
PAG MO TEB WORDLAN BATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1928 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands Mr. SMOKER: JAMAICA gality and foed 10. or seven daye LYNTON up Henry Rose Hin drop can be log LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTES initiative GovBENGER FOOD what Guard of lo The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN defeat of the players as yo lortunate that reta spect Woa bode Acute Water SituaBarbadian Runs Apuck.
No. 78, New Market Street George Sealy from the land of Flying Fish was so jubilant over she score of his country men Four Paths, Tuesday ExciteRETAIL DE ARTMENT for 228 that he immediately You re entitled to the finest quality mont bordering on paule is No. 107, Bolivar Street went on a spree and never got cigarette your money can buybeing experienced bere due to beyond sight of the News the action of the Parochial Board THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY Centre until about 80 In stopping the relief supplies of You re entitled to the lowest price that wh a deserted by friends and water to this town. Coupled coutrymen he began to paddle will buy fine qualitywith the recent disastrous fire his canoe Street and severe drought which is not FULL SUPPLY OF towards his home at yal broken, this action of the Bo, too failed to recognise the Parochial Board places the in Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, YOU GET THE BEST COMBINATION POSSIBLE. brass buttons on the uniform habitants in a very serious condi.
LOW PRICE AND FINEST QUALITY, of Constable Norlega and yaunttion, crowd has been hovering around Since morning bugo Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, Ing all over Trinidadians harled a volley of abuse on the repreWHEN YOU BUY get a ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES sentative of the law and order of the precious liquid; but not who was not slow in arrest have reach Whole town. The cured in the him and seeing to his night ed alarming stage and the Call and see us before purchasing lodging behind iron bars and stone walls. The road to the lad ng citizens have taken the lock and Informed the elsewhere.
up led through Woodford Good to the last puff ernor by by telegraph, also the Hon.
Square when the Bim made Member of the Parish of the bold bid for liberty and in the dintressing conditions existing.
BECAUSEand the Constable, the lat following is the copy of ber number was released from egram forwarded to the the collar while the wearer IT TOASTED Governor Water supply by Rallway came in for some rougt handling act brought stopped since Both September against the Barbadian another by Parochial Board. People in SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR charge for assaulting the Condire distress, famisbing for Inbabitants pray for Infants, Invalids and the Aged stable in the execution of his stay in goal till the match is, batting or bowling, give a vaya water, duty, and Sealy was arrainged over!
run or lost a run. We were best relief supply to day to relieve on both accounts at the City distressing conditions.
Defendant: have to draw en yesterday and beaten op Our Every tin contains an Interesting leaflet of the Magistrate Court on Saturday my money for my work, Sir. merits. If we have the interest The telegram to the Hon Mem.
marvellous use of this great Food, last.
His Worship: All right.
of cricket at heart we will not ber for the Parish states: Water supply by Railroad His Court Must Be Respected have lost the lesson whid Trinidad has taught us stopped by Parochial Board, Disor Purely An English Preparation. The Constable gave evidence tressing conditions existing, as a team when sub Inspector DEMERARA composite XL, which lealue of a Please see Governor to day.
Knights who led the prosecuto expect. While we would not The scenes attendant on the MANUFACTURED BY tion for the Police intimated that suggest that the Demarara team stopping of the reliet supply of BENGER FOOD, LTD Lance Corpl. who was a wit Demerara Down has done very badly there are water to this town begger MANCHESTER; ENGLAND ness for the complainant was obvious occasions description and it is hoped that upun which not in Conrt as he was attending the Trinidad team may congratafall)
the Chief Executive will move in FOR SALE AT of Honour Parade.
late lo the measure of our insciory is.
the matter and so help to His Worship te iselt to fact their thought that ameliorate the present distressanother maa should have been The following is the Editorial adapt our selves to serlous cricks ing conpitions, substituted in the place of the comment of the Demerara Argo et and it is Lance Corpl. in ce in the Guard of osy on the we have had not Honour. The CALEDONIA AVENUE The police had no re. Demerara team in the Interna opportunity of batting and bowichial and Sanitary Stats Vacci for his Court and he want tional Tournament: Dental Notice ing under such circumstances as ed nated as soon as possible, in them to know that he wanted the would have tried their mettia Lighted By Electricity order to protect them should respect for his Court. Just defeat of the Demerara toam We cannot at this stige 40 they have to deal with cases of fancy preferring Guard of and we cannot but admit that Trinidad her victory or was Honour to the Court!
Caledonia Avenue in St. An the disease.
Having received a Isrge con the defeat came in the most and fairly won, and every meed The defendant declared that decisive fashion. After many of praise must be given 10 drew was lighted on Tuesday signment of dental supplies from be was among clique of his many years we were placed in its team for the keenness and night last with three electric which was displayed lights and thanks to the efforts The President of the Chamber the United States during the conatrymen rejoicing when the in such position as to give zpal Constable came up, collared him reasonable that this Colony throughout The Demerrra lost WAS lost ing of the Council on Wednes: desire my patients and the and began to hustle him on to beighta which lic will not only be able to see day that the British Union Oil public to know that my fees for the Police Station. His cap fel pied, but in all fairness it must capabilities of either team. As their way along, but with the Co. had obtained a plentiful sup dental service will also be reduced on the Square and he stopped to be admitted that as cricketers we most we can hope that aid of the police residents will ply of water from the well the most of some of the dis had dug at Belle Gully.
pick it and the Constable on while these supplies last.
bo relieved up failed.
called that sa graceful scenes that used to take morning the meter 10 assault. He called make the task before us was to enthusiastic interest will now be 165 upon a perfect wicket taken to this Colony in cricket registered place when it was dark.
Dr, G, JOHNSON gallons for 439, 000 00 witnesses: and that we failed to do. There and that younger generations Every resident on the road the 24 hours His Worship found it strange can be no two verdicts upon this will look upon it as their prime Samples District Dentist that he was was approached by Mr. of the water are to be taken next was among clique of fact, without regard to the stan game. The more fact of the ladity Barbadians and couldn one dard of Trinidad La Boca, our field is a fair index as to Henriques to subscribe to the week. The arrangement orection of these lights and those the Oil Co. and the Govent 179 Central Avenue nie behalt, He had to convict formance that we were unable bas been allowed to to upon cricles who responded to the appeal was that the Company would the defendant, were Messrs, o Henriques, Opposite Station to provide 200, 000 to surpass the comparatively there are many devotees left, fed Henriques, Henderson, gallons of drinking water per Panama.
For the obscene language the measure total of 165 upon a pitch out of the ashes of our ruins defendant was fined 103. or which gave the batsmen Clarke, Henriques, day and in return would be perseven days while for the assault assistance. Some possible excusaamerara may yet rise to assart itself as the premier cricitat and Henderson. The Paro mitted by the governmeot the he was bound over in 28 to keep might be found to the staunch. term of the West Indios.
chial Board of St. Andrew will use of 20 or 40. 000 gallons in Smoke 111 (One Eleven)the peace for six months. ness of the Trinidad bowling and maintain the lights but the cost the higher levels of the country The defendant asked till Mon in the zeal of Trinidad fielding.
of Installation was borne by the where their works were situated. Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents day to pay the fine.
Oertainly we cannot lose thel At Mabalcony on Thursday public spirited residents menIncomparable Étis Worship: Why don you impression that Trinidad, either tioned above. Continued on page 3)
TRINIDAD Railway ExtensionContract.
Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 Thel Gleaner is now in a posiRejoicing Over Cricket tion to announce that the con tract for the construction of the Scores.
Chapelton Frankfleld railway ex.
tension has been awarded to the Bedford Construction Company of Halifax, TRINIDADIAN BECOMES DIStract calls for one construction at ORDERLY.
thout 11 miles of rail Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK railway, and a considerable amount of will also be necessary. The when the score of the Trloidad total outlay will be about team read for 350 shortly after 170 000, and the labour will be soon on Friday last there was provided locally.
wild bilarity round and about Depository of the PANAMA CANAL There were altogether about the Wireless Station and bitter nine tender. including three was the bantering by some of Canadian and one local. The the lewed element against torms offered by the Bedford natives of Little England who Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of Construction Company were the shouted their island THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in most favourable. It is under the dense throngs that bund stood that the work will com. around the News ENGLAND FRANCE ITALY Among those was a young man BELGIUM mence at an early date.
named Percy Alleyne, who JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES indulge in strong and vulgar ARGENTINE PORTO RICO BARBADOS to give vent to his feelings; and 50 blind was he URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA to reason that even when apThe Cornmissioners of Health proached by Lance Corpl. Bull of the several parishes of the van of the Harbour ConstabuIsland have received a circular lary and told to behave himself.
Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World letter from the Board of Health he threw down the gauntlet for directing them to put their res a square with the Lancepectful isolation hospitals in by remarking you too is state of readiness to deal without Bajan. Be that as it may, it is ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE delay with any case of Alastrim suficient to tell that Alleyne was (small pox. that disease being arrested and taken to the locknow epidemic in Dominica, and ap to appear before the Actg.
INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM also to suggest to the Commis. City Magistrate on Saturday sioners the advisability of hav last on a charge of obscene ing the members of their Paro. language when he was found the pub na toleo his book inton Theater and endede do formally occa: occa reflected the a they s batting It is a to sink, sink a well to International Banking Corporation Ltd. or The con excava.
tion Draise Centre.


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