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GANAL AUTHORITIES REPA ARMISTICE TRIATES WEST INDIANS WEST INDIAN SENTENCED TO SIXTY DAYS IN JAIL to wbich took place JAMAICA DAY LABOURERS How It Will Be Observed Again Attarcted To Cuba Throughout British For Work In the Cane Possessions.
Batch of One Hundred and Ten For Refusing to Take off His Hat From the latest issue of the Sailed From Pedro Miguel Within few weeks energia Gleaner to hand w» clip quite a number of Jamaican When British National Anthem the following:Locks Friday.
left for Cuba Through the courtesy of the where they hope to gat work in was Being Played.
Acting Colonial Secretary, the the cane fields, it is not expected Pursuant to article appearing in the Work man some weeks Gleaner publishes the follow that during the coming sugar ago that the Panama Canal Government was making arrangements telegrams received by His crop there will be as many Hay Sixty days in jail without the option of a fine was the sentence to charter a boat for sending home destitute West Indians, we from the Secretary of State for was about this time last year, for refusing to take off his hat when the British National Anthemi Excellency the Acting Governor tiza labourers to Cuba as there banded out to Isaiah Lingua as (the name he gave) a West Indian are pleased to report that the Salvage Steamer Favourite sailed the Colonies in regard to the no fact is that thacHaytian was being played by the West Indian Band in de Lesseps Park from the Pedro Miguel Locks at 9:30 yesterday morning with a observance of Armistice Day Prohibit any labourers being re last Sunday night.
complement of 110 West Indians for Barbados and Antigua direct. It is certain the entire island It is stated that about 40 of this number were inmates from the will loyally acquiesce in His cruited foc Cuba. Large undar It is stated that Lingua had been in the park enjoying the takings, financed by American music and had taken of his bat when the band played both Pana Corozal Hospital, most of whom are suffering from mental troubles Majesty request.
capital, will be put in hand nex: manian and American Anthems. but as soon as the British Hymn while the remainder were made up from among the large rank and THE CABLEGRAMS year, and consequently it is file of unemployed Canal workers. It is expected that the (of Favourite will make the trip to Barbados direct in about days for the colonies to the Govertar, ers should be induced the rebuire persone che apaho replaced his bat and although reproved by several to remain persons standing by for disrespect and disloyalty, he sternly Hiyti. The Government of refused to bure his head in respact to the Anthem of his country.
and there disembark Barbadians after which she will proceed to Jamaica.
Antigua returning direct to Cristobal. In all it is expected that 27 10. 22 Babado barabalace decided not The attention of plain clothes police Noville was attracted to this the round trip will not extend over a period of sixteen days.
October 27. Armistice labourers being Day. erated in the island for Cuba, singular object of one head covered in that large crowd and he also His Majesty Government. It is learnt that several of the urged Lingua to takeyoff his hat but without avail. He then acrest: We understand that the Executive Office at Balboa Heights propose to hold ceremony Eames labourera to Caba from jail, on Monday morning he was brought ap before Mayor Pretelt was during the immediate days preceding the sailing of the steamer in laying wreaths. Ses my Spain for tae next crop, and this who after strongly rebuking him for his disloyalty and disrespect 26 1921.
Except that Hymn will be old for West Indian labourers; and it to his own country handed him a sixty days jail sentence without BRUTAL MURDER OF JAMAICAN Hundredth.
isqexpecied that between now the option of a fine, DEVONSHIRE. and January next the tide of imIN SPANISH HONDURAS 27. 10. 22 gration will be somewhat high.
MAN October 27. His Majesty the BODY. FOUND IN THE Mr. Leslie Forbes Cruelly Slain and Body Mutilated King has expressed his wish for Dentist Small Returns WOODS NEAR MARGARITA.
suspension of normal business during two minutes silence at on Armistica Day, sthmus.
We welcome back the cruel and dastardly murder should show him (the labourer) il a, Dr. Small a farm in how he had been overpaid Mr. November 11th, as last year.
was committed on well Devoured By Crows And Could Not Be Identified.
Spanish Honduras about two Forbes got off his horse to point kao dentist of Colon, who had weeks ago, the victim being Mr. out to the man where a stake bad King has expressed the wish to his native home Barbados also 26, 10. 21. His Majesty the been on a three months vacation The latest issue of the Central have been residing permanently Goalie Farbaswho is well over een moved to be doias Macbet that on Armistice Day. Novem avalling himselt of the opporta American Expres Fofil Bocas del in that a strict for years, but koown in Jamaica.
the man machette and chopped Toro reports the following from for be com nity of visiting Trinidad and some tragedy:the bar 11th there should hiin across From what could be gathered neck, nearly sevaring the head plete suspension of all normal Lucia. The Doc. looks fit and many days The fact is, Bauer Mr, Forbes was an employee of from the During the past few days the was absent from his home at British is back with renewed energy to the United Fruit Coy There died almost body. Me, Forbes business throughout instantineously, Empire during two minutes to meet his pacients who have com uunity of Magarita was the time Mose the St. Lucian was trouble on the Farm some silence commencing at 11 been wishing for his return.
ag ia thrown into a state of murdred bis girl Fredericks, time ago between the previous The labourer then took to his anxiety when it became known occurrence overseer Spanish heels, into the bush. and the that the body of a man was very near to Bauer residence.
dabourers and the overseer had to foren und went back to ale fathe STEAMER OWNED BY NEGROES not be identified as it found in the woods and could The speculative opinion of the be smuggled away from the toget help to bring back the was case is, that i1 Bauer was not Farm at night as one of the body. As soon as he had laft 10 altogether devoured by crows. made a victim by Mose when threatened to to the spot, the murderer returned Some one passing through the the murder was committed some murder him. Mr. Forbes, was actors arms and also from and completely chopped off The following extract taken Jas. Canty, of Charles town, vicinity, saw a number of crows weeks ago, be down from the woodlands. victim on subseama the Afro American, au o Va. Beresford Gale of Phila flying around charge of the Farm and a couple chopped the body ucross the American paper of good repute delphia, and Anthony Craw. ord and, being curious about suet by We of days after. NW he arrived there eyes and nose.
political trouble and The foreman along with help Anthony Crawfora a referred to in W. Look who is still operat, aq unusual sight, sought the understand, however, that a mano to ing manager with offices at 80 cause and discovered the skeleton who pose to be related started to fight returned to the spot and the thereia as the operating manager loped by the colored syndicate account, the rags and remnants had been arrested in connecuon to.
the parties Wall Street. The Anna is of a human being And by all Bauer the supposed deceased, e place. The deceased body of the deceased was of this combination, is and his wife and child had to removed to the hospital and was a native of this island, who not she is of light draught and an of the very long ago was interesting ideal boat for traffic to the spot, the carcase and remains, investigation garment seen on leave their house, as bullets were subsequently buried.
the with this report; and a thorough getting a by the coming through it, and took suitable diamond fields of Guiana. The bave been suspected to ba that Oosts Mrs. Forbes, the widow of the bimselt in refuge on one of the banana deceased, arrived in the island tradite of this island. Tois expedito centraliza in West Indian and James Nicholas alias Bauer, a throw some light upon this boat the coasting ultimate aim of the promoters is of a Jamaican by the name of Rican authorities, may likely caltivations until the trouble was last week, accompanied by her tion is a beginning of yet bigger Northern South American trade. native of Portland, Jamaica, who foul deed.
child, and we understand thae achievements, and wa take days afterwards a she is taking steps to have the few While much is being said labourer who had been overpaid matter represented to the Gov pleasure to congratulating the about ships and. to wish yet furthe foreman so that they (Gleaner)
have quickly added action able enterprise:ther success in their most laud theory and acquired a boat that Barclay is now actually sailing the To day Hort. Perey Bennett Re Harvest Thanksgiving Ser New York, Aug. 30th Tha and paying handsomely upon unfolding of what promises to the capital invested. They have AND MRS. BARCLAY SVILED turns From Vacation. vice St. Peter Church be one of the most romantic about perfected plans whereby, FOR JAMAICA, To day will be the fourth anniLa Boca chapters in the bistory of the through co operation with busiversary of the signing of the Negro Peoples of the New World ness interests of other countries Hon, and Rev. Barclay, tives of the contending military Armistice by the representaWe take great pleasure in with the departure nerican goods. boib raw and a nnouncing the arrival of Hon.
August Members and followers of St.
port of this bed will be carried by and Mrs. Barclay sailed pro York of the steamship Negro owned boats. It goes Fyflas Coronado, for Jamaica dreadful Percy a Bennett, His Britannic by yesterday on the Eiders and the European War, or groupes, and which terminated Peter Church, La Boca, are Anna May bound that Envoy Extraordinary for the dia without saying that goods conocer Hon, and Rav. Barclay has spent brought about such tremendous cataclysm which and Resident Minister to Panama hereby reminded that tomorrow mond fields of British Guiana on on a market, sell with prospecting expedition, competition with all other goods. mus and in leaving has express political machinecies of the nearly four weeks on the Ista upbeavals la tha commercial and Wyndham, the beautiful and er Trinity) will be observed as popular daughter of Mr. Bennett Harvest Thanksgiving Day. The several colored bankers and sional business, or lay, would do triendly and homely reception world, and which have not been The expedition is financed by Forward looking men, profes ed himself deligated the accompanies him for the pur: services for the day will be as business men of the United of enjoying a little tropical follows: States.
sunshine in this We cannot the Republic.
Coral Celebration of Holy Com. are Chas. Mitchell Sermonet chem ongeven om real de envestigate this success be the removed from the business Beaded we can do torner of and Col. ful of community. He has dreadfal responsibilities we quite a large circle of friends sumed at the signing of the asMrs. Wyndham is no stranger munion at 6:30. a.
Matins, bere as she is none other than followed by a second celebration vor and bas requested to convey his Armistice that wa should use the once bandsome and aftsble of Holy Communion at 11 a. COMING AGAIN Notice To Correspondents. deep sense of gratitude to all every means at our disposal to Miss Iris Bennett who acted Grand Flower Service at 3:36 so very Nightengale Please call him who were wife during the prevent another war of the kind with such grace and charm in The preacher will be the The dramatic sacred cantata indentity and we shall consider tae two lovely cities, at this office and reveal assisting the Minister with his Rev. Meredith, Vicar of St.
your weeks they had spent between happening amongst the nations.
But how quick the sufferings, entitled Joseph Bondage, cial diplomatic functions, in Luke Church, Ancon.
this country previous ber which was rendered before the publication of your letter.
the cries of pain and torture be in time to Choral Evensong with sermon packed house in the Excelsior British Consulate Notice attend the Autuma session of have been silent to our ears. We marriage, almost at 7;80, At this service the Theatre on the 28 last, will, by The Workman welcomes the Ven, Archdeacon H, Carson, popular request, be again prespermitting silently The British Consul in this city which will be the Legislative Council aro or about Turkey to again delags this Pirty.
with the of Bishop elect, of Haiti, will preach ented at the Variedades Theatre would like to kaow of the where the our his farewell sermon. For tbe on the evening of the 29th. Inst. sbouts of Alfred Uriah English of that a disolation of the present brothers, and in this case she is the 18th inst. It is anticipated children, last Thanks Council may follow this session, being aided, abetted and enB. tish Consulate Notice giving Day has always been a entailede the renuing me Petter at St. Peter in renting the latter ship of the popular Silver City so as to test the will of the elec Continud On Paye 3)
The Acting British Consulat and Panama bave always enjoyed as it acords better accommoda remedying of certain ses. Friends from the Line to was named theatre, it was considered Band bave been advisable to secure it inasmuch added attraction, and with the Wood, and Major Omoly Gora on and James Clinic. He was under secured as an torate on the change of the Coustitation recommended by Major Color: would be glad of informa: the services, have always been tijn buil 10 tiu audience and to which showed up in the first their visit to the West Iudtaa is tveir treatment for impaired defects to abouts of Samuel Young, a native very heartily welcomed, and the the performers as well, rendition, it is anticipated that a December last.
and expressed bimseit al Jamaica, whose last address same hearty welcome is hereby The services of a orchestra delightful eveniag will be spent Hon and Rev. Barclay has fully satisfied at the progress to was Cristobal, once more extended to all. of six pieces fron the member by those who attend.
spoken highly of the Herrick recoverywithin the short time the date sent was some May is acc coloured around the over.
commerce la bantu but with Mr. Forbes and element of Spanish Honduras. Branded te won then you can finner Niederges dhe etike me. Hon. and Rev. Armistice Day Beas from the equal and Costa With OL to Barclay Hon.
be opened on Vision


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