annual Houston on the East Bank.
Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
WORKMAN PRINTERY Practices in all Courts of income of 200, is the owner or but now it is possible that Mr. If you like beautiful hair use Panama.
of real property situated in that Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents Central Ave Street Nelson Cannon may sell Bel Air electoral district of the value of Park Race Course.
Creoline hair powder Panama City English Spoken Fluently at least 500 above all charges Incomparable Items In Man Dress Large and Choice Assortment American Bazaar Stores these RGANS Member East Coast over traf.
to trench e octrict.
In ounce bottles.
unde include a 1921.
a Municipal Pohorporecommended Cake wise, it is the first time thane that po either


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