
The best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy, The wonderful taste of fine Turkish tobacco expertly blended with the mellow smoothness of choice American tobaccos.
JUST OPEN They Satisfy Emigration Draining Country of Its Youths.
Emigration like a silent float ing stresa continues to drain our little clony of its best substance. Mall after mail we find in the passengers list of departure of New York and other emmercial or industrial centres of less importance some of the most promising Intellectual youths of the colony of both sexes as well as instalmente of the labouring class. There are leaving not merely because the prospect of life in large and potential fields of work and enterprise are tempting to ambileave with tearful eyes and tions youth, but many of them saddened hearts. for they love their ieland as the dearest spot on earth. But necessity the need of gaining a livelihood compels them to let their patriotism stand in a subordinate position.
The departures by the last are an illustration of the above remarks, and this emigra tion has been con continued for some time. The consequences to the colony are serious Such emigration inpedes progress despite other eforts to advance the Interests of the colony. Nothing but an extraordinary rivival of agriculture and commerce may stem this tide of emigration, and araw back some of the colony brain and muscle now established in the other lands. Thus will the fallen fortunes of St. Incent be restored, and the industrial advancement and permanent future prosperity of the colony rescued. Sentry The Lindo Bargain House Chesterfield Ball ben this rate of CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccos biended AT No. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon Where you can secura at the lowest possible prices everything to solve your millinery needs Ladies Hats in the Latest Modes from 50 to 10. 00 FLOWERS, BRAIDS, NETS, WIRE, CREPE, STOCKINGS OF PURE ITALIAN SILKS, TAREAD THE BEST FOR HEMSTITCHING LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
Shoes. Shirts. Hats The Three Most Prominent Items In Man Dress Water meeting on Large and Choice Assortment pedesOL American Bazaar Stores Panama Interesting West Indian News.
YOUR INSPECTION INVITED Open from a:m. to 12 noon and from p. to p. Continued from page 3)
alad, the driver of the bus, was LOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
taken to the station in custody but on the matter being investigated be was released by Inspector Carr who was previously manager of the Bauxite Co. Mr.
informed of DEMERARA what bad taken Barnes, accompanied MC place.
Georgetown Partly Co operation In Trinidad NEW COMPANY Under Water Bearing in mind what co opera To Run Fortnightly Steamer tion has done for fruit growers UNUSUALY HIGH SPRING TIDES In Canada, we learn with interest Service that the campaign begun some time ago in Trinidad for an The Demerara Chronicle states At the Chamber of Commerts increased production for export that nothern portion September 8th, a Street was again inundated on letter was read from Messia.
of bananas, citrous fruits pineap ples though co operation has Friday last as the result of un Turner Son, of Liverp. not been in vain. The West Indian usually high spring tides and prosposing the formation of thus Cooperative Fruit and Produce Occasion ad much in Co operation is to be registered company to run fortnightly convenience to both traffic Passenger and of In Trinidad with a capital cargo 14 knot and pedestrians. 250 Those service between the United King 000 to assist in the developement trians who were compelled to dəm and the West Indies, the of the fruit industry in that pass there bad to adapt ships used to have cons derable Colony. It is satisfactory to be themselves suit the insulated space for truit carryable to add that the capital of the CAN BE HAD ALWAYS IN OUR STORES Aquatic conditions by Investing ing. Mr. Farrar, the President corporation is largely English.
themselves of their footwear: remarking that it was unlikely at adapt some other means of trans present that either a subsidy St. Vincent Pushing onward and before long ments, or the provision of local found its way up Bantinck and capital would be available for this The St. Vincent Helmes Streets, and actually got project at the present time, the into Main Street. The height of matter was left over for further Island Scholarship.
the tides was said to be consider discussion. ably greater than that of the last occasion on which the street was MR. CLARE THE FIRST Colon submerged.
ST. LUCIA WINNER Trade Representative Office For St. Lucla Bananas For We learn that a cable was re West Indies Canada.
cel ved bere yesterday morting announcing that Mr.
Melntosh Clarke is the suc.
The question whether Trade Mr. Csok. representacessful winner of this year Creoline Hair Preparations West Indies should be establisb Mercbant Marine has informed St. Vincent Island Scholar ship. The scholarship, ed in London was discussed by the Agricultural and Commerthe Positively Superior to all others on earth.
sward for wbich is based on Try them and be convinced.
Commerce on August 25th. The is asking for Georgetown Chamber hot cial Society of St. Lucia that he the results of the Senior CamThey are the Master Preparations of the World.
bridge Examination, was only President Mr. Farrar) levica by the line next year with for:nightly. offered this year for the first Different from all Others by the Argosy as having faster and larger ships equlpped in St. Vincent, a special Ordi said that they would all agree to carry fruit from Dominica and Tance having been passed fer Prices of all goods in the United States of America 60e; that if they had some such de St. Lucia to Canada. He required the introduction of the Scholar all Foreign countries, 60c.
partment in London where a guarantee from local planters ship which is of the value of specimens of the articles produc. that they would supply Creoline Hair Producer from ed about 800 was held in July last.
in the Colony would be kept April next onward 20, 000 We are hoping that some oc and exhibited, and where some bunches of bananas a fortnight: In Straightens rough, harsh, kinky hair with or without hot combs, winning for himself this and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 16 valuable scholarship, Mr. Clarke percent more oil than is possible to be put into any odber preparation casion will bring you to our individual would supply informa. The society decided tɔ request has also earned the distinction of of its kind in tne world. Patches thin places and prevent baldness, store shortly. And when you various articles it would result in the Department of Agricultures tlon in connection with the the Administrator to obtain from being the first St. Vincent In ounce tins, do come be assured that it will Scholarship winner. Mr. Clarke Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy who is about 19 years old is a puvery great value to the Colony report on the possibility of fruit.
be a pleasure for us to serve Major Wood recognised the The opportunity seems sº good very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Telter pil of the St. Vitcent Grammar and Eczema, It is antiseptic. Giows Lair. keeps the scalp healthy.
you, and that our pleasure in impossibility of having an agent that it is to be hoped that the School of which Mr. W.
In ounce bottles.
serving you will make your visit to represent British Guiana aione, islands will be able to fulfil thale Reeves, Cantab) is Prin to our store even more enjoy and it was therefore a matter for share of the bargain. On the oth Jackson Manufacturing Co.
cipal. His success upon wbich the West Inbian Colonies and er band they will look for some Manufacturers and Exporters is to be heartily congratulat Indianapolis Tod.
able for yourself.
British Guiana joining together, sort of guarantee that they All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creolino.
will ed is not without some degree Mr. Cas sels, Mr. Strickland and lare better than did Jamaica FULLER and Mr. Smellie having express which the other day sent a cargo of local interest in that be is a brother of Mrs. Procope, wife JEWELLER ed themselves as in favour of of bananas to Canada only to flad of Mr. Arthur Procope. British Consulate Notice.
such a scheme, it was decided to the market glutted by ban anas Solicitor and Conveyancer of this FOR SALE 122 CENTRAL AVENUE communicate with the Govern sent from the United States.
City, Mr. Clarke is the second The Acting Brţtish Consul at mont accordingly. glad of informaSends Keg of Paanies master of the Troumaca Govera tion as to the present in here: One Stuvessant Piano ment School, St. Vincent) and abouts of Cecil Emanuel JameJUAN ILLUECA To Start up Mining Operrtions Rod Mrs. Clarke To the Prinson. When last heard from in woman who owned a taxicab In 1 Condition dipal of the St. Vincent Gram 1915. occupation was that of a company N: 42) moved from her Attorneyat Law Mr. a. Carr, Vice Presidentsumue me iu ius Greenwich.
mar School, no less than the Hairdresser, and his address No. resasonable offer turned No. 44 Central Avenue of the Nothern Aluminium Co. Conn, to ber Cashionable winter winner congratulations are ten. was Ancon Post Office Canal down.
Zone, and Chairman of Messrs. Soros hom: NEW Yuck After dered. Exchange. returned to the company had been twic succes For particulars apply at TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 tons, who has Colony, proposes to put the plant ful in collecting the are they Rent Receipt Book In Span Smoke 111 (One Eleven WORKMAN PRINTERY Practices in all Courts of and railway of the Demerara recived a keg containing 42, 000 Ish and English for sale at Tho Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents Central Ave Street Panama.
Bauxite Co. in order, with a view pennies in full payment. It took to starting, mining operations four men to carry the money Incomparable WORKMAN. Printery: Panama City English Spoken Fluently again at an early date. The new into a bank (Exchanye)
LRY BARGANYS reported 455 West Tenth St.


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