
THE 220 OSTA WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 19227 PAGE TARRP Uaite Fruit Compeny Earn Large Revenue RS RBCEIPT3 FOR MONTHS OVER 3, 07, 000 AFTER MEET ING ALL CHARGES. Scottish Cricket Match. HOW PREMIER SILENCED THE HAVE YOU TRIED LABOURITES Friends You will find if a series of you want photographs of QUALITY 120 MOVING PICTURE at STARS THE PROFITS KEEP UP Estimate Of Earnings For The Last Quarter of The Year.
in each package Linton of tos When you Your chance complete this Holder long field.
Maxwell od 2 was hitting freely. According we give you an Album FREE to runoutdown. He determined any Seasonal CIGARETTES and was himselt.
20, 000, 000 credit.
Boston, Oct. For the pronths in October Ist. the United Fruit Company earned exces of 15, 000, 000 dollars, and after charges and normal income As iliustrating the earning Steadiness of of the United Fruit of lates years, due to the diversified income, the profits this y ar ara almost identical with the Tesults for the period last year, the slightest difference being in favour of 1922 It is estimated that income tuxes this year will run between 3, 750, 000 and 4, 000, 000 dollars.
Da the basis of the higher estimate the United Fruit Coy. has already earned a surplus of well over 3, 000, 000, above the full dollars dividend on the outstanding 1, 000, 000 shares.
Guesses of earnings for the next tbree months are likely to run wide of the actual figures bat it would seem in view of the current steadiness of freight Devenue and the Top rovement in passenger receipts during the cold months that the United Fruit should show at least earn 000 000 dol.
Sars and possibly 000 000 dollars for the final quarter of the year.
This would spell gr038 earnings dollars for the full year and a of 19, 000, 000 dollars to after taxes of 15 dollars to 16 ddlars a share. It will be surprising if the big company does not hit the 1922 goal of ONOS the management early of twice the dividend.
1921 the United Fruit Coy.
Ia encued 16 97 a share and in 18:20, the banner year 29. 01 a shape. pleasing feature of the ex.
Pansion in profits that has been taking place for several months ta the part played by sugar.
The department has already con.
Gributed a full year and before the books are closed det profits may ren close to 3, 000, 000 dols NA sugar production is 1320, 000 bags against expecta tion two months ago of 1, 300 000 bage. The previous record was mis 1, 000, 000 bags in 1921. The cash position for the company carries the same huge tigures to which the district has for some years been accustomer; the total being 26 000, 000 dollar, for which some 9, 000, 000 dollars is on the other side of the water is the Elder and Vyffe treasury.
balance afts all we Boon to the Sufferer One of the best contested game Cricket en or the Atlantic Bide wa witamed at the MA Hope Oval on Sunday 14th inot, when the Panama Visit to Mr. David Lloyd Scotch Mechanice (the cream of the Lathmus) barely got off certain de George by a Stop the leat. The members of the Royal King Solomon, No. 11, and Fidelity, War Delegation.
No. 29. of the Order, united in a team and challenged the Scotch Mechanics of RIDNEY WEBB VIEWS.
Params for game to decide the championship The visitors arrived in Colon on the Prime Minister Quotes Opinion 45. train and were received and of Labour Leader On Near entertained in a real Scottish fashion at the Court Brook banquet hall under East Question.
the suspions of both Lodge, before taking their stand on the grounds. AI London. September 29. Fol10. 39 the homeeter Captain Joe lowing labour manifesto one Layao of Sumes had the fuck of against any war in the Near winning the tow and went to the bat East, issued to day the real Gittee of West Bad and Moody reason for the weel silence of Reasonable Gatua opening the inning the labour leaders came to light.
and opposed to them were Raul Holder This silence so unusual on the of Bu rey CC. and Maxwell (Britta. se)
Price Linton after making fell Avietim part of labour. was due to to cruel but characteristic joke by bsisting One to Yearwood is played by Lloyd George on the Gulatiue eusctoded the Stop War. Liour Party delo Vacancy, and after more overa, Ration which visited him a week clean bowled Gittens, the ago.
has arrived series board reading Joe Layne jointo information ed Gulstone, and was scoring whenover he could reaching The World. Lloyd FIVE CENTS soul. George listened patiently to the the boundary, and was comfortable, Gul. When the speeches were over Layas pincel Holder for a protty Bower delegation passionate protest.
for sione attempted to slide one through the contributed 14 runs to his credit, coming manuscript which contained he clipe, and we taken by Maxwell. He boek Premier pulled from his pocket a bulky, typewritten FIFTEEN CIGARETTES out with top score for bis side. Archer said, the main points of the the next in, and placed a pretty Government programme, shot round to leg, and hesitated to with the result that Layne was This the Premier read. The word to the or critically, after it appeared that he had met die delegates listened He mde 12 which hard spots it to pounce upon weak THREE FOR ONE CENT At the conclusion wise.
enrned, and would have certainly contributed more if it was not the misfortune ed thuy could hardly afford to.
of the play. The board reading 33 21 attack this programme since it Brathwaite joined Archer and brlet had been drafted by the Labour nada, when Archer after get Party Committee, headed by ting olx single was clean bowled by Sidney Webb DeSoun. Ju. Ford filled the rap and According to dr. Webb, was clean bowled in the next over by said Lloyd George in base Zone 5c. CHENALLOY, Agent Republic 12. Maxwell for a cipher, Laably went in in good. want the and gol duok to bio British Government to maintain Griffitho of Gatun next in and played ou. the freedom of the Straits.
Mananananananana mangunan that terrible cover of of Maxwell, who two batman with balle, Brathwaite Naturally, we anticipate your who got That we are trying to do.
was next out for t, and the oc promoter warmest Wm. Holder joined Griffithe, but he necessary to that end. support and steps Ww short lived as he was sent back The flabbergasted delegationimmediately, Donald Griffiths, joined few members of which had ever bie namera ke at 45, and took the poore bothered to read the Webb reto 51 when the Star bat of Gatun fell victim to the deadly hand of Maxwell, them withdrew into a corner port so crushingly against and the innings closed. Credit must be for consultation. At the concluRiven to the Atlantic batamen for most sion both sides agreed not to of them could not find time to practice, give out any report of what as they were busily mgaged in making took place.
preparations for the visitors, Lloyd George strategy kept Maxwell secured wickets, Holder labour silent for a week.
aud DeSouas coch, VISITORS INNINGS.
Where To Procure Books.
The visitors inainge then commenced as 12. 30. At one time it seemed as if they wire doomed. The sound judg. To The Editor of The Workman.
ment of Gittens in handling the ballDaar Friend. Please let smart and brilliant fielding, especially thank your contributor Dwvid by Brathwaite of who THE ORIGINAL GERMAN FORMULA took Jones for his letter which lightening estcho Peterson and and read in your issue of Sept 30th, Holder in long field moet wonderfully And in reply tharet. let mu Acetyl Salicylic Acid in its purest and most kept down the score. Thomas and ask him it ba can oblige by tell efficient form and Clarke were the opening pair to face th: ing me where can procure OK bowling of Gittens and Lyne. After ins uadermentioned Books. scoring 2, Thomas was bowled with a will thank him much. beauty from Gittens, Mayard filled the BOOK3 BY vacancy and Clarke hell victim to Howebold Remy. Mag Noris Gittens, caught by MANUFACTURED BY THE WELL KNOWN FIRM Sous next in, but Gitteno had May Yery useful artiolo nard caught at point by Lasbly, the Wo Liquor for me Early Paradise Jim Akor GEHE CO. Tutalist bard reading 3 Pe ersoa »ined Not a friend in the world. Annio Mosity DRESDEN, GERMANY DeSouzs, but brilliant catch seat You cannot hide. 0, O, the beach, Raul Holder stand was made with sharp fellow. Ry Zər.
KAL MOL GEHE is preferred for its absolute DeSous. Layne made DeSouss placed fromach Troubles. Bill Kia, one in the slip and was caught, Max wall around The Good Workman purity and efficiency in giving instant relief to well joined Holder but Raul was sent Yours truly, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold, Influenza, back also by beauty catch. The Grippe, Acoholic Intoxication, Menstrual Colic, Gout. board reading 24 6. St, Hill partnered Panamn, 4b, 1022.
Maxwell and they took the scors to 53, Free Samples given away at the following Drug Stores: before a separation could be made.
Maxwell found the mark and turned Card Colon Panama the cale in Panama favour, He Pan American Drug Store Farmacia La Union Farmacia Innternational drove Layne three times to the boundary Mr, Sidney Babb, and Friends Principal Drug Store Farmacia El Globe Farmacia Italiano for 6, and and when bo was clean bowled beg: to thank all friends who atBotica Frances Farmacia Inglesa Botica Francesa by Gittens he was responsible for 20 tended the Funeral of the late British Pharmacy Farmacia Central Farmacia Moderna of sixes and singles. Charles Henry Scantlebury, who Kingston Drug Store Farmacia Prieto Farmacia Americano St, Hill started out fiercely, three bite died on October 5th 1922.
The People Drug Store Farmacia Nacional Farmacia Montezuma was setive with the ball and shattered please copy. Layne (Barbados and New York Herald The New Drug Store his wioketa.
Willie Wiles succeeded And on Sale at all drug stores throughout the Republic, Maxwell, and made a single before he was clean bowled by Gittens. Yearwood team had certainly enjoyed the day SOLE AGENTsucceeded St, Hill and had betore he sport and expressed the diaire to agaia EUSTACE LEE, 98 Market Street was ought. Husbande was last man in meet the hometers in Pansma bext the score where it was, and the month or Daoember, and send them Telephone 50, Box 338, Colon, inning closed for 89, leaving them back sad us they were today. As victors by a narrow margin of runs. 50 the gathering dispersed after a well All credit must be given to Mawell, spent day, giving the visitors time to (Royal King Edward) for the victory, embark on the o clock train on their Por it was the xe that enable them to homeward journey filled with joy at secure the bacon, and without him is their hard earned vittory.
would begge been impossible This match oniginated froth Mr.
After the game a delicious banquet Ferdinand Samuel Immediate Past was served at the Court Broek Lodge Master of Fidelity Lodge No. 29 and it hall (thrt the courtesy of the Royal was thru bis instrumetitality that both King Solomon No. 11 and Fidelity teams were brought together assisted Lodge No, 20) in honour of the visitor by Mr. William Holden, PW. M, of the wbo are members of the Royal King Royal King Solomon Lodge No. 11.
Edward Lodge No. 13 and Royal Ring We trust that those games will con George No. 17. Several tomate were tinue annunity to decide the Championproposed and respondod to including ahip of the Scotch R! te.
one from Mr. Layne, Capts in of the home team, who welcomed the visitors and expressed his pleasure at their Creoline Hair Producer is the visit and the way they played the game, world best hair tonic and will Mr. Thomas, the captain, replied. His not soil or stain clothes.
shus far this jquarterly dividend KAL MOL GEHE Galun from financial Kal mol Gehe with Cafeina Gulstone. De Spoon nitlation Ceremony next in and him back to After made up of broucht him 10 runs but skipper On Saturday night last (Oct. 14) the Loyal Enterprise Lodge No. 2350 cf added two new members to the Joach of the order. At the usual hour the meeting was called to order by Sis.
Rose Barrett, A. Quite a large wwwber of members were present, Bro. Corbin, G, Bro, Tbomas, Hendley, Corresponding Secretary; and otse Past Oficers of Royal Victoria Lodge No. 2344 of Panama, were smong the visiting brethren.
the opening the Lodge, in secondance with the rites of the order, the purpose for which the meeting was called, was exalained and the chair Genel over to Bro. Corbin and Bro, Handley who acted Deputy, The initiation ceremony was satisfactorily At the close of the cereor the newly initiated candidates pred their good wishes on behalf of the Lodge and Order The Lodge was then opened for the celelaration of the first year Annivers rary, when the past officers in com.
drite speeches complimented the care and member for the manner on in thèy conducted the affairs of the Lodge. The officers and members then pired to the banqueting hall, where a evening was brought to a close, Santial mention and credit is extended to be Bistou who acted hostesses for the meriterious way in which they carried sough the arrangemente.
and leste ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY Semoke 111 (One Eleven)
Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents Incomparable


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