
THE WORKLAN, BATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1922, PAGE FIVE Salvation Aamy Activ ties. Save That Tooth!
Cristobal od Colon RULE OF HOLE SYAS: WHEN IN DOUBT PLAY TRUMPS on the Roger, REMOVE ALL POSSIBILITY OF DOUBT Funp, to the preren, secom listed work.
be of will STROLLERS בה Salvation Witrikitibiwwintti STROLLERS service in lessia Natural WES PU NATURAL LEAF CIGARETTES CIGARETTES ATLANTIC SIDE Reception Service Do not extract an aching tooth, decayed tooth if it has at least Success.
two good wall can be saved to The Salvation Army are cele site you good service for many brating their Harvest Thanks years. Communionted)
giving effort by a series of If your teeth are loose with On Sunday night, November 5th, a very special meetings.
pus keeping around the neck of Io the Hall at 2nd Streel. th teeth, giving your breath an grand triception was bud at the Coken on the 12th will be a number of offensive odor you are suffering Ghristin Clutch in bnour of the Rev. Wikine, who tao lately returned stalls nicely arranged, and laden from Pyhorrea Alveolaris. This things be curednot them from a burde trip to the States. The The Ball will also be suitable extracted unless there is very Church was filled to its sitting capacity decorated. The services little connection between and the doors atd windows were also Sunday will be held by Mrs. bony tissue alveolar crowded. The platform was decupied and the Bax, wife of the Divisional offi tooth.
by the Rev. Wikior, Pastorf the Church, and Superintendent of the cer. On the Monday the scene It you are interested in saying Christian Church Work on the Isthaus, of activity will be moved to Christ your teeth see Church schoul room, wbere Rev. W. Burke Superintendent of the there will be a very fiae demenDR. JOHNSON Christian Mission, Rev. Odle, of stration. Daniel in the lion den Ebeneur Christian Church in asma, And The Three Hebrew boys, will 189 Central Avanus Surgeon Dantist Dr. Hamlet of Coon, Mr.
be shown by living figures, Smith.
in Mr, Millington, and Mr.
addition to many other items.
207 Ovar City Pharmacy Meeting opened up with Hymn The chair will be taken by Mr.
followed wih prayer by Rev. Burke, Leon Gilkes.
after which Him 203 followed ben engaged with the Silver City Seripturo reading The Grand Final will be on the and was caught in the out by Mr. Rogers, followed by Hytun 215, after which the Wednesday night, the 15th. in Geld.
Chirmen, Mr. Kogis was introthe Hall, when the twelve Prizes for the best batting and tribes of Isreal will pay them a duced to the audience by the Rev.
bowling average on either sida visit. They will go in procession will b) given and a good time is Odle. The Chir thrprendered an Arst round the streets, and then anticipated among these closely Anthem which was mcat beautifuly Eris est delight of all to the Hall.
linked Houses after the game Rev. Wileine was the first In our other Hall, at Cristobal which will be played on the Mt.
BY ap aker, and he gave a very interesting end, 14 and Street, Celebra: Hope Oval beginning at 12. 30 ount of his trip and of whst be had tions will also take place. On the sharp.
in that of the 12h. Commandant Mead. the His discourse was greatly enjoyed by all Oficer in special Thriving service in Canal Zone Notes will conduct a and every one kened perfectly satisfi Rev. Odle wse the next speaker, he the a. At gave the welcome addrus, welcoming him mi be elven, entitled the Rally attractive programe will GATUN the back to his people, bie Church and his work, concluding wiha gocd wishee for Seven Churches There be long fe, health, al preaperi y in the about 50 members taking part Community Night Well service of God and all hie under king.
in this, and they will all be enita Attended.
Mr. Smith then ung a sola entitled bly costumed. They are marchThe Holy City which was well ren.
ing before the service. near the dered (Dr. Henle twas the next speaker, Army oa The Community night SA Heronghors and marching Thursday the 2nd was attended his words were very sound, and full of weight, while be summed up with neighbouring streets to the Hall by a large audience. The maia word of warning to th members, Lot Mejor Bas, the Divisioon other speech on Racial Hinderancene licer, the program was the to forget the God who was now their preside at the help. Rev. Burke followed, and spoke ing, and will also conducta by Secretary B, Neely, of of the Pastor and if bis knowledge of in the Hall on Cri Cristobal. This speech was well him for years past until then, and also Sunday evening. The wind rendered as well as instructive.
Rave some very encouraging remarks ap of the Harvast Celebrations and it is hoped that some of the to both Pastor and people, and after a The ai this Hall will take place on things he said will greatly benefit few other items, the meeting Tuesday evening, the 14th, and the thinking men and women of Mellow brought to a close. We wou like the the following very five pro Gatun.
Rev. Wilk ne to know; that as a ruce Smoke gramme will be given.
of people, striving for the Kingd. m, we Song, Hor Dvely in Zion, By the Song Service wish bim great prosperity, and worldSoogsters.
wide success in his Christain work, Recitation, The Battle of On Lic Song service on Sunday was den By Miss Ivy Mead. led by Mrs. LE Williams who The Semi Defunct Song. The grand times coming, demonstrated very clearly that By the Songatere.
the women are capable of doing Canal Zone Bank. Song, Selzeted, By the Colon The program was excellent and witnessed by an appreciative Songeters.
audience Dialogus, The Queen of Sheba.
To the Editor of The Workman, mamamayanam Next Sunday Song Service mu! Dust, Homoward Bound. By Mise will be led by Mrs. J, Laurie.
Mead Mre. Foy.
Respected Sir. Through the These Sunday evening services Dialogue, David Mourns over are not conducted simply to be recommendation of the Depost tors of the above mentioned Baul. Death, using up time, but we hope to Semi Defunct Canal Zone Bank, Song, must go, by the Songsbere. see tangible evidences of a better and in response to the reques! Solo, Dream of Paradiso, By Secre. Gatun in the near future.
of his bcaor the Judge ot the tary Hurley.
3rd Circuit Court; that Messrs CELEBRATED ON NOVR. 3rd. 10. Drill, By the Children, Globe Trotters Company Cadogan, Illueca Delgado, An to make. Cambridge, and 11, Song, Selected, By Colon Song.
sters, The Globe Trotters Company Hovever, not all of us can enjoy it The boys of the Colon Boys and submit Study, will appear bere on Thursday 12. Dialogue, Collection, a report November 16th. This Company Institute were among those who 13, Violin wlo, Soleetod, By Come has been secured to play, es Proposition for the best of the Hook part in the celebration of Settlement of the making of a the National ballday of this 14. Bong, By the children, mandant Mend.
pecially for the benefit of our affairs of the eald Canal Zone Christmas pic nic fund. It is Bank; we the Republic which was observed on undersigned Com mittee do therefore EXAMPLE the 3rd of the present month, 15. Song, Seleoed, By Colon Song therefore necessary for every and which Siers.
spectfully request; and thank one to attend this performance.
was the Nineteenth Anniversary of the secession 10. Band selection By the brass band, advance to kindly place The men who attend to in your widely read columna, The 17, Song, am so glad, By the song. Gatun Division Girl Reserves boys were neatly unitormed and ters, a Copy of the report rendered, beaded by their drum and file Fully Organized.
which reads as followe:corp, they marched to the public 18. Dialogus, The coving band, By the Juniors To the Honorablo Dario Vallarino, building in which is situated the The Mary Church Terrell and Judge of the Third Circuit Court.
19. Song of Praise, By the Colon Song the Caroline Still Andersen Clubs official administration of Governor Arosemena: aters.
Pronma, Gatan division of the Girl who are always at your disposal every day 20. Dialoguo, David and Goliath.
On arriving at the building the 21. Deill, The way to do it, By the ed and placed on firm working Reserves have been fully organize This is to inform Hin Honor, that we, the Committee, appointed by the Court of the week and every week of the year boys and Commander Watson children.
were lustily cheered and many basis. Miss Jeans who to study the (2) Two Propositions sub mitted at the Meeting held in Padema.
words of appreciation and thank22. Song, know where they are, Bying much time in helpicg to pro fulness were expressed by the on tebalf of the Depositore of the Semithe songsters.
mote this good work among our Defunct Canal Zone Bank, on date of PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY 23. Dialogue, Solomons wisdom.
was present at the initiation Oct. 17. h, 1922. have carefully consider witness the celebrations of the 24. Song Light begins to dawa, By impressive talk bearing upon the ago ed the said Propositions mentioned, e. PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: glorious 3rd of November.
the Songsters. 10. One propounded by Mr. Doyle, After getting through the purpose, aim and object of the Cathedral Plaza in rubmitting scheme to form a new YOUR Binedition, 93 Bolivar St. exercises at that spot the boys Clubs; the meaning of the great Corporatin with the Assets of the said to to the Park where organization marched they be.
SERVICE Tel. 798 Tel. 364 Bank prizes were given to the and the things for which ful wioners dly Proposition from a majori in the contest of Oddfellows Cricket each girl should stand.
the sale of newspapers. Alter The Secretary is firmly conty of the Depositors, which was prothis function was brought to a Match.
vinced that with the aid of the pounded at mars meeting held in close the boys returned to their Boy Scouts, the Girl Reserves, Colon, about months past, barcack room and enjoyed a tine the Monthly Community meet The latter Proportion was presented be liabla further Litigation to the formation of any new Corpora time.
ings. the Weekly Song Services to his he nor, the Judge by Mr, Ister on Those who are interes ted in and other high class events, tion Cadogan, in the form of, or coupled List of Succassful Contestants good cricket an open invitation Gatun will soon be the leading Consequently we would advise Mr.
with a Petition, in which his bonor is With all due respect, we therefore In Sale of Newspapers.
the is extended to see the clashing Community on the Isthmus.
requested 18. To make a pro rata Doyle to withdraw his nebeme, owing to Honor, the Judge, coupled with the old Northover of the Loyal Perseverance and 571 Distribution of all, and whatever money the Lack of Confidence in it by adage of VOX POPULL. VOX DEI. Lesly 1, 401 the Tropical Semi Stenu premhes. Public School Teachers Shows has been collected, and now deposited in the interested parties.
Sunday 12th instant.
While we have the bonor to remain Mc Cormack 100 two teams met some time ago at Ing Wonderful Spirit.
tbs o ber Banks by the Acting Receiver The concensus of opinion have agreed on behalf of the Committee. Price 176 the Colon Base Ball Park and Dr. Teran.
that we request bis honor the Judge to Most Respeotively Yourr, Gauntlet 113 the settlement of the The Gatun Public School teach this game was very promising Williams ndly. That the Javillo Land (One proceed with C, A, CADOGAN.
617 741 to the former, but on accounters are showing a Wonderful of the Aucts of the Defunct Bank) be claime, in accord with the proposition was Colon. Nov, 7th 1922. Hesrvia advertised for sale by Public Action, set forth in the petition, which 767 of rain it was stopped. Since spirit of co operation in these 407 then the Carles and sold in Lots to the bighest bidders presented to his honor by Mr.
775 Ailman and ib. condens matters pertaining to the and education of the Community aplift 3rdly, That all Deposits of value, now Cadogan, rince about months ago. No NOTICE H, 617 bave been made to this team, We know by. in band such Watches, Jewelry, already mentioned above.
experience when we 864 thus given them better hopes can make hose above us see our Smith Negotiable Papers, o. do, be also dis Mr. Illeuca, Mr. Cambridge and Mr.
403 of crushing their All members of the Royal Wallios opponents needs, their cooperation is pored of. by Audion Sale.
Delgado warmly support this latter 732 with defeat. In his last at Bar assured especially when we have Primrose Lodge No, 10106, GU, Britain Mr. Doyle Proposition of forming propositior, a metabore of ebol Commiter F, are asked to attend meet Hars receivad, prize for his bravery bis team against a pick team of selves.
742 bados Allman playing for gone to the limit to help our refer Corporation appears to be well meant tee, aleo as depositors. We also but we have bere to state that All Stars brought the score the bie honor to the letter already presented ing on Tuesday evening 14th inst, as very important business will consider that by another member of the Commistee, be transactiedot majority of Depositors Ront Receipt Books in Span nimselt 88 not out.
from 24 to 112 making for Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
schema, as tending to extend, or to in the person of Me, Connolly A, E, RALLU BUCHNER Ish and English for sale at the further delay the much needed Bettle. That letter deals with the matter very E. Cherry the retired cham Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents opposed Workman Printery.
Per, Secy.
ment of the Bank sein; and may Judiciously, and is decidedly pion made 62 runs whilst Incomparable Colon Boys Institute WE ALL LOVE LIBERTY Connelly be most reyou in of Panama from Your Gas Service is spend girls was ord a 100 which successto caus Kios Thompson Β Κίος


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