
PAGE TWO TEB WORKILAN BATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands LYNTON Years MAGNUMS Thomas Valuable CASH that Araott WAG BEE question of granting.
gif Extra CIGAR ar ild NES en pany.
BENGER FOOD 15 GOLD for 20 CIGARETTES step 800 Book Binding!
permo adopted mother the em Book Binding Department.
stərnoon, the victim being JAMAICA woman named Alberts Thomas about 84 old, and her Telephone Scheme assailant a young man of 22 years nemed Arnott Thomas ber step WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT son. The crime is all the more TO ORGANIZE LOCAL COMPANY atrocious on account of the WITH CAPITAL OF HALA No, 78, New Market Street Aimay motive which has been MILLION STERLING, assigned for it, After commit.
RETAIL DEPARTMENT ting the act, attempted walelde by cutting his throat scheme to provide Kingston No. 107, Bolivar Street From what can be gathered and other sections of the Island it appears that Thomas, whh telephone system is being THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY lived in the same bouse considered by local capitalists be together with bis father, James Thomas, Coupon In the meantime the Governbis wife and Eyelyn Iil, an ment bas been asked by one of adopted daughter of the deceas FULL SUPPLY OF the primo movers in the project ed, about 18 years old. Earlier in tit will consider the the day, there was quarrel franchise Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, to a tetween Arnott Thomas and the company which is prepared to girl whom he threatened to install and operate system Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, strike. The girl coxplained to which will maintain communicatlon between the metropolis ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES her adopted mother who remon strated with Thomas and mado and every town and village in the matter known to his father the colony wbo returned from his garden a It is proposed, once the fran Call and see us before purchasing little later. The father also chise is granted, to loat. comremonstrated with his son and with capital of ball elsewhere.
IN EACH threatened to put him out.
million pounds. It is the aim of Things quieted down and the the promoters that every penny feud seemed to be over when PACKAGE required for the capital should the deceased and the girl left be raised in Jamaica; and in this and went to town, Her husband connection it is believed that no also returned to his garden leavdificulty would be experienced ing his son alone at home. De in obtaining all the money which ceased and bor daughter soon an enterprise would require returned and they both set about Not only is it planned to provide SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR their domestic duties, the most up to date system The deceased it is stated was obtainable, but it has already Infants, Invalids and the Aged cutung up wood in the yard been decided that once the while Thomas sat on the door Government agrees Every tin contains an Interesting leaflet of the franchise, the charges for telelittie distance behind phones will be eight shilling her sharpening cutlass. As marvellous use of this great Food.
there was nothing unusual in month in Kingston and ten this the woman had no suspicion shillings in any part of the Purely An English Preparation. of what was to follow. While ia island: It is proposed that a stooping position Thomas aptelephone should be installed peared to have chopped the in every Government depart.
MANUFACTURED BY deceased from behind with the Why throw away your old, but no ment in Kingston, as well as public offices throughout the BENGER FOOD, LTD cutlass almost severing the head Island, no rental being charged MANCHESTER; ENGLAND from the body. The girl Evelyn doubt interesting, books when you for such instruments.
who was inside the house heard the blow and the cry of her If the Government intimates FOR SALE AT can have them neatly bound at that it is prepared to consider God and rushed out, but granting of a franchise to a The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN company on lines set out above was repelled by Thomas who no time will be lost by the roshed at her and she turned THE WORKMAN and fled. Thomas himself made company in launching the pros for a cane flela, pectus for a half a million ster under the Workman Insurance Dental Notice People began to gather and ling, and at the same time to Act. As soon as funds permit three men Henry Rene. Lennard invite firms in Britain, Canada the society will retain per Serjeant and Cecil Frankin with and the United States which manently the services of Having received manufacture telephone equip solicitor.
Argo com Following the track of the dog dog started in search of him.
ment to submit tenders in The Rev. Daley sibblis is signment of dental supplies from they came upon the fugitive CENTRAL AVENUE connection with the scheme, one of the prime movers in the the United States during the murderer hiding among some foundation of the society. Just week, at a greatly reduced price lastro near a cane field a short now he is in charge of the desire my patients and the distance from the house, Rene and No. G Street Emigration to Cuba societat retorno de appelniporno: public to know that one feels for and noticed something resem was appproach him posed that there should be dental service will also be reduce bling a knife in his uplifted hand, LARGE NUMBERS OF JAMAICANS branches of while.
but before he could use ARO. UNEMPLOYED IN THE it Rene the murdered woman after being Guiana is passing through stick and be a direcorate, the central punched Dr. G, JOHNSON REPUBLIC.
Tnomas threw the instrument viewed by DEA Doyle period of acute trado depression to be in Antilla.
The Is two dollars and Away entrance fee is two District Dentist The three men sometime later was removed to At the beginning of the year the then the bospital mortuary where Government budgeted that the closed in and held bim.
From what a representative monthly due of one dollar thel La Boca, The Police being apprised. Spain Gazette post mortem was held. Port of revenue for the first six months of The Herald has been able to to be reduced cents would be 3, 184, 755. The actual detectives, Corporal Yearwood, receipts were in the neighbourLance Corporal Howell and Nonbeing Induced go Cuba of obtained.
of has of. the idea that it is an easy Cani. Opposite P, Station stable Lsoutand set out for the need for such an organi on their arrival Demerara Deficit being 8371, 992. At the beginning matter to obtain work Panama.
on sugar xation is being impressed upon Thomas was handed over to estates in the republic. As a British West Indians in the of the year there was a surplus of them. It was discovered that 1, 083 108, which included 500, matter of fact, however, the republic. On many occasions reverse is the case; and from Jamaicans and others have Tbomas bad wound on his COMBINED COURT DECIDES TO000 which, it was decided, should LEVY BURTAX ON CPRTAIN Creoline straightens and neck. He was taken to the hos what this journal has been able suffered severe hardships for IMPORTS be lavested as a permanent sink to gather, it is not likely that the want of competent help to beautifles the halt and pro pital and detained. The wound is not of a serious nature, the wind.
ing fund, Having deducted 500 the coming, Bugar season in adjust their difficulties. Such an duces hair on bald heads.
Cuba will bring aboat anything organization properly handled.
pipe not being cut. The body cel The sister colony of British (Continued on Page 7)
like boom for West Indian should serve a useful purpose. The Herald)
Sugar estate owners are moving cautiously in the output of Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 sugar, with the result that Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 Plans For Bridge.
numbers of labourers are merely drifting from one district to another unable to procure work Plans as being prepared by The ruling scale of wages for the Public Works Department field labour is four shillings per in connection with the proposal day, and from what individuals to erect a concrete bridge over who have just returned from the the Dry River, between King republic say, the labour supply ston and St. Thomas. The matHead Office: 60. WALL Sni, Now Your Cry Owned by The NATIONAL Crry BANK OF NEW YORK exceeds the demands. Herald be brought before the Legislature at the Autumn session when it is expected that West Indians In Anal approval will be given to a schedule of public works, one of Depository of the PANAMA CANAL Cuba. the items being the bridging of that stream. Hearld TORMATION OF SOCIETY TO Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of LOOK AFTER INTEREST OF TRINIDAD THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in MEMBERS EAND TRANCE ITALY BELGIUM An organization known as the San Fernando CENAJARAN INDIA JAVA British West Indian Prospective Society has been formed at RAZIL CUBA PORTO RICO Antilla, Oriente de Cuba. The COFFEE STREET TRAGEDY URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA chief aim of the society is to afford help to all British West Indians in the republic, provided MURDER AND ATTEMPTED SUICIDE Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World organization, in periods of affairs Young Man Kills His Stepof society are to be in the hands board of directors Mother who will provide legal assistance ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE when such is needed by memCUTS HIS OWN THROAT bers, and also to secure marriage certificates for members INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM who decide to enter into wedlock Lower Hillside, Coffee Street, to sav nothing of securing pay was the scene of a brutal murder ment of money that may be due about three o clock on Friday board to to 50 gather dame tabourers on the old scoomber the deleted beam ber 179 Central Avenue with The scene and labourers.
large International Banking Corporation for will SPAIN PHILLIPINES STRAITS SETTLEMENTS CHILE PERU ARGETENE they and distress.
to the ol


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