
THE WORKMAN, BATURDAY OCTOBER 21 1922 PAGE VEN 494 like eau. em mer Governor They Satisfy Chesterfield mission gratitude Inca (151)
three figures. 30 Hatsoa bis credit, for the and 673, another give the Shoes. Shirts. Hats followed Stel ISSOTOO lands. This will the fillon fortunes of BL Vincent be retored, and the industrial adThe best Tonic In the World rencement and permasens fatare prosperity of the colony ensured. St. Vincent Sentry.
VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend NOTES OF INTEREST ad in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Home And Foreign a run down constitution RACE RIOT COMMISSION It promotes digestion, improves the appePREPORTS And smokers tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
everywhere like DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or Chesterfields.
In July 1919 alter the Chicago times a day.
race rion, Commission comWhy? Because poped of an equal number of they are made of White and colored citisons JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
the choicest Turk WAS named to enquire and ish and American report as to the cause of the riot tobaccos.
And how best to avoid such race clashes in.
hission on the appointed The Color Intercolonial Cricket WILKINSON norFrank Lowden, soon after the race rlot. They bare presented a very lengthy Tournament Contractor and exhaustive report. They bare recommended that mutually and Builder understanding, sympathy and BARBADOS VS. TRINIDAD patience between Whites and 15th STREET, WEST Blacks is the only remedy for House No. 90 Improving relations between the (Continued from page 5)
races. The members of the Com Oa a wicket described as perP. Box 411, Panama, P.
CIGARETTES have earned the undying fect the Barbados XI, occupied of the thinking people the crease during the whole day Plans and Specifications Frog of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended of both races. Its deliberations Pair mlnded and redounds much more for the Perform too icket First Class Workmanshlp have been just, impartial and yesterday increasing their over to 620 slx Tarilton 100) and to the honour and integrity of Guaranteed.
the men who constitute such an Play was was reaching illustrious and intelligent Com Tarilton and Kidney continuing mission.
the innings. The former doos falling vlotim to Pascall and not seem to bave stayed long, as the latter belog slumped off LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
Smoke 111 (One Eleven) to his overnight scoce ho was ever, appear to have carried the after having added only fre runs Fraser, Griffith and Hutson, how Clgarettes 15 For 10 Cents bowled by Small, letting in Ince score merrily along uatl jast Colleymore also gave very little before the luach interval, when Incomparable trouble, and it was left to Kidney the former was caught with the and Ince to take the score to 831, score at 672 for nine.
when the luncheon interval NOTICE arrived, Ince then having tozved to use our immediately after lunch of single, the Kidney 28 Alter total amounting to 672 wao Correspondents are requested the resumption these two record for these matches.
After to send in their contributions batsmen continued to the the receipt of the telegram nothnot later than Thursday evenings bowlers all the trouble thoy ing further came through until to ensure publication, wanted, uudney was bowled!
before the 15 when it was announced.
tea interval that Barbados bad won by an by Betancourt, and Brown, who ioning and 173 ruas.
Trinidad Interesting West Indian News.
was cheaply got rid of must, therefore, bad only made in a similar way by Smith after 141 runs in their second inni ings having scored but three runs but (Continued from page 3)
runs but only the undermentioned When the tea interval was scores came through, and it is very good kicking still. We are reached Ince was still not out not possible to say what has aca a law abiding and equally docile with 122 to his credit. Austin counted for an unexpected people. but we can stand by our The Three Most Prominent On appears to set the stangre having madbes rund this Tertiadian guns and make a clear good of Vies fight. We are again going to have stayed until the 500 mark most unsatisfactory ending to memorialize the Right HonourItems In Man Dress was nearly up, when he return what promised to be an exciting ed one to Fraser, with his indi game.
able the Secretary of State as game. Barbados vidual score at 151. Hond and batted at the top of her form; unguestionably humble, respectful, llege subAustin then played out time, the but, ject of His Gracious Majesty score standing at 620 for six unforseen has happened. ini.
unless something very the King. We are going to tell wickets. Another record has dad has sufferud badly, towards the Secretary of State, in effect, thus been set up for these the end. from an uncontrollable that his reply does not end the matches, as 879 Puno hare al attack of nerves.
question; that he is labouring under an incorrect impression of gregate considerably more, we ag Teinidad second innings close our demands, and also tell him believe than has ever been made ed at 15 for 141 runs 8t.
that what is good for our sister during the whole of any match bw. Hoad 16. Small Hoad on Hill b Pilgrim, 36, Wiles colonies of St. Lucia and St of the series. Certainly, Betancourt Geifith 11. Cipriani Vincent is also good for us, and would be acceptable; and with matters now stand. Barbados Hoad Dewhurst, not out CAN BE HAD ALWAYS IN OUR STORES holds a great advantage, being Constantine er, a wicketkeep this we are leaving the matter 161 runs on with four wickets in Hond Extras 12. Griffith took Anally in his own band.
decide. Our people have spoken Monday play, there a for 87. Hoad for 38. Pilgrim our Legislature have given fore, will be watched with special interest. The batting innings and 178 runs. united vote to the effect that the for 14, Barbados won by an existing system of government capacity of our team has not, is not suited to our present day and it is to be hoped that they Tho Allled Debt Question yet, been fully demonstrated, conditions. Having done this will we awalt results and hope for go agolng and let us have a the best.
glorious ending to what. bas Panama Colon been, up to the present, a really It first class WAS match.
Present misunderstanding persists imremarkable scores: ST. VINCENT portant part in the Inter Allied TRINIDAD FIRST INNINGS, debt question. notice a widely St. Hill run out o clrculated American Statement The Great Drain. Clpriani e Kidney Hond 11 that the money advanced to Small Hond 36 Britain by the United States Creoline Hair Preparations Wilee lbw, Hond 18 during tho war had no relation to Emigration like a sllent flow de Ganno lbw. Griffith 20 the war loans made by Britalo to ing stream continues to drain Positively Superior to all others on earth. Betancourt Ibw. Griffith 12 her European alles. This is our little colony of its best Try them and be convinced. Pascallo le Browne Griffith 02 Incorrect. Britain kitain borrowed to substance. Mail after mall we Canstantine, Jar, Ibw, lend to hor Allies and had the They are the Master Preparations of the World.
find in the passengers list of Pilgrim British Government not been departures for Nex York and Different from all others Constantine, mr. Hond a compelled to make advances to other commercial or industrial Fraser not out 60 its Allies It would bave been uncentres ot less importance some Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. G, Dewhurst st. Tarilton 68 necessary for it to apply to the of the most promising intelall Foreign Countries, 60c.
Extra 10 United States Government for lectual youths of the colony of Creoline Halr Producer inancial assistance, It is also both sexes as well as instalWe are hoping that Total Straightens rough, hare, kinky hair with or without hot combs, worth recalling; that early in 1918 850 ments of the labouring and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 Honik took wickets for 131 runs, the United States Government casion will bring you to our British Government pressed the These are leavirg not merely percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation because the prospects of life is of its kind in the world. Patches thin places and prevent baldness, store shortly. And when you Griffith for 101, Tarilton one for no to relleve it of responsibility for In ounce tins, larger and more potential fields do come be assured that it will runs and Pilgrim for Anancing the Allies, and offered of work and enterprise are Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy be a pleasure for us to serve BARBADOS FIRST INNINGS, in return to finance all its tempting to ambitious youths, very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandreff, Tetter you, and that our pleasure in Challenor Ibw Constatine own expenditure in the United but many of them leave with and Eczema, It is antiseptic. Grows bair. keeps the scalp healthy.
States of America without eyes and serving you will make your visit saddened In ounce bottles.
borrowing from the United bearte, for they love their native Jackson Manufacturing Co. to our store even more. enjoy Tarilton Small. 100 States. The American Govern.
Island as the dearest spot on 455 West Tenth St, Manufacturers and Exporters Indianapolis Ind. able for yourself. Collymore Pascall Inos o Fraser earth. But necessity the need 161 menit, however, declared to agree All Up to dato Drug Stores carry a stook of Creoline.
to that Kidney Betancourt FULLER 73 of gaining a livelihood compels There never has been any quesC. A, Browne Small them to let their patriotism JEWELLER 8tion of Britain intention to reH, B, Austin lbw. Pascall stand in subordinate position.
E, Load at Dewhurai Fraser pay America, even though Britain British Consulate Notice 122 CENTRAL AVENUE The departure by the last mail FOR SALE. Griffith e St. Hill Conreceive nothing from those.
are an illustration of the above Allies to whom she lent the olantico rate ate of The Acting Consul at Dr. Huteon e Fraser Pascall of money received from America.
45 tion has been continuing for Colon would be glad of informa One Stuvessant Piano Fifty JUAN ILLUECA some tion as to where o, Pilgrim not out million pounds is ear mark Extras ed in the current year budget 88 to the colony are serious. Such abouts of one Maro De Meza, who In 1 Condition to go to America, and the FundBuccess bas been resident in Colon for Attorney at Law Total ing Commission is leaving despite all other efforts to ad some 25 years, It is also under: No reasonable offer turned 678 London for the United States la No. 44 Central Avenue vance the interest of the colony, stood that he has been employed few days to fix the se. tlament Fol but an extraordinary as a clerk at Balbos.
With the score at 520 for the arraneements, TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 For particulars apoly at of agriculture and comloss of six wickets, Barbados merce may stem this tide of WORKMAN PRINTERY Practices in all Courts of continued their innings at 11. 30 Creoline straightens and amigration, and draw back some yesterday and Austin and Hond If you like beautiful hair use Panama Central Ave Street of the colony brain and musa seem to have added 90 runs be beautifies the hair and procle now established in other Creoline hair powder Panama City English Spoken Fluently fore being separated, the former duces hair on bald heads. Large and Choice Assortment hands to American Bazaar Stores how PELRY BARGANS is quito 17 оос class jote 96 tearful 53 24 emigration impedes down.


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