
Exceeding the tolls collected during any month by approxlmately 150, 000. and making the Notice.
fourth consecutive month in wbich the amount of tolls collected has exceeded 1, 000, 000, To Brinton Warner, Defendant: new high record for commer. You are required to enter your appearcial traffic through the Canal Ance in the Clerk office of the above was established during the named Court, at Cristobal, in an Action month of October when 294 for Div3rce brought against you by vessels transited the Canal, on plaintiff berein, and to answer complaint which tolls of 1, 255, 508 were turrein on or before the 19th day of collected. In addition launches February 1923, pala tolls aggregating 12 15. And you are furtber notified that if October record of 294 com you fail to appear and answer said commercial vessels through the plaint. above required, plaintiff will Canal exceeds by 15 vessels the take judgement against you by default former high record of 279 vessels and demand from the Court the relief established in Japuary 1921. prayed for in her said complaint, The October tolls of 1, 255, 508 Dated this first day of November 1922 on commercial ships exceeded by 149 971. 45 the previous high J, CAMPBELL record of 1, 105. 536 55 establish Asst. Clerk District Court ed in Marcb, 1921.
Tolls collected on commercial vessels during the first months NOTICE of the present fiscal year average 1, 106, 259. 18, which is slightly in excese of tolls collected dur Correspondents are requested ing any month since the Canal to send in their contributions was opened to traffic with the not later than Thursday evenings exception of the month just to ensure publication.
Will soon be on sale in every establishment throughout the Republic INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF 20 CIGARETTES. 73c. Bhortly after birth, the baby of a Grimsby woman apparently went blind, and despite treatIbent by a doctor and a nurse, did not open its eyes for ten days.
On the tenth day Mrs. Hatchett Hildyard street, the grandmother of the child. took it to St.
Joha Church to be bap:ised.
There were a number of other mothers present with children, and sbe asked the vicar (the Rev. Cotton Smith) to pray with the assembled mothers for sight to be received to the child Vicar Opin on The vicar offered up several prayers, and very shortly afterwards the iofant opened its eyes. It was only for a moment or two, said Mrs. Hatchett, but the other women saw it and we were all very much affected.
03 tha following day the child again open its eyes for a longer period, and since then its con iltian has steadily improved.
Mrs. Hatchett story is cor robotated by the Rev Cotton Smith do not claim it as a miracle. he said. have my own views on the subject, bat, considering the moment of publicity that has been given to 80called miracies and faith cure of late, think this certainly a marvellous and very interesting Incident. Lloyds Weekly News.
MANUFACTURED BY The Pan American Tobacco Co Many Large Cargoes Through Canal During October.
The American Foreign Banking Corporation Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY The Prince And The Scouts.
Fifteen ships carrying over 10, 000 tons of cargo each, made the transit of the Panama Canal during the period from October to October 31, incluslye.
Thirteen of the vessels were bound from Pacific to Atlantic ports, and from Atlantic to The total cargo carried by these vessels listed above was 199, 023 long tons. This was an average of 13 268 tons per vessel.
In the fiscal year ending June 30. the number of commercial ships passing through the Canal was 786, of which 263 was in ballast; the laden ships numbering 2, 473 total of 10, 884, 910 tons of cargo. This was an average of 4, 401. tons per laden ship The average cargo of the 15 ships was, accordingly, about three times the average cargo of ships in the last fiscal year; and the cargo of the William Rockfeller was equivalent to the total carried by ships of average loading.
Maximum Discharge From Spillway Since Opening Of Canal.
DEPOSITORY OF The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional carried a and with breez)
put CRISTOBAL larly apt little szeren AT LAST RACES, RACES your your to below The Boy Scout movement ia Britain where it was originat.
ed by the Chiet Scout General Sir Robert Baden Powell bas attained huge and healthful proportions. It was the glamour of the personality of Baden Powell as he has always been called which gave it its prelimipary impatus and it has always been designed here to appeal to the best instincts in the human comradeship. his love of adventure, and his limitless energy. There was a remarkable scene at the great scouts rally in Alexandra Park, London when the Princa of Wales dress ed in scouts costume bis knees bare to to the in an appaarance. Sixty thou sand pairs of young lungs roured Ascout welcome to him and sixty thousand lads can make a noise when usual the Prince made a singu.
really try. As speach to the big PANAMA and jolly brotherhood healthy simple sentiment that bɔy3 understand. Always try to do your best whether at work or play he said, Then came the little touch of sympathy, merely British Consulate Notice a small sentence, but one which mothers must have appreciated. Dɔn your The Acting British Consul at turns to other people, and Colon would be glad of informa especially do your best in help.
tion as to the present where ing mothers in abouts of Enoch M, Rouse, a homes. Such a sentence with native of St. Kitts, whose last its kindly thought for the proud address was Cristobal, mother who was probably up bsfore daylight preparing her son FOR THE WELL DRESSED for the assembly has the happy SPORTS Prince so infiaitely popular in in every British home, He made Contractor another speech later into the All who want to be properly dressed for this transmitter of a wireless teleoccasion should just have a look in at and Builder phone which carried his words 15th STREET, WEST gathered at various centres throughout England.
House No. 90 received the Legion of Honour from General de la Panouse reP. Box 411, Panama, P presenting the French President. It was a tribute to the international character of his PEREIRA, Proprietor Plans and Specifications Free work.
CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA First Class Workmanship Says Big Birth Rate Guaranteed.
Means War WHERE YOU WILL SEE FINE SELECTION OF English White Flannel Pants, For Sale. As long as birth exceeds deaths just as long will war be Light and Dark Grey Flannel, inevitable; for grim necessity will and Blue Serge Suits.
For sale one room cottage compel men to fight for food or with 2000 Sq, of land located die of starvation, Herbert on the Sabanas Main road at Morgan told the International reasonable price, Apply at this Birth Control Congress at London.
Best assortment of English Woollens in town and office or call phone 438, Balboa, Calculating that the population other men furnishings.
doubles every 50 years he claimed that starting with a single TIES OF COLORS OF VARIOUS STABLES. Creoline Hair Producer is the human pair today in 2000 years world best hair tonic and will there would be a progeny not soll or stain clothes.
2, 048, 009, 000, 000 paople, providing none died. The only reason that there has not been such a tremendous Increase in the past he claimed, is because there bas been so much war, pestilence, famine and accidents besides natural death, WILKINSON very rare.
Eight of the 14 gates of the spillway of Gatua Lake were opened on the same time during experiments conducted on OctoRecords were made of the ber 27. This gave the greatest currents set up near Gatan discharge since the completion Locks, moving toward the spillCanal was estimated at about 104, 000 mal discharge. maximum cur.
The discharge ways as the result of the abnor.
cubic feet per second. This is rent of knots was observed at equivalent approximately depth of feet below the surface 775, 000 gallons per second (or and a maximum of 24 knots at 15 over the surface.
gallons 46, 000, 000 feet per minute. In the past years, The spectacle of the waterfall care of necessary spilling to spectators and rates have readily taken attracted a crowd of about 2, 000 prevent the surface from The rate of discharge can be to level higher than desired, and imagined from the fact that for it is likely that the necessity for the year 1921 the water used using gates or more will be for supplying the cities of Panaкеrу ma and Colon and all of the The use of gates was simply and in leakages at spill ways and Canal Zone municipal systems for experimental purposes, as lock the use of one gate during from other aggregated 1, 670, 000, 000 about 12 to 18 hours is usually cubic feet. In the experiments sufficient to discharge the nor feet were discharged in hours at the spillway 535, 000. 000 cubic mal surplus at this time. The enough for the municipal uses object of the experiments was to for months.
at certain the best of gates to allest Con ais falls at Niagara is approximately The discharge of the American charge without afecting serious serious the same as one of the spillway ly the operation of the adjacent The total discharge at bydro electric station through Niagara of Canadian and Ameri Jacen gate.
the action of the til race; without causing water can falls is reported as 280, 000 so leap over the opposite or west Niagara discharge is 27 times cubic feet per second.
The wall of the discharge channel; and without allowing danger that at Gatun with the gates ous concentration of rushing open, at elevation plus 87 feet.
water against any of the piers of the railway bridge across the Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
discharge channel.
It was found that by selecting Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cent gates so that the discharge Incomparable currents counteracted upon each other, could discharge simul taneously without serious effect, Ish and English for sale at the Rent Receipt Books In Spanprobably 10. The capacity of the hydro electric station was Workman Printery.
reduced temporarily abou: 15 per cent by the height of water in the discharge channel. The west wall of the discharga chan.
nel, and the piers of the bridge were not damaged. PALAIS ROYAL heavy 10 of and Advertise in the Workman.
It pays


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