p. 8


SOT30. TATITANTS PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1922 RACES! RACES! RACES. Catarrh Victims Grand Inaugural Opening Juan Franco Race Track TO MORROW Sunday, October 15, 1922 trict were present the could bave been dicerent. Nor CLASSICAL RACES. both with of the with a to derive from Tasstrom the anner ren.
OVER be 20, 000, 000 Canal Zone Notes Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd. Continued Prom Page 5)
Repatriation is Announced NOTIE persuaded to try Nostroline Qulte an amount of rejoicing All Helloquent shr holders of Nasal Specific was demonstrated here when the above namadapany sre Thousands have used it with the infortation was given that bereby notitied that sale of all complete se. Never mind if you have tried everything see catarrh can be cured and we the Canal Zone authorities were unpaid shares wit ke place at cally rarantee that Nostroline will do it about to repatriate stranded the for All company oth: 47 Poemiges Usance by posts 35, from Barbadians to their Island home.
Onlidonia on or before the 31st Watchewane, wife, Bristol.
The unemployed are suffering day of October, 1922, ia accordand this is welcome news to ance with the law goveruing them, same, Nasal Specific By order the Board of Direc ROAD TO BACHELOR tors.
Sold at all Drug Stores QUARTERS. E THOMAS, Actg. Secretary.
OF THE The old Question Again the appeal is made to the Quartermaster to take into ANCO DISTRICT cousideration the condition of (Continued from page 1)
the road leading to the bachelor COURT. ment members were forbidden quarters, This road is in a dangerous and sickening coddi to vote and at least one electiva tion demanding immediate atten After a lengthy period of voted against tho measure nearly five maths since the de. because he fear one who had tion.
parture of Judge Kerr, from the momentarily piqued him would Canal Zone, Mr. Justice Willing be sent on the deputation. SHOW AT CLUBHOUSE ford, the newly appointed Dis Moreover, it is possibly true Court Judge held his first that the invitation failed because The Dudley Monroe Troop of session on Monday morning last. is lacked propar sponsorship. It Pag will be stagire a giand At th) opening of the Jourt was not an Invitation from Sie Blow at the Clubhouse tonight.
quite a large number of Attor Eluard Dawson to discuss com and after the show there will be neys practicing at the Canal mon problemn; when probably its a dance. pleasant time is in Zone Bar fate in the refusing islands store for all those who will atCourt room was crowded even to wou tend.
standing space.
was it an Inviation from the Twenty seven criminal cases Secretary of State for the OsloBoy Scouts To Lead In Song were on the docket, and these nies, when ite fate would also Service, the Judge proceeded to deal most probably have been difier Commencing at 15 Sharp with in a most dignitied manner ent The Secretary of State, in as is ususily consistent with a his covering despatch practically The song service to morrow well established Court of Justice invited relusal. The fortune now night (Sunday) will be under In dealing th legal questions being eaperienced the leadership of the Scoutraised, Judge Walliagtord is respect to the ade Commismaster and the BP. The Jockey Club will give away twenty five or quick, calm, and deliberative. sionship in London and in CanaParents and guardians are re lo bis findings, eloquent, con da is possibly the price of quested to be present. The more beautiful souvenirs to the first 25 holders vincing and logical; and ia this boys are improving at their drills tercing, humane and considerate.
seneemble. But and other activities. It is asked as the Federation These are the attributes of one way. In so far that is by the that this important work be of winning tickets cashing same at the field pool. who is imbued a proper of the Windward Islandsauna encouraged wa raxlisation of the Trinidad is concerned, note office of an administrator of the that Trinidad is now asking what law. It is believed that if Judge baetit is she Mr. Alexander Getting Worse.
Wallingford are och Sherco de maintains through Onion.
in tha case of out his administration the sau tha Union Cerpa Trinidad and Reports received from Corosal of manners and the conthe benefits have almost states that Mr. Alexander is sideration demonstrated only been to Tobago, for growing worse. We extend our opening session of the District waile the islands ward has sympathy to his wife and child Court on Monday he should flourished since the union, make an ideal judge; and for Trinidad can point to the tangi.
these reasons his career wiù ble benefits.
Mr. Ellis Gone To School followed with very much icterest and concern, and it is Derartment.
sincerely hoped that nothing ing Glowing Tribute. will occur to destroy the begin The kind friends of Mr.
ning of confidence which Judge Ellis, formerly of the Com Wallingford has establiahed. Continued from page 1)
missary department of the Among the cases of interest to enter the legal profession United Fruit Company Bocas del disposed of by the Court was was to quality himself to beco ne Toro and this town will be inthat of McBarnett, charged more useful to his fellow work.
formed that he has accepted an with larceny of two motor car ere. He has always taken an eppointment with the Schools tires. The accused was delende interest in legal matters, and Department at Las Cascadas.
ed by Attorneys S Carring bis Parliamentary experience ton and 1 who admit bas emphasised the usefulness to RED TANK That is the record of sales of accused, but madera strong Lader.
appeal for mercy and for the The stress of Parliamentary Red Tank Star Lodge consideration of the Court. This life, the calls of trade union the Judge favorably considered activity, and, for a period, inditAfter the regular meeting of and the accused was found guil ferent health. made the work the Red Tank Star Lodge No 13, and fined 10000 seem doubly dificult, he said.
AIO B, the Julio Coronado was chargceremony of There were times when felt installing the new officers for ed with larceny of the personal that the beyond me: tbe we next term October De belongings of B, Franklin, and it was at the se stages that ably the stolen, the out by the eminent grand watch revolver and a the assistance, encouragement officers with all the dignity a pair of and enthusiasm of Mr.
and legal consisted with pants figured Cambridge, the highly eficient was datended by Attorney co ich of Grey Inn, were most such a ceremony. At the close of the installation ceremony the The prosecution failed to useful The work, however, had to Ostablish satisfactory identity degree was conferred on Sis.
the sense of Coronado and as there was a be done. This was Yard and Simon. Special in the United States alone doubt in the Judge mi a of the contract, Brand boost be accorded the officers for the efficient Coronado was set at liberty.
the train, on the tramcar, Joseph Brown, Albert Allen, in the buss, ia the library of the manner in which they conductand Oscar Holder, Canal er. House of Commons, and in the ed the ceremony ployees for stealing a keg of quiet of my private room, took vote of thanks was then The adyantage of every spara mopaint of the value of 50.
tendered to the visiting officers men admitted their guilt and ment, and becam: a slave to my and members of the sister lodges who attended considering the time spent in books.
jail awaiting trial, Judga Wa. After the House had risen The officers and members of the lodge along with the visitThe package fits the pocket lingford handed down a ser. often used to go to my rooms t)
tence of 30 days in jail to each swot until ina early bours of ing members then retired to the.
banqueting ball where ample The price fits the pocket the morning.
Mr. Short was born on Novem justice was done to the David Heron, was up on two good and the Cigarette is charges for stealing a things provided for the occasion.
glass ber 24, 1882, at Gloucester, aud blower and carpenter tools was educated at the Elementary He entered a plea of guilty and Council School, Sheffield.
New School Teacher was handed down a sentence of Mr. Cambridge is to be found thirty days.
from an early hour in the morning Appointed Victor Tinker was given until late in the evening. in his two years for burglary. Having chambers occupied with small The children of the La Boca entered Major Bocock house classes conducted with but colored school must be compli Ancon and stole several little discipține. but untiring mented on the recent appointarticles.
energy and ability, which ment made by the new Superiosecured success for this big tendent of schools of Mr. VALENCIA, Agent. Box 693, Panama hearted Britisher by students Stanley Cragwell as one of the WHERE IS THE Assistant Masters who show an anxiety of to let of that Cambridge down. No fiper school.
SEESSSSSSSSS tribute could be paid to a tator Mr. Cragwell is 28 years of (Continued from page 1)
from bis students, and all age. graduate of sarison Damerarians will, we feel sara College, Barbados. I, and and we are sure that the Princi Jitary Inspector is called to the League Of Collegians to in the Mother Country as it is be proud to learn of our fellow an ex ex Quartermaster Sergeant pal of the La Boca colored school private lands across the brigade here but Debate.
It was found that a colonist success among the of the British West Indies Mr. Walters, will find in in Almirante.
maximum sentence of three years giants where to reach even regiment. On leaving college be Mr. Cragwell a positive acquisi Improvements are being made was inadequate in certain cases above mediocre would be in took the study of At the last meeting of the and so the law was amended, itself distinction. Daily ChroniEngineering and was one time on to the teaching staff under jon the Company land in Almi League of Collegians and Pros increasing the sentence to seven cle. asistant draftsman to The Para his charge.
rante At Zegla labourers are pective Collegians of it penal servitude. The first person Mr. Cambridge is a Railroad Electric Lighting Co.
has been decided to take busy dumping there.
up to obtain the maximum sentence brother of the genial Mr. H, J; Para, and was also teacher of News Notes subjects for debate The first was Horatio Bottomley. The Cambridge real Estate Agent of middle class school in Brazil.
Many changes are being made of the series o subjects will be Hinds case will we understand, Colon to whom this paper extenda OA the breaking out of the On the Company Farms among discussed tomorrow evening cause the Executive to amend warm congratulations on war he returned home to Snakes are as prevalent in Al coloured employees. The Tiine (Sunday) at p. and will be the law in line of the English glowing tribute paiá to bis broYaaaner to the call of the mirante as they are in Guabito, keepers for the various farms on Which is the greatest factor in statue. Gleaner ther by the Eaglish Press. Ed empire young, virile and intelli where one was found in the the Sixaola Division do all work civilization, Money or Education gent, he soon rose to the position business section. We thick this in the Superintendent office, st! At the same meeting Mr.
in the army already mentioned, is on account of the thick grass Victoria and there has been a Harry Hogan was dismissed Croolino stralghtens and from one the League for a breach of the beautifies the hair and pro. Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
We predict for him a successful that is allowed to grow in those shifting of foremen career in his new field of labor towns. The attention of the san. tarm to another, Constitution.
duces hair on bald heads, Incomparable, DAILY tasie was One 111 Eleven Cigarettes cember was carried talogs SOVOOSO The accused Files Loy In Buy a package to day!
of them INCOMPARABLE Fifteen 111 Cigarettes for 10c.
in Electrical.
late world


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