
90 TRE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 1922 PAGE SARE view HAVE YOU TRIED You will find a series of photographs of 120 MOVING PICTURE STARS one in each package which be West Indian Nows. Continued From Page 8)
moming. Zith ult, says the Demerara Chronicle, an Last Indian woman gave birth to a an Infant which is said to have resemtled a mermaid having a tail erota for fert and four toes atfixed Friends to the tail. One had hand five Singers and the other four. De if Singb, intends, it is understood, forwarding this specimea which died ten mloutes after birth to the museum of Public you want Hospital, Georgetown.
QUALITY At the request of the Demersn wovelament, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce bas at appointed a representative committee who will be responsible kirg the standard price to a pud to needle women in the Ceny.
Reasonable The Wilberforce Industrial Price Cetool of Demerare. was formally opened on the 20th ultimo, The institution is die erthed by a section of the press Your chance complete this of that colony as a minimare Tuskegee. The school was series has arrived opened by the Hon.
YLcArthur, and supporting bim on the platform were clergymen FIVE CENTS we give and otabrs interested in social work for you an Album Demerara Argosy says that In connection with the outbreak FIFTEEN CIGARETTES FREE of Anthrax at Pln. Non Parell, it vas learnt on the 25th ultimo that3 mules and 14 head of word to the or cattle thad died from the disease.
Strong measures are being adopted to combat the disease THREE FOR ONE CENT wise.
which, it is telt is now well under control. In all about 300 head of cattle and mules have been inoculated Messrs.
Francis, Acting Director of CIGARETTES Science and Agriculture and Soton Nilne. Govorament Veterimacy Surgeon have Zone 5c. CHENALLOY, ont Republic 12.
quent visits to the estate while Dr. Rylands, Veterinary Surreon in the employ of Messrs. MMMMMM Beoloer Bros. Co, is giving the dicarse bis close attention, DELO JOU When you mannnn the ve paid tre others The Boon to the Sufferer at a meeting of the Demerara Legislature on the 23rd ult. the wulacy of the Colonial Treasurer was increased from 800 to 900 annam, the Director of Pubwords from 1, 000 to 1, 200, and ana the Commissioner of Lands and mines from 800 to 900 Some of the increases, especially of the Colonial Treasurer and the Director of Public Works, met with opposition at the hands of the officials.
NOTICE Newest Method Of DR. HUBERT EDWARDS Detecting Crime Bega to notity his alleate that he has removed bio residence In France.
from 4th Street to 8th and Streets Colon. Devenox Bulld QALLIC POLICE NOW TRACE osuus.
Commonly walled The LAW BREAKERS BY THEIR BREATE form of export tax whereas merchants are only paid small ANALYSIS OF AIR trade licenses. Nacessity for increased taxation entirely due to the war and has been 80 is of the sir breathed by Paris, September 17. Analyscepted throughout the Empire criminal is the newest aid to the therefore St. Kitts should shoul French police in identifying der burden like other colonies dels and malefactors. They scientifically Jamaica Gleaner says: Oommenting, on the above the mine the air in the room in be operated, then examine the man and roach difaite To interpret the order of the answer to the question whether Governor to the administrator he breathed in the room st one would say it means that the particular tims. It by chance administrator must. it necessary, the man expectorated while at collect the tar at the point of the work, he can be traced as surely precate the action of the Gover: bayonet We very strongly de as it he had left his calling card.
The machine which does this nor and hope that đảminstrator will the is part of a crime otector sysadopt a policy tem which was showa to Police in the collection of the tax. moral Commissioner Eight, of New of a diplomas and not the atti City, on his recent visit stern character to Paris. It is based on science such as the Governors applied to the detection sad reveals Sith Inflammable lladentification of criminals. IL that comes in contact with man was at kiven place certainly produce a great West at a given hour, they does not Indian conflagration people spend days trying to fad wit are spmpathetic. This will be no he breathed; by the clothes be They prove it by the air credit to the nation.
wore. and by several other Every man of any good sense scientific records which they and learning will admit that the way oannot be denied. There is application of pshchological force no room for doubt, they say for the production and mainten sach is their confidence in the ance of peace, is proferable, and accuracy of their deductions.
perhape more successful than Takes octlon Of Alp applying brute force or warlike methods.
people or etno When a crime bsa been com.
sec tion of it, are strongly opposed mitted the scientists, in their to the Finance Ordidance in that well equipped laboratory sre Colony we think that the notified. The crowd into a big be diplomatic. Meepled abould Itomobile, filled, with scientide methods to be and proceed on all platforms and reason with scene. There is the expert photo them. The Government must be grapher; the artist to make carried on and if there are no aketches; the chemist, an tho funds available, for payment of man to operate the spectroscope.
officials, or not enough, The last nd tion of the air for lature careful it Inc. y. taxationer, availabalysis; only each ot the oth doas able source from which revenue his assigned part, and no possible. do bit of orerthe people of St. Kitts would be looked. floor aad the Walls, 80 blind and unreasonable to the furniture; threads of clothobject to the law which authoriz ing ing that offer possible sugges es the taxing of incomes. trou is packed up in air tight The Income Tax Law is always receptacles and taken back to unwelcome and the greatest dlp the laboratory Here everything lomacy should be exercised in is analysed, and finally tha bringing it into existenca and its laboratory able Rive instructions to the detective working.
Island that possesses a for, so that to arrest and what look flaal and defiaito sensible govern went, does every comparisons may be thing in its power to make wa appear in Court wa thing easy in enacting such law, and the working of it. Bar. and do Done confront the prisoners bado and Trinidad have gone to tions or supposithe extent of engaging the ser Bell, chietot said robabilities, vice of an Income Tax Expert presents proof and th; laby.
from England, besides several We explain exactly how the committees, to go into the mat crime ware OO 1677. In ter in order that it smoothly. We believe in appeal. were made, requiring 101, 610 cases of crime, imprints ing to the soul and not to the examinations and 775 use of the sword, except in the greatest extreme.
graghic prints, and this work to the positive identification of 126 criminals. Crimla als who St. Kitts Aug. 29. Public wash up blood stains now waste feeling against impositions of their time, In Shis laboratory Income Tax in this Presidency blood diluted 200, 000 times can is growing intense. public be traced, who her th original meeting was held yesterday at stain on the floor or a bit which various speeches e pelated Exch man and woman have his of out that the tax was unnecessary because there was a surplus in or her distinctive heat, and this and the money Why bloodhounds are able to Treasures Savoured of by smell, continued the the Governor and speaker The spectroscope can Administrator had been exempt. be made to detect the light ed under the ordinance. The radiating from a glven person Following resolution was passed and if that person has pass1 We representative members of ed through a room, unseen, ata other classes put on record an machine will reveal. The fact emphatic protest against the im. the person ia quastion was in a position or enforcement of any state of excitement or not, also form of taxation of income. will be recorded.
DOMINICA Jilted Girl Revenge The Political Ques tle of ink and a wedding dress Berlin, September 18 ibottion.
were the chief ingredients in a drama of revenge at the fashionable Berlin suburb of SchoneThe Dominica Guardian express. berg. The bridegroom had a a great disappointment of that past, and the girl who was its section of Mr. Wood report by spolling victim chose to revenge hersel dealing with the political ques his wedding day.
tion of Dominica. In the following As the bride was about to terms:enter her carriage the jilted We, all the same, insist, and girl walked up to her and sud.
will insist most vehemently, denly poured a bottle of ink over albeit with due respect for the her wedding dress, completely back Colonial Minister, for the right ruining it. The bride ran Nothing would of a volce in the Legislature. We into the house.
are not like the peopie of Auli induce her to go to the church in gua, or the other West Indian her spoilt wedding dress, or islands where they are taking the indeed to be married at all on aspersions of Major Wood upon that day, their lack of political prestige so cooly. We have kicked in the past, and we can still be de Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
pended upon for doing some Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents (Continued On Payo 7)
Incomparable, JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF is whom too.
Every made.
KAL MOL GEHE with ST. KITTS Opposition to the Income Tax In St. Kitts may work In 1, 110 THE ORIGINAL GERMAN FORMULA Acetyl Salicylic Acid in its purest and most efficient form and Kal mol Gehe with Cafeina MANUFACTURED BY THE WELL KNOWN FIRM GEHE CO.
DRESDEN, GERMANY GOVERNOR ORDERS THAT LAW SHOULD BE ENFORCED WITH ALL POSSIBLE VIGOR led to ACTION CRITICISED cloth: Feeling that if Tax Is NecesSary Diplomatic Methods Must Be Adopted planters a Despite KAL MOL GEHE is preferred for its absolute purity and efficiency in giving instant relief to Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold, Influenza, Grippe, Alcoholic Intoxication, Menstrual Colic, Gout.
Free Samples given away at the following Drug Stores: Colon Panama Pan American Drug Store Farmacia La Union Farmacia International Principal Drug Store Farmacia El Globe Farmacia Italiano Botica Frances Farmacia Inglesa Botica Francesa British Pharmacy Farmacia Central Farmacia Moderna Kingston Drug Store Farmacia Prieto Farmacia Americano The People Drug Store Farmacia Nacional Farmacia Montezuma The New Drug Store, ON And on Sale at all drug stores throughout the Republic.
SOLE AGENTEUSTACE LEE, 98 Market Street Telephone 50, Box 338, Colon, at opposition the biti The Times St. Vincent, in its issue of the 7th ult. publishes the following: The Government of St. Kitts, It appears, introduced an Income Tax Ordinance some time ago, against wbich the people of that Colony were strongly opposed.
the was passed diffi seems to have been ex epoed in the collection of the and the Governor must have been informed of the circum stence.
What passed between the Governor and the Secretary of State is not yet brought to light, but on the 31st of last month a virtual declaration of var was made by the Governor fa fais despatch to the adminis trator in the following worde. His Majesty is pleased sanction St. Kitts Nevis Ordinance. You can collect tax with all possible vigo vigour and will be supported by me. Surplus not suficient for working poses in All institutions view of possible Anave been eut down to utmost extent. It further revepocuired it may be to mee capitation or poll tax on every male and female. Ordinance does not savour of class legislation an the slightest degree becuse, planters for a number al years have borne out the becnt of texation. in the This to impose ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY u be 38 son


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