p. 1


in Riga a the rac radius of the enquiry According to the ing the Cuban who girl.
charge of abort of shot full e entertained the hos t)
to features Olub.
know Buarantee and and of stall.
1921 when days to returo.
Field Helpers Will Take Second Race Meeting Big 4000 Labourers.
And Sudden Changes are Made In The Lousianna Planter in its The Juan Franco Race meet Attacked While Looking Over issue of October 14th publishes on Sunday Oct, 29;h last, was an Official Circles.
the following from its Havana uaqualified success. The track Wedding Presents.
correspondent:was in fine condition, the beauti.
The Central American Express of Bocas del Toro CUBA NEEDS LIBOUR. ful sunshine made the day an Havana, October 17 In con was a better opportanity in seo latest issue of Lloyd Weekly News just to had:id sal one for racing and there reports the visit of Inspector Lamb Chief of the National The following Sensational Story is taken from the Police to that Province as follows: nection with the recent authori. ing the thoroughbreds to advan.
sation granted the Uaited Fruit Happy and excited with the previously to Garga The arrival in this city of Mr. Saturday the 14th. inst, the Si Company by the Cuban Guvera tage in the various contests.
The crowd was not as large as memories of her wedding that Prentice, tha Albert Lamb, Chief Police In bubi Police Inspector, 8r, J, maat to bring into the island spector of Panama, on Wednes Azcarate, was dismissed forth through the port of Nipo Bay on the opening day, but those bied iken placa four days pre dresser, and the young bride day on the with. Mr Limb visited the U, sone 050 Jamaican labourers who attended manitested very viously. Miss Ivy Dora Prentice, who was still living on the bride gurers much interest and enthusiasm. an attractive eighteen year old was showing her some wedding Abangarez, is his first visit to the Co. plantations on the Costa for the purpose of in Market Deeping, presents.
Province; Although resident Lincolnshire, showing some she capital and the replaces or Kaimaa dtorritory, returned the the barvest of cane at central Thera ware a fairly representa bride. of of same and Boston and number ladies and this Republic for over five years, work of Investigation into Guabito Pedro Betancourt, secretary of government oficials from Panas doktor wedding presents her a shout, and the candle host the.
Mr. Lamb is here on av special which lasted until late that even Agriculture.
The mother when she was shot dead. room went out turned round merce official visit, and he is somewhating, complstats vero cabour. has taken occasional Parl Mutuel was wall conducted to fou alleged that a man stepped and saw him in the coord The Coroner (Dr. Greendelighted with the appearance of numerous. Sr. Antonio Santos, discuss the labour shortage and the delay in purchasing through the open shoulder, and wood. Who is him?
the town of of cas as the sight of Police Inspector at Guabito feri question which is now confront tickets and receiving payment, shotgun to his has removed the it terrified the false impres within Cineplanters after the races have been satis fired point blank at the That devil, Frank Fowler, factorily cleared away. young authorisation sion he once ex slaimed the mother, bursting of the and was held up on Monday the given the United Fruit Company It is refreshing and pleasant in Province.
into tears He has expressed 16 as he arrived in the city of men rushed to the Fowler, she proceeded, then eased a prisoner but was liberated this Company is allowed to to witness the friendly and culr of with the views of ihis place, and under a bail bond of few imm in the Inn a migrate 000 Jamaican work tured social relations between room from the bar ained the gun at her. harvest the coming all classes on the grand stand. which the tragedy took placa gold.
at sald Mrs, water supply, improved streets arrests are likely to follow cane crop, but these babourer. No one is in de rferred with each assistant named Frank Fowler. Kitchner. and caught holder and sanitation, we can have a lit many of the psople to their native and respect the the gan just as another sbot aice little town.
Guabito and this town also would land at the expiration of the har other is one of the outstanding and handed him over went through the give declaration in small matters vest season, a deposit of 20 dol wiadora achleved by the Jockey police.
Bivo de The Object Of Hs Visit ulars each being required as MARRIAGE AND INQUEST, That one for you, said touching Rovernment funds, Mr.
for the return ot Is to straighten up Everybody was pleased with dramatic story was told at struggled with him until bolices of the police department much more about the. Cuba bas more the arrangements and improve the inquest by Mrs. Darcy. some customers rushed in here. Mr. Lamb and his secrets of oticial in higher gi roles of this native labourers, and has had out to the Jockey Club, a minor proprietress of the White Horse or of mənts. It is requested to point the dead girl mother, the overpowered him.
ry, accompanied by a few local visit of Mr. Lamb is opportune years to resort to improvement of very much Inn, whose marriaga to William HIG REVENGE officials visited Almirante, where and to keep things in the right for many belp importance, that is the Kitshaer, a railway signal msn, Kitchner. was lying dard in a Her daughtər, continued Mrs.
special conveyance was granted way it becomes necessary that bringing in to the isla countries. Spain, horses in the paddock should bad to take place on the samo them by the Co. for the the Chief pay us more frequent from other the mother goody, has purpose of carrying out certain visits.
usually have their names posted at each day as the inquest because of chair, and when Fowler was furnishad a number Mr. Limb leaves the port on these immigrants, Kitchner inability to obtain brought in and shown the bɔdy bat during The first race was called 20 further leave.
ha remarked have had my his visit. Motor Car No. 149 was placed in the disposal of Mr. Wednesday last for Panama the crisis: particularly during and resulted and the following Her daughter, she said, bad revenge. Lamb and other officials. rigid after the close of his lovestiga the the manner: Pegaso, 102 lbs, ridden only been married four (Continued On Page 5)
Investigation ensued, and on tion.
sugar pzople lacked the witbal to pay the labourers, by McLean, Ist; Wild Life, 92 lbs hordes of the Spanish Schultz, ad; ad Us, 102 lbs.
returned Ito their Jamos, d Pool paid 700, THE GLORIOUS 3rd FITTINGLY native land Tima 01.
DEMERARA PRISON RIOTERS and they have not shows a very wiling disposition Second Rice Selling Hindi.
Ganeral Betancourt is now cap fur. Parse 125 000 First advocating that Caba adopt some American, 132 lbs. Valencis, 1st; The glorioa 3rd of November WILD SCENE AT SESSION left before Doanes and his gang systematic scheme by which the Daldia, 121 lbs. Brona. 2ad; 10 Nineteenth Anniversary of this The Salvation Army most efficient labourers, with glaterra, eta bi names public was fittingly celebrated began to gat wicked.
families can be induced to come Pool puid 20. Time 55 5 Doanes and Allicock Kick Court the evidence of Warder On the resumption of the Cuba from some of Taird Race Lilliputian Hanis keeping with tha usual propean countries.
The visit of Major Bu the dicap such 70. 00 to Up Shindy. Geneho aleasen er det bedste Port of Italy. Spain, Belgium Belissendorse borou conting and totaliga diplo Bunday Is Here is the city the customary visis of the Se the datenbem as the closed land, este bine university Shortcate, 220. kos medios de todo trera com a tha ajot put pain di 13t last was very successful.
In the Demerara Supreme after which His Honour summed known fact 92. 2ad; and that the Indian labourers are scauiring Court on Wednesday last the up Lead. efficer board paid 18:0018 Time 1:168. graves of the departed loved nese in eeting atuite Ochele. Mobile lbs, James, 3rd the on the work; conducted trial was concluded before His The jury without retiring re ent, usually Honour Mr. Justice Berkeley turned a verdict of guilty against three to four men three stasikan dan general aB atan standing at the post and made AT 8:30 pm. There was a magni children at 3:30 pm. addressed to do one this race Mountain Bəy was left ones. An official orator deliver the Soldiers in cancil 12. 45 ed a very. addressed Sunday School acting Chief Justice, of the Penal all the accused.
Settlement mutineers. Shortly Gaskin Pleads For Lenlence. cannot profit by using or relying his field but the distanca was a court is of the opinion that Cuba quite a stranuous effort to cover ac ficent torchlight procassion. the Cadets at 30 attendbefore 10 o clock the eleven con Young Paople Gaskin informed the Court on such victs who were charged with for her too great and he failed to succeed 10. Exiday morning at o clock ed air having on th May last escaped that he had an aged mother and sugar industry. be devised by cap for 182. 50 to the winner well dressed But he claims and condueted the even it was a magnificant sight to see at Fourth Rica: Galloway Handi the thousands of school children ning Sarvica at 30. During the from custody at His he had been led away. He that Vsty Penal Settiement at pleaded that the sentence in which the efficient class General dicted on bim be made to run Immigrant can make and 17. 50 b) ad borsa. Estrella they were addressed by die wbren Morning Service. Commanding carried into decent the Court under the charge of concurrently with the rest of living for his family after the 117; Sebultz 2ad. Ob Pah. 127 patri who was strikingly in gratulate the tence of three years harvest season is over. in the 107 Mistebin Pol paid 30. aatriated with prison warders and policemen which he was prethe secession hope that such labourers may Tima 137 motion serving and wished him on behalf before them the convicts clad in His Honour in addressing the become permanent residents of Taroughout the entire day the ball of the Corps a long and use: the island. This Fifth Rica: American Handithe usual prison garb with the prisoners said that they problem must be cap, fur. 125. 00 to the winner, general festivities were observed Oficer. Salvation AA broad arrow prominent thereon different grounds for their ac, especially one which Major replied suit pods wearing white canvas slip. tion. He thought that he should solved for the westera end of mines Morton lub libosz Come weith Hory much enthusiasm and Christ Thu 1stPlaudellia 87 lbs, rejsicing ably, thanking the pered up two deep in the dock to think that there is be fertile and where lower wages 3rd. Pool paid 60. Time 108 lar dancing throughout the city. wishes.
the island, where the land is lees James, 2ad; No 89 112 lbs Hlac brought to a close with the popu. and his corps for standing four abreast with the some truth in their Bentot During the other three standing in the that they had been deprived sations must nec assarily be paid than in (Continued on page 8)
the case of the eastern half.
service, the Major said he was Court room between the dock the acting Chief Warder of their British Consulate Notice. very pleased in sed of the condition which he and the Bar table.
finds the Corps and it right to see the acting Superin As soon as the Attorney lowed them and they should was a was.
find has pleasure for THE FEELING AT COLOGNE The Acting Calon wcald be glad of intorna the Work is doing so Consul Young General Hon, Hector Josephs od of C. LL. who prose bare it Whether the Warder Sermons in the morning and cuted for the crown had taken sent to call Danes or tion as to the present where San the BRITISH MILITARY CIRCLES his place and His Honour had Court was not prepared to say.
abouts of Thomas Horatio Cox evening Serpices were very im.
it comes to a show down.
sat upon the Bench, the closing It might be true and it might not native of Damerara, whose last pressive, and proved helpful to PORT OF KEMAL. Events in the Near East have address is stated to have been the comrades and friends Alter scenes of the trial were begun. but created much more sentiment in care Thompson Dally, Cris doing business with the ConWilliam whose re inquired into by the proper Doanes, at against the French than was tobal Post Office.
mandant at the Officers Quartquest second class Warder Glen authorities. With regard to Cologne, October 9, British engendered previously by jars ers on Monday, he ieft for Cristo that morning leaned forward conduct did not bear out what the present diference between and it France insist in support Kuis Dog With Dynamite pleased with his visit to the was to of military circles have. day train, over the dock tail and shifted they said. The police had ar Eagland and France as the ing Kamal the Eatente can no Capital his feet. Fitz. gerald, Seales, Doanes henchmen some on the railway line brusle stiffest diplomatic fight since the longer be maintained.
The bellef is general here that John Marshall, of Shamokin, Curzon in Farned in the dock and faced the others in people houses; yet comie toePremier Poincere and Coming Concert Pa. wanted to kill a cripple dog they declared that they were development of Mudania so he tied a stick of dynamite to the table and from the suris going to see the Governor. They Franch for lining up with Rus babind Lloyd George strong its tail and lit the fuse. But is the date set for the High the are solidixed British sentiment Don forget that November 19 on his face and the frequent remarks which he grumbled it must have known that the dog into the and given a that Poincare browing. In fact no one was Governor would not allow has begun to surprised at the stormy scenes party of convicts serving their realize the French game through with it Both dog and kitchen which marked the end of the sentences, and who had escaped been overplayed, bus find it dir or without France. eadcrawled under the kitchen range. Church and School building 09 ODA that blown into atoms. (pear Isthmian Park. No stone trial and the sentencing of the from lawful custody, to ap ficult to draw back.
Germany would throw in her lot is left unturned to give the pubGermany prisoners.
proach him. If they wanted an She Military authorities think that wita Turkey and Russia in case strict neutrality. few ladies and Viscount interview it would have to be Kemal is biutfits for the best of war, but probably would take hope that the Anglo Saxon feel promises to eclipse all the past.
would lic satisfaction, also this program through the Dunsfordi visited the court But the evidence pointed to the sidenement British traops and bevter her relations with England ed by the French attitude in the the usual popular prices, Sa proper quarter. settlement possible, but are con advantage of the allied rift to ing toward her would be soften Tickets will soon be on sale at room scenes, but, fortunately for them they (Continued 03 Page 8) navy can clean the Turks out if and America by maintaining Near East. Jamaica Gleaner. don fail to get yours early, LO of toe Duro On the id last. fur.
to geam Purse sa There was met Corp ed the Oa uus labour opea our such costly boun 6. 45 means have to lawful were on bis the from Colombia, is alleged as a and a a Soldier of war not, edea siness on British indignant at bave tha has were


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