p. 8


PAGE LIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1922 NOSTROLINE Best WHAT DIFFERENCE FOR FROM When you are out of your own brand of Cigarettes, can get any to buy and have to smoke something cards.
But what a Difference peting el dat When you was started.
smoke if you smoke NEW YORK any will meer.
What a Difference name of WHEN YOU LIGHT Turodas NEW YORK CIGARETTE Flower unsuc even gallant Independence Day Grand Race Meet HOLD FAST TO HEALTH Race Meeting.
To morrow.
SOME NEW THOROUGUBREDS, REMEDY ATHROAT DISORDERS NASAL CATARR Mr. Williams 54. 00 Tomorrow rain nishing the COLD IN THE HEAD Raul Espinosa 420. 00 Panams Jockey Club will go SORE THROAT INFLUENZA through a splendidly arranged Gabriel Duqúe 150. 00 program of horse racing at the Chemisto 136 Joe Williams 85. 00 Juan Franco hippodrome.
Panama Jockey Club 125. 00 There is going to be hard MATTHEWSAQ, Chemists, curte time in placing the wingers of 834. 00 tbe seven interesting events Sold by all Drug Storys The race meet at Juan Franco which will undoubtedly be on the hippdorome on Friday 3rd of the Some new horses will present month and which was for the first time make their appearan es in contest on the Notice ol served on the National holiday of this Republic. was not as well track, and these will be watched stiended as was previously antielse very keenly for their perform Colon, cipated by the Panama Jockey ance and real racing value to Nov. b, 1922 the sports bere.
Club Members and friends of the The incessant raly wbie beIts with pleasure that we gan to fall from 10 a. m, seamed note that Mr. Da Le Cerda Barbados Overseas liet and to have dampened the interest string of horses will be con Travellioc Society, are hereby this and enthusiasm of the turfites, this racz meet, we wish notified that hereinafter and although Mr. Charles Allen him success.
Society sball held its meetings the official starter was present a: Victory Hall btween 10 11 It the weather will permit Street Hadson Lane 165. an agrly ho it, it was with a there oug! to be a large crowd First meeting takes pluse Taasdei Peruatiun after and the Grand Stand should be day 14th fast All other meatconsidering the condition of the taxed to its capacity.
track that the first race Among ings suali ba on Monday nights.
race get your own the new blood wbich will eater GIBSON in the contest tomorrow Avispa Despite the unfavorable conand Super Gloria of Mr. Raul Cor. Secy, ditions of the weather and other adverse circumstances the proEspinosa stable, and Chileno. graut carried through In the third race, Grand Tea Meeting.
WAS disatisfaction or pa and Chombo Locsa, Avisuupleasantoes!
Sonrisa allowing Chombo Grand Tea Meeting will be There were one or two surs Loca 14ibs. if she is in any form bald at the La Boci Clubhouse prises as the favourites failed this ought to be a very interest (to night) Saturday under the to pass the Judge box to victory, ing race. In the fifth race there auspices of Cour Pacific No, 9751 Risas showed very poor form ought to be a crack of excite very enjyable time is assur.
and was unable to keep up with ment between First American ed all those attending, her field in any of ber engageDevotion, and Super Gloria, Admission: Adults, 25 e, Childments.
The in the first race there was Beven furlongs or sixth ren, 153, som unpleasantness due to the race will be the binner event between Sonrisa, Estrella, Long entrance of Cricket an old time Shot and Plaudellia. With a Loyal Perseverance to Meet winner under the of Memory reduation of 13 lbs. Plaudellia without the owner should have a good chanca.
There will be regular making the change public This was bowever arranged and The seventh race will be one general meeting of the Loyal at the lifting of the barrier ml. when the racing public Persevereance Lodge 10105, will be given an opportunity to on Memory led the pace and kept is to the finish. Wild Life mat see Chileno for the trst time night November 14, 1922, at the of against a pretty hard thorough. the Isthmus Lodgeball several attempts to get bred as Cortez With Quien im at o clock. Matters of vital Memory but was asfal. At the last furlong Sabe in the run to set the pace importance will be dealt with, SET who can tell what will happen and all members are invited to home Wild Life again made a attend. Come and assist in good day is however antici. transacting the business of your SURPRISINGLY struggle but again be GOOD failed and Memory came home pated.
Lodge and Order. good atthe winner.
tendance is anticipated.
The second race was the race AND of the day enthusiasm went West Indian Band high amongst the turfites for Armistice Day.
althought it was previously said that Chagres was entirely out AT DE LESSEPS PARK of his class and was up against (Continued from page 1)
a tough contest, there were Oa last Sunday evening, at couraged by the Christian others who believed that the the West Indian Band wade Papacy. Tais must not be cordition in which the track was, gave Chagres a favqurable Lesseps Park. The West Indian Arinistico Day has any significhance among the big horses, community and other residents cert with the other races, today cance to us. West Indians in conSonrisas scratched as her owner MANAGEMENT COMMITturned out in large numbers the bandicap Cor bared their heads in reverenca the purpose of enjoying the rich to this tez TEE CONFIDENT Moragara, Chagres and Dorris musical treat which was in Ita faced the starter, and at the onknown West Indian the release of the barrier Cortez Niagara, and Doris Morton went Athletic and Cycle Meet on were uniformed in white tunic soldier sleeps with others. We Why suffer to become Medicine bardened or Drug proof?
and together. Onagres was the last Thanksgiving Day Will Eclipse presented a do know him honour, We do all t)
cleanly appearance. Mr. Sum of them honour. And with the the post but on reaching all Previous Ones.
Whon your Health can be restored and maintained through Gooding is the Bandmaster and other peoples of the world, let the first bend of the track, he founa him ell in the group. On an inexpensive method.
he did certainly conduct the us strive for thit peace which an highly reaching the first efficient will make impossible again so Simple Sclentific Self Treatment.
furlong It is exceedingly gratifying to manner.
dreadtul a carnage and slaughter.
Cortez urew himselt out with see the interest manifested by This is another link in the pro Niagara taking second place, BY JUST USING ATHLETES of all classes in the bút between the second and Athletie Oscle Meet to be gress of West Indian culture ZODIACAL CELL. FOODS and it is anticipated that the New British Prime third furlong Chagres passed staged by the Unique Cycle Niagara and with a bold challengº Association at Isthmian Park on public will give their united Thy are the Builders the body yearns for, many out on support and co operation, so 8t on equal grounds with November 30: Just get Minister that this Cortez. It was then Murray the Sabanas road or any way long years.
step in advance will become an assured success, discovered that that borsemanship Paraiso It 80 pleasant and convenient to take. trial is It is a well established fact, SELECTS CABINET.
and experience would be the morning evenil sary it Chagres that the West Indian Negro is be beaten evening hours to be convincing of their value.
La natural At the five furlonge Chagres amazed to think there are London, Otober 24. The new Price per Box 50 Post paid to any address.
when given made a bid for lead and Cortez many of our boys interested in opportunity and Cabinet was officially announced Write for free descriptive circular about treated fairly under qualified this evening as follows:was called to the lash, the two Athletics. Boys on Biochemic racing Cell. Foods.
tutors they can rise to vakdown were in a death like wheels, boys wking a strenous Lord Peasident of the Council, horses heights, competing favorably Marquis of Salisbury.
struggle and when ball way the bike, boys trying the marathon SOLD BY with some of the best masters.
finishing stretch it is believed stunt, boys interested in that Lord High Chancellor, VisThis was satisfactorily demonthat Murray treated BRODIE (Agent)
Schulta deadly 100 yards dash, and every unfairly and scured the lead one flguring how many times he strated in the recent visit of the count Cave.
Box 1817, Cristobal, British West Indies Regiment Chancellor of the Exchequer comming home the winner will bave to make a graceful bow Band on their visit at the Toron Stanley Baldwin.
about one horse length. There and say THANKS on November to exhibition, Canada was a tremendous outburst of 30th, Thanksghat The Lord Barbados Cannot Come: Secretary of Home Affairs, Day applause for Chagres, It No one will honestly attempt Wm. Bridgem in.
a cheerful to dispute in all the branches of The Salvation Army The other races came off with Secretary for Foreign Affairs.
intellectual and social culture in Marquis Carzon.
satisfactory results.
the Unique which the West Indians have in line, for the cle Assosiation is Invites us to Send Over their secretary said Seleo today that they intend a Team.
Secretary for the Colonies, the found where HARVEST FESTIVALS SER. Jadice is not the prevailing fac por: Duke of Davonshire, to cbeerBaptist Church Activities fully give away 45 medals rangVICE factor.
will be held at the They have demonstrated that Secratary for lodia, Viscount ing from solid gold to solid Says the Gleaner of the 18th Hall at Guachapali tomorrow at they can be favorably compared nated Pael.
Harvest Thanksgiving services pro bronza beside a number of loving ult. cable was received 11. a, and 7:15 Comman with the aspirants of Secretary for War, the Earl of will be held in the Colon Baptist cups, this statement has made a Kingston, on Sunday evening dant Morris will conduct both Below is the beautiful pro Derby.
Church tomorrow and a public certain athlete so ambitious that to the effect that Barbados Services. The young people gram which was rendered and First Lord of the Admiralty, meeting will be held on Monday for the 100 yards dash he bas already booked himsel WO would not be abie to send a Songstres Brigade will render a at the conclusion the National Leat Sol C.
night in 10 cricket team Jamaica as was special program in the afternoon Anthems of Panama, United p. Dr. Fisher of the Union seconds. After all things in this anticipated, but that they in st 30 oclock. Prof. Sadece States, and Great Britala were Trade, Sir Paillip oyd Greame.
President of the Board of Church and not some son will preside in this Service Minister of Halth, Sir Arthur Cocoa Solo will be the speakers folk think, cricket team to visit Barbados in the children will bring their Mareh, Brava Amerissa Boys, Gridth Buscawen.
and on the monday night the January next.
Harvest offering. Monday evenBy Schunata.
the speakers are Roberts of Harvest Home: Cleaner reporter called ing Minister of Agciculture, Sir Reverie, Golden Memories, by Smoke 111 (One Eleven) on Mr. Burton, President Tuesday evening Balboa, Rev. Surgeon of the o clock Werdt. Sanders, Wesleyan Church and Rev. Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cent of the Jamaica Cricket Council Musical Festival. We Solicit the Jazzing the Chines. by Osborne, Secretary for Scotland, Vis.
yesterday morning, and the co operation of our friends for Novar.
89 Ganeral, Doughlaa Incomparable Harvest thanksgiving service above was confirmed by him. gifts, and we extend a Cordial Caprice, Solitudo by Mersadante, will be held at Chorrillo tomorThe matter will be discussed at invitation to the public to attend Fox Trot, Pisk me up and Liy me down by Kabner, and Rubj.
the rext meeting of the Jamaica these Services.
row and the public meeting on Lord Advocate, the Hon.
when their Walts, iinolulu Eyes, by Vio Weston.
Monday night. Phe speakers for Tuesday night when delegations Cricket Council, the Sunday service are Elder from several Sunday Schools will decision will be sure to prove linsky.
President of th9 Bard of Onesl at 11. a. Ryw Das Jardia take part.
of the Army aud Navy interesting to lovers of cricket. British Consulate Notice Novelty March, Bonolgy, by 910 9ation, Edward Wool, The Chorrillo Baptist for the Ripon Division of at m, and Rev Brabam Society has planned a debate to Yorkshire. at p. At the Monday come of on the 21st inst.
NOTICE The The Acting British Consul at night meeting several speakers subject of the debate will be Correspondents are requested Colon would be glad it Estella Rent Receipt Books In SpanCreoline straightens ard bave promised to be present, Education or Mdaey, which is to send in their contributions Roach and Victoria Roach would Ish and English for sale at the beautitles the hair ani próg The Corozal Rozd Baptist Sun better. This promises to be an aot later than Thursday evenings call at the British Consulate as Workman Priatry.
day School will hell rally on interesting event, as duces hair on bald heads.
THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY its first objected In Fianders, and Real Help For Sick People The. Mesopotamit they leave band in between this City and and you theme musician, and loveth other pared Wilkins.


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