
THE REMARKS OF GOOD MERCHANDISING Star dated Wednesday Ledres. pralganture of members Service French websites From The Herald. representative of QUALITY PRICE SERVICE for Dist Depuis like which very much need THREE IN ONE FOUND IN the u by the Jamaica STROLLERS week. STROLLERS Wednesdays; this very service is striking me that Com is man Mitchell They be Pay NATURAL LEAF CIGARETTES THE WORKLAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1922, PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE They are DisapThis Is What It is.
Memorial Service pointed (By. WYNTER)
on Baturday Oct. 28 alto, ta o reply to an article which appear It is learnt that erquiries have ed in the columns of Herald on the West Indian Page the been received in the island from One of the most memorable Chinese at Hong Kong and elseOctober 25th of the present year: and which was dated event in the bistory of Samarl wbere as to whether or not the tans was witnessed on Oct. 29th local Government is serious in its under tha in the Flower of the Isthmus decision that immigrants of this proceed to reply to Lodge hall of this city, when, class will only be allowed to the fallacious arguments ralaca under the auspices of the Light If they are able to satisfy tho Writer who has aocused, of Colon Lodgo No. 11, memo Customs officers that they can rial was held for the read and either English better what in his opinion is who departed this Spanish and more substantial life Brespective than the programme proces tion was formed by the online na rather trold, has been able to forward by the le and members of the Order un formed souro the decision or of Jamaica der the command of Bro. W, 0bo Government months ago to refer to the scheme of the Hon. E. French which which James, later on in this will be dealt The enforce the portion of law procession when the mem some years ago, whleh marched In article Legislature and serpent most causares provides manner, bers balted begins with congratulations and appreand entered and for the literacy test, bas come as kook their seats, while they sang a serious blow to the aspirations ciations of the visit of the dis. When Our Heads Are Bowed of Chinese who had contemptinguished party to the latka as, With Woe. Miss Rickett pre Isted crossing the Pacific Ocean but he starts out later on with aided at the organ and dia to invade Jamaica merely by the an assumption in referring to to make the service lodgement of 30 each in the actions would bare pleasant and local been taken by the Jamaica The service was commenced hundreds of Chinese were arGovernment it that covers with the reading of Psalm 39 by ranging to depart for this island, ment As in of male Bro. Oconnor, Prelate, foi via Canada; but they been forced Ing investigation on the sanitary lowed by an address by Bro, to alter their plans until they are conditions on the Isthmus. Herdman, wbo at the conclusion able to comply with that section am at a loss to find out at what of bis exhortations turned the of the law which relates to the time, and at what place any proceedings over to the Wortby literecy test. Weekly Herald.
member of the party has made Deputy Master. who explained it to appear that they, orang the purpose of the service for What About the Nonone of the party was accredited day, Government to Rev. Thrift was the preachStriking Clock make the investigations referred er and tock for his sermon Isaiah to. It is obvious. that since chap VI The Preacher brought To The Editor Of The Workman, none of the party made any such to his hearers the funda Sir: It has just Struck me, statements, the clearing away of mental necessity for Memorial that you might Strike upon any such misunderstanding is Service and he exported the something to strike out the con.
only disturbed imagination officers and intended to discredit the in to be not tinual Strike every week of the The vice brought to commendable efforts put forward ing the bours Every by these twdependent unpata the singing of the Doxclogs.
Honourable members for some strikingly long time.
of the The credit for bringing about Commencing on Legielative Council of Jamaica.
impressive Furthermore, it is the this clock has struck, first due very much to the energy and the hours and it strikes me time that any number of Jamaica foresight of the Presiding Chief who ever is responsible for the The and bis Secretary, Bro. Her Non Striking of the hours legislators bave leit the island to Natural seek information abroad which which should be Struck by this Nellow intended to be used for the are gone from this Clock should be benefit of the country. It Smoke is world. never to return We the roll It not therefore crass stupidity and hope they are in Abraham Strucg s only Strikes Me, but the public bosom awaiting the arrival of all in general, that such Striking lack of proper political vision to assume that no good will come faithful Samaritans. Let hope indiference to the interest of out of the present investigations But shall we weep for those the community by the cozstant There can be no question that that are gone before! Listen non Striking of this Striking anything can be more urgent to the words they left benind for Clock, is a matter of Striking than sanitation in Jamaica us to Incalcate.
concern to those who like myself The United States GovernWhen the parke of our lives are anxiously await every Striking ment has demonstrated that it waning, Weep not for us Hour of the Day would bave been physically When the languid eyes are straining Please do your best for, impossible to have constructed AM mamman mammamathe Panama Canal and bring Weep not for us Yours, When the feeling pulso aro cearing economic prosperity to the Start not at their swift decreasing A, DELIGHTED CONTRIBUTOR, Isthmus of Panama without st Tis the fastered soula releasing Panama, October 27. 1922, British Consu lato Notice laying down a thorough system of Weep doi for us doubtedly the sanitation. This When the pangs of death sail us Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
in the early The Acting British Consul at Colonial administration of the Weep not for us Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents COMFORT and CONTENTMENT. British.
Ohriet is ours, He cannot failus, tion as to the present where eighted policy kept away the Incomparable Woep not for us, abouts of one Arthur Brathwaite best and wealthiest class of Yes. though sins and double endeava native of Barbados, who is English Investors from the our; ARE DISTRICT COURT FOR stated to have arrived on the colonies, on account of the dreadFrom His love our soul wo wver, THE CANAL ZONE AT Isthmus in 1909, for Jesus in our strength for over, this reason both our CRISTOBAL Weep not for us.
appreciated by all mankind.
and social life have suffered on The Salvation Army this very sore point. Firstwa BERTHA WARNER Help The Boys.
BRINTON WARNER Harvest Festiyal Services will for the industrial development of be beld in the Hall at Guachapali be invited, the health and lives the Colonies, and it Capital is to Civil No. 392.
To achieve them in your home on Sunday 12th. inst. at 11 a.
Here is a way by which you can 30 and 30 The of those who may desire tako assist the Colon Boys Institute Purchase a Workman on Sa Notice.
Young People Section of the up their residence abroad must use Corps bas prepared the pro. be safeguarded, The Sugar turdays, If each boy is able to gramme for the afterhoon. industry of Jamaica, has never well 25 papers on Saturdays with Brinton Warner, Delendant: musical Festival will be render: position than it is been in a more the amount he earns from the You are required to enter your appearsubstantial ed on Tuesday evening 14th, in poslu daily papers this worthy Institu ance in the Clerk office of the above GAS. FOR COOKING aid of the effort.
very views tion will be always a monument named Court, at Cristobal, in an Aotion of living usefulness.
of the present members of the for Divorce brought against you by Legislative Council of which West Indians should show plaintifl herein, and to answer complaint The Fuel Without a Fault British Consulate Not Ice their sympatby by trying to the rein on or before the 19th these distinguished visitors torn day of disgraceful scenes February members of the present practiced by uncared for boys The Acting British Consult Legislative Council are not that if the streets. And this can And you are further notified be done by each irdividual purchas.
you fail to appear and answer aid com PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY abouts of Enoch M, Rouse, a The problems they are now istion as to the present okére parochial bave this country believe ing a paper. Not only will you paint above required, plaintiff will be assisting the boys but you to be judgement against you by default PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: native of St. Kitts, whose last vestigating, it successful, muat Cristobal, will educate yourselves and be and demand from the Court the relief conversant with the affairs of prayed for in her said complaint, Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
Dated this first day of November 1922 entire island. Sanitation, eduthe outer world. It is an obliga sti Tel. 798 tion that you should read. 4000 are CAMPBELL.
and hospital SERVICE Tel. 364 Rent Receipt Books In SpanIsh and English for sale at the nor are they Asst. Clerk District Court, to any one parish, they papers sold weekly would give Deal the institution fairly satisfac Workman Printery.
are matters affecting the vita?
tory financial assistance.
course, the elder is not a needs of the colony. therefore stranger to the United States First Appearance of The West De Valera American Born Smoke 111 One Eleven) Council bave already demonstratthe members of the Legislativa as it is not the first time he bas Indian Band.
Reception Service. been there, we wish bim success Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents ed unanimously, their siacerest controversy over the birth.
and prosperity in his mission interest in making Kingston the AT DE LESSEPS PARK, Incomparable place of Eamon Do Valera, Irish finest and most sanitary city in There will be a grand reception work throughout the lathinus as well in the West Indian republican leader, has been set the West Indies and to ard Church by the acting Pastor Mr. Islands where we understand On Sunday at 8pm. under the at rest by the discovery of his our system of education BOOST Wolesley Rogers on Sunday that a portion of his work is auspices of the West Indian birth certificate in the files of our medical service and New York board of health. He improve hospitals)
night the 6tb, of this month, in located also. At the reception Committee, the newly formed will be present the Rev. West Indian Band will make registered as having been born Any reader who has followed honour of the return of the elder, Burke of the Christian their first appearance at Dew in that city in 1882 of an Irish the details in the last sitting of Frank Wilkins, who has mother and Spanish father. His just returned from a Mission, Rev. Odle from Lesseps Park to render a musi mother is now Mrs. Charles the Legislative Council, and a special business trip from the United and others who will occupy the Panama, Dr. Hamlet of Colon, cal concert has reviewed with interest the Wainwright, CIGARETTES of Rochester, sense of responsibility demogStatese din business, but also where he was not only platform. bright and merry has been prepared and lovers of The controversy began over an strated by the members, their is expected by all. We are music will be given the oppor. Encyclopedia Britannica that erroneous statement in the spent a well earned vacation, of time ambition to improve the economic and social his Best on the Market condition of the members are exceed. pleased to congratulate ingly proud, for he is an ardent acting Pastor for the business evening country would not come hastily and not in the United States.
way in which he handled to the conclusion that these and faithful worker among bis ASK FOR THEM gentlemen severally are there members, Creoline Halr Producer is the and they actually the Church during the absence esteeti his Pastor chietly in the Interest of.
bim as a father to we If you like beautiful hair use particular parish, each repre them, so be is here again to that the entire Church is satis world best hair tonic and will not soil or stain clothes, Creoline Hair Producer. ELIAS PRETO, Agent (Continued On Paye 8)
take up his responsibility, of fied with his administration, CIGARETTES was an economic to much to then bedakdus an Theegral part.
remove the as cn matters; nor 1205 develop there is that EMU which


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