
LOMBARDO NOTICE DR. HUBERT EDWARDS Begs to notify his clients that be has removed his residence from 4h Street to 8th and Street Colon. Deveaux Build ing) Oommonly called The Louis.
CIGARETTES have been stantine of Greece a Chaleilly and a moly moved, seconded 20 CIGARETTES. 73c. abdication cherry refused ness Coustantine changed the conversation, saying. You bave got lots of Greeks in America, haven you? used to run around town in an auk tomible a lot Oae day sawa Man Wearing Queer Pants stopped him and said What have you got on? He said these are overall. to America. They develop into fine type in America. have seen them. But don understand your Goverments attitude. Why don they recognize me. What are my plans haven any particular plans. and my wife are leaving for Italy to morrow on a ship the revolution ary Gouernment has placed at my disposal. My daughter and brothers are going also. am going to Palermo first. never visited the country around there but don know what ll do afterward. am sorry to leave here. Nike Tatoi. It is a nice place, beautiful woods and very cool and pleasant in the summer time There is good hunting, fishing.
and yachting and the climate is very lovely; father willed Taboi to me and have always preferto anywhere else. How does it feel not to be King any more? Eetween you and me and the gate post, being King is no fun these days. It is a lot of hard worki, The position is very dificult. now want to live like a country gentleman.
Still steering clear of Greek politics, Constantine discassed the European situation, declaring that all the countries were bin driven to chaos by the terms of the peace treaties. He again em phasized the Turk menace, which he said endangered civiliaation. Bei He reiterated that the Greek save Victory was necessary to Th9 conversation had last. one hour and twilight had fallen in the garden when the aid de camp approached and balted at autention twenty pace distant and saluted. The former King beckoned him to approach.
The Prince of Flukesbourne rose a tall bulky figure shaking hands as he thanked me for my wish of bon voyage on his trip lo Italy. You red it to The American Foreign Banking Corporation book.
help be BEING KING NO LODGE NOTICE EASY JOB SAYS CONSTANTINE. James Blake Debarred On Saturday the 14th Inst the Statement Attributed. To officers and members of the Ex King In Interview Isthmian Star Lodge No. 18, IUO duly assembled at the With American Journal. lodge room in San Miguel, and GRL acting on the decision of sult for embezzlement of Lodge HE BLAMES AMERICA Funds against Bro, James Blake, PIG of the said Lodge, handed down at the Balboa Mag(By Correspondent of the Chiesgo istrate Court, it was generally Tribune.
agreed by the Lodge that said Athens (Sept. 29. Between brother James Blake being you and me and the gate post unfinancial on the books of the belog King is no fun these Isthmian Star Lodge, he could the laws of days. It is a lot of hard work. not be dealt with by Thus Prince Flukes bouren, the order but was by a Resolu Will soon be on sale in every establishment recantly kaowa as King Con tlon unanimously carried his throughout the Republic som med up his personal opinion membership be not renewed for of recent events in a tea time period of 19 years, INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF interview with me to day ad Sister Lodges are asked to be hour conversation in the gar guided accordingly, den of royal summer palace at Tatoi, By order, outside of Athens in kerst intervi. the form.
er King has given since Secty.
the The form er monarch who looked tired and nervous but NOTICE MANUFACTURED BY to discuss Greek politics. He voluminously surveyed the gen.
The Pan American Tobacco Co eral European situation however, Correspondents are requestes declaring that all Europe was however to send in their contributions tottering int) chaos. He con not later than Thursday evening, demned France and denounced o ensure publication.
the American policy of non wat in European affairs h9 asked America a democracy but you don recognize me.
What kind of democracy is that? He refosed to say whether be was permission to have an interto write view with the former King was Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY granted by the Chief of the Revolutionary Committee, Colonel Gonatalae who gave all the Coneipe at first refused an DEPOSITORY OF interview, saying that he did not wish the Revolutionary Committee to think he was opposing it in any way. He later consent ed on condition that no questions of policy be discussed.
We sat at a little rustic table located in a long shady avenue of elm trees. Constantine who is 55 years old is a big man with wide shoulders, heavy face, heavy jaw, close cropped bullet head. bald forehead wrinkled face of white, tired with weary blackened pouches under his mild blue eyes. His upturned military mustache was not He was bare headed and wore a grey tweed business suit. After dismissing his aide de camp: be opened the question Cannot Understand America You are an American, he said cannot understand America. Much of our trouble here has been due to the fact that CRISTOBAL PANAMA America did not recognize Why shouldn they recognize It was over some silly ques tion in Mexico. The powers said that if the United States recog Dile me they would recognize Mex! co. What has Mexico got to do with me. You call America a Democracy That is a Greek word, desmos, Go To The rule of the people, You talk about freedom and letting everybody be free. Yet you dont recognize me.
What kind of Democracy that. think America ought to do THEATRE something about this Smyrna FOR THE WELL DRESSED situation. America is a big nation with the world of prestige.
SPORTS She should keep order in the world and see that the Turks do not conquer civilization. You say All who want to bo properly dressed for this America policy is non intervention! That policy is doing Edoccasion should just have a look in at rope a lot of harm together with Get your ticket at the the foolish terms of the peace treaties which messed up every 66 Of course they twisted Woodrow Wilson around their fingers in Paris. Have you read Keynes blok? PEREIRA, Proprietor But America could now do In Exchange for Labels of ed a great deal to restore, See should CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA put an army in Asia Minor and keep the uncivilized Turks from NESTLES CONDENSED MILK wp etting the world.
WHERE YOU WILL SEE FINE SELECTION OF Constantine pro: or ST. CHARLES CREAM duced silver. cigarette case.
English White Flannel Pants, and Jit a cigarette. He did not offer me one, but passed matches Light and Dark Grey Flannel, across the table when proEXCHANGE YOUR LABELS AT THE duced my cigarettes. He went and Blue Serge Suits.
on: hope the revolutionary army thoroughly defeats the Tarks. They must. The Turks 134 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON Best assortment of English Woollens In town and still the same uncivilized nomads other men furnishings.
who invaded Europe 500 years OPPOSITE THE FREIGHT HOUSE, PANAMA ago They have not produced any TIES OF COLORS OF VARIOUS STABLES.
culture or art if they get Thrace there will be a constant menace to Europe. Their policy is extermination of Greece. We can and must defeat them in order to preserve the Greek nation.
With characteristic abrupt.
The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional To Hunt For Diamonds.
GRATIS thing Nestle Milk Co. THE PALAIS ROYAL London, Sept. 20th. Daily Ex.
press. Miss Gwen Richardson, pretty London girl, proposes to exchange ordinary every day life in a Chelsea bome for the excitement of diamond hunting in the wild British Guiana, Miss Richardson who lives in Lawrence street, Chelsea will say good bye to Europe in the middle of next month. have been to Georgetown, British Guiana, before, said Miss Richardson to a Daily Express representative yesterday. and have been shown the dia.
monds which the natives bring down from the Mazaruni River. thought then what a splendid idea it would be to explore for diamonds, and now a small legacy has been left me, so that have my chance.
Native Boatmen All my plans are made, and have been buying the necessary kit. sailed for Amsterdam on October 17 and my friends in Georgetown have arranged for the party which will accompany me. It will consist of nine native boatmen and one woman. We will set out in amall boats and travel for fourteen days up the then find a spot to pitch our camp. have secured a right to watch for diamonds along 500 acres of river front. mean to try and make my fortune out of the diamonds. No white women has, am told, ever before been away in the river wides. shall stop up country for three months at least, living all tbe time in a tent that has been made for me in London. It is a lovely little tent.
eleven feet by nine feet. shal wear men clothes, of course.
Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
paused, river, and NESTLE MILK CO.
OR Advertise in the Workman. It pays. Cieunte og to conta Incomparabble,


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