
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1822 PAGE THREE Colored West Indian Gets Big Job In States British Finance and Agricultural And Industry Educational OVER SOATE MR. JAMES WATSON APPOINT ED SPECIAL DEPUTY IN TO LOOK AFTER INCOMES 20, 000, 000 FT OMINENT LAWYER.
DAILY Has Exceptional Ability In Corporation Business And known for Integrity.
That is the record of sales of hany sudden articul One 111 Eleven Cigarettes in bald down, Counsel 80 of tolary of eleos month.
in the United States alone honthly instalments over Buy a package to day!
The package fits the pocket The price fits the pocket and the Cigarette is INCOMPARABLE while not having Riven ing the Fifteen 111 Cigarettes for 10c.
the The New York Negro Times (a recent date contains the fill wing: itto nees. Watson, a coloured with office at 240 Broad way was appointed by the City crporation Council, John Brien, to fill the post of Special Atsistant Coporation and the effice carries with it of 500 Mr. Watson tock up his new duties on the first of this He bas been delegated to datles in special franchise tax proceedings in the department has shown exceptional ability.
The news, although pleasant, did not come as a surprise to the many acquaintances, clients and friends of Mr. Watson, as it was expected that he wou a some day be given an important post owing to bis peculiar ability to handle corporation matters or any knotty legal question.
where figures show up them selves continually.
New Deputy West Indlan.
The new Assistant is a natura dised citizen, but a native of Kingston Jamaica. А)
short time after coming to this country be entered the New York Law School and at the conclusion of a brilliant college career was associated with the nationally famous law Arm of mu House, Grossman, Vorhaus Co of 116 Broadway. It was in this hie arm bis special aptitude for ration work made Itselt and there was also a large field in which he could atilis his talent.
About two years ago he opened his own offio at the addrees above mentioned; where he cater.
ed to a large clientele, both coloured and white. He has also an uptown oftice at 101 West Counsellor Watson has the respect and esteem of both races by his fair dealing and integrity. He is married and resides at 154 West 131st Street.
Mr. Watson is colou red man of West Indian birth to be appointed to so portant an office in State, the appointment is an instance of the fairness of the Deroocratic party in recognizing true ability among members of the e Nestion counsel John who is a candidate for Surrogate for this Country is to be congratulated in recognizing true merit irrespective of race.
and should, if elect to office, enjoy the contidence and respect of the community for his fairness and impartiality VALENCIA, Agent. Box 693, Panama with alaeases Boon to the Sufferer 1356 5th Street. By LEONARD REID) WHT DOING IN THE London, September Financial CANAL ZONE markets bave taken a distinct turn for the better and, had it not been for the crisis in the (By PILGRIM WILKINS. Near Esst, last week would would doubtless surpris.
probably have seen a consider those who do not kaow, and have ably more pronounced recovery not closely followed what is hap than it did on the solution, at pening in the Canal Zone what least temporarily, of the repar has been taking place therein ations problem. No details in during the last year or so fa coinctione polithilde Herr Ho wens industrial or agricultural activiwith the Baak of England have been To those who have becom.
allowed to leak out but Ger interested in one way or another volte face after in the back to the Zone move having refused to carry out the went, it might be thought that demands of the Reparation Com siaca the invitation of mission of August 31 is believed tural farming and settlement has to be the result of bis visit. Ger. been issued during the earlier many has now announced its part of the year and the rush for finds ernment to accept the conditions ba subsiding by now. It is not exchange for o however, postponement for six The facts are that the interest amesiate cash payment of 100 in the schema see in to inerousy million em gold marks and of the at the present time and the redue this year. It is undestood ment plans offering facilities for that the Treasury Bills for the free transportation to poor West will be on drawn by tho German Govern Isthmus who wish to retorn way ment and accepted by the home seems to be responsible Relchsbank. As the Bills are for the decision on the part of drawn the Belgian Government some who have hitherto beer will presumably discount them dimident to make up thel their minds immediately and should bave no to make much of the opportuni dificulty in ties offered in the Canal Zone to. How many will meet the bills when settle rather than returning to they mature is not yet clear, their respective island homes.
They will be treated as This conclusion is as ordinary commercial bills, and it is believ the rush on the Sarawa from land Inspector ed that the Bank of England Canal Zone, and particularly dur in his offiice at both ends of the anything in the natare of guarantee, ing the last couple of weeks, for bas agreed to assist by produc lands assignments.
the necessary cash if neces Soven Years In Industry Lost sary. As have said this settle meat has had a distinctly bene what would or could bave been The above facts go to show ficial effect wbich would, how, but for developments bave been more marked the shape of things and lite in in connec seven years it mance the Canal Zone during the last agricultural Ition with the Near East. The lat doresep wents which wore op ter, however, were not regarded in a very pessimistic light and during the construction stock market prices stoplargely owing to the proved. days had not been abruptly.
lead ped and the laboring classe given by the Paris Bourse. The shut out. One thing is certain, money market bas suded poverty among these masses balt of the want and general one or two spasms of but on the whole conditions are edect of bitter privation and which has had its disastrous comfortable, compared those ruling during August and saved. Our people have how might have been the greater part of September. ever gained some The market is anticipating profitable plentiful supply of credit alter which nations are learning lessons in thrift and ceremony the turn of the month, for not Sul, experiences, and when by only will there be a large dis bursement of Government divihave becoma normal as dends, but line of National the people are now begining to will in their proper timo as War Bonds, of which some 30 bave faith in the Canal Govern millions is believed to be still that they will not be antering, falla due for repas labourlog this time to be driven The detailed Finance Accounts reward of their labors, better out without receiving the full the year ended March 31st results will attend their preseut just published show the activities exact position of the British National Debt which date amount to 7721 millions. Rabbi Assails Narrowness or this total In the form of fpating debt, that Harvard university, William is. Temporary Advances 1471 Bryan and the Klu klux Klaa millions and Treasury Bills 882 were all denounced for their millions. The principal items of narrowness by Rabbi Abram the remainder were 1953 mil Hirschberg in an address at Lions for the great War Loans, Chicago, After condemning Bry 1201 millions for the National an for his fight against DawinWar Bonds and 1087 millions ism the Rabbl continued: If the for external debt. On 16h Jewish religion were accepted September last the total of the the there would be nostri ses, no Debt was practically the same at periodical interuption of indust 7722 millions, but its composi ries. Judaism is against, intolertion had changed. The floating aace of every kind and has no debt was over 159 millions, place for the blind fanatical bate at 870 millions, but 120 of Klu klux Klan or for millions was added to to the the Harvard university. The situaTreasury Bonds. This reduction tion which exists at that narrow in Treasury Bills coupled with institution could not prevail in an increase in Treasury Bonds any institution presided over.
has been reflected in the month by a Jew, as ou y statements of the joint stock banks which have shown a ing over 30, 000 people out of steady decline in the item bills employment The big iron outdiscounted, dinem les put of the United Kingdom for holdings of Treasury Bills, and a August was 411, 700 tons, the corresponding iacrease in is highest monthly figure reached vestments aree months coal The unemployment figures for early part of 1920. This figure page the August show a light improve compare with 399, 100 tons in rate of decrease in July, and furnaces in blast at unemployment has slackened. the end of August numbering The official figure shows a 126 as against 117 at the end of percentage of trade union mem July bers unemployed of 14 as The average monthly produccompared with 14. per cent for tion of pig iron in 1921 was July and 16. per cent for 217, 600 tons, in 1920. 9, 500 August of last year, As compartons and in 1913, 855, 000 tons.
ed with Jaly there was a marked Steel output in August was improvement in the coal 520, 800 tons as against 473, 100 industry and employment was a tons in July; the August figure was beaten total and steel trades. There was of 549, 400 tons. The monthly the other hand, the cotton spinning industry and in 1920, 755, 600 tons and in average in 1001 was 303. 200 tons glass 638 600 tong.
in the jute, pottery Sada bas for the last few weeks has been trades. The big iron Coal production been benefitting recently from a consistently high at well over strong demand from America. millions tons per week, but the Steel prices keep steady, but industry is still far from being business is quieter, and the on a sound lasis. Wages at Ebbw Vale Company, one of the relatively low level, but where largest Welsh Steelworks has had any profits are being made they to close down indefinitely, throw are on a very small scale, JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF a ment that the first KAL MOL GEHE for the this last 10291 millions was race.
10 Brien.
THE ORIGINAL GERMAN FORMULA Acetyl Salicylic Acid in its purest and most efficient form and Kal mol Gehe with Cafeina MANUFACTURED BY THE WELL KNOWN FIRM GEHE CO.
DRESDEN, GERMANY Novel Streetcher Device lower at the which includes KAL MOL GEHE is preferred for its absolute purity and efficiency in giving instant relief to Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheum stism, Cold, Influenza, Grippe, Acoholic Intoxication, Menstrual Colic, Gout.
Free Samples given away at the following Drug Stores: Colon Panama Pan American Drug Store Farmacia La Union Farmacia Innternational Principal Drug Store Farmacia El Globe Farmacia Italiano Botica Frances Farmacia Inglesa Botica Francesa British Pharmacy Farmacia Central Farmacia Moderna Kingston Drug Store Farmacia Prieto Farmacia Americano The People Drug Store Farmacia Nacional Farmacia Montezuma The New Drug Store, And on Sale at all drug stores throughout the Republic.
SOLB AGENT EUSTACE LEE, 98 Market Street Telephone 50, Box 338, Colon, R, ingtone ne much tobado hold models hom endt op of the indloge of Extensive tests have been made lately, on British tramcars, of an advertising device which incidentally performs a very useful function for the passenger. Strangers to a route find great difficutlty (especially after dark) in ascertaining when the car has reached the point at which they want to alight The, device solves this problem in a very ingenious way. It consists of a a plan of the route, on which compulsory stopping places are a and permissive stops by ring Above plan are a number of advertisements; and as the car moves along both the plan and the advertisements trayel so that a fixed arrow on the frame of the device points to the exact position of the ear on the roure at any moment. When the car reaches the terminus the route plan stops, and when the car reverses the plan travels back wards. British ingenuity has therefore solved the problem of producing a novel advertising device which recomends itself strongly to the public by its constant usefulness, Treasury Bonds.
this by a black scoal mining a decline.
ORDER BOOKS FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Kept in stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY Smoke 111 (One Eleven Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents Incomparable


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