
PAGE TW THE WORIOGAN BATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1928 Interesting. News from The West Indian Islands Houte Of Asembly MAGNUMS LYNTON Valuable CASH Coupon 1914, for the INGBEE MAGNUMS Austin 10 CIGAR Extra 1d Fret TES PACKAGE 15 GOLD Por 20 CIGARETTES BENGER FOOD Book Binding!
a pasture, streets the way by Jose, At the front Book Binding Department beball it the States comed the oricketer and more. Austin replied. ricketers; and Mr.
JAMAICA BARBADOS Another Case Against WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Marcus Hinds and No. 78. New Market Street At the meeting of the House og Bill was passed. Mr. Rece RETAIL DEPARTMENT Joseph Hall?
moved the second reading of No. 107, Bolivar Stree: Bill to suspend the operation of condition (li) of section of the ST. ANDREW POLICE ARE LIKETHE PEOPLE COMMISSARY Tol graph (West India ard PangLY TO BRING ACCUSATIONS 2) Comt any (Amendment Act AGAINST MEN IN PRISON power to the corn Execuof giving FULL SUPPLY OF THE JALLEGATIONS iive Comm tiee to consent 10 an Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, increase of mpany rates up to the 31st March next The Bill They will be charged with Cabbage, Dairymten Butter, was opposed by Mr. Thorne and was eventually passed with the Receiving Money By addition of the following a new False Pretences. ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES section introduced by Me. BG committee. Thi SPANISH JAR STORY rates to be fixed by the Governor Call and see us before purchasing in Execu ive Committee during the operation of this Act sball It is learnt that the St. Anelsewhere.
not exceed the follon ing. To IN EACH drew Police are likely to proceed the British and Foreigo West with another charge against Indisn Islands British Dutch and Marcus Binds and Joseph Hall atch Guiana one third infor receiving money by false crease per word on the rates as pretences.
The accused are now undergocharged immedately before the commencement of this Act; tn ing sentence of three years Haiti, Canada, New Foundland.
penal servitude each for detraud the United States we ing Mr. Evans of Prospect, St.
of America SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR The police North America, South America Andrew. of 400.
and the Continent of Europa have got evidence to the effect Infants, Invalids and the Aged sixpence per word increase; de that the accused also went to a ferred and press rates to be one man at Barbican and induced half of the above rates. After him to part with his money in Every tin contains an interesting leaflet of the transacting other buriness the marvellous use of this great Food.
the pretence that they would be able to lift. Spanish jar con House adjourned for a fortnigh taining thousands of dollars.
They were not only content to Purely Ån English Preparation. Return of the Bardupa the man of bis money, but it alleged that they arMANUFACTURED BY dos Cricketers.
Why throw away your old, but no ranged to remove several head of cattle belonging to him, as BENGER FOOD, LTD of the scheme to raise the part of doubt interesting, books when you MANCHESTER; ENGLAND jar. The animals were driven in Toe Barbados cricketers who and whilst an effort FOR SALE AT won in Damerara arrived here can have them neatly bound at was being made to remove them on Monday and were given a. presumably to the Slaughter The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN great reception. Landing at the House they broke through the Baggage Warehouse they mo fence and ran away. The poor tored through the fag decked THE WORKMAN man was thus spared further being cheered along ne police bave collected wbat inmigration, the Chinese especialDental Notice delighted crowds.
ly. The feeling in general is that they regard, as the necessary abar should be put to further of the steps of the LA the case, it is Building a function took place learnt that at no distant date the Chinese immigratlon.
have Having received a Irge con Mr, Somers Cocks accused will be brought out and retail trade. They are now after signment of dental supplies from of melde Leichtetik Committee wel CENTRAL AVENUE.
and preliminary examination will be a matter of time when they, it week, at a greatly reduced price Liven nuorenie a allowed, to proceed the same desire my patients and the Archer McKərzie on behalt and No. G Street will monopolise the dry goods trade and our public to know that my fees for of Messrs. Parillon de competi. dental service will also be reduce ed over a priza comprising Sir Coll Quits tlon la felt in the banking while these supplies last.
complete set of Valvet Autobusiness and they are SIR strop Razor offered by the taking the Cup with them. scarcity and high prices. In.
for presentation to The gatbering the dispersed many cases they expended their manufacturing, aerated watere, Dr. JOHNSON the most useful member of the syrups and dative wides. Thare profits on new machinery and in POBITION OF THE CHIEF JUSTICE is a feeling abroad that someDistrict Dentist others there was a tendency to should be done to protect WHICH HE HAS HELD FOR Mr, Austin in BETTER NEWS FROM speculate in the lands. Estates making the Jamaicans and it is with a view La Boca, presentation said. was told BARBADOS have changed hands at exorbi ABOUT THIRTEEN YBARS of sounding public opinion and 179 Central Avenue about this before left the ship tant profits and there are plant collecting data that these meetand as the result of a little conere who to day find that abes Opposite Station The Herald is informed on ings will be held the first taking It is pleasing to learn from can only sell at a great loss, fab on board now take the Mr. Robert Arthur a well hear of Sir place in Kingston.
Panama one pleasure in asking Mr. Ince to known Barbadiso now visiting 41 acres which was sold in reliable anthority that Barbados est estate of Anthony Michael Coll bas resignaccept this priza as bolng the England that there is a feeling January 1919 for 14, 900 that ed from the position of Chief most useful member of the ot hopefulnews in the Colony. was resold again in 1920 for Justice of Jamaica, after about Creolino straightens Some of the planters in Barba 19 600 and was bougbt back by 18 years service in this island. Mysterious Case. beautifles the hair and pro received the prime and the team they enjoyed an wonted pros: Mr. Ince stepped toward and dos were too optimistic when the original owner in January sir Coll left here a few for England duces halr on bald heads.
Bridgetown result of sugar (Continued on Page 3)
and at the time it appeared certain that he intended to go on bis EMPLOYES OF ANNOTTO BAY He was educated at son and Exe or College. HOSPITAL WHO WERE POISONED Ox.
tord, taking the degree of A, AFTER TAKING EGG. FLIPP Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 and B, He was called to the Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 Bar from the Inner Temple in 1887, and became the The po lice of Annotto Bay magistrate of Gibraltar in 1892. were engaged in a case which At the Rock, be acted as Inspect was surrounded by a good deal or of Schools in 1894; acted as of my stery, Attorney General, Chief Justice It oocurred at the Hospital. and Colonial Treasurer and nurse in the institution had been Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Secretary on several on the sick list for some little Owned by THE NATIONAL Crry BANK Of New YORK Colou. It was while filling time before. Her diet included the of Attorney General exg and milk. few weeks he was promoted to an egg flipp was prepared, and Chief Justiceship of Jamaica. this was divided between the He has, therefore, taken bis pen patient, matron and the dispen Depository of the PANAMA CANAL. sion after 30 years in the colonial ser. Shortly after they had service.
partaken of the Alpp. they There is a good deal of became violently ill, palns in the speculation as to who will sucee abdomen being accompanied Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of ed Sir Anthony Coll as Chief with severe vomiting.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in Justice of Jamaica. One thing is certeit is, the present had been poisoned and when the It was suspected that they ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM Attorney General of the island, Ron, Wells Durrant, was summoned he diagCERIA JRAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS stands a good chance of being trice irritant poisoning, nosed the case as one of gasPHILLIPINES ARGLI TINE BRAZIL The CHILE CUBA PERU elevated to the Bench of Chic PORTO RICO a Justice. Of course, His Honour police were called in: and porURUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Mr. Just! ce de Freitas will con tion of the stuff which the three tinue to act as chief Justice until parties had partaken of, was the office is filled.
secured from a glass found nearby. The contains of the glass Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World Allen Immigretion were being transmitted to the Government Analytical Chemist who found traces of antimony It is understood that a series of therein.
ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE public meetings will be held It is not clear how the poison through out the island under the was latroduced into the drink, auspices of the Jamaica People The affair is shrouded in INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Association for the purpose of mystery, and there is no clue on asertaining the feeling of the which the police can take the country on the question of Alien matter any further, Bats were the held into rate. Wade pative merchants. The place DOW Company mor team.
thing and team.
months ago on leave; International Banking Corporation one ofice Shere, that the


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