
Three 800.
THE PANANA JOCKEY CLUB Announces BIG RACE MEETINGS TO MORROW Sunday, 29th FRIDAY November 3rd CARTRI Clase CARTERS Tek Eraser TRACER Get Move On Joseph Bondage 50 and (Amorion piropal Chapol. Twentieth Sunday After Trinity)
St. Paul Church, Panama Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies Holy Communion, WALROND, the ones Central Aveten. Correspondence on all matters 10 a. The Litany and corner of Strool, Panama, of publie Interest invited.
10 80 sm Holy Eucharist and sermon do All copy for publication must be Holy Baptiem, Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and 8p. Bunday Sebool.
RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION muss be nocompanied by the name of 30 pm Eveneng and sermon.
CARTERS One Year 40 S. the writer, not nossarlly for publica NIGHTENGALE Viour Bix Months 20 ton but as a mark of good faith.
St. Alban s, Paraiso.
wo do not undertake to return arejected orrespondence.
7:30. Hoy Communion Obe IRISTEN 11 am Mattine Address pm Bunday Bcbool Lberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS ;15 Erslagrong Beran SATURDAY OCTOBER 28, 1922 NIGH PENGALE Prious is charge Las Sabanas Mission Sun day School pm EUQUES JAMAICA PEOPLE ASSOCIATION AND 15 Ereningsong addrere CICO Nightengale. Priest in charge St. Peter Church La Boca.
5;30 a. Holy Communion In the second visit of the political Delegation from Mornieg Prayer, Litany, Sermon 11.
Jamaica wbich errived here on the 18th inst. with the Sunday School, Confirmation express object of completing their observation of the sanitary, educational and civic institutions in Panama and 7:30 pm Evengong and sevOR Wednesday (Al Sonnte Day) Holy Comthe Canal Zone, the members of the party in the crowded munion 7:30 am, programme of a few busy days, found time and opportu.
EXCITING nity to speak to several audiences in Panama, Colon and Corporate Communion Girls Friendly EVENTS 11. a.
on the Zone, on the aims and objects of the Jamaica Special Service 30 pm. Rev.
People Abssociation, a business organization which bids Carson CARTER fair to hold controlling influence over the the extensive And New Horses T, MULOARE. Rotor INKS, PASTES MUCILAGES peasantry in the neighboring island of Jamaica.
St. Barnabas Church, Empire Always in stock at All who bave embraced the opportunities to hear BENEDETTI HERMANOS Morning Pra ver and addrese 11 mm these gentlemen speak have been forced to admit that the Sunday Sohool Cufirmation Clase Central Ave 3rd. St.
movement is the most comprehensive and practical one PB PANAMA ever launched in a West Indian island by West Indians, Evening Prayer and addrese 7p.
among West Indians, for West Indians. Some of the JT MULCARE, Priot in charge lessons learnt and much of the vision caught are credited to St Bartholomew Church, CANTERS the gigantic enterprise now carried on by the United Fruit Las Cascadas Company. The people of Jamaica bave, at last, discovered PRODUCTS Follow the crowd to the 11 ano. Matins and address, that successful business co operation is not an impossibility Sunday Bobool Confirmation Clase and that sensible investment is quite a different matter EXCELSIOR THEATRE 2:30pm to speculation risk Eveningsong and Sermon 30 pm This evening at 30 and see the rendition of Rev JT Muloare, Priest in charge In Jamaica, to day, there are in operation in many Dr. HOFFMANN of the parishes creditable institutions through which 2 Seventh Day Adventist Church has reopened his clinic; for numerous poor and struggling families have emerged STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, from poverty into prosperity and independence. The (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA, diseases of the blood, rheumaWestern St. Mary Cooperative Society is one of Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab tism and urological cases in the most brilliant exmples of systematic industrialism Greatest Sacred Dramatic Cantata ever presented bath School, 11. 15 am General Worship the upper floor of Al Place, in the island. This Society, like all similar ventures, by local talent. Beautiful Scenery, Ancient 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm. Santa Ana Plaza, Street Young People Mooting; 30 commenced under ordinary circumstances, but now, Costumes, Excellent Music.
No. after nine years operation, during which time conSunday evening at Reading, tinued success crowned the people efforts, the society Class. All are welcome both young and at its last meeting, was able to report a turn over GET MOVE ON old. 30 m, Praaghing Sarvios Excelsior Theatre of 80, 000. Through this society, farmers who previously Wesleyan Methodist had found it impossible to obtain loans otherwise were Prices: 75, 50 and 25 Cants Panama 11 am Rev. Kissock Brakam To night able to procure necessary sums of money for the purpose of putting in crops and pulling themselves through the 30 Rey Kigock Braham waters till reaping time, Colon. 11. Ref. Surgeon Tonight at the Excelsior TheaWith this organization in Western St. Mary s, came the 7;30 Rev. Surgeon tre, to those who have made up La Buca 11 am Mr. Reid their minds to be present, will prosperity of the parish. What has been accomplished in one pm Mr. Lind)
be given the opportunity of parish is possible of achievement in the whole island and, Now Providence 11. Mt, Markham Ustening to a soul stirring for that reason, those who pioneered the St. Mary Society Paraiso 11 am Mr. Laynia musical and dramatic with the financial co operation of successful business men Empire 11. Mr Layne entitled Joseph Bondage by in other parts of the island have organized the JAMAICA Why suffer to become Medicine hardened or Drug proof?
some our local West Indies PEOPLE ASSOCIATION, so that co operative efforts on Wbon your Health can be restored and maintained through Baptist Church mises to be one an island wide plan might bring to the people, as a an inexpensive method.
7;16 MimoBsrahouse Colon 11 am 7;15 Pastor Thrifton and intellectual enjoyment, so whole, what the people in individual parishes are enjoying Simple Scientific Self Treatment.
you Chorrillo 11 am. Me. Gallimore miss quite a treat it you by themselves.
7;15 Pastor Witt are absent who Without doubt, the Jamaica People Association BY JUST USING Coronal Rond 11 am. Descon Stewart will remember how satisfactorily seem to be a most unselfish and extensive organization.
7:16 Mr V, Yearwood the performers ZODIACAL CELL. FOODS As far as the aims and objects have been outlined by the Empire 11 am Deacon Linton acquitted themselves, and they Pueblo Nuovo 11. Pastor Witt baye promised to many gentlemen who have commended it to the West Indians They are the Builders the body yearns for, many Cativa Donoon Poster improvements on this productioa on the Isthmus, it is observed that the society is a selflong years.
Now Providence Doncon Brown Be on time at the Excelsior help institution for the poor man. It is not a society It so pleasant and convenient to take, trial is Now Gatun Thursday 7, 30 Pastor Thrift CAST.
organized by a few rainy and sharp witted schemers convincing of their value.
Church Of God G St Colon Pharoah, King of Egypt Mr. 8, starting with zero capital and depending upon their oilBrowa.
11. 30 am 7;30 Gospel Sermon tongued oratory to excite the minds of gullible and Price per Box 50 Post paid to any address.
Banday School Zollo, the King daughter, Mrs, Write for free descriptive circular about Biochemic unsuspecting audiences who are asked to pay for hearing Sis. Brewster Pastor Evang.
Williams about their future interest. and then told to subscribe Cell. Foods.
Jacob, the Patriarch, Mr. A Rouget, New Providence for shares in an enterprise of imperfect conception which SOLD BY BONS OF DAVID Gospel Sermon 11. 30 am 30 must either abort or develop into a hideous and unsightly Simeon. BRODIE (Agent)
Bunday School pm Mr. JS Hamilton, deformity.
Lavi Bis Elliot, Pastor.
Mr. Coulthrust, Rueben Au contraire, the Jamaica People Association is Box 187, Cristobal, Gatun Judab already established. Men of financial powers, political Gospel Sermon 11, 30a. 7, 30 Benjamin Mr. Daniela influence and social reputation have sponsored the enterBunday School pm Joseph (10 a boy) Master Wmo, Griffith prise. It is no one man proposition. Eleven members Joseph (man)
Georgo Griffith Mr WC DeDier of the Legislative Council of Jamaica, several Justices Public Meeting at Paraiso. NEW WEEKLY PAPER Zilpah, wife of Jacob Mies Findley of the Peace, as well as other leading and pro LAUNCHED Panama San Miguel St bull Bilbah, wifo of Jacob Miss Williams minent men in governmental and Loah, wife of Jacob Mies Bethune educational circles ding 18 On Tuesday night by kind Potiphar, Capt. of King Guard Mr. are serving on its Board of Directors. Men of con permission of Mr. Neely, SecreGospel Sermons 11, 30a. 7;30 Blackburn.
Sunday School pm siderable means and general business experience have tary of the Colored Clubhouse We acknowledge with thanks Lyon, his. fe Mrs Arlaio. Bailey Pastor thrown in a largº quota of their financial resources in order Paraiso, and under the auspices the receipt of a new weekly to erect the society on a solid foundation and ensure sub of the Isthmian League of Brit. papar called The Herald publish stantial success ish West. ed in The Major Bax Interested in The Salvation Army itor and manager is Mr. A.
Through this new Society the poor man in Jamaica ing was convened for the purpose giving the Jamaica Poll popularly known in Education.
Maior Bax the Divisional offic family. On good security, a member can obtain enough ing the residents at that place. Parker is a versatile and re: To The Editor Of The Workman will be assisted to procure a settlement for bimself and bis ticians an opportunity of meet Jooms circles, what we learn Mr.
er will visit Panama on Sunday 29th inst. and will conduct both money by loan to start out on the road of independence. The party of politicians accome sourceful writer, a keen debater the Sir, have read with much by a Morning and Evening This is a plan worthy of the biggest endorsement, and, it number of in the Services, at 11. a and 7:15 pm is understood, that prominent officials and influential members of the West Indian and a very ardent and convinc Interest the article The Major will also be present. The ing controversalist. Uncompris Workman October 14th, of the ingly interested in mendation of the big audience appreciative country and a fully agree with Mr. Wil Sunday School at and be will address the at 4:15.
man e pounds are attracting the small man pennies, into one. The following gentlemen ad policy of the bina quare deals for store the be thing are not will they cordial de citation Cores en die pool into which the latter will be entitled to dip with abso diented, he meetin. Jones, Bron: man with a well balanced mind suggest that is large meeting dressed agitator, baba should am writing lute confidence and certainty.
The West Indian Committee of this city has given its Dr. Carrington and Hon. arranged, and for si wa antici who will give Theo Wint, Dr. Anderson, on matters of public interest.
The paper is newsy and well interested parties, help, to see such a meeting if it can be arand others way can, and will gladly attend endorsement to the operations of the society among West and Rev. Barclay.
Indians, in general, and Jamaicans in particular, on the subject of the addresses was the pate a life of usefulness, success what can be done in the matter: ranged, and am sure that other Isthmus.
possibilities of the Jamaica and prosperity, more moment with regard to the leaders would come.
Nothing like it has evver been conceived in the history People Co operative Society.
Yours traly.
Atlantic Side, but no doubt a of the West Indies. It is a first plass industrial proposisimilar meeting could be held at EDWARD BAX, tion and should receive the spontaneous support of provi Creoline Hair Producer is the Smoke 111 (One Eleven) both ends.
dent people who would like to improve their condition and world best hair tonic and will Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents and love for, the West Indians. Chief Officers. Salvation ensure their future comfort.
not soll or stain clothes.
Incomparable, Army. Canal Zone, shall be glad to help in any small Panama, and Costa Rica Real Help For Sick People talents.
Ints. The entertainment proThose heard show to night.
Mr Walter Mr. Graham, meet editor


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