
VOI PAGE jast Islan WONGAN SATURDAY OOTOR 1962 British Finance And Trade May Elect Negro Congress o Successful Service Succeeds YORK would have GIGARETTE 16 NEW YORK CIGARETTES 16 re nomination.
in nearly quarter of a century, the United States Congress may baro Negro minbir after March next. Ac noorted effort in reported among Negro leaders in the 21st District, embracing the greatest colored belt in the city and part of the fashionable Riverside District section to noininate one of their own race in the Republican primary: Rapresentative Martin Ansorge, the present for the district, is waste for men mentioned as with his proble opponents are Johnson, of the the National Association for the and William Ferris, editor of the Negro Vorld. Both are roported as having strong back ing among members of their race as well as some white politicians. It is not likely that both will enter the primary this would ensure Adsorge re nomination. An effort will be made to concentrate the Negre vote bahind one of them! There are approximately 35, 000 Negro yoters in the 21st District, whick is more than 40 per cent, of the total vote o of the district. An Ord achieved considerable newspaper prominence recently when he named a negro youth for the United States Naved Academy at Annapolis. The boy later failed in entrance examinations and was unable to Quality George Ni White was the last Negro representative in Con gresu. He came from North Carolina and served in the 55th and 56th Congress, retiring in There have been two negro senators, both from Mis.
sissippi, and each serving during the reconstruction period.
These were Hiram Ravels and K.
Bruco, Bruce was a former slave, whose mastered acated him.
Revels was a minister and organized two Negro Ragim ants in Baltimore at the outbreak of the Civil War. No northern has ever sent a Negro to Congress, and the outcome of the 21st New York District is being watched with great interest by politicians Herald sorge The American Foreign Banking Corporation Priday September twelve months after the omelal date for the end of the we, waited wit approached loot vook with certain smount of saxiety in ou quarters of the Stock Exchange, loro 00 that day all outstanding abilities carried over from the last pre war scount has to be liquidated. Botimate for the socount open in Stock Exchange markele. the outbreak of war in 1914 ranged from 80 to 200 millions werling, the latter figure being generally considered to be the more accurate. After the tropening of the Stock Exchange of the begining of 1918 the outstanding Bocount w until the unoftled amount was in the neighbourhood of millions stertin tions Sgure which under normal condihave caused no worry or Тетово whatever. But But the chaos in the foreign exchanges, urettled condi tions throughout the world and the hostilities between Turkey and Greece 110 botocaducive to tranquility in Stock Exchange matters and it was expected in some quarters that the final settlement of the pre war account would not prou cut without some failure.
Bappily be glo my prognosications were believed aud the settlement was carried through without any untoward insidente. Thanks to the resovery Stock Exchange question which boe occured during the past twelve montho prices many securities are back to the pre war level. In. of others, such a British Railway stacks, the price by not yot pot back to the Ju 2014 figure, bu the holder who hss been carrying over bis commitments lace that time is eatitWita led to all dividends which bus accrued and consequently will be little, if any thing, out of pocket, Cases where there in dimaycu diserep acy between pre war and present prices are fortunately few and for between the most propinent instances are Grand Turke and Mexican Railway stocks. Now that Shio settlement has passed the London Stock Exchang finde iteoll once again practically the same position that it va in before the war. Pre war facilities for dealing were restored in last, the only exception of importance being the retention of ouah dealing in the market for gilt edged stocks, and the Stock Exchange can congratulate itself that it has come through the difficult war and post war period with so little tangible damage.
Registration of Britisn West Indian Subjects In Forelgn Countrles The right Honourable tbe Secretary of State for the Colonjes has directed that it be notif ed for general information that Consular Oficers may be in position to intervene on their behalt should occasion arise, British West Indian subject who may go to reside in Foreign Countreis should register them.
selves at the British Consolate as British subjects and that for this purpose they should provide themselves with evidence of British nationality such as passnationality, or a birth certificate port, as certificate of British showing birth within His Majesty dominions Consular officers are empower ed to require such further evidence of identity as they may think necessary, and application for registration should be made upon a form of declaration, of which are obtainable at Consulates It must be clearly understood that the absence of adequate evidence of identity may make it impossible for consider officers to accord protection to British Subjects.
The Island Public Servants Want Grants in Aid Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY in June DEPOSITORY OF 1899.
The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy state Terrible Catastrophe At Martinique Agents for the Banco Nacional CRISTOBAL PANAMA Go To The AMERICA or CECILIA THEATRE AT LAST RACES, RACES FOR THE WELL DRESSED SPORTS On Friday 11th August at 40. m, without any warning there was a terrible explosion of 600 Kilos of gunpowder which killed persons, woanded another 10, and destroyed the Sugar Works, Rum Distillery, and residential quarters of Dillion Estate, said to be the most prosperous of its kind in Martinique. La Dillion is situated about miles from Fort de France on the Road to Lamantin.
It would appear that the owner of this Estate, M, de Lequarique recently bought hundreds of Kilos of old explosive from the Military which was mixed with other ingredients and used for manuring the canes.
There were still 600 Kilos of this powder in a building when the explosion occurred. The cause is unkowa. It is presumed that that either a stray spark from careless smoker or the day terrible heat, was the cause. Herald GRATIS All who want to be properly dressed for this occasion should just have a look in at Get your ticket at the WHAT?
Nestle Milk Co. THE PALAIS ROYAL this In Exchange for Labels of NESTLES CONDENSED MILK or ST. CHARLES CREAM The Gleaner understands that the Jamaica Civil Service Association has prepared a memorial for presentation to the executive, asking that they be given grants in aid for the January March quarter of year, pending the putting into effect of the recommendations of Regrading Commission.
The final grants in aid to the Civil Servants, on the dimioishang scale, ceased on the 31st December last year, and the Civil Servants are now asking that they may be Seven grants on the old scale in force in 1910 e. 25 per cent of their salaries, subjects to certain deductions under the arrangements which expired memorial ta the above effect will it is undersecod, be paesent ed to the Government at an oarly date.
Smoke 111 One Eleven)
Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents Incomparable PEREIRA, Proprietor CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA WHERE YOU WILL SEE FINE SELECTION OF English White Flannel Pants, Light and Dark Grey Flannel, and Blue Serge Suits.
134 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON w whispered in heaven, w muttered in bell, An echo called faintly the sound mit fell On the confines of Earth, ww permitted to rest And the depths of the ocean, ita prosenso confeosed will be found the sphere whep tis riven stunder Be seen in the lightning, and heard in was allotted to man, with his earliest breath, Attends at his birth and waita hia in death is the soldier and stan sa mi го TO But woe to the wroteh who expele it from home, is a friend of the rich man, is part of his wealth Tie a grand friend to all for ti e great Part in health But sbare let it real, like delicate flower Loh breathe on it softly, it dion in an hour.
An Old Old On.
From GLAD Without it OR last year.
Best assortment of English Woollens In town and other men furnishings.
OPPOSITE THE FREIGHT HOUSE, PANAMA Advertise in the Workman. It pays.

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