
PAGE TOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 1922, THE WORKMAN Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies WALROND, tho otice Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters sad soroar of Streal, Panama, of publie interest invited.
de Box 74. Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and RATES OP SUBSCRIPTIOX muss do nocompanied by the name of Ooo Your 40 A. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publier Slx Months 20 ton but as mark of good faith.
600. We do not undertake to our orejooted orrespondence.
CARTER Tak Ernser MKTRACER INKS, PASTES MUCILAGES Always in stock at BENEDETTI HERMANOS CARTER 11. Ruims. The The Liberty of the Press Is the palladium of our rights JUNIOB SATURDAY OCTOBER 21, 1922 Will soon be on sale in every establishment SURPLUS LABOR MUST FLOAT.
throughout the Republic CICO INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF If there is one thing that unemployed labor must learn it is that locølization without opportunity is an impossibili!
ty. When one field becomes exhausted it is natural to turn away to another that offers opportunity. Sometimes, as in the case for the past two years, it is vain to seek employment anywhere within the view or reach of the unemployed here, and in neighboring countries; but when MANUFACTURED BY evidences of improved conditions become apparent the logical thing to do is seize the chance and make the The Pan American Tobacco Co CARTER change.
That there was no work here and none in sight within KREUSESSES reasonable proximity was deplored in our editorial columns, on several occasions. We found it impossible to CHURCH SERVICES Birthday Celebration.
suggest any tangible outlook or promise to the thousands For Sale.
Central Ave a 3rd. St.
of men out of work who, week after week, eagerly perused Quite an enjoyable time was (American Episopal Charah)
PANAMA our news columns for bopeful information.
spent on Monday night, at the Balbos, Box 757. Eighteenth Sunday Aiter Trinity)
Last week, after a spell of over two years anxiety, home of Miss Alleyne, 66 October 17, 1922, we learnt that the United Fruit Company and another Broadway. the occasion being For sale one room cottago St. Paul Church, Pana na corporation in Cuba hadarranged to import 6, 000 (six her 29th Birthday. larve with 2000 Sq, M, of land located m, Holy Communion, 10 am, Matins PRODUCTS thousand) laborers from the West Indies, principally Audober ble for beide wore present on the Sabanas Main road at 10 35 Holy Eucharist and remon Jamaica and Barbados, to work on their sugar platations. Among them being the following reasonable price. Apply at this Holy Baptism, It was impossible, however, to give encouragement, beThe Misses Beckford; Miss p Sunday School.
yond a certain degree, to the unemployed in Panama. Brasb, Miss Brash, Mrs. 30 pm Evensong and sermon. Dr, HOFFMANN It seems clear that the best thing the unemployed bort, Miss Culta bort, Mrs, Smith of Gatun, Miss Culth YOUNG INDIAN TRADER NIGHTENGALE Vicar has reopened his clinic for bere could do is to try and get back to their bomes in Daley, Miss Parker, Mrs.
St. Alban s, Paraiso.
diseases of the blood, rheumathe West Indies as soon as possible, and make these islands dowell. Mrs. Haynes, and Robbed By Two Spaniards 7:30 Hoy Baption tism and urological cases in the point of contact with the companies in Cuba It is Miss Alleyne.
Last Pay Day 11 am Mattios Address understood that the Panama Canal has decided to re Messrs. Colthist, Fraser. pm Sunday School the upper floor of Al Place, patriate a number of those who show willingness to leave Collins, Jean Marie, Tom Bowen, Beckford, 4;15 Even ngon Born (Supposed To Be Nicaraguabe)
Santa Ana Plsza, Street this country, provided a sufficient number of applicants linson. Reid. Bent On Friday at about 7:30 am P. NIGA TENGALE Priest in chargo No.
makes the plan workable.
Lewis, Sisnett, Russell. Abdul Hammid, an Indian trader Las Sabanas Mission Information received at this office discloses the fact of only 21 summers, while walkSunday Sabool pa that there is an altogether too slow a response to the offer. Barbados Overseas Reliet ing alone between Farm Salvation Army way to Chen and 415 pm Eveningsoz addrem Farm on Why such hesitancy? It is a saner attitude to leave this And Travelling Society. was suddenly attacked by two F. Nighlengale. Priest in charge 3rd Street Colin, Captain Mrs. Wyatt country where there is not the remotest chance of economSpaniards who demanded from St. Peter Church La Boca. 11. am P. Sunday School ic recuperation and retunn home to start out afresh, BISHOP OF BARBADOS IN pocket. The Indian, overcome by Morning Prayer, Litany andAddrow Hammld the money he had in his 14th Street Colon Commandant Mra Jamaicans can get home in three days and at once Mead TERESTED.
fear surrendered his cash and Il. a. 7, Sundy School ca would be in a position to take personal interest in the call merchandise to the Spaniah men ua. Sunday School, Mount Hape Captain Mrs Perry for labor that comes from Cuba.
behandise The people from Barbados and other West Indian Islands have the greater making rapid progress in Colon. Ruars opposed to be Nicara 7;30. Evansong and mormon Rov 11, a. 7. pm Sunday Sebool 3, The BOR Boclety is who he working on the Co HR Carson Parriso Captain Lloyd Lieut, Barnes distance to travel, and yet their journey will not consume The Society is in receipt of forms.
uafortunate Indian MULCARE. Rootor 11. Sunday School at Paraiso more than ten days in an indirect course. This short communlcation from the Bishop pleaded with the robbers and Tank period would pass rapidly and end with Barbadians in of Barbados Who expressed his persuaded them to take all the St. Barnabas Church, Empiro Las Conde de la competent Floyd Then and there, they would stir here, and also asks for their native land.
willingness to assist sufferers zoods Services at sunounced loally and addrew 11 The two rogues Sunday School it Confirmation Ol. Pansma Commandant Morria themselves and fall in line with the rest of their country Society program.
after dis possessing the Indian of pm La Boca Basign Mrs Bennett men in the Cuban Sugar Companies arrangements. 1400 gold, branch of this society has book ransacked his pocket 11 a. 7. Sunday School at Evening Prayer and addrese 7p. a.
and found nothing in it, left Labor must float. It cannot stand still and succeed: been formed in Panama. and at JT MULCARE, Prieb in sharge date, with another will bim bis merchandise and to wait here for developments of what might prove opened at Red Tank.
be darted through the banana taron St. Bartholomew Church, Christian Mission of Panama and to be no more than a wish while successful movements are a entertainment to escaped without being approLas Cascadas Posms 11 am 7;30 Trotonsa bended.
going on in the West Indies, would be an absurd as silly. being planned and cerebrogerie put all his cash together. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion Boon 11. in Manley 7;308, Fortunately, Hammid Chorillo 11. Yard 7:30 Supplied Not only the Cuban sugar plantations are becoming by a Queen. The proceeds will and so the greater part of his of will represented 11, sources of employment for the thousands of idle hands be used to assist stranded folks wealth was left untouched by Sunday School Confirmation Class Paraiso II. m 7:30 Rawian in the West Indies, but reports from the United States returning home.
these highway robbers. Abdul Gatun 11 7:30 A, Nicholle state that the economic crisis is past and that work is Hammid has been here only five Eveningwone aad Sorman 30 com Culoo 11 am Muller 7;30 Dub months and his outstanding debts Ror JT Muloare, Priost in charge quite plentiful. Communications received from New NOTICE in the hands of customers in Baptist Church York give the news that the unemployment period is Talamanca is gone into hundreds Seventh Day Adventist Church Colon 11 am 7;16 Pastor Thrift over and that there are jobs waiting for applicants.
of dollars to be collected, STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, Chorrillo 11 am. Descon Liaton Correspondents are requestes (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. 715 Miso Barahouse We cannot take responsibility for the information or to send in their contributions If you like beautiful hair use Sabbath (Saturday) 45 mm. Sab Corousl Road 11 am. Doncon Stewart any movement that might arise therefrom, but at the not later than Thursday evening, Creoline halr producer.
bath School; 11, 15 am Goneral Worship 7:15 Pastor Witt same time there is no reason to doubt the veracity of the to ensure publication. 30 Spanish Clas; 30 pm. Empire 11 am Mr. Brown statement, or to feel that it would be un profitable for the Young People Meeting; 30 7:15 Mr Oummings Pueblo Nuovo Dsacba Smith unemployed to try to get there.
during the early part of this year. Ill advised and blind, Vespare.
For commercial reasons, West Indians experience they disregarded the best opportunity ever presented to clamo. Al are welcome both young and Now Providence Deacon Brown Bunday evening more difficulty in leaving the Isthmus for the United them during the economic crisis, but their error of decision oid. 30 m, Preaching Service NowGatua Thursday 7, 30 Pastor Thrift States than they experience elsewhere, The steamship committed at a time of acknowledged unrest should not companies sailing between Panama and New York are become a permanent impediment to their future welfare Wesleyan Methodist usually overcrowded with other reservations with the Experience has taught these people that their refusal Panama. 11. Mr. Louio Lindo Short Laugh.
result that West Indians have to wait several months after to fill in the the Questionnaire was a terrible blunder, and Colon. 11. Rev. Kimock Brahan 7;RovSurgaon they are ready, before they can book passage for the they have regretted it. Now, they are anxious to take Nowl width. Minister to the United States advantage of any like proposition for their personal 30 Rør Kimock Braham Dohool boys in the school be was exsmin In the West Indies where traffic is, more or less, of amelioration, and they should be given a chance. It is La Boon 11 a, Ar. Johnson ing Who was the strong at man in the world?
one kind such a difficulty is obviated, and the inhabitants not too late to take serious thought of a matter which, on Mr. Alfred Harris Mr, Samuel SCHOLAR No. Replied 3anson IL tingit far easier to obtain transportation to their fields of account of manifest folly, has slipped out of the mind of New Providence 11.
Brethraits the potential actors. People who have fully paid the price Paraiso 11 Røv, Surgeon, MINISTER Right oh! Nɔw what fortune, It is our settled sentiment that the various island govof error and discretion must afterwards be given opportu Empire Rev. Surgeon SCHOLAR 3low Thousa ments of the British West Indies should seek to aid their nity to retrieve lost ground and make good.
Pailletin people in returning home. Especially should they be Humanitarian sentiment awakens and arouses the Church Of God G St Colon MINISTER What did ho slay them willing to do this when there is a possibility of Apating desire to help those who are down, and a very grave res 11. 30 a 7;30 Gospel Sermon with labor. If West Indians who are here unemployed and ponsibility will lie like a log on the breasts of those who Sunday School Sis, B, Brewster Pastor Evang.
SCHOLAR No. The jawbone of penniless are available and eligible for work in Cuba, are able to help the unemployed and stranded, if no account Parson 11 and if they find it impossible to pay their own way home is taken of their predicament. No one, with good reason, New Providence MINISTER What. What. The or the Panma Canal liraitation of repatriants excludes could say that the economic situation among. Wəst Indians Gospel Sermon 11. 30. 7, 30 jaw boue of Parson? l1 You mean Such a Bunday School pm the law. bone of an Ass 11 them from their list, it is only natural that they should should be treated as a matter of indifference.
SisM. Elliot, Pastor, SCHOLAR NO, Oh its all the same look to their own governments back home to help them, statement would be worst tban folly it would be madeither substantially or conveniently Srl Parroa or sa Aull any jaw ness.
Gatun West Indians must be taken care of whether at home Gospel Sermon 11, 30a. 7, 30 bons is a jo bono. Many of those who are obtaining repatriation facilior abroad, and any act of either of the island govern Sunday School pm Tromsadous sommation thea ex ties are either too old or too physically infirm to engage in ments through which the interest and welfare of the peo George Griffith strenuous labor, while the able bodied are forced to remain ple are overlooked should be condemned absolutely and Panama San Migusl stbullC.
here to eke out an unhappy existence. It is true that emphatically.
these people ignored and surrendered their first and most in which the various governments of the British West Gospel Serməno 11, 30 am 7:30 We hope to see an immediate movement ding 18 Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
convenient opportunity to return bome when they flouted Indies will act in harmony for the assistance of their peo Sunday School p. mm Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents the Questionnaire sent out from the British Legation here ple bere whose sad plight needs urgent attention, E, Bailey Pastor Incomparable, the precious Honey D an early mammoth did Samoa do. amination ends.


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