
TO MORROW Sunday, Nov. 12, 12 THE PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB Presents another big card of EXCITING RACES. ARTER GARTERS. Eraser KY RACER The Favorite THE PANAMA CANAL Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica Canal Zone ALROND, at the office Central Ave tion. Correspondence on all matters Health Department and corner of Strool, Panama, of public interest tavited.
de Balboa Heights, 0, Z, All copy for publication must be Box 74, Panama November 2, 1922.
written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION musi bo socorapanied by the name of TO ALL CONCERNED: ARTERS Oce Year 40 S. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publiesOn accouat of the previdence Six Months 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith.
of foot and mouth disease to Three 60e. Wo do not undertake to return Jama ca, effective at once the Opo 250. erejected orrespondence.
following are probibitd entry into the Canal Zone or the cities EID The Liberty of the Pross is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS of Panams and Colon, either per manently or for trans chipment: SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1922 Horses, mules, asses, catile, sheep, swine, cnickens, or any other doin sticated fowls, CAPITAL SUGGESTION.
hides or skins of any descripNEW LINE top; bay, grair, straw, or goods packed io grass, hay, or straw from the Island of Ja naica.
Oiber articles of cargo or bagthe past a of gage will be disinfected when sweetness has been sounded in the ranks of the silver Several new horses that have never this may be found necessary by employees of the Panama Canal and Panama Railroad.
the Chief Quarantine Oficer.
Letters couched in language of theoretical niceness bave faced the starter at Juan Franco Also, ang snip kaowa to ba been published in the West Indian section of the Star and carried hides or domesticat a will grace the turf to morrow animals from Jamaica t) ay Herald, presumably written by West Indians and ostensiother port, calling at a Can bly in bebalf of the unemployed West Indians.
port, will be required to be or to These letters were more than theoretical purposals.
have been thoroughly disinfected In the main, the suggestion that the employees submit to First Race starts 2:15 before handling any goods destined for, or to be trans shipped CARTER a monthly deduction of fifty cents, more or less, is capital.
a, Capai Zone ports.
INKS, PASTES MUCILAGES In fact, it is the only sensible suggestion that has come HEARNE Always in stock at from the West Indian Community as a solution of the Acting Cliet BENEDETTI HERMANOS absolute penury of their fellow people.
Quarantine ice Central Ave a 3rd. St.
There are, roughly speaking, about eight thousand Approved: PANAMA Eilver employees on the Canal pay rolls. Eliminating two ఆన దమయయ FROSAS WALKER thousand of the indifferent and uncoccerned class there Acting Governor.
will remain six thousand who might be expected to answer the appeal for aid to the distressed.
Grand Officers To Pay That the suggestion is practicable can be proved from Visit.
PRODUCTS what was done, by this means, among the silver employees when the West Indian Branch of the Canal Zone Chapter with those whose of the American Red Cross functioned. Then, nearly every The Executive Officers of the Isthmian District Grand Lodge one of the seventeen thousand silver employees submitted PURCHASES No. 4, of the Independent Voited to the deduction of a dollar in a particular month, That Dr, HOFFMANN Order of Mechanics will visit the meant seventeen thousand dollars, more or less.
Flower of the Isthmus Lodge, has reopened his clinic; for If mismanagement did not break the back bone are influenced by No, 1, working under its juris diseases of the blood, rheumadiction on Monday Nover ber 13, of the West Indian Red Cross it is reasonable to 1922, at 30 This visit tism and urological cases in believe that annual deductions would have been continualwill be of an official nature and the upper floor of Al Place.
ly made for the upkeep and usefulnces of that institution, QUALITY members are requested to be Santa Ana Plaza, Street The West Indian Red Cross has been dead and forgotten punctual in attendance.
years ago, but the princirle of pay roll deductions inauguBECAUSE IT rated through the necessities of these times still lives as a CHURCH SERVICES practical measure. GOOD TO THE LAST PUFF That great distress prevails among West Indians who Baptist Church (Amsriean Episopal Church)
are unemployed is undeniable. The great mass of the (Twentysecond Sunday After Trinity) Colon 11 am 7;15 Pastor Thrift people, old, middle aged and young are undergoing terrible Subject, God. Cultivatio St. Paul Church, Panama Dr. Fisher of the Union Church want and privations throughout Panama and Colon, a, m, Holy Communion roh descon and Chaplin Rinte will spaak We believe that repatriation is the best solution to the Caroop 7:15 Pastor. Thrift, Subject, Sowing and present crisis, ard, in this view, the Panama Canal authori10 a. m, Matins ties concur. Conditions will become more acute as fami10 30 Holy Eucharist and sermon Chorrillo 11 am. Eller Oneal lies increase in accordance wiib the social proclivi ies and Archdeacon Carson pm. Rev. Dr. Jardin Holy Baptism, 7:15 R:v. Kissock Braham DS amazing prolificity of the race. And there is nothing in p Sunday Schools Coroasl Road Il Descan Linton the line of work that might be expected. It is, therefore, 7:15 Mr V, Yearwood unwise and unsafe for the unemployed to remain here. 30 m, Choral Evensong, The IT TOASTED Pastoral Letter set forth by the House Empire 11 am Pastor Witt But the experiences of hundreds who have returned Biobope at the recent Triennial Conven 7;15 Mr, Brown home should serve as an eye opener in connection with the tion of the Protestant. Episcopal Church Cativa Doscon Foster repatriation affair. Many families, landing in Barbados, in the United States of Ameries will be New Providenos Denon Brown road as this wervice.
Pueblo Nuevo, 11 a. Mr. Gallimore have been reported to have suffered quarantine and NowQstun Thursday 7, 30 Pastor Thrif revenue hardships which were neither anticipated nor pro4. 7, NIGHTENGALE Vieur vided for. Furniture which had been rough service here St. Alban s, Paraiso Salvation Army has been held dutiable to an extent. The people could 7:30. Holy Communion Balore the Paraiso II, am, Holiness Meeting not pay the revenue fees and so their beds, chairs, cooking service the new urgan installed during Service of Song the week will be dedicated, Member pm. Open Air utensils and other articles of absolute domestic necessity and friends are invited. The hour of the Harvest Sermon enrollment were left in the customs until some benign hand had dedioation has been abanged from 11. am come to the assistance of the unfortunates.
E, N, Lloyd; Captain, Since the condition of the unemployed and the ques8;15 sm. Holy Baptism La Boos Bunday Nov, 12th will by the iam Matins Addreu Celebration of our Anousl Hayat tion of their repatriation are being given serious thought BY TAKING pm Sunday School Postiral efort by their fellow people who are in better circumstances it 7:30 Evensong addrene Prayer would be well to take a full view of the subject so that it DR. SANGER CAPSULES The Annual Harvest Thanksgiving 11. Holiness Meeting might get the best and most intelligent consideration; and Service will be held in this Church next Children Servios since it is generally believed that repatriation should be Sunday, Nov. Iotb. WONDERFUL CURE FOR 7:30. After Service carried out in a systematic way it would be a wise policy NIGE TENGALE Priest in charge Also on Tuesday 14h 7:30 grand cu Goort la aid of ths about effort to attack the subject in complete earnest.
BLADDER IRRITATION Las Sabanas Mission cordial invitation to the general public, The Panama Canal is oply attending to applications Sanday Sabool pm of ex employees, but there are several families in great 15 Erensong address Church Of God G St Colin It Contains East Ir dian Oil of Sandal Wood distress or dire destitution, whose heads bad never been Nightongalo. Priest in charge 11. 30am 7, 30 Gospel Samoa and other ingredients on the pay rolls of the canal. What must be done about St. Barnabas Church, Empire Sunday School them? They have sougbt repatriation without avail. The Morning Prayer and address 11 a. Sis. Brewster Pastor Evang Sunday School Confirmation Class American Red Cross bas helped some but could not take Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours pm New Providence on any large proportion of this service, the result being Evening Prayer and address 7p.
that they have been forced to abandon, hope of even a free Gospel Sermon 11. 30 a. 7. 30 JT MULCARE, Priest in charge passage back to their native land.
BUY BOX TO DAY Sunday School pm It seems only logical that if we are to do anything at St. Bartholomew Church, Sis Elliot, Pastor, AT THE Las Cascadas all we should operate our philantropy on a comprehensive Gatun C, basis. While the silver employees are submitting to a CHORRILLO DRUG STORE Morning Prayer, and address, 11 a. Gospel Sermon 11, 30 a. 7, 30 three month fifty cents or dollar reduction, let those in.
No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave, Sunday School Confirmation Class Sunday School pm 2:30 pm dividuals in Panama and in Colon who are not eroployees George Griffith Evening Prayer and address, pm, of the canal, but who are able to subscribe do so by turnRev JT Muloare, Prisst in charge Panama San Miguel St ing in subscriptions to a recognized body for distribution Seventh Day Adventist Church building 18 among the needy.
become exhausted. If an appeal were made to the public, STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, Gropel Sermane 11, 30 a. 7;30 The originator and supporter of the deduction scheme the charitable societies and the churches, we believe ap. near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Sunday School p.
suggest that the subscriptions collected through pay roll preciable. sums might be collected for the relief and aid E, Bailey Pastor Sabbath (Saturday) 45 Sabdeductions, should be handled by the repatriation authori of suffering non employees. Not less than one hundred bath School; 11. 15 am General Worehip Wesleyan Methodist ties. Good! And we believe that that would be a splendid cases worthy of cousideration are known to this office. 80 Spanish Class; 30 pm. Panama 11. Mr. Reid procedure; but funds collected in Panama and in Colon Let us get busy and do something, should be handled by the American Red Cross Society be given the author of the letter which laid the suggestion All credit must Young People Meeting; 30 30 Rey Kinock Braham Vespers, Colon. 11. 8, 00, Mr Jas, Williamson which has always worked in hearty co operation with the of practical philanthropy before the public. It is a capital Cleo. All are welcome both young and La Boca 11 m, Rov. Kissock Brahan Sunday evening at Reading, 7:30 Rev. Surgeon Panama Canal officials in the matter of repatriations. suggestion We can go farther than his pay roll deduc old. 30 ta, Proaching Service The American Red Cross Society has done a consider tions in the aid of suffering ex employees. We would call pm Mr. Reid able service in aiding destitute non employees to return to upon all public spirited people to assist the suffering nontheir homes. This work was done from the Society own employees. Humanity bears no limitation to merited world best hair tonic and will Paraison am Me. Moodie Creoline Halr Producer is the New Providence 11. Rev. Som funds, and was discontinued only when those funds had assistance. If we are ready, let go!
not soll or stain clothes. Empire 11. a, Mr. Brathwaite roapios LUCKY STRIKE Treat Yourself unavoidably.


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