p. 8


NOSTROLINE Good Service Reflection FOR FROM Whiz Auto Products sam season, it is اله a OVER seconds.
20, 000, 000 have DAILY and a cares to PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1929 British Subjects.
James Blake Debarred sest Besta the reason that ho claimed be FOR NOSE REMEDY was under the influence of ATHROAT liquor and did not know what be On Saturday th 14 Inst the DISORDERS was saying, officers and medits of the NASAL CATARRH This should be lesson for all Isthmian Star Ld. No. 13, COLD IN THE HEAD those disloyal British subj cts The recent improvement we have made in our establlshment is a strong IUO duly asseduled at the SORE THROAT INFLUENZA who go around this city making conviction that we have also improved that prompt and reliable service lodge room in San Miguel, and Chemista 13.
acting on the decision of a suit Or by Post 13 Yery Improper remarks about which has kept our customers together for the past three years the British Goveroment and its for embezzlement of Lodse Legation in this city, believing Funds against Bio, James MATTHEWSAQ, Chemists, aurray that because they are in Blake, PiG of the sold Ladies Sold at all Drug Stores foreign country they can disre We have just added another shipment of down Balboa Magspect the flag to which they belatrate Court, it was generally agreed by the Lodge that said long without the slightest conbrother James Blake being Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd sequence. The above case un financial on the books of the should be a stern reminder for Isthmian Star Lodge, be all those so inclined.
could fine assortment Including the famous not be dealt with by the laws of NOTICE the order but was by a ResoluCanal Zone Notes Dunlop tion regularly moved, seconded All delinquent shareholders of of English and the above namad Company are Road Racers and unanimously carried that his hereby notified that a sale of all membership be not renewed for GATUN American a period of 99 years.
unpaid shares will take place at Warrick Sister Lodges are asked to be Calidonis on or before the 31st the company office No. 47 Concert By Sunday School guided accordingly, BICYCLE Speed Racers day of October, 1922, in accordChildren.
By order, ance with the law governing PARTS On Sunday evening last the Cambridge and OLIVIER YEARWOOD.
By order the Board of DireeBesty. tors.
concert given by the St. Georges Church High Street, was an and United States JE. THOVAS, aprecedented Buccess, Mr.
Actg. Secretary Isaac Taylor, superintendent.
Non Skids Inauguration Of.
had the little ones specially Dramatic Performance At prepared for the occasion. Mr. Continued from page 1)
Waller, Secretary of the Club house was the chairman for the per cent discount on cash sales for members of the Unique Cycle Association poor second and Pegaso third.
and Cyclone Cycle Athletic Club. CALL ON US.
Pool paid 500 Time min. All roads will lead to the Varie The ball was crowded and at 2 seconde.
dades Tbeatro on Oct, 23rd wber a. precisely the concert was Western to Supply Co.
Fifth race, turlongs. Glorits the Musical Art Association pro commenced, the various items of songs and recitations on the STREET ANCON AVENUE PHONE 85, PANAMA Quien sabe, Plaudella, and No sents a most thrilling Musical program was satisfactorily renSe, came out and declared to the Comedy Hello New York. This de red by the children. cornet Judge. Alter a few false starts, is the play of the the horses were seat away. Glo: illed with Romance, Love.
solo was rendered by Mr. rita had her saddle strings Adventures and Intrigue. The Suith, which was well received broken after leading for two fur Romauce begins in Sunny field by the audience. We tender our longa end then dropped out to White Star Liner. The Intriguo, England The Love, on a congratulations to Miss Mary Se and Quion Sabe were left in Beete. Mr. Isaac Taylor and a desperate struggle, but No and Adventure on Gay New Mr. Laurie for the well was determined not to be besten You will loo much if you falt York.
merited success achieved in and won from bis opponent by to see this Comedy.
training the cbildren.
neck, Pool paid 20 Time 59 Birthnight Party, Sixth race. One mile. Niagara Atlantic side Chombo Loca, and Cortex laced Mr. and Mrs. C, Hinds were the starter for this herculean (Continued from page 5)
the host and hostess of an enjoystruggle; and at the fall of the had only 10 deaths: Owing able birthnight party which was tlag, Cortez with Murray up, held at their residence on beball pushed to the front and maintain to the fluctuation of labsar and the of their intant boy Mortimer.
ed his position coming home the depressed state of things on the lothThe house was beautifully second. Pool paid 90. Time of employment, while soms buvo left winner by two lengths. Niagara nus, the majority of our members have immigrated to to other countries in search secorated with palms rge number cf postal minutes seconds.
for their native inland home for good. bung on the wall of the interior Seventh race, e furlongs. This others o ised to contribute of the building. Mr. Boyce and That is the record of sales of race was looked forward to with our funds, leaving Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins the unabated Interest.
The track present time with uumber of 89 sponsors of the boy were present was in very bad condition, as the members on the roll. Wo will now very rain bad poured incessantly, and review tho progrene for the paat the guests. The bea atifully ate one it thought im During ving the rulit:hip of Bro. Uriah Bain decorated table was covered with possible to bring the oft for th) first halt rac off. for tho of fruits cakes and other delacacies However, the showers caused 10 new which to our grand chain and was well enjoyed. The for a moment and Estrella, Doris funde ovat 100. His High Street Band did very much Morton, Lady Peerline and Fernand S. muel to enliven the evenings entertain Chagres faced the ment and several speeches of surpassed the brill ano of the Apreceding was a delay in getting Chagres term by conte buting ovar 175 congratulations were given the out, but when the game old man credit of our and added 29 nov parents.
appeared, he received a tremend membara, The ous ovation from the Grand hearty supp support and cu operation to his Clubs Organized Stand. He showed very bad administration, whish made it a marked spirit and did appear as if he one is the history of the Guiding Star was not in a but Bro, Samuel in the United States alone The Carolina Anderson Club the chair faithfully Mr. Allan, being an experienced and the members ww. enthusiastio.
and the Mary Church Terrel racing man, took the opportunity over to down the flag as soon as be to the rulership by an overwhelming progress that ho wis ra alected Club of Gaton Division Girl Reserve bave been fully organiz: head turned down majority. It is dus ed and placed on a the track, and basis. They have their quarters the poor start the old man got.
the Colored Clubhouse, and It was impossible to describe the celebre to our anniversary this evening, race as the rain was falling hard 300 in 1, 275 in 250 the Secretary is doing his best time to make their room a real home.
and the horses could not be seen, owing by Roseiver. PB. C, ons in hand Tuesday nights have been assign The package fits the pocket but with an almost incredible bond shares and ed them for all kinds of athletic speed Chagres pushed his way amounts to 210, 25. Total worth 1035 25 games which will be entirely The price fits the pocket to the front, and came home Much praise must be given to our most ander the superyision of the by one length. The crowd hard working Officers in which they Becretary and the Cigarette is shouted themselves hoarse. En baye thusiasm went wild at this great despite the ecouomie depression. the En bave managed tue affaire et the Lodge, Get Together Evening and unexpected victory, and the present time, Brothers and Sisters when backers were awarded with a reviewing the history of fairly decent pool. Estrella Star Lodge No. 15, G. r, we are led of the Guiding get together entertainment second and Doris Morton third. to exclaim with the Paalaist God is in took place at the Silver Club Pool paid 600. Time minute the midst of her, abs esll not be house on Thursday night 19th 36 seconds.
Inst, by the young men and woremoved, God sball ball keep her, and that men of this district, when a small Mr. Allen. member of the right early.
Referring back to the pot charge of 10 cents gold was Panama Jockey Cinb, who is also o lebrations, we only hava to recall the placed on those who attended.
the VALENCIA, Agent. Box 693, Panama official handicapper and last in 1920 when wa celebrated is in. This club is to uplift the Boy starter, was there with the this same Lodgeball, we must again join Scouts. Messrs, Lord! Woodman, goods and sent off the horses to together in giving thanks to the Great Brossard. and several others excellent starts which was very Galilean, who has tbus cuided our destirendered up to date songs, while favourably commented upon by is through our daily walks of all.
ea blous the young ladies put on some of to assemble, without.
We have weathered the the most enjoyable jokes ever didicers will take place. Sirs and Gone To Study, prelimein brythe qualifications debertate from. manded stormy winds and raging seas in that the public are cordially invited little school as being nec 2ssary before are M, Grev and Mr. Spencered by persoveranos to reacta port safely.
rewardto come over to St. Bernard Laking up the study of dentistry medical students at Howard As barwhite suite hotare. Lende there Song Service Lodge Hall.
With reference to Mr. Parker. University who were also stu.
it may here be mentioned thati dents of Mr. Parker.
live piature to the flock that she ha On account of the heavy rains News hes been received that Mr, Cordica is only one of the we had to dispense with Song Oa Sunday the 22nd inst. the Mr. Cardice was success many young men whom he has well for The above sincerely speaks run her course with credit to be trust.
Mr. Parker ability There is room on her deck for many of Bervica on Sunday night last, members of the Red Tack Star ful in satisfying the Board more members. Friends, the slogan of but the Boy Scouts will conduct Lodge No; 13. 8, will pull Examiners of Meharry Universi coached, and who have been a teacher; and bears testimony is Come and swelt very interesting service to ott pleasant evening entertainty and was therefore admitted successful in entering upon to his scholastic attainments, as this Lodzo to nighs in studies in one or other of the ty in higher subjects; such as need one. This invitation is given to of his students had to quali our number, Seek a friend morrow night (Sunday) which ment at the Red Tank Silver to study Dentistry.
before you will begin at 30 all are Clubhouse beginning at p. o. Mr. Cardice was employed at colored universities of America.
Latin, you Algebra, your names on the sacred eordially invited to come and sharp Musical talent from the Mount Hope Printery Plant, Students of his who have Physics, Botany. English gram Rolls of our Lodgo. Will you come. hear what good the boys can do Panama will join with local talent but had his mind fixed on one of graduated in medicine are Dra. mar, Composition and Litera Christ Said unto Peter, Follow me and for themselves.
in producing a very high class the professions and therefore Alleyne and Gordon; those who ture, and the higher branches of will make will make you fishers of men and program. Members of the sister toodeert dhe tuition of Mr. e. Roach and N, Thomas, Then studies in various subjects have become dentists are Drs. Arithmetic.
women fraternal Mr, Parker is also a successful Degraes Will be Given Wishing all an enjoyable evening, and organizations and well wishers Parker and Miss Smart in there Father and teacher 10 there ot Shorthand order to enter one of the col who left Mr. Parkery Dixon, and trust that when you shall leave to your are cordially invited.
bands for Booking keeping.
respective bomes; that you will deeply Star of Paradise Lodge No. 14, leges of America. He finally the the Baptist Theological consider the invitation of becoming of this town will condecided to go to Meharry. and it Jamaica and passed a brilliant member in the guiding Star Lodge Smoke 111 (One Eleven) is very creditable and must be entrance examination.
and ter the Pilgrims He did Smoke 111 (One Eleven) No, 14.
Degree to nighi (Saturday) and Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents gratifying to himself and his well in college, and is now doing Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents: to morrow (Sanday) the 22nd at Fraternally yours.
tutors that he Gospel Incomparable m, the Installation of prove that he possessed the in America, At present there! L, SAMUEL, Incomparable SAUNDERS, W, Susty, us at time year: the you, we added One 111 Eleven Cigarettes links olled out e restarter. There uponor Bro to the our funde and members gave thi mood to start, bat Bea served over the saw Chagresa bois accounted for the past term that of часови working film due to th: we are able to Buy a package to day!
in the wioner ia 10 INCOMPARABLE Fifteen 111 Cigarettes for 10c.
of life, to departed.
eneb Chemistry, you


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