
The best Tonic In the World VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy. La Lau You ll like them too.
They represent the highest quality in cigarettes at the lowest possible price.
dition 10 in Satisfy They JUST OPEN Chesterfield The Lindo Bargain House leged pull out one of the sensational atair has been reported from the West Coast Demerara at the result of which an East Indian lad named Rampersaud lies in a precarious con the Public Hospital suffering from a revolver shot In the head.
Rampersaud is in the employ of Mr. Galllele, Building Manager at Pln. Leonora West Coast as a butler, Shortly after o clock on Sunday 24th ultime he was at work in the house and was in a bedroom with Mrs.
Gailleiz, when he saw her it is drawers of the chest of and took out a revolver. Ramdrawers persaud told Mrs. Gaillez not play with the weapon and she said to have jocularly remarked to him that she could pointed the revolver it is alleged make him hands up. She in Rampersaud direction. The weapon went of and the shot tentered the lad head above the right ear and passed through the head and out oa the other side. Medical aid was at once summoned the police inter.
vening. Rampersaud was brought to the city next day and admitted to the Pullic Hos CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended AT No. 105. Bolivar Street, Colon Where you can secure at the lowest possible prices everything to solve your millinery needs Ladies Hats in the Latest Modes from 50 to 10. 00 LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
FLOWERS, BRAIDS, NETS, WIRE, CREPE, STOCKINGS OF PURE ITALIAN SILKS, TAREAD THE BEST FOR HEMSTITCHING NOTICE Correspondents are requested to send in their contributions not later than Thursday evenings to ensure publication.
YOUR INSPECTION INVITED Open from a to 12 noon and from p. to p.
LOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
SKOO360 Shoes. Shirts. Hats at the to. Large and Choice Assortment to the Final American BazaarStores valued Interesting West Indian News.
pital. He was operated on and although his condition was not WILKINSON (Continued from page 2)
worse, he is not out of danger.
Mrs. Caroline Gaillez pre Contractor of a test of the water found at spectable looking Belle plantation a few weeks ago, the quality has been found The Three Most Prominent guese woman appeared FortuCity Police Court on the following and Builder be gocd and the flow Tuesday before Mr, Cogbcontinues at the rate at lan 15th STREET, WEST 400, 000 gallons charged under the Indictable per day. The Items In Man Dress Offences Ordinance by Island bas to be gratefulto Lt Col Sergeant House No. 90 Moses with having on the 24th Yates and the statf of the British Box 411, Panama, R, Union Oil Company for eo valuaa loaded revolver 40 whimsand ble a find at a time when it was with most peded Sub Inspector Jones appear. Plans and Specifications Frog ed to and Mr.
Two new Masters will shortly represented the accused who First Class Workmanship was released on bail in the sum arrive from England to fill the of 200 with a surety ia Guaranteed.
vacancies caused by the retire ment of Mr. Rus, similar bond.
and the promotion of Mr, stantly floating from the shores Somere Cocks.
The Counsellor which of St. Vincent to the United Headmastership, vice Dr. Dalton CAN BE HAD ALWAYS IN OUR STORES left Demerara on the 9th Sep States and other centres of less D.
These are tember for England via. Trinidad commercial and industrial imare Mr. Pilk Lordon, and Mr.
Gordon Dykes Oxford who took carried away large quantities of portance. Not only the labouring diamonds.
classes but also most promising second Class Honours in Mods, The Royal Bank of Canada intellectual youths of both sexes.
and sat last term the shipped parcels containing result not baving come through.
5, 463 15 16 carats at Both having served in the war Pure Water Supply. 108, 618; the Coloniel Bank gent Mr. Skyes 18 24 years of age, and a parcel with 245 carats valued fine athlete. Be stands six feet at 7, 996, 80; while Mr, Thorne One of the most remarkabla inches.
Panama Colon shipped 28729 carats valued at of British science triumphs dur. 66, 849; The Royal Bank of ing war lay in the production of Canada also shipped 701 oxs. plant which would rapidly TRINIDAD SOOS XXS 1d wts. 20 gra.
of gold valued at purity large quantities of water. 12, 858.
even of the most poisonous character The need for such drastic measures has San Fernando GRENADA happily passed but the expirience Creoline Hair Preparations gained has not been lost.
Positively Superior to all others on earth.
Indood, during the war the proTRAGIC DEATH OF BAVANNAH Try them and be convinced.
The west Indian says. Acous known chlorination KEEPER Correspondent sent us the fol was applied to London wateri They are the Master Preparations of the World, lowing: Now that His Excel. both as a war measure and as a Different from all Others lency the Governor is absent means of conserving coal The death, under very tragic from the Colody and the saving money, This procals, circumstances. of Benjamin Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. administration of Government which one of chemical puria Cadogan, keeper of Paradise all Foreign countries, 60c, in other hands, it is worthy of cation by the aid of chlorins, Savannah, occurred on Tuesday iote that, with the exception of avolde the expense of pumping afternoon, close upon six o clock.
Creoline Hair Producer the Chief Justice, erery or large quantities of water lato He had chased a little Indian Straightens rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, We are hoping that some oc Government department in the reservoirs, for storage and par: whom he saw cutting grass in and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 casion will bring you to our colony to day is a gentleman of dial purification. Taa reservoir the Savannah without permispossible to be put into of its kind in the world. Patches thine places and other preparation store shortly. And when you colour and that, with the water sion, to the house of the boy is directly treated, and of the do come be assured that it will Schools and the Chief Justica, be gungad from the fact that not Acting Inspector of the success of the rasults can father, one Gooptar, in Lewis Street, and ascended the stairCreolinə Day Dandruff Remedy be a pleasure for us to serve every such head is a Grenadian complaints regards case leading into the house. On very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter you, and that our pleasure in Both exceptions, the Acting In uste has been received. In the returning, he fell from the top and Eczema, it is antisoptio. Grows bair. keeps the scalp healthy.
In ounce bottles.
serving you will make your visit spector of Schools in one way are preliminary experiments some landing on to the ground, Jackson Manufacturing Co.
height of about ten feet, striking Indians. trouble was encountered on the to our store even more enjoy nevertheless West They are, sons of the gre at soore of tasts, but it was over.
bis head against a low concrete able for yourself.
Indianapolis Ind.
country, the over British island come by the use of All Up to dato Drug Stores carry a stook of Creoline.
He was assisted to rlse FULLER of Barbados Advance Grenada of additional chemicals. From the standpolat and someone banded him a glass of purity, nothing could JEWELLER of water which he drank and worshan the water thus treated; then sat on one of the steps, British Consulato Notice cab was sent for to convey him 122 CENTRAL AVENUE FOR SALE ST. VINCENT and the new process therefore is more effective as well as mora to hospital, but before its arrival economical than the old.
The Acting British Consul at Fall At post mortem The examination beld in due course colon would be spadser inform One Stuvessant Piano the Information regarding this de at the hospital water JUAN ILLUECA Brighton Course is proposed for development in pure tion as to the present where.
mortuary, October the proceeds which it is supply is contained la the anIn 1 Condition was pronouzced to be due to abouts of one Marc DeMeza, who native of Bar bas been resident in Colon for Attorney. at. Law hoped, will be sufficient to al reports issued by the bados. Cadogan was about 60 me 25 years. It is also under: No reasonable offer turned!
augment the Club Fuads to en. Metropolitan Water Board, LOR.
tood that he has No. 44 Central Avenue able a two days programme at doo, Enyl.
years of age and once a member as a clerk at Balboa.
of the Constabulary He the annual meeting next April B TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 when some of the events are to For particulars apoly at member of several Friendly be open to the Windward Islands Societies and his funeral which Practices in all Courts of Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
WORKMAN PRINTERY took place yesterday afternoon If you like beautiful hair uso Central Ave Street Panama.
Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents to St. Paul Church was largely The Sentry bewails the Creoline Halr Producer, attended.
Panama City English Spoken Fluently steady stream of emigration con Incomparable LEWELRY BARGANS as coal and bote head ilan boy excep In tion Single 455 West Tenth St, Manufacturers and Exporters wall.
bebas died


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