
THE WORKAAN, BATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1922, PAGE FIVE MAN WHO SMOKES NEW YORK CIGARETTES road accoon criticize his good taste he walkers and 10 10 109. 00 New York Cigarettes is new BOOST Baden Powell Boy EMU Scouts CIGARETTES To Cross Isthmus Best on the Market number of Baden Powell Boy Scouts of Papam, will walk accross the lothmus on the ASK FOR THEM evening of the 1st of Nɔvember.
They will leave the Panama Rail.
ELIAS PRETO, Agent Station at o clock Knows that nobody can panted by members of the different troop who will go sbort distance with them. The ATLANTIC SIDE Colon troops bave already been notified and will make arrangements to meet the walkers on Financial Report Of nearing Colon. This journey was Once covered by members of the Panama Star Athletic Club in 11 EXPENDITURE BOYS INSTITUTA hours and minutes and was COLON.
16 CIGARETTES considered by them to balba record The Pacific Scoutmasters Receipts.
Coupil THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY was to donate prizes to May 1922 Cash 59 55 while nothing June 68 20 definite has been learnt, it is er July 84 05 pected that the pries will ba August Riven by this energetic Council.
116. 42 Wilhe names of the Scouts who walk over to Calon arestroop Total Leader Karl Harris. Sar. Patrol 487. 22 Leader Matterson, Patrol Commandant Watson acknowJedges with thanks a present Bader, Nimbley; Patrol Leader, Wilson; Scout, Nowaita of school utensils from Sta SURPRISINGLY GOOD.
Costera, Josephs College, consisting of A, Boyce and Scout representlog ist, 30 reading and arithmetic books Panama troop.
and six pounds of slate pencils.
Budd, and Rovers Wynter and The mercbants of Colon can now see for tbemselves that the Rose of the Rɔver Troop; Actg.
Boys Isstitute is an accomplish. Nimbley and Troop for this reason Leader E, their support and agim paths in Canal Zone Notes Promotion Of Salvation Panama Troop: Troop Loader a Panama Bolicited in contributing to the Panpa Leaders from the Red upkeep of a very wortby instiRED TANK Tank Troop.
tution COMFORT and CONTENTMENT Army Leader On The Dr. DeCastro, well known.
Commencing October 7th to Literary Society Isthmus.
November 7th prizes will be walking enthusiast of Panama ARE awarded to the boys selling the will accompany the scouts on the meeting of the Red Tank Literary nalk to Uolon and it possible largest number of newspapers.
assist in establishing a William Northover is in the Society was la Hat the Red Tank Club record, lead having sold 461 copies and house on Monday night Oct, 18, appreciated by all mankind. As otber Churches have their Steadman Leslie, a close second Quito a representative number of the difierent titles, so the Salvation with 401.
members and other friends were present.
Army, being fashioned on a After the opening preliminaries by the Inspection Parade president, Mees. Johnson, military basis, give their mais.
Grand Lodge Holds Meet ters military titles, accordingly Lawn, and Staff Captain and Mrs. Cragwall were Bax been enrolled as members To achieve them in your home promoted to the rank of Major. Oval there will be an inspection 01 Tuesday at the Standard ing.
Miss V, Nelson, Miss Olytic Jilkes He first came in contact with the parade at o clock in the evenand Miss Agatha Grabar were also the As was announced the execu enrolled on the juvenile list.
use Army at the age of 13, and be log when all troops will be left from tive officers of the Isthmian The domination and election of At the age of 18, be entered the missioner Mr. O, Harris, inspected by the District Com.
District Grand Lodge No. 4, of officers to fill the offices of Asistant large training college, London, There will be a presentation of the Independent United Order Secretary, Chaplain, and Pianist was of Mechahics met at St. Charles the next on the agenda. Mr. Lowe. GAS FOR COOKING England. First saw service as two Scoutmasters warrant a an oficer in several parts of well as proficiency badges to first Lodgeroom, corner of tenth and Me. Tayale and Min Johnson Yorkshire. Then he was trans and second class scouts. Streets. Colon, on Saturday vero nominated to fill the offies of Au Getober 21, 1921, to deal with sistant Seareta y. This was put to to the. The Fuel Without a Fault ferred to the work among Me. Lowo won out with 11 Navy, and was The chief items on the agenda Votes to to his credit, was the assistant in the very large Naval The Punjab ght Borse, one of and crack office of Chaplain. For oro. Lawe, Lowon, and Murray office Has visited and held services on hor During all this time the Start few nant pembers.
from Panama were nominated. Votes were then taken ANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY many of the large battleships Captaln carried on his work is sunk the Salvation Army, and ela za journeyed to the Atlantic on this, which resulted in the election of PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE. and availed themselves of the Mr. Lywoon. The third on the list was appointment was to a lot of recruiting work between the fine largest in Alder times.
opportunity by securing this had of the office of Pianist. Min Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St. shot, the depot Statt Captain and Mrs. Rex degree, real ime was Watson was the only pianist among the in England. Was alitoane de euro went through the thickest one spent and all retired satisfied juveniles that were present, and so Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 the Punjab Rebellion, in fact with the night proceedings. a unanimous vote from the house elected off wellner, and. and Statt Captain was in Amritsar later on mot them as they came Station she very time the This Degree will be conferred ber to serve in the capacity.
again sbortly. Members after the election of these officers to home, weary, worn and wounded.
requested to apply to their per vo for the ensuing term, committee, Then came period in Belfast, lodges early so as to be recom consisting of seven was appointed for paid a visit for the purpose of respectively are showing a lively Ireland, and Alter getting homa Lieutenant, BAXTer in the City were being to be done ting up the Byer carrying through the installation interest in the activities of the as he was thon, has some very were cat od entirely for three his owa isolated district. they nended in time.
purpoto of me LAW for the proper of the officers for the ensuing clubs and from information re pleasant me mories of the Irish days, with about ten other white administration of the society affaire term. Notwithstanding the incle ceived unless the Paraiso Club This was followed by the rendition of ment weather the ball was make up, they will be left behind people.
psople, Special Meeting.
including some Americrowded with a large number of The girls here have improved two splendid aclən by Mro Walanced visitors and well. wishers of the markedly in the. exercises. To to forze da reign From Ireland came a big jumpcan Missionaries and had some service, being very exciting umes special General Meeting of and Mr. Garfo respectively. Alter Order, night will be initiation night for appointed to Malta, where the well earned furthe Lily of the Atlantic Lodge this, the program, for the next mooting The officers was arranged.
and members the new members of the clubs. Army also bas a very large Naval lough in England for about six No. 493, will be held Gabriel Union Lodgeroom, at representing the lodges domicile when they will be duly admitted and Military Home. This being months, followed by an appointcorner of sixth Street and Hud GATUN at Colon and Panama were pre to fall and complete membership. the spot of St. Paul shipwreck ment of Captain Bar and wife to son Lane, on Saturday October sent, and at 3p. a procession On to mòrrow evening they wili was naturally full of interest to what is known as the Trinidad was formed in the following take part in conducting the usual CAPTAIN BAX, he had now Division, which also includes the 28, 1922, at 80 Members Scouts Hike to Monte Lirlo order: Sirs Batcher, C. Song Service.
Islands of Tobago, St. Vincent, are requested to be punctual in and Grenada. The Army has also Small, Commander; Lady The Captain has been out in a attendance. The journeyman The Gatun Division of the Russell Vice Commander; degree will be conferred on Baden Powell Boy Sconts, under Gittens, Scribe; Bro: Basket Ball Club Organized small boat to the spot where a very large home in Trinidad.
other two seas meet. as mentioned in and in addition about 23 members.
the command of Scoutmasters Acct; Lady Royce, Trace the Bible, and at the spot where duties. the Staf Captain Brossard assembled and then marched off Jordon, OS and Small, has been fully organized under of St.
Paul. the Captain had the They like Trinidad immensely. Woodman, Jones, Marshall; W: Cox. 1, The Gatan Basket Ball team the snakes fastened on the hand Police Probation Onicer for the whole of Trinidad and Tobago PANAMA DISTRICT the Colored Clubhouse. On Toastmaster. The instsllation the auspices of the clubhouse experience of one passing right and were very sorry to have Station they was ably carried Mr. Woodmas, First Captain; between his feet. 0, of Oddfellows Conferred emh on a more at the interesting speeches the Sirs and The team will be willing to accept Captaln to the mighty fortress came; and they were sent gasoline throngh and after some very Mr. Brooks, Second Captain. The next transfer brought the been removed but the breakdowa arrived Degrees Panama and the Major, spent a pleasant diye sobe ile yang where they inghall Where the umplute chalen en tro bas another big home. While as he now is, was chosen by his Panama District No. 1241, returned, reported their astonish: repast was enjoyed.
the spot.
here, he was able to visit Spain leaders as the man for National Independent Order of ment in seeing such a number of Song and recitations were given, many times, and bas also He has been to spoken highly of the Halloween Party Oddfellows held a quarterly churches at the small village. Miss Gwendolyn Gittens presided Morrocco, on the North Coast of great kiadness he has met with meeting on last Saturday night at the organ and her musical from the Americans on the Isth.
talent at their hall20th Street Central Friendly Societies Issuesead and was opene much appreciat Grand preparations in number of. The in Captain was Mrs. Bax, are warto of the session were. Brothers Challenge course of action for the Hallo Mediterranean, the years in the Be well as others, and with The ladies who carried through een Party which will take place transferred back to England, very happy Samuel Clarke, PPGM acting PGM; Clarence Stanford, PN. In consequence of the number plimented for the successful man, friends are invited to come out ments in Kent, the lovely garden All the members of the Salvation menter the sure to be com on Tuesday night, 31st inst. Prahe and held a number of appoint Promotion has also been received with Greeting DP M; Edward Lewis oecah pehli she deten dhe their dutieich they disebarged in a recentembere es preparen or found his wife, Her home being Army the reseados naturalista N Dist, papers from Friendly.
the delicate uicelies important Societies Cricket Clabs, the the occasion.
in the Cathedral City of Canter sign that the Army leaders are items discussed was the opening S. and of is in a position Song Service Was Success bury: After a few more years pleased with the work of the new Lodge of the Order for to accept a challenge for a friend.
England, at different and bis wife.
which the Dispensation has ly Society match. But Society to Meet Army work here is in a ments, they were ordered to been ordered from England. The from M. of St. Bernard, The Song Service last Sanday; India. For the first two years than it has been for a very long ars much more flourishing condition following Bros, were duly initiat game arranged by the two Secre was ad unqualified success. The they were in ed and entered into the rank of taries would be very much Boy Scouts added brilliantly to There will be a special meeting Training College in Lahore. Pun time, the Majoris parish includes Pest Noble Grand after having appreciated here.
thea suery enjoyable evenings of the above named Society of jab, and for the next eight years the Zone Pens has hand Costa pleasure.
been given the degrees of office After the a at were. Major Bax now. Henry Barkley, James Francis Installation Ceremony. went away satisfied with the high vened at the Boys lastitute hall. Army, also in lovely picture was shown and all This meeting will be con large Districts worked by the oficer for jaston 25 years without aleo Bros. Jobn Lettman and Punjab. They H, B, Brown was given the class diversions.
Colon, between 12th and 13th hadi a very nice stay there, and Golden Degree. At the close of On Sunday Oct, 22nd was a Streets Members and intending got to love the people very much.
the sublime ceremony the Lodge memorable day in this town Girl Reserves Progressing applicants are requested to be During the Great the was closed and the officers re among fraternal societies. At the present. Matters of vital import. Staft Ceptain was one of the Smoke 111 (One Eleven tired to the banqueting room lodge hall of Star of paradise No.
ance will be discussed. Delegates first to join up to one of the Cigarettes 15 For 10 Gencs where a pleasant evening was 14, the Sirs and Ladies of the The two clubs of the Girl of the Panama branch will attend Volunteer Corps in the Country, brought to a conclusion various branches of the order Reseryes consisting of 30 and 18 this meeting.
and was for about three years in Incomparable the Army The next was the brothers also The next Wat: good time was during Boer the are the governing and Then came to his Launch and village Several Africa.
are looking forward to stay: enjoyed the as Major Among the many of in appoint Major especially The the 24 or


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