
hard play thie THE PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB sidor RACE MEETINGS hicho be EXCITING EVENTS upon for balance.
iwo star st an have.
The Lindo Bargain House below the Lodge and Chairs as follows. BOOST Atlantic Oddfellow Intercolonial Cricket. Just Days Off The Oddfellows compoud EMU satirely of members of thLodges of Tournament The secon blggant sacred the Grand United are practicing dramatic sensation, JOSEPH BONDAGE which will be stage CIGARETTES overy afuerason for their asteb with the Pacifio Oddfellow of Panama DETAILED REPORT ed by carefully selected chois The players eligible to la the majority of whom are wellmatch must be sative ein Sers of the known to our public as adepts in Best on the Market av. o. The team will be coming TRINIDAD DEMERARA their livest tha Excelsior the lathaus under the explainey of Mr.
Tb atre on October 28. Miller. Now Mr Bowen we Bible students are more or The intercolonial cricket tourn less familiar with the trans conASK FOR THEM are looking for you to redeem your Announces ament va opened at Dersion dent story of the life of Josepla.
promise and show up your colors, Saturday last conditions ELIAS PRETO. Agent the boys of the Atlantic BIG may be considered Knowa moro familiarly usosphe determined to bring back the bacon unfavourable. We were informed ble Interpretation Dreamer, whose dreams and by wireless us well as by cable caused bje ten brethren to conMe te it is up to you to therefore ON THE that the wicket was damaged by ATLANTIC SIDE bow your sporting bood and content with us for the shampionship The rain, but for the importance of spire against his life. Later we pranestatives that will dslrad 60 29th October and the 3rd November the contest in three parts the see him governor of Egypt. l antie are: Lodge 2477 Miller The Atlantic Orchestra Capt) c, hurrell.
news been ped Clarke, very meagre. There was a natural ally appointed by King Pharoah Sobero; from Lodge 8713, Phillipe desire to know as an early time or bis correct interpretation of Great Treat. Baker, Hail, Gittens, Young king dream, thereby eving the composition of the teams Carew; from Lodgo 10360 Philipstts, Benson, Cro by, finally chosen, the real condition of the people of Egypt from a tard wicket and the time agreed ine which was to consume the Nerer in the bistory of this Saunders Lodge 10105, Moriley starting daily the land for seven years, Bees ent Lodge 10136 very gifted Musical Company ima odern Interpretation of the And There are essentials of great im All arrangements are now being made New it risen as high in the esti: to bring the team over, and its nor up Horses portance to men and women who scene then cunoted.
has follow the game criticall. The first The Excelsior theatre will be mation of the Colon Public, as day play left the two teams on a taxed to lis capacity on Saturday Bunday aftertoon last. 15th inst, to the management of the Pacific nido to with tendency favour evening, the 28th. instant. When a when it presented communicate with the manager a unique able to the home team. Trinidad record breaking crowd is Watch For Further Details.
expecprogram to the appreciative Ciloot to make final arrangemente, ali must have felt a shock when itsed. Have you already secured gathering that was so fortunats Oddfellows are invited to attend the fum will either be saged cats of the West your ticket? It not, do 10 now as to be able to attend.
Lathmian Park Indles went in succession for the and be sure that you are there Notwithstanding the threaten Standard Oral or Thanksgiving Day, the duck each, but they on time, Ingrain which poured in tor been taught lesson that even Doors open at 7;80 performance rents during the function by p. m, the spacious auditorium Scottish Mechanics vs Odd star bata from Trinidad can 8 sharp.
JUST OPEN While the of the Silver Clubhouse, Cristo fall sometimes.
bal, was comfortably filled, and tournament is still young we Panama District Order of the gathering represented the expect to see both these Druids.
Th, Oddfellows Mr.
ar dra bement of the men make good before the col ure of the Miller challenged the winner windy Cits.
The balt yearly meeting of the close, but there are either fall The Orchestra was ably assist Beth Panama game on Sunday last ures in the eye of the Trinidad Management Committee of the critic who will make good also Panama District Order of Druids tad by the Marimba Band of 201 which was Rocepted by Mr. before the close. As will be seen FS will be held on Gautamala, who certainly made Teach Thoma, Captain of the winners, AT Demerarians bave October 21st 1922 al the Druida an excellent impression and wai This mateh will be played in Calon on Tepeatedly encored.
or before the meeting of the Pacific Hall 20th street CentralNo. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon lead of 26 on the first Among the business for the The items were chiefly Oddfellows on Nov, 30, musical composed from the Where you can secure at the lowest prompt Information sup evening will be the conterring of plied on receipt the public are be PNG famous selections from the Loyal St. Joseph Lodge No. 2353 Degree, Delegates famous Maskers and the possible prices everything to solve gratful to Messers Knight Co. are requested to be present at renditions were high up to mark msharp.
Ltd, who arranged for wireless your millinery needs Where every item was of such The Loyol Joseph Lodge (formally)
dispatches and posted them at excellence it would be invidious St. seph Lodge No. 17, 3. and the doors of their several Phar opportunity was afforded for. to make special mention of any. of. was org nixed into a lodge of Ladies Hats in the Latest Modes macies during the day. There full display of all the wonderful except to remark that the Violin the Order of Druids, by the Heart of were others arranging to supply bowling talent claimed to have solos rendered by Messrs. du Oak Lodge, No. 2301 durit last week from 50 to 10. 00 information in the same manner been possessed by nine of the Richmond and Spinella seemInitiation of members and confering from today.
Trinidad eleven. They opened ed to have touched our inner of Degrees took from Monday courageously.
souls a:d at their close the straight to Friday 13. when 83 mew FLOWERS, BRAIDS, NETS, WIRE, CREPE, Oable dispatches received to despesurprisingly iceffectively, time of going to press are asut bere were spontaneous applause rent bless of the initiated into the mysteries STOCKINGS OF PURE ITALIAN SILKS, follows:Croal went early but Fernandez pronounced as the breathless 14h the new efficers were installed in Ancient Order. On Saturday Demerara, Sept. 23 THREAD THE BEST FOR HEMSTITCHING and Hunter offered stubborn that characterized the silence tion. their represivo chairs Cricket 1;15 Trinidad y interval the total was 95 for two opposition and at the luncheon 19 per during their rendered Drummond, Thos, James, Demerara; Demerara won the with Hunter and John Phillips masterpieces. Miss Lawson V. A. Burgen, Secretary; YOUR INSPECTION INVITED toss and put Trinidad wicket effected in one going strong. We are not advised of that pathetic Clarke, Treasurer; Pell, Condue by rain. Score what were the contents of the interpretation Open from a. to 12 noon and from 2p. to p.
piece. The gambler tor; Sister Hayn, to Dow 68 for wickets Constantine took her hearers into the Holm, to bowled Brown 14. Pascall, su proveles terved, as lunch wretched home of one of the Llewelyn, RB. to Sinter LOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
keeper Chabrol14, service for on resumption the it proved to be a captivating rietims of the dice box and Brudy; B, to Blrmingham, Deganvs e Croal Veerasawmy strong going local am fell epened up a wife broken heart 1:6. Rico. OG. Bro Garibalde 1, Hamid a Veerasawmy Chabrol 0, Wiles o Verasawmy berably before the bowling of over the dying form of an only The dedinction and unveil.
each waiting for the ing of the Dispensation took place Chabrol O, St. Hillc Browa Pascallend Constantine, only 40 return of a selfish father, but Sunday afternoon, and was a brilliant Chabrol o. Small 21 not ou eight wickete. It was a stunning runs being added for the loss of who came too late.
scoot of the weather. Bro, Cipriani lbw Crowne 9, extras announcement and Mr. Ferreira treated bis Semuel Haynes was the Master of Demerara, Sept. 28 remalo till the accounts are read.
andience COMFORT and CONTENTMENT Trinidad first innings closed at themselves gloriously out of Trinidad therefore pulled by Charming present Age Ceremonies assisted by the Officers of and by special the Heart of Oako No. 2301 and the 2, 25 pm for 107 runs, Small tight corner and qualified to request, Toussaint Overture Guiding Star of Panama, kod he per by Wendell Phillips and as usual formed his duty in an able and credit.
ARE Browne 33. Decancourt low contest with the Bim in the final Browne 9, Yeates Brown 5, this gifted impersonator entered able way. The unveiling done by Dewburst not out Extras 14 into the spirit of these eminent Mia M, Haye. At the conclusion Bro Following are the cable disBrowny took wickets for 40 philosophers in manner to Mareur Julien gave inspiring appreciated by all mankind.
himself boro.
addrew on the traditional history of the runs Chabrol for 20 Vecrass patches received my for 83.
On the whole the Atlantic order. which was highly appreciated.
Demerara Sept. 28 Orchestra lived up to its record Representatives from all the Lodges Demerara, Sept. 28 Demerara continued first and the audience was highly were preotut and gave At interval Demerara score Innings at 11;85 a. and were al edified, Mr. Lawrence the Loyal St. Joseph Lodge No. 2363 was 87 for two wickets Fernan out 1:10 for 183 runs made an ideal Chairman. bright future. Refreshments were then To achieve them in your home des e wicket keeper Small Crestel small28, Dias e When so many questionable served, and a happy gathering broke up Hunter Small Pascall 17. Cipriani mall Hamid con ways are being devised to en. at 7:30. All praise must be piven to Cressal not out. Croal not extras 24, Small took wicketa stantine 12, Whybrew not out 3; liven our Sunday afternoon it is Bros. Garsbaldi and Drummond for use out. Extras gratifying to be able to find steering the good ship of state wafely At drawing of stumps Deme for 48 runs, Pascall for 36 and this high class entertalment so into another Ordar where Right and rara score was 68 for wickets Constantine for highly appreciated by the best juation is the motto.
GAS Oroal Phillips 1, Chabrol 3. Trinidad second innings element of the colored communiCressal 19 not out, Dias not 65 for 4: Wiles Browne ty and the hope is expressed out. extras 12, Small took Hamid lb wb Why brew 4BL.
that similar functions will be Gulding Star Anniversary.
wicket for 20 runs, Pascall for Hill lb wb Why brew 13, Small staged oftener. The Fuel Without a Fault not 33 deGannes stumped Tao Guiding Star Lodge No. 14, 10.
Demerara, Sept. 25 Browne 15 Cipriani not out extras Miss Louisa Law Passes erlebrated ber bith anniversary p. All Demerara out for Away.
on Sunday lurt by attending service at Tea interval, Trinidad 137 for 133 Cressal 23, Dias 19, Bourne wickets, Small not out 65. CipriaPANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY Wesleyan Church at p. Before 18. Browne Veeraseawmy 12, ni Fernandes Wby brew 16.
hour the The members of the St. Ann Lodgeroom vw crowded to the limit, PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: Whybrew Extras 24.
Bettancourt. Cbabral Browne Catholic Friendly Society have and well wishers lined the stree for the Wednesday Sept 27.
Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
11 Extras made a deep impression on the assembling. Hended by the Colonial We left off on Monday night Trinidad all out at close of play public of Colon by the manner in Musio Am ciation procession Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 with the opening game between for 190: Small b wb Whybrew which they laid to rest one of started at 8:20 pm, for the Trinidad and Demerara in an 82. Pascall b wb Fernandes 14 their member Miss Louisa Law, Due to the state vestber last Surday evening at Mt. Hope schedule could not be adhered to. The interesting condition. Trinidad Constantine Brown Dewhurst was at the wicket with a surplus not out 1, extras Browne took wo deceased was of Pastor Rev. M, C, Surgeon gave of 26 en quiete and loving dis position, becurital address in welcoming Friendly reputation as an Orator, and all praiso. for their homes, in the wee hours of the local en asentam est or them. The wide to form fos, Fernandes for 137 six and patient Societies to the Church delivered morning, and il and Why brew for 49.
only small seemed to know what illness during which she was excellent sermon on the APOSTOLIC success of the anniversary Special Demerara, Sept. 26 Secretary Report.
to do. At the close of play for much relieved by the members FISHERMEN OP GALILEE which was mention must be given to Miss Wallen, the day the Tținidad tean was Play started at 11:45 a, m, At of her society she passed away listened to with rapt attention. the the organist and choirmistrese for render Mr. Chairman, Off zero, Representa Jout and the total 190. Small was luncheon interval Demerara bad on September 30, conclusion the rain fell in torrents, and ing such beautiful selections at such a tatives and visiting friends, Greetings. cat low when he was 18 short of scored 95 for Fernandes by The funeral procession was it was not until 5:45 that they were sbart notion of 10 days, also to the We have assembled bere tonight for the century. All the rest Yeates 25; Croal Poscall very impressive. Father Hogan, able to leave The had Hunter 48 not ont, Phillips 17 procession representatives. Mr. Lambert of Prince the prirpose of celebrating our 11th failed, Cipriani 15 being the not out Extras the St. Josephs Catholic re assembled and matched back to the of Wales Lodge: Mr. Laka, Fiower of Anniversary, and we have to return our the next best, Whiles bad Cibes cho the church and at the A1 30 pm the menabers and friends the Tathmus; Mr. Saunders, Loyal Par to providential ca te operators for the heart in the matenon what has for 135 runs, performed Lodge room, they.
heartiest thanks to Almighty God for contributed his second duck Second innings closed at 5:30 Hunter with due catholic met in the ball for the social entertain severance; Mr. Duncan, Fidelity Lodge: year that has passed: praise to the the condition of the wicket Pascall 52; Phillips run out 17.
society completing with pres and only standing space could be found. The Guiding Sar Lodgou No, 141. from the ranks than who havo been told. but Browne again bowled Dewhurst Pascol 6, Bourne be prayers and bymys. mr. Bro. Fernand Samuel, Right Worthy organized on Oct. 13, 1911 by the late Charles Underwood, president of Ruler, mounted the platform and sound Bro. Murphy of St. John Lodgo No baken into eternity but although we on top of the whole team claim Constantine 7, Dinsc, Constan the society must be highly com ed the gavel and called the gathering to 5, Kingston, Jamica. It was tho fir se bave a lot of sickucks and distres ing for 57 in this or a total of tine Pascall 10, Chabrol in you all are runs in the Constantine 4, Veerasawmy not mended on the manner he con order. Opening Ode wu sung, Scripture Lodge of the in the Rep. of of, am pleased to report that we were out 2, Why brew lb wb Pascall ducted the funeral procession. and Prayer, and he welcomed the Panama, and it was a good seed sowad able to mass the several damınde made Extras Trinidad won by 29 odbor Chairman, Bro. Louise for since he organis 8 Lodges of the on our funds. Boven years bave rolled admirers of the Demerara toam, for 26 ans, Constantine Wafors With 165 runs to get to win rung Pascall took Saunders, and PI Order os tista ia tha republic, As the our organisition wicirets Smoke 111 One Eleven) introduced by the RW. The pro condlusion of the celebration refresh during that parisd we havs initiated side, boped for favourable a Lodg, and they were legions on this Yeates for 27 Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents gramme was then started, and it was not ments were served to all, and it was 1350 members of that, number we conditions of the weather on the close margin of 29 runs, Trinidad therefore wins by until mid night before it was brought to with regret when the meeting oamo to Incomparable alove. The Chairmag lived up to his a close, and the vast gathering departed (Continued On Pays 8)
morrow. Their hopes were apparently realized and every (Continued on Page 7)
wife in spite PIL fa to on Friday, very addresses, wisbing FOR COOKING 10 runs.
the the Church the the Cemetery. The of. cribed match and


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