
EACE TIME os Throw ट CARTR LUCKY STRIKE CARTERS ink Eraser une cable in existencies. The capital Srise for Today technical PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1922, Unique Cycle AsTHE WORKMAN sociation Closes Entries Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies POR ATHLETIC ON 218T, INST.
ALROND, be om o Central Avoton. Corresponden on all matters you take ad corner of Strook Pasme of publie Interest invited.
do All copy for publieation must be So many rumors are allont Box 74, Panatina those days about old time comiog etten on one side of paper only, and back to join the Athletic Field.
RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION mun bo nocompanied by the name of PUFF and about the new machines that TARIERS Oce Your 40 U8. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publice are seen on the road mornings Six Months 20 tion but a mark of good with and evenings, and about the va 800. We do not undertake to return rious threats to swaup the pris One 20.
You ll Echo the Slogan erejected orrespondence.
list clean, that we have warned our Secretary to advise as as Tauberty of the Pross is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS son as help is needed to hand GOOD TO THE LAST PUFF out the ENTRY FORMS, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 4, 1922 Oar entries close on the 21st instant, and it is imperative that All forms b: turned in not later PANAMA NINETEENTH ANNIthan that date, so that we will ELIQUE have ample time for arranging VERSARY our program and handlog it over to the printers, If the rumor about old timo Nineteen years ago with such names as Amador and coming back be true, we nould Lake to give them a little tip en Roosevelt figuring most prominently in the forefront of passant, now local affairs this nation bad its birth as the independent listen old timers, those of you who intend coming scion of the United States of Colombia under the tutelback you are going to meet some age of the United States of America. The circumstances very determined chape possessand bistory of the creation of this new state among the s TOASTE ing tighting spirits like the two Central American powers are familiar to every school dogs that fought until only taile Were lets, that is, thay ate eash child in this republic, and, therefore, it is unnecessary to other up to that staga, Dld you give a resume of the occurrence.
got 11Verbum Sal Sapiente, CARTER On its nineteenth anniversary as a sovereign nation, INKS. PASTES MUCILAGES Panama finds herself in the rank of progress and civic adFifty Years of British Always in stock vancement. Although younger than the youngest of Cable Enterprise BENEDETTI HERMANOS them she is now the most up to date in every institutional Central Ave a 3rd, St.
feature of a self governing country. This is a credit to the Lively Function. Bride of Four Days. R:cently there was celebrated PANAMA far sightedness of the fathers of the Constitution and the in Great Britala la the presence political genius of their descendents.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Continued from page 1)
of the Doke of York and of a Little did the minds of the great men of past days William Quinland of this city large and distinguished com CARIER Coroner; Can you give any pany, the jubilee of a group ever conceive the possibilities of this little strip of land was the scene of a livel y social reason why Fowler should bave submarine cable of which to day has forged ahead with such compelling re function last Friday, in companies PRODUCTS wbich have developed a huge and spect and dignity as have chercterized the steady their son, Dr. Quinland, done this?
Mrs. except advancement from a neglected and unnoticed territory till Head was the Departmeninted that he was jealous of George many parts of the world. When it has reached the stage in which it has become the object Path whom he had the company was found there Pathology of Meharry Medical Prentice, to Dr, HOFFMANN of admiration of people all over the world.
College, Nashville, Tenn. class remarked tbat he would have his were only eight thousand miles Tourists and business men from America and Europe of 1919, and was the first to own back some day.
has reopened his clinic for Fowler comes from the village there are 225 000 bave fastened. their eyes on Panama as a place of wonderful receive the Rosenwald Fellowwhole of the capital and diseases of the blood, rheumaDue to Dr. of Langloft, two away, possibilitie. Each winter brings to these shores thousands time edhe faste trate Pos and any war mileguente betale ale de commercial of people in quest of health and pleasure. Prospectors to Ancon Hospital and was of the Inne He is eased thirtyzdys came from Great Britain, and the upper floor of Al Place.
this lism and urological cases in and explorers find a field of attractive interests and the widely known in Panama, a con. and slightly deformed. Be Santa Ana Plaza, Street financial magnates of the soil are opening their eyes to the course of well wishers turned said to have been a sweetheart represents a magnificant triumph of Mrs. Prentice for some time against a host of technical and opportunities that hover arourd with such inviting pros out to do bim bonor.
pbysical difficulties. The lead The rooms were converted into previous to her marriage.
which Great Britain took in subone spacious ball which was The inquest was adjourned. marine telegraphy. has bean much in the form of inducement to the laboring Ceremonies and after well Fowler the accused man, was commercial Employment is not offering, at the present time, tastefully decorated. Mr. Jacob Only formal evidence was given followed likewise in wireless as master of at Bourne Police Court when telegraphy, the first succesful St. Peter Church Boca.
classes, but this is due as much to the completion rendered program buffet charged with murder. He main which were conducted in British Holy Baptism.
experiments in 11. a. Matins Holy Communion of the by tained an life.
waters, while the first company 30 pm. Sunday School, What the future of commercial and industrial Paul Taylor and Miss Vivian. Exactly a week after her wed to work wireless communication 7:30 Evensong and sermon activities will be it is not yery difficult to foresee.
The Quiniand. The principal address ding, the murdered girl was on business basis was also MULCARE. Rootor McCartby parish church. Mr. George a che lay tendance to large Prentice the bereaved boob the Man Downfall May Be Shadaya Sohool Confirmation Clase alert minds taking advantage of the agricultural, mineral St. Barnabas Church, Empire and pastoral possibilites of the Isthmus the slow dawn of extent was made up of Anti followed the cofin Morning Prayer and into internal prosperity will take on a more speedy charac. guans who are members of the church. double line of the Hero ter and hasten into the light of permanent day. Antiguan Progressive Society of bride girl friends guarded Broning Prayer and addrom 7:30p.
Whatever prosperity Panama has enjoyed, so far, has this City.
the way from the gate to the porch, and the funeral was Woman, according to the JT MULOARE, Printin charge oentred around the canal and its collateral institutions.
attended by several hundreds of Biblical interpretation of history, St. Bartholomow Church, Ships transiting the water way usually bring a measure people from the country round. was created as man helpmset.
of business to the terminal cities of Panama and Colon. Award 42, 500 Verdict Las Cascadas Many who were unable to afford But ever since Adam found it Gun boats and cruisers of the American Navy, in particuWreaths brought bunches of extremely convenient to use her Morning Pryw, and addrown, 11 m, towers.
as his scapegoat she has been to Sunday Behool Confirmation Ciale lar, and of other countries, in general, always offer trade 42, 500 verdict was awarded blame for every thing that to certain branches of businees.
by jury to Mrs. Howard, wrong, from war to billboard. Drensong and Sermon 30 pm But Panama real prosperity will be found in her of Castilo, who charged Too Big For School Eve, ancient or modern. is the Bor JT Muloaro, Prient ia charge Margaret Pierce with stealing natural resources. Her timber, mines, cultivable lands and the affections of ber husband.
stamblingblock in the path of Seventh Day Adventist Church commercial advantages. When a serious turn is made to the masculine climber it he does Mrs. Howard sald that ber not reach the top. On the other STREET CALIDONIA ROAD.
these and less dependence on the outside contributions is husband deserted her and thelr Walter Winkley, a new pupil band great men who have arriv. awar Lothmina Park. PANAMA.
exhibited, Panama will be a flourishing land and her nation children for Miss Pierce when of a little Rock, Ark, schools ed are inclined to be generous to als will find livelihoods in various departments of industry the latter was only 16 years old. was giving, extraha vacation their helpmeets in the matter of both School; 11. 15 am Gatora Worlaltin Sabbath (3sturday) 45. Sabthat will sweep away economic depression and stagnation. Miss Pierce was an ansophistic. was nt seat in the school scapegoat or a prop. Woman bow. Young Peoplo. Mooting: 30.
contended that when it was learned that there appreciation. Man mast have a 30 Spanish Class; 80 poen In many respects, Panama has marched forward. The ated country girl who fell an large enough for him. Although ever, inclined to try some other forepare.
school system is by no means behind those of the most easy victim the wiles he the comedy of lite, Bunday evening at Rosding.
advanced in other countries. It is admirable to observe the Howard, Miss Pierce came into weighs 216 pounds. The scbool especially of late years, and mandios. All are welcome bɔth young and interest that the natives have taken, in recent years, dea of her foster parents.
a considerable fortune at the carpenter is busy making a spe may have to stand or fall on his old. 30 Pearsking Barrios cial seat.
in academic, commercial and industrial education. School own merits. Therefore he is con fused by the charge New York attendance, which is compulsory, is a credit to the country, Wesleyan Məthodist Panama 11 am Rev. Kissock Brahan and in the next generation such a thing as illiteracy will show the marks of genius and natural fability. They be unknown. What is also remarkable is that young men compare creditably with imported furniture manufactured and women who passed their youthful days without the by firms of long standing experience and speak for the For Sale. 30 Roy Kinook Braban Colon. 11. Rov, Surgron improved advantages offered to children in the present time natives of an aptness inferior to none other.
7:30 Rev. Sargson are usiog up every available moment to improve them The industrial training of the young ladies of the For sale one room cottage. Buon Ne. Walters selves by attending early morning and late evening classes republic is another matter worthy of notice.
at the National Institute at the expense of the Govern making and millinery bave been taught in schools inaugue reasonable price, Apply at this Empire 11. mer. Walters Dress with 2000 Sq. of land located 7pm Mr. Linds on the Sabanas Main road. Paraiso Il am Mt. Rhoden New Providence 11. Mr, Markham ment. Others are working on self improvement underrated for these purposes from which the dames of the office or call phone 433, Balboa, instruction by private tutors at their own personal expense, country have come with practical knowledge and skill.
Panama San Miguel St and, on the whole, an appreciation of the value of educaNineteen years ago, the ladies of local aristocracy CHURCH SERVICES tion is demonstrated by government and citizens alike. made their purchases of dresses and hats abroad, either bulding 18 Gospel Sermans 11, 30 a. 7:30 Another mark of progressiveness is seen in the keen from Europe or the United States, To day, they can make interest shown in commercial life, Suaday School p. Amoriosa Episcopal Church)
About ten years ago, selections of local execution in the fashion houses in PanaE. Bailey Pastor with but few exceptions, there could scarely found, in ma.
The mediocre classes who depended upon foreign St. Paul Church, Panama (Twentyfirst Sunday After Trinity)
Salvation Army any part of the republic, any kind of native business house. residents for the manipulation of their attire are now Chinese and other Asiatics held the monopoly from a rura accommodating thsmselves with their own work at appreci 104. 0, The Litany am, Holy Communion, Parale Il. am, Holiness Moating Sunday Sshool also at Rod Taak shop to department store, To day, natives are entering able savings and personal satisfaction.
the field of commere and are shaping successfully in gro103) a un Holy Eucharist and sermən 61 pm. Open Air Meetieg.
The accomplishments of the Panamanians in less than Holy Baptism, ceries, restaurants, cigar stores, and curiosity shops. Klad202) Salvation Moeting twenty years are phenomenal and magical. No one who p Sunday School E, Lloyd; Captain The arts and crafts are by no means neglected. Señor bas lived here during this time can conscientiously fail to 30 pm Evensong and sarmon. Church Of God G St Colon Don Roberto Lewis, a distinguished Panamanian artist, admire the advancement made by the people of this coun NIGUTENGALE Vicar 11. 30 am 7:30 Gospel Sarma has infused the spirit of aestheticism into his younger try in this short period, and these achievements are indica St. Alban s, Paraiso. Sunday School compatriots who are now making artistic decoration a tions of the natural powers of a people who, for decades, 7:30 a. Holy Communion Sis, Brewster Pastor Evang.
feature of unique specialization, waited patiently for help and opportunity.
11 am Matins Address New Providence All of the furniture now used in government offices We extend to Panama on this ber nineteenth birthday, 4:15 Brensong Sarten pm Sunday School Gospel Sermon 11. 30 am 7, 30 and institutions are made from native woods by native cordial felicitations, and applause. We wish the government P. NIGE TENGALE Prioot in charge Sunday School p.
workman who have graduated from the School of Arts and the brightest future of national prosperity. We wish the Sis Elliot, Pastor.
Crafts in Panama. The manufactures are worthy of natives the greatest progress and happiness. Viva, la Las Sabanas Mission Gatun the most technical scrutiny and examination, have been executed with neatness and dexterity, and Porras!
They Republica de Panama. Viva, el Presidente, Dr. Belisario Sunday Sohool pm Gospel Sermon 11. 30 sm 7, 30 15 mn Evensong address Bunday School pm V, Nightongale. Prioot in charge George Griffith husband p dead 3, 30 pm Tribune.


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