p. 1


HORRIBLE MURDER REPORTED BRITAIN FROM BOGAS DEL TORO 30 Ismatory words obscene 40d about the WAS has toward When famous.
the last day for you.
Walters what reason he was going to kill Oatarina who were arrested wis Aacua Past Orica Canal and hid bersell his mondo to find and the BRITISH INAUGURATION OF JUAN PREMIER SUBJECT FRANCO RACE TRAK And Cabinet Tender Re Fined For Discourtesy To signation To King.
British Legation, By President of Republic Attended by St. Lucian Shoots Paramour And During the prosent waek quite The local police records during Diplomats and High Dignataries Then Commits Suicide.
an alarming situation was creat the week includo sentence of ed at the annonncemeat of the resignation of Mc David Lloya 10 days in jail without fine meted by The Racs on Sunday last like the clown at a clrcus: and The tragic murder and suicidetean calibre shotgun. th Prime Minister, For Coorge Geriat Britain Sreatest hit city to one Estaca Benry Demonstrated that wiert. pertec Who has not witnessed the joy committed at Margarita Farm. nusale of which he arranged une years the destias of the Empire Motor, Indiger for urtaring de arrangements and the experi and pleasure of the children in Costa Rica, on the 8:h instant der his throat and laat the shot was in tiae hands of this astute British Legation in tais city, once shown, that Juan France the the In Europe, the hipodrome has at 80 was investigated at through his heal. Bosh of their and very capable statesman, who According to facta alleged Race Track will come up to the that section on Tuesday the 10th bodies were found together one was respɔnsible for the forma the Alcaldia the attention of standard of Raclys In other country. In France, Italy. Gar been instituted in almost every by Police Agent Lonia (Gato Clarke, foreman on the Murgation of the coalition government plata clothes policeman Noville countries.
of that place and Sir don Antonio rita Farm od bis gang, while og and which was the most formid many, Rusia and Austria, in Castor, Commander of the Police their way to fruit cutting at 12, a5le government in the history sere directed to a salova in Department at Talamanza Costa 50 p, heard the CORTEZ AND CHAGRES win. All their peincipal cities. Bag.
Street at sound 40 on land has established the best Ia Spain help of the Empire. The for Eastern morning of the 17th inst, where NERIS OPEVER THORMONE DNTER yatem among them Rica. From what can be gathered woman woice calling for help. question is responsible for the ants stated Heary was indulging ESTING EVENT FOR TAB DAY.
Mose, Oa rospon ling to the. Lloyd they have adopted tha old and Isabella Fredricks Lagunge FIRST RACE, Four Fur, LEAD US, Roman methods, and in very sime place were living of the be eventually ended together up same Mr. Omphroy, many of our sister republics on for some time, but Fredericks throams, tottered by rushing table and irrevocable decision, brambles to save her His resignation was handed to BEOOND RACE, Tour Fur. DEL this continent they have gone by maldlag use of discourteous Joires Re British FIN Mr R, Espinosa, wing become tired of the liflito She then related the whole His Majesty King George ahead in providing this game for at once prepared to take a trip to Port the story and conducted him and in which he rəcommended art asted by the polico, who Mr. La Pas TAIRD RACE, Six Pur. SON RISA the people. In Buenos Ayres, mon. Accompanied by her aun the place of the awful occur that Mc, Bonar Luw request considered this aculoa a gross racing commences in in the Spring ance. The remains of both ware ed to form a newCabinet, and thousands of strangers are Annie Williams who is also breach of Diplomatic courtesy CAECKERS, Mr, Simons POURTH RACE, Four Pur. then there with of. let taken to and dumped Catarina Faracoris the morn into one grave the same alier British Consulate Notice u pacial coming from our web.
an appreciable against the British Government FIFTH RACE, Four Pur. NO BE, put into the game, and 115 amount of money, which they 19 the noon.
to be a British subjecJockey Club.
universally admitted that this is vicinity of Margarita Tbe THE INVESTIGATION Creek. Mose proposed SIXTH RACE, One Milo, CORTEZ, essential and makes the Judge next morning he was Tae Acting Beļtish Consul at brought before the Alcalde who Mt. B, Espinosa place go along with them As the result of an investigation Colon would be glad of informa very promptly realiser!
obsir way it is siated ho enia to heldMargarita section on tion as to the present whore gravity of the offence and son RES, Mr. Tovio.
SEVENTI RACE, Six Pur. CHAG In our racing, we can also siFredericks well this is Tuesday last, Jamo 30 days in.
here the one that you do have found that kind baut when ist heard from som en del intercero du code on line. numbsr tract a large of Last Sunday weet was an strangers from the West Indies aprto de bebe, pas teda hiline on Wenel Holder, a Barbadian and Cecil Hairdre :s or, and his address Henry. employer and also for hom In this country. The big and which will assist forward the threat went Police Ageat Gato, reveale that 1915, his occuation was that of of 25 on of up Mose ten in racing shoulder and enquired of him for Jamaican wore Zone. Continued On Page 8) hipodrome built by the Panama the success of our hipodrome.
her. Mose replied, If you say the parties who knew about 18.
anything to me will kill you 00 you to gold stolen out of a parcel of Jockey Club was opened with all Tois place is now dedicated to be ad pomp and ceremony, befitting a centre of recreation and busifirst. The woman on hearing cothing balonging to the dead SENSATIONAL ATTEMPT TO the Downs in Eagland, Accord Dess, and solemnly declare this Mais ran a little way of bat Mose woman Isabella Fredericks, and ing to arrangements. Dr. Beli MURDER.
mario Porras. President of the Language would be in adequate hipodrome tpagurated Sarinahe breast. Her old aunt Williams, Holder admitted to the public rode over the track to describe the beauty accompanied by Minister Sout a magniticence of the scenery on mountains and Walters testitied as a witness The communities of Colon and Vice President Don Rodulto the spacious Grand Sland.
a pong wild canes. After long that Holder gave him 00 to keep Panams have been tercibly Chiarl, Search the murder failing to the President Foreign Diplomats and Consula, mouth still witaesses shocked at the report from the Jockey Club Making New o Scial stad. On returning to Cabinet Ministers, Honourable the old woman, returned toware Annie Win10 kaow Windy City of an attapt to where the body of his paramour about the murder, the Grand Stand, President Improvements whereas commit murder and following was laid, took of his right foot Arthur Smith, Daniel Joseph, and the act, and indecant assault on Porras National We are authorized to state that the Juan Franco Racing Assadonalities were there. The said. Ladies and gen. Deputies of tlemen, the Board of Directors of Assembly, Ladies in profesion.
bot, and as it would appear Walters gave evidence in the case the person of Allrad Sylvaster Panamanians, Americans, Lag.
the dead body of the woman of Holder abnut the stolen cash a young woman of 21 summers, the Panama Jockey Club will tion has dearly and lishmen, West Indians, Chinese; across his body and with his Hol ter was convicted aad return 8: Liciaa, by Asbton Black bring off a race meeting on the asked me to officate in great toe, whils in a lying posi ed 10. 00 from the amount. The wood, a Barbadian.
29th of this month and another grand opening holiday which bar with stock for the Wels the fonpulled the trigger of a six. Central Amerec Express)
Its reported for on the 3rd Nɔvember, has been consecrated to day with and its some Thesa meetings it is stated will months past Blackwood had been be full of pep, as several new Niasm, and watch will be ac everything so nthu: Deys, the Pari Mutuel and much merriment and enthu for to the young TO THE CREDITORS OF THE woman in a mad passion or. borses will face starter Allen, knowledged as a centre of cul grand time; but don forget, the ture and diversion, it bes come there, plenty of it bot that she gave him no en The management couragemənt.
PANAMA BANKING COMPANY But Blackwood Jockey Club is also deciding on to be a new advancement to our too. The conduct was excellent capital, exclusively to and nothing happened to mar still determined, and on Saturday several new improvements to private initiative aided by the the sporting proclivites of the last got to know the better facilitate the racing pub goodwill of the Government.
good natured crowd which was The Receiver is pleased to announce that funds are ing a concert which was arrang window where intanding buyers young woman would be lic.
attend There is to be a shange Nothing before which has been souls.
estimated at three thousand now in hand which will permit the payment of a 2nd, ed at the Cristobal Colored pool tickets can be facilitated formally celebrated the The first race. furlongs, was Dividend of 20 per cent of the Original Credit. Th Clubhouse, he apparently con with change thereby disposing nature of public games between sent off to a good start.
Lead Us, checks are in course of preparation and delivery will com. ceived a criminal idea, very with the customary delay of hav, us, surpasses horses racines San Cricket, Skipper, and wila Lita mence Nov. 1st.
much like those having their ing to wait on the ticket seller true that the San Juan and San imes were programed bat Skipper origin in Movies. RUAN, for change. Then there is to be Pedro day in the Colonial times we celebrated in the interior the temper and refused to faca Receiver, After the concert Alfreda was can be bought from ten dollars towns by the people with horse to the tartaroa brewing his jackey October 21st 1922.
returning home, under the escort up to any amount this will also racing and cries of San Juan! to the ground several times and lof one of Baden Powell Boys do away with the trouble of hay San Pedro! shouted by the con was consequently lett out, Scout when to their surprise ing to count tickets it a fan te stants; and it is true also, that the fall of the flag, TENTATIVE PROGRAM lead and maintained his Prince of Wales On The wants to be 10 st the pool. At up to the time of the separation position an easy winner, with Links.
The Scout at this window there will be tickets from Colombia, the 28th once realizing that discretion of vartous denominations to November, the National holiday: Wild Lite second place. Pool paid For Jamaica Delegation.
was the better part of valor facilitate the big betters, had in its program horse racing 5, 00. a of the 85. Andraws, Scotland, Seps. it thoughi Was best to Indian comunities ot Panama embar 27 Tae prince of Wales basty retreat. This be did, and are under way and it is pleasing the bitta time, ibat we have in Morita answered the call, and Second on the principal streets of the race furlongs:Several other improvements cap cities; but this is is the Lord. Deltin, Inglaterra and held yesterday evening it was dubbed his tee shot in playing the intentions of the would. be o note how willingly the Jockey laugurated en bipodrome for the the decided that the Committee ineetlin as Captain of the Royal and off together. Dallin singled Monday aftornoon for a joint Ancient Galt Club to day. In assassin took to her heels, for Club is laying itselt out to meet game of borse racing, a diversion nerself out of the bunch and session with the Oficial Dele driving from the arst tee before chased by the every convenience of the public, which will quality and stimulate came home the winner by two gates from Jamaica to discuss better Lord matters pertaining to the inter scalfed bis snot (cutting into the several shots in succession. He Inglaterra third. Puol paid 40.
est of British West Indians in ground with the club before eventually overtook the exhaust weltering in blood and in an Time 59 seconds.
Almost in every country of Parama and in neighbouring striking the ball. driving only ed young woman, who had almost dying condition, the countries.
Third race furlongs: Niagastumbled and fell, and according young woman was assaulted. the world they have established from the olden days to the pre ra, Chombo Loca, Sporisa. and Arrangements were also made great cheer went for public meeting to be held the Prince, appropriately grabed ground he discharged two shots up when to eye witnesses while on the and abused.
It is that the sent time their hipodromes. The Chancellor, faced the starting om det blir al might ne which time ceremonogen which has existed then lifting the wounded ith be on albis attrigore meningen lite for the occasion, carried out the which benetraterne het wolahgs: light of modern civilization how word is a Greek word and was post. At the fall of the flug.
revealed in Niagara. Risa) led for three and.
addresses will be delivered by since the club was founded in rag off with her to his the the Delegates from Jamaica in 1764, and hit the ball towards tho and closed the door. The alarmed pitch of excitement to com. Comedy of Aristophanes, and four furlong post and went ahead connection Peoples Society under was at once given and the police alt such a most horrible crime have not been the profound at will coming home the winner the One of the caddies retired the was quickly on the scene, and it of this nature and one that is enthusiasm shown during the about one and a half length, Pool auspices of the West ball and Committee, race and in the controversy and paid 3, 70. Time min, 28 Prince, who rewarded him with door was battered down and the records of Criminal acts any purpose for the triumph.
presented it to the was with great ditticulty the practically unknown in seconds.
the usual sovereign. The ball will unfortunate girl rescued.
part of tha habitable globe.
Antiguan Attention, be moulded in gold and added to The young woman is now in The aptitude which the Pana Fourth race furlongs: ShortThe Police has reported the the Ancon Hospital where hopes manians have displayed in cake, Checkers, and Pegaso, did On Friday Oct. 27th inst: hias.
precisely at 7:30 m there will ever been listened to on this be a special meeting convened of holidays by removing their sad. of the dag Sortcake took the Atlantio. They Blackwood is in jail having dies from the horses and all the lead but was quietly challenged the Antiguan Progressive Socie. special banquet in honour of Dr state that after having broken been committed by Judge Wade other riding accessories, makes by Checkers and together they ty at the residence of Mr and Quinland who has been into the shop, they found of the Cristobal Magistrate it appears that they are the inheri ran for abi ut a furlong when Mrs T Quinland, Mariano recently appointed as a Professor Black wood naked and in a phy Court to stand trial at the Distors of the Ancient Roman who Checkers foc. ahead and won.
Arosemena street, House No. 23 at the Meharry Medical College sically excited condition. Later trict Court on a charge of could be seen riding two or by two lengths, with Shortcake a Ban Miguel, after there will bela Nashvile Ter, report has been confi cmed that attempted murder and assialt threejhorses and somersaulting (Continued on Page 8)
put cooperable WAS a od of the due night that in was bad were tok DOOR ing a revoleer peared brandishbeat an Capital gote and was cha us.
afty yards.
this young man could have life of hurse racing was com and a half furlongs, but was Indian the club collection of such trop most sensational tale that bas other recrecy ara entertained. horse raciog da: in the National battle in tbis race, and at the fall side of the


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